A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt
by Bert McCoy
A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt contains 1,281 quotes.
A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt
By Bert McCoy
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"Bert McCoy Quotes – Insights and Inspirations"
- November 1, 2024
- by Bilyana Ivanova
"I Write what compels us to question our reality." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can reveal our true face." ~Bert McCoy
"We're unhappy because we haven't gone deep enough." ~Bert McCoy
"When you are yourself, there's no one else to be." ~Bert McCoy
"False identification makes us miserable." ~Bert McCoy
"The river of life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to seek Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
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"Just as you would set a clock to the correct time, set your mind to the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a simple teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"We suffer in life because we allow the ego-mind to choose." ~Bert McCoy
"True wisdom is a silent language." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature is church on steroids." ~Bert McCoy
"Not all desires are worth being a slave to." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to seek the truth... and You are the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're lucky, we'll make enough mistakes and learn from them." ~Bert McCoy
"Be interested; but, don't drown yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"At the end of the road, you'll find yourself back where you started." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind talk you into shopping for happiness... the present moment is our happy home." ~Bert McCoy
"It is a mistake to think you must do something to realize your true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Doubting if God exists is the same as doubting your own existence." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all in a dance back to eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"Words are handcuffs; silence is superior." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind finds nothing to complain about." ~Bert McCoy
"Whatever is experienced through the senses is not Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"God is here and now; there is no past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"While some lessons are easily visible, the precious ones require a bit of digging." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity is readily available to us, but there are countless reasons not to buy into it." ~Bert McCoy
"When we grow in love we grow in action." ~Bert McCoy
"If you want experience, make mistakes." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no need for an experience to find your true self." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought distracts us from the peace within." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the past and future, water flows freely." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let meditation turn into spiritual entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we are happy no matter what." ~Bert McCoy
"To be true to oneself, one must become the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing threatens a corrupt system more than an old concept disguised as something new." ~Bert McCoy
"What is love... just a word on paper?"
"The wise are always content with 'what is.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting everything as it comes is a very high state." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we are happy no matter what." ~Bert McCoy
"It's another 'here we go again' Monday." ~Bert McCoy
"Open-mindedness allows us to question our reality and purpose." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting everything as it comes is a very high state." ~Bert McCoy
"When we can better navigate our emotions, we can better navigate the obstacles on our path." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is a wild flower dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
"Welcome back to the now." ~Bert McCoy
"The best weight to lose is the weight of the past." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardening is a powerful yoga." ~Bert McCoy
"This moment, this now, this present moment, this here and now... is our companion for life." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to play your music." ~Bert McCoy
"All of creation says, 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"Magic can only happen in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"To go within, one must avoid thoughts of the past and future." – Bert McCoy
"All of creation sings, 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking security in an uncertain world is foolish." ~Bert McCoy
"Being in the flow of life brings us happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"The key to living is devotion." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowers don't try to be beautiful... they just are." ~Bert McCoy
"Spirit wins." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You has no shadow." ~Bert McCoy
"Magic only happens in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"In teaching... you're only as good as your next student." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't bang your head against a wall... be patient, and life will show you a new door." ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"Pure listening takes us to the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a brighter light to see." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom abounds in a still mind." ~Bert McCoy
"In teaching... you're only as good as your next class." ~Bert McCoy
"The ultimate spiritual book is this present moment... Read it." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is like a wildflower dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise are completely satisfied with 'what is.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Spirit wins all battles." ~Bert McCoy
"Trees can blind us to the forest." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to play your music." ~Bert McCoy
"No one really knows what's going on here... with the exception of a few who see this as all a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"In teaching... you're only as good as your next student." ~Bert McCoy
"The Real must always be here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a brighter light to see." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to play your music." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is beyond the transient." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachers see themselves as normal." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is our life textbook." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time getting started." ~Bert McCoy
"Open-mindedness allows us to question our reality and purpose." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting a weakness brings us strength." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to play your music." ~Bert McCoy
"One becomes enlightened for others, only to realize there are no others." – Bert McCoy
"The present moment is our textbook... Read it." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't get lost in the head... Love is the goal." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind's natural state is silence." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind's natural state is silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is an ever flowing well of wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for Oneself through concepts and beliefs will lengthen One's search." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness is our natural state... anything else is mind created." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is the shelter against the ego-mind's storm." ~Bert McCoy
"Resentment of 'what is' brings more pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is the true shelter against the ego-mind's storm." ~Bert McCoy
"It's never too late to question everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Words cannot define Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is lost without the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"Words cannot define the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Shape and form blind us from our Absolute State." ~Bert McCoy
"Love never turns on Itself." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is everywhere... give it and take it." ~Bert McCoy
"All tears wash out." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a simple teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"In teaching... you're only as good as your next student." ~Bert McCoy
"Each dark night will end with a bright new day." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a brighter light to see." ~Bert McCoy
"Only in the heart will the absolute true decision be made." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to play your music." ~Bert McCoy
"All tears wash out in time." ~Bert McCoy
"Ego-minds are always in the seeking mode." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing else matters... You are Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is like quicksand... The more we struggle, the faster we sink." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely—being lonely is an ego-mind thing, while being alone is peaceful and calm." ~Bert McCoy
"Clouds are artists, too." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind experiences doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"The past can be useful when looking for our keys, but not when seeking our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Resisting trouble brings more trouble." ~Bert McCoy
"Watching pain and suffering separates us from pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"I am That which knows that I Am here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"The Eternal in us knows this is all temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"If we got time to lean, we've got time to write." ~Bert McCoy
"Clean up the mind like you'd clean up a kitty litter box." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is a classroom... Don't show up late." ~Bert McCoy
"Language has limitations... silence does not." ~Bert McCoy
"Love never turns off... It's just masked by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Pure listening saves us from the noise." ~Bert McCoy
"All great people see themselves as normal." ~Bert McCoy
"Working through challenges is better than avoiding them." ~Bert McCoy
"Pure listening saves us from the noise." ~Bert McCoy
"Seekers must find the Source of thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't get too drunk on beliefs... They come with a terrible hangover." ~Bert McCoy
"Careful you're not seeking a method instead of the the Source." ~Bert McCoy
"All difficult situations make great stories." ~Bert McCoy
"When the 'I Am' is gone... All is one." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our children how not to be a sucker... the second time." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our kids how not to be suckers... the second time." ~Bert McCoy
"The silent sense of 'I Am' is Our Divine Self." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing else matters... You are Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"You are not the body-mind... You are Spirit in a body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Breaking down our many walls can't hurt." ~Bert McCoy
"Words cannot reach the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is our Life textbook... read it." ~Bert McCoy
"Words are weak... Live your dream." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is our Life text book... read it." ~Bert McCoy
"Writing gives us something fun to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like Now." ~Bert McCoy
"You are not the body-mind... You are Spirit inside the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our children how not to be a sucker... the second time." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our kids how not to be a sucker... the second time." ~Bert McCoy
"To watch the mind or to be lost in the mind... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing else matters... You're Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"Feeding the ego-mind is like feeding a stray dog - it will keep coming back for more." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're the body-mind is the greatest obstacle to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow one single thought and you're liberated. ~Bert McCoy
"Why search for the entrance when you're already inside?" ~Bert McCoy
"Gardening is a supreme Yoga." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing else matters... You're Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"It's not easy doing absolutely nothing." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing else matters... You're Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"To flow with life or to live in the past and future... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Be ever mindful... this is not our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"We're bored when we listen to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"If you play by the rules... You should be under the radar." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking disturbs stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek the Truth within or to seek the Truth without... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfying one's desires brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Addictions bring discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"Being anxious about the future brings discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking disturbs Our stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"To see life as a nightmare or as a wonderful dream... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is a slow burn to enlightenment." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is exactly as it should be... For training purposes." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid negative people as you would avoid bumping into people in a crowd." ~Bert McCoy
"Why fill our pockets with dirt when we can fill our pockets with jewels; why fill our pockets with fear and regret when we can fill our pockets with wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"The unexpected will show up more than the expected." ~Bert McCoy
"More often than not, the unexpected will show up more than the expected." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be the Absolute and not know it." ~Bert McCoy
"Being peaceful requires merit." ~Bert McCoy
"Useless discussion limits our usefulness." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the here and now can expose all doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"To be a slave to desire or to be free... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The more we think we know... the further we are from the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Resentment of 'what is' brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be the Self to expound great wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Clouds are artists, too." ~Bert McCoy
"Each day is a perfect day to go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"To cling or to resist... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Look within to find unlimited power." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom speaks to us on many different levels." ~Bert McCoy
"If we can't listen to the mind... We're lost in it." ~Bert McCoy
"When life gets heavy... stay out of the past." ~Bert McCoy
"A beautiful sunset is a work of Majesty." ~Bert McCoy
"The enlightened are contrasted with individuals." ~Bert McCoy
"If you look long enough and deep enough... we'll find each other." ~Bert McCoy
"All worry belongs to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The heavier the rock, the harder it is to flow." ~Bert McCoy
"To tighten the chains or to search for the key... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"All that matters is liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"Refusal to follow thought awakens true power." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind's help is not needed to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind is our best friend." ~Bert McCoy
"A still mind is in harmony with this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"The world comes and goes... You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Our real nature is prior to the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Playing God is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace introduces us to our greater Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is an ever flowing fountain of possibility." ~Bert McCoy
"By Grace, I remember what most have forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Look deeply into any mirror and you'll see fearlessness." ~Bert McCoy
"To focus on the dead or to focus on the living... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Body-mind consciousness is only temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"The wind loves to play the wind chimes." ~Bert McCoy
"An enlightened One is contrasted with an individual." ~Bert McCoy
"Stare down any thought, and the thought will disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"When we win we learn how to follow; and, when we lose we learn how to lead." ~Bert McCoy
"This world has sprouted from one tiny seed." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing on the stage of life should be taken seriously." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to find thyself." ~Bert McCoy
"The words of the Guru are as sweet as song." ~Bert McCoy
"To be at peace, one must stay quiet and go with the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternity is hidden in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"All minds are magicians; they like to play tricks on us." ~Bert McCoy
"All dreams are different... it's the waking up that's the same." ~Bert McCoy
"Words will never suffice for silence." ~Bert McCoy
"The desire for self-realization cures us from ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Only eternity knows our time here is limited." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest teacher brings us peace." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind awakens innate energies." ~Bert McCoy
"We suffer in life because of wrong ideas." ~Bert McCoy
"We suffer in life because we have wrong ideas." ~Bert McCoy
"To study to be great or to study to be average... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest teacher will bring you peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Being Happy is our natural state." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're lucky, the Guru will call us out of this jungle." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise are always at ease." ~Bert McCoy
"The way we talk about ourselves is the way we talk about others, and the way we talk about others is the way we talk about ourselves." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have a vase, fill it with flowers." ~Bert McCoy
"Cultural pedagogy helps sustain diverse communities." ~Bert McCoy
"The beggars are here for all of us." ~Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace will we find our way back home." ~Bert McCoy
"The stream knows more about where the leaf will go than the leaf." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch that you're not on the mind's leash again." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes... all we need is a brighter light." ~Bert McCoy
"Welcome back to the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Welcome back to the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardening reveals to us what words cannot." ~Bert McCoy
901 Bert McCoy quotes in the following link:
Bert McCoy Quotes – Insights and Inspirations
- January 5, 2024
- Quotes
- by Bilyana Ivanova
By Algot Västerström.
