Into the Wild
Quiz 1
Top of Form
Gaylord Stuckey
Gordon Samel
Wayne Westerberg
A flash flood that almost drowns him in the Mojave Desert
Falling into the ocean as a young child
Drinking bad water that makes him sick in Alaska
Works on a farm
Works at McDonalds
Stays in a monastery
Wayne Westerberg
Everett Ruess
John Waterman
Easy going
Jack London
George H. W. Bush
His discovery of his father's secret past
Their pushing him to go to law school
Their graduation gift of a car
A cave
A tree house
A tent
Drive to Mexico
Camp in Alaska
Deliver pizzas
A Toyota
A Volkswagen
A Datsun
Chris McCandless
Jack London
Everett Ruess
If he can come with him to Alaska
If he can adopt him
For him not to go through with the Alaska trip
Trying to shoot a bear with his small gun
Not bringing more food with him into the wilderness
Killing the moose
He gets too weak from food poisoning
The Teklanika River is uncrossable
He decides he can't handle readjusting to society
White wine
Green tea
White Russians
An easy back way out of his camp to a nearby town
A nearby hunting cabin where he could've found help
An emergency radio station not far from the bus
Abstractions about nature and his own soul
Descriptions of the scenery
Explanations for all of his choices
Because he has trouble focusing on any one task
Because he is very bad with numbers
Because he is an irresponsible spender
College Democrats Club
Writing for the newspaper
Cross country
Carine McCandless
Chris Fish
Sam McCandless
Jon becoming a policeman
Jon becoming a doctor
Jon giving up climbing
Quiz 1
Top of Form
- Who is the last person to see McCandless alive?
Gaylord Stuckey
Gordon Samel
Wayne Westerberg
- What name does McCandless go by after leaving Atlanta?
- In what season does McCandless go into the wilderness?
- What makes McCandless afraid of water?
A flash flood that almost drowns him in the Mojave Desert
Falling into the ocean as a young child
Drinking bad water that makes him sick in Alaska
- What does McCandless do in Bullhead City?
Works on a farm
Works at McDonalds
Stays in a monastery
- Who does Krakauer think was most like McCandless?
Wayne Westerberg
Everett Ruess
John Waterman
- Which of the following does not describe McCandless?
Easy going
- Which of the following does McCandless declare himself a fan of, which is surprising, considering his tastes and beliefs?
Jack London
George H. W. Bush
- What is Krakauer's obsession in his early twenties?
- What seems to lead to McCandless's total separation from his parents?
His discovery of his father's secret past
Their pushing him to go to law school
Their graduation gift of a car
- In what is McCandless living at the end of his life?
A cave
A tree house
A tent
- What does McCandless do the summer after his sophomore year of college?
Drive to Mexico
Camp in Alaska
Deliver pizzas
- What kind of car does Chris drive?
A Toyota
A Volkswagen
A Datsun
- Who of the following does not actually live an outdoorsy or adventurous life?
Chris McCandless
Jack London
Everett Ruess
- What does Ron Franz ask McCandless?
If he can come with him to Alaska
If he can adopt him
For him not to go through with the Alaska trip
- What do we know McCandless comes to regret deeply?
Trying to shoot a bear with his small gun
Not bringing more food with him into the wilderness
Killing the moose
- What prevents McCandless from leaving the wilderness on his first attempt?
He gets too weak from food poisoning
The Teklanika River is uncrossable
He decides he can't handle readjusting to society
- What does Wayne Westerberg say McCandless liked to drink?
White wine
Green tea
White Russians
- If McCandless had had a good map with him in Alaska, what might he have seen?
An easy back way out of his camp to a nearby town
A nearby hunting cabin where he could've found help
An emergency radio station not far from the bus
- What does McCandless's Alaska journal largely contain?
Abstractions about nature and his own soul
Descriptions of the scenery
Explanations for all of his choices
- Why is McCandless's skill at making money surprising?
Because he has trouble focusing on any one task
Because he is very bad with numbers
Because he is an irresponsible spender
- Which extracurricular activity is McCandless involved in at Emory?
College Democrats Club
Writing for the newspaper
Cross country
- Who is the first in the family to find out about Chris's death?
Carine McCandless
Chris Fish
Sam McCandless
- What was the only thing that would've pleased Krakauer's father?
Jon becoming a policeman
Jon becoming a doctor
Jon giving up climbing
- What quality of Chris's does Carine not share?