Uplifting Spiritual Quotes for Daily Inspiration
Creating Happiness In Your Spare Time
Uplifting Spiritual Quotes for Daily Inspiration
- January 15, 2024
- Quotes
- by Bilyana Ivanova
Creating Happiness In Your Spare Time
"Concepts and beliefs are roadblocks to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy"The less I preach, the more my students will listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines forever." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all living a perfect dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are roadblocks to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine doesn't belong to a certain organization." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking pleasure brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"To dress up the body-mind is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"To wear the body or to be the body... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking pleasure brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"To dress up the body-mind is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's still, Truth can be lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Positivity connects... negativity disconnects." ~Bert McCoy
"To study to be great or to study to be average... that is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"When we awaken, we realize we have one foot in this world and one foot in the spirit world." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; and, keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind is all bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are useful... but only when trained to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to look impressive is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Like a clay pot, when the body breaks, the space within is set free." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy." ~Bert McCoy
"To look at myself or to escape...that is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can be heard when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The vastness of the sky is reflected in a single dew drop." ~Bert McCoy
"Be aloof to the ego-mind, and you will be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Every tradition is Maya." ~Bert McCoy
"It's truer to wear the body, rather than be the body." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is our true north." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from Silence and returns back to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are like clothes... remove them to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind expresses doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are like clothes... remove them to feel free." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines true." ~Bert McCoy
"Love abounds freely in the 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Intelligence requires spaciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept what is and you will prevail." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike will limit our growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"All true friends will tell you right from wrong." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"You exist without the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization requires all concepts, beliefs, and traditions be forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal peace is without words." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal Peace is without duality." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization requires all concepts, beliefs, and traditions be forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"Trouble comes and goes... you do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Unconditional acceptance of who we are brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Unconditional acceptance of 'what is' brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The beggars are here for all of us." ~Bert McCoy
"Hiding our head in the sand doesn't remove the threat." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no destiny in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity is always available to us, but there are countless reasons not to buy into it." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's still, Truth can be lived." ~Bert McCoy
"The stream of life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"The more mental we, are the more miserable we are." ~Bert McCoy
"Life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a strong person can accept their weaknesses." ~Bert McCoy
"A wise man avoids living in the past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is the true liberator." ~Bert McCoy
"Life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for the love we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"All drama is mind created." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"The less I preach, the more my students will listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality words make quality relationships." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody really dies on a movie screen... it's an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody ever goes anywhere - there's only the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"All minds are magicians , they like to play tricks." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines forever true." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a Buddha can accept their weaknesses." ~Bert McCoy
"When the pot breaks, the space escapes." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind likes a big argument... the heart likes a big smile." ~Bert McCoy
"Our mental walls keep us from peace." ~Bert McCoy
"The world cannot exist without You... so Who or What must you be? ~Bert McCoy
"Acceptance without judgement brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The trees dance in stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the only substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind can't liberate You... The mind's the jailer." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be the little self... Just Be." ~Bert McCoy
"All we need is the courage to do what is right." ~Bert McCoy
"All minds are magicians, they like to play tricks." ~Bert McCoy
"To walk through the last door, the 'I Amness' must disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"To believe the ego-mind or to question everything it says... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our kids how not to be a sucker... the second time." Bert McCoy
"Our true journey begins and ends in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't think you are the I Am... be the I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachings emanate from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"When awakened... rules and rituals lose their flavor." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing matters... We are Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"A dry forest is safe against hot words." ~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it, or to be lost in the world and not know your source... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the hereafter." ~Bert McCoy
"If you want to hear some wise words... visit a barber shop or hair salon." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is play." ~Bert McCoy
"Fear is contrasted with Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"When we remove the roots we remove the trunk, branches, leaves, and bugs." ~Bert McCoy
"A still mind surrenders to what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't think you are the 'I Am'; be the 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow one single thought and you're liberated. ~Bert McCoy
"The faster we let go of the past, the sooner we'll get back into the game." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind has limits... you do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Trouble is just another word for a challenging assignment." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept everything that happens in this present moment and you are Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Books are like boats; they can save us from swimming with the sharks." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs words when wisdom comes intuitively from silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs words when wisdom is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"When the water flows... grab a pen and paper." ~Bert McCoy
"A quick death or a drawn-out long one... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can reveal our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Soon We'll all be laughing about this place." ~Bert McCoy
"Desiring nothing is the cornerstone to liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can show us our true face." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to others or to listen to my heart... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Most of the time the first book is the best." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"Multiplicity is such a cheat - all is One." ~Bert McCoy
"All great quotes are surrounded in silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Spiritual seekers think they need to find a way to reach Themselves." ~Bert McCoy
"Moving forward always opens new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"Great pain and suffering awakens great sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind to take you away from what's truly important to You... This present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Being a great dad is all about sacrifice." ~Bert McCoy
"All great quotes are surrounded by silence." ~Bert McCoy
"When one's awake one realizes this is all a dream and worthy of applause." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"A mind is necessary to enjoy a film." ~Bert McCoy
"To react positively or negatively... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind take you away from what's truly important to You... This present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the here and after." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"Honoring this present moment will help guide you through the sea of shit." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace awaits our call." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The You of you is already full." ~Bert McCoy
"Investigate who the 'I' is in Your head - and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past cannot reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory is necessary to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Can you see the rough-cut sapphire around a donkey's neck?" ~Bert McCoy
"To find the truth one must get rid of concepts and beliefs." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity is always available to us, and there are countless reasons not to buy into it." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's build more bridges and fewer towers." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to build more bridges and fewer towers." ~Bert McCoy
"The winds paint with clouds." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful not to starve Yourself from the spiritual." ~Bert McCoy
"With Grace... The darkness opens and proliferates into Pure Beauty." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't expect peace from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Being content with 'what is' is the true sadhana." ~Bert McCoy
"Enlightenment comes in all colors and shapes." ~Bert McCoy
"For power or for Truth... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Homelessness is the new cash cow in California." ~Bert McCoy
"One of our goals is to find the right mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher dimensions are the higher vibrations." ~Bert McCoy
"All is Divine. All is God. All is within You." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise understand that what might be right might be wrong - and what might be wrong might be right." ~Bert McCoy
"The older I get, the more I appreciate respect." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we need to do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Pain and suffering pushes us in the right direction." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we Can do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the hereafter." ~Bert McCoy
"Following the ego-mind will not make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"All fear is contrasted with Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can deceive Us only if We listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Can you recognize a donkey wearing an emerald around its neck?" ~Bert McCoy
"Having the right view follows us through everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Being alone is not a tragedy; feeling lonely is." ~Bert McCoy
"To be content with what is or to feel unfulfilled... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept what is, and you will thrive." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs - follow them back to Your Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes beliefs and theory... The Heart doesn't need them." ~Bert McCoy
"Soon We'll be laughing about this place." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrendering to what is gives us a life raft." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we are the doer limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're the director of this play limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Every artisan was once a lost little kid." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are limiting... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are His... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we are helpless, we're on the right path." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be kind to the troublemaking mind... be unconcerned." ~Bert McCoy
"With proper care, gardening brings peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"All people are tools for the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"The fewer the words, the closer to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"To be totally free the ego-mind must burn." ~Bert McCoy
"To sit in silence is to sit on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing God everywhere is a beautiful meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The 'seeing God everywhere' meditation can happen anywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of separation." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of separation." ~Bert McCoy
"How we live is more important than what we live." ~Bert McCoy
"How one lives is more important than what one lives." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of false separation." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of a false separation." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth is contrasted with desire." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can convince us that what's wrong is right and what's right is wrong." ~Bert McCoy
"Blame is a favorite pastime for the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Contentment with 'what is' is wise." ~Bert McCoy
"We risk nothing by letting the past and future go." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a huge difference between being this moment and talking about this moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Every day's a good day to get a lot done." ~Bert McCoy
"The Real must always be here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"When our knees are on the ground and our hands are pointed to the sky, we begin to understand." ~Bert McCoy
"We begin to understand when our knees are on the ground and our hands are pointed to the sky." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time getting started." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers tell stories." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time to get started." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time to getting started." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to build a prison, and no time to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit is so ingrained in us... We forget our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We all sit on a throne during this play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom comes from That place beyond words." ~Bert McCoy
"A 'nobody' has a hard time signing their book." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is everywhere... drink from the closest fountain." ~Bert McCoy
"No matter what happens... We're always sitting on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"When We have the right view... We're always in Sadhana." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers tell great stories." ~Bert McCoy
"Despite what the mind may think... life goes on... and on... and on..." ~Bert McCoy
"The emptier I get, the more alive I feel." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowers love it when bees come looking for pollen." ~Bert McCoy
"The emptier I get, the more alive I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers write great stories." ~Bert McCoy
"Formless and Limitless are We." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being yourself is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being ourselves is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Fear of silence brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Helping others to see clearly is a true calling." ~Bert McCoy
"The search for God begins in a mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"When all else fails we must wake up from the dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Relax and let the spirit take the wheel for a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-improvement is a worldly pursuit – finding your deepest self is the ultimate quest." ~Bert McCoy
"All obstacles are really blessings." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a genius recognizes another genius." ~Bert McCoy
"Creative genius is only recognized by a few." ~Bert McCoy
"When we start looking within... Our interest in this world fades." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a doer until One realizes there is no doer." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind, there are no limits." ~Bert McCoy
"Distilled quotes are closer to the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Open Your eyes in deep sleep and taste everlasting peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the body-mind is our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace is affirmed by associating yourself with great souls." ~Bert McCoy
"If we keep following the ego-mind's path, we'll eventually make it to the witch's house for soup." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be here and now to be free from past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind places roadblocks on our path to strengthen our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"To be a mad dog or to accept life as it is... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true Self is just behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"It's our epiphanies that re-charge our batteries." ~Bert McCoy
"We learn more from epiphanies than from writing essays." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What remains awake in deep sleep?" ~Bert McCoy
"Main role or ensemble actor... We all have our parts to play in this world theater." ~Bert McCoy
"Open your eyes in deep sleep and taste everlasting peace." ~Bert McCoy
"When we wake up, we realize that no one was mad at anyone." ~Bert McCoy
"Imagination will never take us to here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To share our talents or to share our complaints... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence awakens innate energies." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence tunes the heart strings." ~Bert McCoy
"Cherish those who have quiet minds." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind, there are no more limits." ~Bert McCoy
"To pray with thought or to sit in stillness and ask for nothing... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To fulfill our desires or to find the Self... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the greater Self... Act like it." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation helps the mind to focus - So why wouldn't we offer meditation classes in school?" ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a dense jungle... it's easy to get lost." ~Bert McCoy
"When the body-mind is transcended... One's Realized." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowing how far to push someone is extremely important." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a big difference between living the truth and talking about the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no 'peace of mind' in the jungle of the intellect." ~Bert McCoy
"When you are full of Love with Yourself... there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is too subtle for thought." ~Bert McCoy
"I seem to remember what you have forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Great truths will be revealed in silence and intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"When you fully love yourself... there are no others." ~bert mccoy
"We're far more special than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Those who seek the Self will receive their crown." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace reveals herself through emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be misled—happiness contains a fair amout of sorrow." ~Bert McCoy
"Serenity reveals herself through stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"It's time to move beyond judging others by their skin color, wealth, or religion." ~Bert McCoy
"The eyes are a monitor for our viewing pleasure." ~Bert McCoy
"Genius comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors." ~Bert McCoy
"The smarter you are the more valuable you are." ~Bert McCoy
"With a false sense of separation comes a false proliferation of ideas." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is easier when you stop asking questions." ~Bert McCoy
"When we're present in the here and now, we realize all is in harmony." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... So why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"You can't meet new friends by hanging out with the same people." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire helps us to dig our holes deeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Beyond our closed eyes, all is bright." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind there's no more limits." ~Bert McCoy
"It's our epiphanies that recharge our batteries." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is here, there, and everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"All prayers should end with... Thy will be done!" ~Bert McCoy
"To pray for our desires or to pray for God... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To love our desires or to love God... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking the Guru is really seeking God." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking the Guru is really seeking Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher realms are as subtle as a rose petal in palm of Our hand." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire makes our holes deeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment always tightens our chains." ~Bert McCoy
"Great pain and suffering awakens great sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"Great attributes for a new or old teacher are forgiveness, tranquility, and patience." ~Bert McCoy
"Devotion is supreme - Words are as empty as air." ~Bert McCoy
"The whole universe is music." ~Bert McCoy
"The ultimate healing is to realize that All is One." ~Bert McCoy
"Vibration is the key to healing." ~Bert McCoy
"All seers are musicians." ~Bert McCoy
"All great musicians are mystics." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony of soul is unforgettable music." ~Bert McCoy
"Stay in tune with this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is Source music." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is our tuning fork." ~Bert McCoy
"Finding the right vibration heals Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Keep flowing with the present moment... otherwise you'll exhaust yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust that the flow of this present moment will carry you to the Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"Fighting the current of life is exhausting." ~Bert McCoy
"To travel swiftly down a river, we must go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't try to control the river... Flow with the river." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind acquiesces when we accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting 'what is' removes complaining from the ego-mind's plate." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be still to see beyond the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness can see beyond the stars." ~Bert McCoy
"May our actions be honest and our truth be told." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are very useful as long as they have been trained to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is useless when we need to listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Spiritual wisdom is always here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Only by accepting 'what is' can we be truly satisfied." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be misled by the ego-mind... Just realize you exist without time or space." ~Bert McCoy
"Observe without opinion and help without expectation." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek out a method or to seek the Divine directly... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"It's hard for a drop to imagine it will one day be the great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"It's not easy for a drop to realize it's really the great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"We must stop seeking methods and start seeking the Source." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek a method or to seek the Source... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines forever." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all living a perfect dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are roadblocks to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine doesn't belong to a certain organization." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking pleasure brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"To dress up the body-mind is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"To wear the body or to be the body... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking pleasure brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"To dress up the body-mind is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's still, Truth can be lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Positivity connects... negativity disconnects." ~Bert McCoy
"To study to be great or to study to be average... that is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"When we awaken, we realize we have one foot in this world and one foot in the spirit world." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; and, keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind is all bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are useful... but only when trained to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to look impressive is body-mind consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Like a clay pot, when the body breaks, the space within is set free." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy." ~Bert McCoy
"To look at myself or to escape...that is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can be heard when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The vastness of the sky is reflected in a single dew drop." ~Bert McCoy
"Be aloof to the ego-mind, and you will be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Every tradition is Maya." ~Bert McCoy
"It's truer to wear the body, rather than be the body." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is our true north." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from Silence and returns back to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are like clothes... remove them to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind expresses doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are like clothes... remove them to feel free." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines true." ~Bert McCoy
"Love abounds freely in the 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Intelligence requires spaciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept what is and you will prevail." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike will limit our growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"All true friends will tell you right from wrong." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"You exist without the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization requires all concepts, beliefs, and traditions be forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal peace is without words." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal Peace is without duality." ~Bert McCoy
"Unwavering faith is the true religion." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization requires all concepts, beliefs, and traditions be forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"Trouble comes and goes... you do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Unconditional acceptance of who we are brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Unconditional acceptance of 'what is' brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The beggars are here for all of us." ~Bert McCoy
"Hiding our head in the sand doesn't remove the threat." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no destiny in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity is always available to us, but there are countless reasons not to buy into it." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's still, Truth can be lived." ~Bert McCoy
"The stream of life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"The more mental we, are the more miserable we are." ~Bert McCoy
"Life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a strong person can accept their weaknesses." ~Bert McCoy
"A wise man avoids living in the past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is the true liberator." ~Bert McCoy
"Life flows faster than the leaf can ponder." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for the love we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"All drama is mind created." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"The less I preach, the more my students will listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality words make quality relationships." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody really dies on a movie screen... it's an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody ever goes anywhere - there's only the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"All minds are magicians , they like to play tricks." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are weak; knowing shines forever true." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a Buddha can accept their weaknesses." ~Bert McCoy
"When the pot breaks, the space escapes." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind likes a big argument... the heart likes a big smile." ~Bert McCoy
"Our mental walls keep us from peace." ~Bert McCoy
"The world cannot exist without You... so Who or What must you be? ~Bert McCoy
"Acceptance without judgement brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The trees dance in stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the only substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind can't liberate You... The mind's the jailer." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be the little self... Just Be." ~Bert McCoy
"All we need is the courage to do what is right." ~Bert McCoy
"All minds are magicians, they like to play tricks." ~Bert McCoy
"To walk through the last door, the 'I Amness' must disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"To believe the ego-mind or to question everything it says... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's teach our kids how not to be a sucker... the second time." Bert McCoy
"Our true journey begins and ends in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't think you are the I Am... be the I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachings emanate from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"When awakened... rules and rituals lose their flavor." ~Bert McCoy
"When nothing matters... We are Parabrahman." ~Bert McCoy
"A dry forest is safe against hot words." ~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it, or to be lost in the world and not know your source... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the hereafter." ~Bert McCoy
"If you want to hear some wise words... visit a barber shop or hair salon." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is play." ~Bert McCoy
"Fear is contrasted with Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"When we remove the roots we remove the trunk, branches, leaves, and bugs." ~Bert McCoy
"A still mind surrenders to what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't think you are the 'I Am'; be the 'I Am.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow one single thought and you're liberated. ~Bert McCoy
"The faster we let go of the past, the sooner we'll get back into the game." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind has limits... you do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Trouble is just another word for a challenging assignment." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept everything that happens in this present moment and you are Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Books are like boats; they can save us from swimming with the sharks." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs words when wisdom comes intuitively from silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs words when wisdom is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"When the water flows... grab a pen and paper." ~Bert McCoy
"A quick death or a drawn-out long one... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can reveal our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Soon We'll all be laughing about this place." ~Bert McCoy
"Desiring nothing is the cornerstone to liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can show us our true face." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to others or to listen to my heart... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Most of the time the first book is the best." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"Multiplicity is such a cheat - all is One." ~Bert McCoy
"All great quotes are surrounded in silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Spiritual seekers think they need to find a way to reach Themselves." ~Bert McCoy
"Moving forward always opens new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"Great pain and suffering awakens great sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind to take you away from what's truly important to You... This present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Being a great dad is all about sacrifice." ~Bert McCoy
"All great quotes are surrounded by silence." ~Bert McCoy
"When one's awake one realizes this is all a dream and worthy of applause." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"A mind is necessary to enjoy a film." ~Bert McCoy
"To react positively or negatively... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind take you away from what's truly important to You... This present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the here and after." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"Honoring this present moment will help guide you through the sea of shit." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace awaits our call." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The You of you is already full." ~Bert McCoy
"Investigate who the 'I' is in Your head - and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past cannot reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory is necessary to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Can you see the rough-cut sapphire around a donkey's neck?" ~Bert McCoy
"To find the truth one must get rid of concepts and beliefs." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity is always available to us, and there are countless reasons not to buy into it." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's build more bridges and fewer towers." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to build more bridges and fewer towers." ~Bert McCoy
"The winds paint with clouds." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful not to starve Yourself from the spiritual." ~Bert McCoy
"With Grace... The darkness opens and proliferates into Pure Beauty." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't expect peace from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Being content with 'what is' is the true sadhana." ~Bert McCoy
"Enlightenment comes in all colors and shapes." ~Bert McCoy
"For power or for Truth... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Homelessness is the new cash cow in California." ~Bert McCoy
"One of our goals is to find the right mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher dimensions are the higher vibrations." ~Bert McCoy
"All is Divine. All is God. All is within You." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise understand that what might be right might be wrong - and what might be wrong might be right." ~Bert McCoy
"The older I get, the more I appreciate respect." ~Bert McCoy
"Memory cannot reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we need to do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Pain and suffering pushes us in the right direction." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we Can do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Any phenomenal profit is useless in the hereafter." ~Bert McCoy
"Following the ego-mind will not make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"All fear is contrasted with Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can deceive Us only if We listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Can you recognize a donkey wearing an emerald around its neck?" ~Bert McCoy
"Having the right view follows us through everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Being alone is not a tragedy; feeling lonely is." ~Bert McCoy
"To be content with what is or to feel unfulfilled... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Accept what is, and you will thrive." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs - follow them back to Your Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes beliefs and theory... The Heart doesn't need them." ~Bert McCoy
"Soon We'll be laughing about this place." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrendering to what is gives us a life raft." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we are the doer limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're the director of this play limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Every artisan was once a lost little kid." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are limiting... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are His... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we are helpless, we're on the right path." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be kind to the troublemaking mind... be unconcerned." ~Bert McCoy
"With proper care, gardening brings peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"All people are tools for the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"The fewer the words, the closer to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"To be totally free the ego-mind must burn." ~Bert McCoy
"To sit in silence is to sit on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing God everywhere is a beautiful meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The 'seeing God everywhere' meditation can happen anywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of separation." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of separation." ~Bert McCoy
"How we live is more important than what we live." ~Bert McCoy
"How one lives is more important than what one lives." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of false separation." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"False ideas are a result of a false separation." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth is contrasted with desire." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can convince us that what's wrong is right and what's right is wrong." ~Bert McCoy
"Blame is a favorite pastime for the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Contentment with 'what is' is wise." ~Bert McCoy
"We risk nothing by letting the past and future go." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a huge difference between being this moment and talking about this moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Every day's a good day to get a lot done." ~Bert McCoy
"The Real must always be here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"When our knees are on the ground and our hands are pointed to the sky, we begin to understand." ~Bert McCoy
"We begin to understand when our knees are on the ground and our hands are pointed to the sky." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time getting started." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers tell stories." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time to get started." ~Bert McCoy
"The truly talented waste no time to getting started." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to build a prison, and no time to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit is so ingrained in us... We forget our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We all sit on a throne during this play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom comes from That place beyond words." ~Bert McCoy
"A 'nobody' has a hard time signing their book." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is everywhere... drink from the closest fountain." ~Bert McCoy
"No matter what happens... We're always sitting on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"When We have the right view... We're always in Sadhana." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers tell great stories." ~Bert McCoy
"Despite what the mind may think... life goes on... and on... and on..." ~Bert McCoy
"The emptier I get, the more alive I feel." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowers love it when bees come looking for pollen." ~Bert McCoy
"The emptier I get, the more alive I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"Only lovers write great stories." ~Bert McCoy
"Formless and Limitless are We." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being yourself is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being ourselves is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Fear of silence brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Helping others to see clearly is a true calling." ~Bert McCoy
"The search for God begins in a mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"When all else fails we must wake up from the dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Relax and let the spirit take the wheel for a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-improvement is a worldly pursuit – finding your deepest self is the ultimate quest." ~Bert McCoy
"All obstacles are really blessings." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a genius recognizes another genius." ~Bert McCoy
"Creative genius is only recognized by a few." ~Bert McCoy
"When we start looking within... Our interest in this world fades." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a doer until One realizes there is no doer." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind, there are no limits." ~Bert McCoy
"Distilled quotes are closer to the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Open Your eyes in deep sleep and taste everlasting peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the body-mind is our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace is affirmed by associating yourself with great souls." ~Bert McCoy
"If we keep following the ego-mind's path, we'll eventually make it to the witch's house for soup." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be here and now to be free from past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind places roadblocks on our path to strengthen our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"To be a mad dog or to accept life as it is... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true Self is just behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"It's our epiphanies that re-charge our batteries." ~Bert McCoy
"We learn more from epiphanies than from writing essays." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What remains awake in deep sleep?" ~Bert McCoy
"Main role or ensemble actor... We all have our parts to play in this world theater." ~Bert McCoy
"Open your eyes in deep sleep and taste everlasting peace." ~Bert McCoy
"When we wake up, we realize that no one was mad at anyone." ~Bert McCoy
"Imagination will never take us to here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To share our talents or to share our complaints... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence awakens innate energies." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence tunes the heart strings." ~Bert McCoy
"Cherish those who have quiet minds." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind, there are no more limits." ~Bert McCoy
"To pray with thought or to sit in stillness and ask for nothing... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To fulfill our desires or to find the Self... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the greater Self... Act like it." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation helps the mind to focus - So why wouldn't we offer meditation classes in school?" ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a dense jungle... it's easy to get lost." ~Bert McCoy
"When the body-mind is transcended... One's Realized." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowing how far to push someone is extremely important." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a big difference between living the truth and talking about the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no 'peace of mind' in the jungle of the intellect." ~Bert McCoy
"When you are full of Love with Yourself... there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is too subtle for thought." ~Bert McCoy
"I seem to remember what you have forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Great truths will be revealed in silence and intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"When you fully love yourself... there are no others." ~bert mccoy
"We're far more special than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Those who seek the Self will receive their crown." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace reveals herself through emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be misled—happiness contains a fair amout of sorrow." ~Bert McCoy
"Serenity reveals herself through stillness." ~Bert McCoy
"It's time to move beyond judging others by their skin color, wealth, or religion." ~Bert McCoy
"The eyes are a monitor for our viewing pleasure." ~Bert McCoy
"Genius comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors." ~Bert McCoy
"The smarter you are the more valuable you are." ~Bert McCoy
"With a false sense of separation comes a false proliferation of ideas." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is easier when you stop asking questions." ~Bert McCoy
"When we're present in the here and now, we realize all is in harmony." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... So why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"You can't meet new friends by hanging out with the same people." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire helps us to dig our holes deeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Beyond our closed eyes, all is bright." ~Bert McCoy
"When there's no body-mind there's no more limits." ~Bert McCoy
"It's our epiphanies that recharge our batteries." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is here, there, and everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"All prayers should end with... Thy will be done!" ~Bert McCoy
"To pray for our desires or to pray for God... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To love our desires or to love God... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking the Guru is really seeking God." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking the Guru is really seeking Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher realms are as subtle as a rose petal in palm of Our hand." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire makes our holes deeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment always tightens our chains." ~Bert McCoy
"Great pain and suffering awakens great sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"Great attributes for a new or old teacher are forgiveness, tranquility, and patience." ~Bert McCoy
"Devotion is supreme - Words are as empty as air." ~Bert McCoy
"The whole universe is music." ~Bert McCoy
"The ultimate healing is to realize that All is One." ~Bert McCoy
"Vibration is the key to healing." ~Bert McCoy
"All seers are musicians." ~Bert McCoy
"All great musicians are mystics." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony of soul is unforgettable music." ~Bert McCoy
"Stay in tune with this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is Source music." ~Bert McCoy
"This present moment is our tuning fork." ~Bert McCoy
"Finding the right vibration heals Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Keep flowing with the present moment... otherwise you'll exhaust yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust that the flow of this present moment will carry you to the Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"Fighting the current of life is exhausting." ~Bert McCoy
"To travel swiftly down a river, we must go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't try to control the river... Flow with the river." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind acquiesces when we accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting 'what is' removes complaining from the ego-mind's plate." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be still to see beyond the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness can see beyond the stars." ~Bert McCoy
"May our actions be honest and our truth be told." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are very useful as long as they have been trained to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is useless when we need to listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Spiritual wisdom is always here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Only by accepting 'what is' can we be truly satisfied." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be misled by the ego-mind... Just realize you exist without time or space." ~Bert McCoy
"Observe without opinion and help without expectation." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek out a method or to seek the Divine directly... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"It's hard for a drop to imagine it will one day be the great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"It's not easy for a drop to realize it's really the great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"We must stop seeking methods and start seeking the Source." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek a method or to seek the Source... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Where there's wine there's chemistry." ~Bert McCoy
"We are beyond all belief and nestled in Beingness." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't point to the Truth because You are the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"We don’t know what we’re capable of when we live from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When we live from the ego-mind, we don’t know what we’re really capable of." ~Bert McCoy
"Make someone's day... Be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"No theories or belief is needed for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from silence and returns to silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Creative genius is first seen as ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"No need to hold onto anger when you wakeup from the dream." ~Bert McCoy
"You are always and forever the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Melt in devotion and stay on task." ~Bert McCoy
"The thought, 'I am a seeker,' keeps one from self-realization."
~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it, or to be lost in the world and not know your source... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of it's Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachings emanate from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Show me a thought in the head and I'll show you a ghost." ~Bert McCoy
"To think or to know - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from Silence and returns back to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"At some point, you'll have to take the dive." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for something we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Who masters their life masters the art of patience." ~Bert McCoy
"The thought, 'I am a seeker' keeps one from self realization." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The illusion of balance makes this world believable." ~Bert McCoy
"Smiles are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"When the ego-mind is still... All doors vanish." ~Bert McCoy
"One who masters their life masters patience." ~Bert McCoy
"When one sees clearly, our true nature hides in plain sight." ~Bert McCoy
"Difficult people can make our story great." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being yourself is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being ourselves is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Struggling to be free only tightens our chains." ~Bert McCoy
"To be distracted by the world or not to be distracted by the world... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be at peace only the 'I Am' is necessary." ~Bert McCoy
"Go ahead... be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"Through silence and intuition, great truths will be revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we stay in the cloud of unknowing." ~Bert McCoy
"Believing in thought hinders us from self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't fathom the depth of You." ~Bert McCoy
"Education should offer classes in yoga and meditation... More so for the teachers than the students." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we've always been free... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya s gatekeeper. ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all veneer." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust in what is... Not in what was." ~Bert McCoy
"When thought dies... You arise." ~Bert McCoy
"Unmasked, I Am that I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment has a lifetime warranty." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have too many questions you're identifying too much with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"I Write what compels us to question our reality." ~Bert McCoy
"All life journeys are futile without Grace." ~Bert McCoy
"Better to be a slave to the Heart than a slave to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Unpredictability makes this life predictable." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the heart we'll understand everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Deja vu happens when the world loses its continuity." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardeners will put us to work for our own good." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the different forms, or to see the gold... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We're the pearl inside the shell - not just the shell." ~Bert McCoy
"Without wine the nights would be too short." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are distractions to lovers." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth is always simple and poetic." ~Bert McCoy
"The same water is in all the rivers, lakes, and streams." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Listening to silence awakens innate wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're in charge of this life prevents Us from seeing rightly." ~Bert McCoy
"When We surrender Our will is no more." ~Bert McCoy
"If the problem doesn't exist right now... It only exists in the head." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest offering is Our will." ~Bert McCoy
"The quality of thought is more important than the quantity." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya's gatekeeper." ~Bert McCoy
"All desires breed discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"Be the Ocean and you won't get carried away by the waves." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is more important than offering up our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Words only cheapen a heartful embrace." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all bait and hook." ~Bert McCoy
"It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary." ~Bert McCoy
"A parent's job is not over because we say, 'I told you so.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to our Infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers are addicted to following thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the Sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is in the transcendence of man." ~Bert McCoy
"The naming of the Spiritual separates us from the spiritual." ~Bert McCoy
"Difficult people can make our story great." ~Bert McCoy
"Being is Being... Not being this or that." ~Bert McCoy
"All great painters get lost in their paint." ~Bert McCoy
"The faster the mind... The harder it is to catch." ~Bert McCoy
"All great artists get lost in their medium." ~Bert McCoy
"Love bestows countless blessings upon the screen of Consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Our final destination is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is in the harmony with this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace gives us exactly what we need." ~Bert McCoy
"In this present moment your big questions will be answered intuitively." ~Bert McCoy
"To take care of the dead or to take care of the living - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Slow down the space between words and dwell in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To be free one must be more interested in this present moment than past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"It has taken me quite a few years to learn to go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"We can find the beautiful if we look for it." ~Bert McCoy
"As a seagull glides over the ocean waves... We can glide over our worries and fears." ~Bert McCoy
"Only calm cool souls take restful walks." ~Bert McCoy
"Be what is... Not what was." ~Bert McCoy
"The beginning of wisdom begins in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Life would be boring without adrenalin junkies." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher realms are as subtle as a flower petal in the palm of the hand." ~Bert McCoy
"Be more interested in the present moment than the past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"Dwell in the space between two thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an experienced meditator knows their true destination is the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Here and now is where we begin... and here and now is where we'll end up." ~Bert McCoy
"True intelligence sees far beyond this world." ~Bert McCoy
"We are beyond all belief and nestled in Beingness." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't point to the Truth because You are the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"We don’t know what we’re capable of when we live from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When we live from the ego-mind, we don’t know what we’re really capable of." ~Bert McCoy
"Make someone's day... Be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"No theories or belief is needed for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from silence and returns to silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Creative genius is first seen as ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"No need to hold onto anger when you wakeup from the dream." ~Bert McCoy
"You are always and forever the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Melt in devotion and stay on task." ~Bert McCoy
"The thought, 'I am a seeker,' keeps one from self-realization."
~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it, or to be lost in the world and not know your source... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of it's Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachings emanate from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Show me a thought in the head and I'll show you a ghost." ~Bert McCoy
"To think or to know - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"All emanates from Silence and returns back to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"At some point, you'll have to take the dive." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for something we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Who masters their life masters the art of patience." ~Bert McCoy
"The thought, 'I am a seeker' keeps one from self realization." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The illusion of balance makes this world believable." ~Bert McCoy
"Smiles are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"When the ego-mind is still... All doors vanish." ~Bert McCoy
"One who masters their life masters patience." ~Bert McCoy
"When one sees clearly, our true nature hides in plain sight." ~Bert McCoy
"Difficult people can make our story great." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being yourself is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being ourselves is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Struggling to be free only tightens our chains." ~Bert McCoy
"To be distracted by the world or not to be distracted by the world... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be at peace only the 'I Am' is necessary." ~Bert McCoy
"Go ahead... be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"Through silence and intuition, great truths will be revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we stay in the cloud of unknowing." ~Bert McCoy
"Believing in thought hinders us from self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't fathom the depth of You." ~Bert McCoy
"Education should offer classes in yoga and meditation... More so for the teachers than the students." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we've always been free... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya s gatekeeper. ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all veneer." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust in what is... Not in what was." ~Bert McCoy
"When thought dies... You arise." ~Bert McCoy
"Unmasked, I Am that I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment has a lifetime warranty." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have too many questions you're identifying too much with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"I Write what compels us to question our reality." ~Bert McCoy
"All life journeys are futile without Grace." ~Bert McCoy
"Better to be a slave to the Heart than a slave to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Unpredictability makes this life predictable." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the heart we'll understand everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Deja vu happens when the world loses its continuity." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardeners will put us to work for our own good." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the different forms, or to see the gold... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We're the pearl inside the shell - not just the shell." ~Bert McCoy
"Without wine the nights would be too short." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are distractions to lovers." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth is always simple and poetic." ~Bert McCoy
"The same water is in all the rivers, lakes, and streams." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Listening to silence awakens innate wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're in charge of this life prevents Us from seeing rightly." ~Bert McCoy
"When We surrender Our will is no more." ~Bert McCoy
"If the problem doesn't exist right now... It only exists in the head." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest offering is Our will." ~Bert McCoy
"The quality of thought is more important than the quantity." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya's gatekeeper." ~Bert McCoy
"All desires breed discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"Be the Ocean and you won't get carried away by the waves." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is more important than offering up our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Words only cheapen a heartful embrace." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all bait and hook." ~Bert McCoy
"It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary." ~Bert McCoy
"A parent's job is not over because we say, 'I told you so.'" ~Bert McCoy
"Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to our Infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers are addicted to following thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the Sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is in the transcendence of man." ~Bert McCoy
"The naming of the Spiritual separates us from the spiritual." ~Bert McCoy
"Difficult people can make our story great." ~Bert McCoy
"Being is Being... Not being this or that." ~Bert McCoy
"All great painters get lost in their paint." ~Bert McCoy
"The faster the mind... The harder it is to catch." ~Bert McCoy
"All great artists get lost in their medium." ~Bert McCoy
"Love bestows countless blessings upon the screen of Consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Our final destination is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is in the harmony with this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace gives us exactly what we need." ~Bert McCoy
"In this present moment your big questions will be answered intuitively." ~Bert McCoy
"To take care of the dead or to take care of the living - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Slow down the space between words and dwell in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To be free one must be more interested in this present moment than past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"It has taken me quite a few years to learn to go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"We can find the beautiful if we look for it." ~Bert McCoy
"As a seagull glides over the ocean waves... We can glide over our worries and fears." ~Bert McCoy
"Only calm cool souls take restful walks." ~Bert McCoy
"Be what is... Not what was." ~Bert McCoy
"The beginning of wisdom begins in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Life would be boring without adrenalin junkies." ~Bert McCoy
"The higher realms are as subtle as a flower petal in the palm of the hand." ~Bert McCoy
"Be more interested in the present moment than the past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"Dwell in the space between two thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an experienced meditator knows their true destination is the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Here and now is where we begin... and here and now is where we'll end up." ~Bert McCoy
"True intelligence sees far beyond this world." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from attachment... and We are all One." ~Bert McCoy
"I have no more cares... For all are His." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"To be distracted by the world or not to be distracted by the world... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is play." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"All is shadows on water." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom knows that happiness comes and goes." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom knows that unhappiness is only temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory is necessary to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace awaits our call." ~Bert McCoy
"Investigate who the 'I' is in Your head - and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"With Grace... The darkness opens and proliferates into Pure Beauty." ~Bert McCoy
"Enlightenment comes in all colors and shapes." ~Bert McCoy
"One of our goals is to find the right mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise understand that what might be right might be wrong - and what might be wrong might be right." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we Can do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we need to do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Following the ego-mind will not make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can deceive Us only if We listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Having the right view follows us through everything." ~Bert McCoy
"To be content with what is or to feel unfulfilled... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs - follow them back to Your Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes beliefs and theory... The Heart doesn't need them." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrendering to what is gives us a life raft." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we are the doer limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're the director of this play limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Every artisan was once a lost little kid." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are limiting... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are His... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we are helpless, we're on the right path." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be kind to the troublemaking mind... be unconcerned." ~Bert McCoy
"With proper care, gardening brings peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"All people are tools for the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"To be totally free the ego-mind must burn." ~Bert McCoy
"To sit in silence is to sit on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing God everywhere is a beautiful meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The 'seeing God everywhere' meditation can happen anywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"I have no more cares... For all are His." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"To be distracted by the world or not to be distracted by the world... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is play." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"All is shadows on water." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom knows that happiness comes and goes." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom knows that unhappiness is only temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory is necessary to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace awaits our call." ~Bert McCoy
"Investigate who the 'I' is in Your head - and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"With Grace... The darkness opens and proliferates into Pure Beauty." ~Bert McCoy
"Enlightenment comes in all colors and shapes." ~Bert McCoy
"One of our goals is to find the right mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise understand that what might be right might be wrong - and what might be wrong might be right." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we Can do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we know what we need to do to make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"Following the ego-mind will not make things right." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can deceive Us only if We listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Having the right view follows us through everything." ~Bert McCoy
"To be content with what is or to feel unfulfilled... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front of its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace leaves us a trail of breadcrumbs - follow them back to Your Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes beliefs and theory... The Heart doesn't need them." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrendering to what is gives us a life raft." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we are the doer limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're the director of this play limits our understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Every artisan was once a lost little kid." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are limiting... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"Our concerns are His... The Divine knows best." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we are helpless, we're on the right path." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be kind to the troublemaking mind... be unconcerned." ~Bert McCoy
"With proper care, gardening brings peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"All people are tools for the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"All talk is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"To be totally free the ego-mind must burn." ~Bert McCoy
"To sit in silence is to sit on a throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing God everywhere is a beautiful meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The 'seeing God everywhere' meditation can happen anywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about God is duality." ~Bert McCoy
"Only with great compassion will we get through with all that we're given." ~Bert McCoy
"We must allow ourselves to be happy no matter what." Bert McCoy
"Regrets contrast the joy found in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Having regrets keeps us in the past." ~Bert McCoy
"Regrets keep us from Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is kith and kin to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is Source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the primordial language." ~Bert McCoy
"Unspoken words can be more powerful than speech." ~Bert McCoy
"True understanding is a gift from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal is to be still... Even when shaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Birdsong is beneficial to our overall health." ~Bert McCoy
"Company with the wise awakens peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"A great mother or father touches millions of people." ~Bert McCoy
"Stress makes our vacations oh so sweet." ~Bert McCoy
"To try to change the picture or to surrender to what is... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek the source or to be lost in the world... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To take life seriously or to roll with laughter... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Joy and sorrow, life and death... all happen on the world's stage." ~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it or to be lost in the world and not know Your Source... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To see life as it is, or to wish life were different... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no mind to the Sun... and yet It keeps giving." ~Bert McCoy
"To be unfettered by worldly drama, or to smile at its humor... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from attachment... and We are all One." ~Bert McCoy
"I have no more cares... For all are His." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Only with great compassion will we get through with all that we're given." ~Bert McCoy
"We must allow ourselves to be happy no matter what." Bert McCoy
"Regrets contrast the joy found in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Having regrets keeps us in the past." ~Bert McCoy
"Regrets keep us from Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is kith and kin to Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is Source energy." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the primordial language." ~Bert McCoy
"Unspoken words can be more powerful than speech." ~Bert McCoy
"True understanding is a gift from Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal is to be still... Even when shaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Birdsong is beneficial to our overall health." ~Bert McCoy
"Company with the wise awakens peace and joy." ~Bert McCoy
"A great mother or father touches millions of people." ~Bert McCoy
"Stress makes our vacations oh so sweet." ~Bert McCoy
"To try to change the picture or to surrender to what is... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To seek the source or to be lost in the world... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To take life seriously or to roll with laughter... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Joy and sorrow, life and death... all happen on the world's stage." ~Bert McCoy
"To be in the world and not of it or to be lost in the world and not know Your Source... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To see life as it is, or to wish life were different... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no mind to the Sun... and yet It keeps giving." ~Bert McCoy
"To be unfettered by worldly drama, or to smile at its humor... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from attachment... and We are all One." ~Bert McCoy
"I have no more cares... For all are His." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind in front its Source is like a match stick in front of the sun." ~Bert McCoy
"Not making a big deal about the small things truly matters."
~Bert McCoy
"Silence is true liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"Bodies die - Spirit lives." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"Not making a big deal about the small things is a big deal." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody is really famous in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be mislead by the mind... Just realize you exist." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys taste heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Be more concerned with what's going on inside the head rather than outside the head." ~Bert McCoy
"The closer you look, the emptier this world gets." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Oneness." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... Why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is true harmony." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"Learning how to learn is paramount to one's education." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys contain a fair measure of heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys taste heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be mislead by the mind... Just realize You exist." ~Bert McCoy
"Not making a big deal about the small things is a big deal." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody is really famous in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we stay in the cloud of unknowing." ~Bert McCoy
"Who knows the ego-mind better than You." ~Bert McCoy
"The true journey is the search for the meaning of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Only this present moment can quench your thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Having more will never quench Our thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Make someone's day... Be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"More can never quench Our thirst for Love." ~Bert McCoy
"More can never quench Our thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Why search for a belief or a method when you can uncover something Real?"
"Unmasked from the person, I am pure Being." ~Bert McCoy
“The way out of suffering is to say yes to what is.” ~Bert McCoy
"Be more concerned with what's going on inside the head rather than outside the head."
~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"Bodies die - Spirit lives." ~Bert McCoy
A peach tree in bloom
Mid-afternoon rain shower
Freedom costs nothing
"To see problems or to find solutions - this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Yo ho, yo ho, a hermit's life for me." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature is simple... Humanity is complex." ~Bert McCoy
"Living in the flow of life burns all karma." ~Bert McCoy
"The thinking mind will never quench Our thirst for enlightenment." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from the transient awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace gives us exactly what we need." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for love." ~Bert McCoy
"Education should offer classes in yoga and meditation... More so for the teachers than the students." ~Bert McCoy
"A polished mirror is our true teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thoughts is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Through silence and intuition, great truths will be revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is beyond this universe." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Timelessness is ever flowing in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is far more eloquent than words." ~Bert McCoy
"Life becomes richer when we accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the perennial language." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the perennial flow." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the necklace, or to see the Gold... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the multiplicity, or to see all as One... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see the we've always been free... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Speech is subordinate to silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the best medicine for bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the best medicine for pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Without thought the perennial language speaks." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit-Soul sees right through multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"Successful teachers are comfortable with uncertainty." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the Divine meditates on the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What really drives our chariot." ~Bert McCoy
"Love bestows upon us untold graces." ~Bert McCoy
"The cleanest mirror shows our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Reading for fun is just as important as reading for a purpose." ~Bert McCoy
"To the wise, yesterday is as distracting as tomorrow." ~Bert McCoy
"There are lessons to learn in every chapter of life." ~Bert McCoy
"An acronym doesn't make the material more important." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is not possible... It's all just theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking is not the real world." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is easy to give but hard to collect." ~Bert McCoy
"We're always in the timeless state... but only a few know it." ~Bert McCoy
"What is permanent sees what is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"Subtle and subtler are the deeper realms." ~Bert McCoy
"Tunnel transportation is our near future." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a quiet mind can turn within." ~Bert McCoy
"When it's right... Love will make it right." ~Bert McCoy
"When it's right... Grace will make it happen." ~Bert McCoy
"What we used to be really doesn't matter anymore." ~Bert McCoy
"If we want to be free, we need to stop building cages." ~Bert McCoy
"Ringing in the ears is Divine circuitry." ~Bert McCoy
"The Source of thought is Oneness with the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Allowing for Mediocre minds help will help to awaken the Spiritual Mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Allowing for mediocre minds will help to awaken the spiritual mind." ~Bert McCoy
"In the Timeless state, You Are." ~Bert McCoy
"Reading, discussing, and understanding great quotes are quintessential for a proper education." ~Bert McCoy
"It's just too crazy to keep thinking about what others might be thinking and what they might be thinking of us." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit-Soul sees right through the multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no math in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine is beyond all philosophy and religion." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no higher degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"A perfect mirror is behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"The restless and the quiet don't go together." ~Bert McCoy
"The human mind can't explain what's behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking hinders us from self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past can't reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The belief in thought hinders us from Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to lectures or to silence... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We exist beautifully without the past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"Quotes are useful when they affect change." `Bert McCoy
"The Divine presence You seek is really You." ~Bert McCoy
"Birds only sing in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"A roller coaster teaches us to enjoy the highs and lows." ~Bert McCoy
"Great power is illumined by great weakness." ~Bert McCoy
"We are immense and unlimited in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Make wisdom your guiding light." ~Bert McCoy
"To watch the mind or to be lost in the mind... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind can make today a bad day." ~Bert McCoy
"We serve others to make our life meaningful." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness hides in multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"Great love burns away petty desires." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind loves to seduce us with past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be your first response." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be your first response." ~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"Silence is true liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"Bodies die - Spirit lives." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"Not making a big deal about the small things is a big deal." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody is really famous in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be mislead by the mind... Just realize you exist." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys taste heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Be more concerned with what's going on inside the head rather than outside the head." ~Bert McCoy
"The closer you look, the emptier this world gets." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Oneness." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... Why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is true harmony." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"Learning how to learn is paramount to one's education." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys contain a fair measure of heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"All journeys taste heartbreak." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be mislead by the mind... Just realize You exist." ~Bert McCoy
"Not making a big deal about the small things is a big deal." ~Bert McCoy
"Nobody is really famous in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we stay in the cloud of unknowing." ~Bert McCoy
"Who knows the ego-mind better than You." ~Bert McCoy
"The true journey is the search for the meaning of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Only this present moment can quench your thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Having more will never quench Our thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Make someone's day... Be the white knight." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"More can never quench Our thirst for Love." ~Bert McCoy
"More can never quench Our thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Why search for a belief or a method when you can uncover something Real?"
"Unmasked from the person, I am pure Being." ~Bert McCoy
“The way out of suffering is to say yes to what is.” ~Bert McCoy
"Be more concerned with what's going on inside the head rather than outside the head."
~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are life preservers - throw them to anyone who needs one." ~Bert McCoy
"Bodies die - Spirit lives." ~Bert McCoy
A peach tree in bloom
Mid-afternoon rain shower
Freedom costs nothing
"To see problems or to find solutions - this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Yo ho, yo ho, a hermit's life for me." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature is simple... Humanity is complex." ~Bert McCoy
"Living in the flow of life burns all karma." ~Bert McCoy
"The thinking mind will never quench Our thirst for enlightenment." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from the transient awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace gives us exactly what we need." ~Bert McCoy
"More thought will never quench Your thirst for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind will never quench the thirst for love." ~Bert McCoy
"Education should offer classes in yoga and meditation... More so for the teachers than the students." ~Bert McCoy
"A polished mirror is our true teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thoughts is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Through silence and intuition, great truths will be revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is beyond this universe." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Timelessness is ever flowing in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is far more eloquent than words." ~Bert McCoy
"Life becomes richer when we accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the perennial language." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the perennial flow." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the necklace, or to see the Gold... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the multiplicity, or to see all as One... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see the we've always been free... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is comedy." ~Bert McCoy
"Speech is subordinate to silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the best medicine for bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the best medicine for pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Without thought the perennial language speaks." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit-Soul sees right through multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"Successful teachers are comfortable with uncertainty." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the Divine meditates on the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What really drives our chariot." ~Bert McCoy
"Love bestows upon us untold graces." ~Bert McCoy
"The cleanest mirror shows our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Reading for fun is just as important as reading for a purpose." ~Bert McCoy
"To the wise, yesterday is as distracting as tomorrow." ~Bert McCoy
"There are lessons to learn in every chapter of life." ~Bert McCoy
"An acronym doesn't make the material more important." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is not possible... It's all just theatre." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking is not the real world." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is easy to give but hard to collect." ~Bert McCoy
"We're always in the timeless state... but only a few know it." ~Bert McCoy
"What is permanent sees what is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"Subtle and subtler are the deeper realms." ~Bert McCoy
"Tunnel transportation is our near future." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a quiet mind can turn within." ~Bert McCoy
"When it's right... Love will make it right." ~Bert McCoy
"When it's right... Grace will make it happen." ~Bert McCoy
"What we used to be really doesn't matter anymore." ~Bert McCoy
"If we want to be free, we need to stop building cages." ~Bert McCoy
"Ringing in the ears is Divine circuitry." ~Bert McCoy
"The Source of thought is Oneness with the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Allowing for Mediocre minds help will help to awaken the Spiritual Mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Allowing for mediocre minds will help to awaken the spiritual mind." ~Bert McCoy
"In the Timeless state, You Are." ~Bert McCoy
"Reading, discussing, and understanding great quotes are quintessential for a proper education." ~Bert McCoy
"It's just too crazy to keep thinking about what others might be thinking and what they might be thinking of us." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit-Soul sees right through the multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no math in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine is beyond all philosophy and religion." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no higher degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"A perfect mirror is behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"The restless and the quiet don't go together." ~Bert McCoy
"The human mind can't explain what's behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking hinders us from self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past can't reveal the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The belief in thought hinders us from Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to lectures or to silence... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We exist beautifully without the past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"Quotes are useful when they affect change." `Bert McCoy
"The Divine presence You seek is really You." ~Bert McCoy
"Birds only sing in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"A roller coaster teaches us to enjoy the highs and lows." ~Bert McCoy
"Great power is illumined by great weakness." ~Bert McCoy
"We are immense and unlimited in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Make wisdom your guiding light." ~Bert McCoy
"To watch the mind or to be lost in the mind... this is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind can make today a bad day." ~Bert McCoy
"We serve others to make our life meaningful." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness hides in multiplicity." ~Bert McCoy
"Great love burns away petty desires." ~Bert McCoy
"To imagine we are bound or to see that we have always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to obtain something we already have is ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind loves to seduce us with past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be your first response." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be your first response." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowing oneself beyond name and form is self realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Energy is wasted on low expectations." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind make the little things into big things." ~Bert McCoy
"When we can better navigate our emotions, we can better navigate the obstacles on our path." ~Bert McCoy
"What isn't eternal will perish." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be our first response." ~Bert McCoy
"Label me all you want... I already know I'm nobody." ~Bert McCoy
"If you're a human this place is a trap; If you're Consciousness you're watching theater." ~Bert McCoy
"Seek nothing to be happy... seeking only satisfies the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"This world's a show, don't forget you're playing a part." ~Bert McCoy
"Beingness and experience are like oil and vinegar." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the big picture, we will judge no one." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit requires nothing; the body-mind requires constant maintenance." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation burns away the mind fog." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind fears death... not the Spirit." ~Bert McCoy
"You are not the shell... you are the pearl within the shell." ~Bert McCoy
"Collecting stuff seems important until one realizes that getting rid of stuff makes life easier." ~Bert McCoy
"Beyond the transient is the I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"We cling to life because all of life is love." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought is an obstacle in the quest for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The taste of peace calls us back for more." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness has no cause; it is our natural state." ~Bert McCoy
"Ultimately... We're all just racing ourselves." ~Bert McCoy
"Book knowledge is not wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry is a waste of time... make a plan instead." ~Bert McCoy
"All thoughts, photos, and videos in the head aren't real." ~Bert McCoy
“When you start to question why, you become part of the problem.” ~Bert McCoy
"The last illusion is to give up desire." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't expect others to make you happy - Your cup is already full." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"True laughter is irresistible." ~Bert McCoy
"Life would be boring without adrenaline junkies." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind awakens in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"We must find ways to show children how to fail beautifully." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we're not attentive to the mind's fears and desires." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind doesn't know what peace is - It enjoys noise and problems." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind has never truly met peace - It likes to dwell in desire and fear." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a bold experiment... It's to be experienced in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Being the Now keeps the mind fresh." ~Bert McCoy
"It's good practice to try on old hats... This lets Us know if our head's gotten any bigger." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teaching will lead us back to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachers point us back to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"We need only to look to the open sky to see." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is light and free - The ego is dark and heavy." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we're always in the here and now... We realize we've always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Clouds teach us to look between the clouds." ~Bert McCoy
“When you start to question why, you become part of the problem.” ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid worry - Awaken instead." ~Bert McCoy
"Laughter cannot be forced... It's irresistible." ~Bert McCoy
"All attachments are balls and chains." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is fullness and fullness is emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"When we see that all happens as it should... Worry loses its grip on us." ~Bert McCoy
"Desires subside when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"The only place to look for peace is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"In the flow there's no like or dislike." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is everything and nothing." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind weakens when we get lost in whatever we do." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a small boulder rolling down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a boulder falling down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a small boulder thrown down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a thinker follows thought." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's quiet we're awake... When the mind's active we're asleep." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind gets easily stuck with fears and desires." ~Bert McCoy
"If you're a human this place is a trap; If you're Consciousness you're watching theater." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thought." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind will lead us home." ~Bert McCoy
"Past and future don't exist in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Try on old hats... It's important to know if your head's gotten any bigger." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true nature is thoughtless Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us from learning valuable lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"You can find the Self everywhere and nowhere." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Only you can see the rope is not a snake." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient lives in time." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a freeway sign directing us to a mirage." ~Bert McCoy
"Spaciousness holds all forms in place." ~Bert McCoy
"We become the Ultimate when We realize We're not the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The changeless Self sits quietly in this changeful form." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust in what is... Not in what was." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in a dream or to wake up... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom makes the teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness is Life's true perspective." ~Bert McCoy
"Better to be a slave to the Heart than a slave to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being Your true Self is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The closer you look, the emptier this world gets."
~Bert McCoy
"No one really knows what's going on... with the exception of a few who see this as all a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"To remember... only a few choice words are needed." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity weakens our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind likes a good argument - the heart likes to smile." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory can explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"What has no origin must have no end." ~Bert McCoy
"In ten thousand years we'll see." ~Bert McCoy
"See the world as perfect, and intuitively you will understand why." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being Your true Self is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Leave it to the Present Moment to guide You." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a freeway sign directing us to a mirage." ~Bert McCoy
"Seek nothing and be content with what is." ~Bert McCoy
"God is easy to reach, for God is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To talk or to be silent... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Words cannot reach Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or what says 'I Am' in the head?" ~Bert McCoy
"The intellect can only take us so far - then we wait for stillness to pull us in." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're not at peace, the mind's the culprit." ~Bert McCoy
"Look away from fearful thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness is the one true perspective." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop creating obstacles and peace of mind will find You." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are a dime a dozen... buy two and get one free." ~Bert McCoy
"Belief is not eternal... only Truth is eternal." ~Bert McCoy
"If we stop creating obstacles... peace of mind will find us." ~Bert McCoy
"Those possessed with the possibility of Self-realization are given a great gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Be happy when you see the exit door." ~Bert McCoy
"Make right your day... before the sun sets." ~Bert McCoy
"To wallow in grief or to go with the flow... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Our worthiness opens many doors." ~Bert McCoy
"No person becomes enlightened... when enlightened there is no more person." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop creating obstacles and peace of mind will find You." ~Bert McCoy
"Only God Is." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't get too drunk on beliefs... They come with a terrible hangover." ~Bert McCoy
"All words are surrounded by space. Remember to give the space as much attention, if not more, than the words." ~Bert McCoy
"The intellect can only take us so far - then we wait for stillness to pull us in." ~Bert McCoy
"All of life is spiritual practice." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom will help America grow." ~Bert McCoy
"We must stop thinking the same thoughts." – Bert McCoy
"Don't stress... just do what needs to be done." ~Bert McCoy
"One becomes enlightened for others... then one realizes there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"Life teaches us in many unexpected ways." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardening is a supreme Yoga." ~Bert McCoy
"Stand separate from thought and you are its Master." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to build bridges, not dig holes." – Bert McCoy
"Wanting security in a world of insecurity is not realistic." – Bert McCoy
"Our success is reliant upon Grace." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self leads Us to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The God within is the God without." ~Bert McCoy
"The God within is the same as the God without." – Bert McCoy
"The key to living is devotion." ~Bert McCoy
"To pray for our desires or to pray for God... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"To go within, one must avoid thoughts of the past and future." – Bert McCoy
"When we accept ourselves, we stop hiding." – Bert McCoy
"If you can't change it, then it is what it is." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory or belief is necessary to be You." ~Bert McCoy
"Ego-minds are great at adding fuel to a fire." ~Bert McCoy
"You're only your current age for a short period of time." ~Bert McCoy
"No theories or belief is needed for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is used to getting its own way." ~Bert McCoy
"We must bypass the body-mind to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born will one day die." ~Bert McCoy
"All knowledge in this manifested world is paradoxical." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born will suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"We're not as human as the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Oneness." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... Why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"The same water is in all the rivers, lakes, and streams." ~Bert McCoy
"Rooted in being... You are not touched by any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn how to have better conversations." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're born, you suffer. When you realize you were never born, you know you will never suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born suffers." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're born, you will suffer. When you realize you were never born, you realize you've never suffered." ~Bert McCoy
"Kicking what we don't want to another pond won't make the world better place." ~Bert McCoy
"Simplification is an art worth cherishing." ~Bert McCoy
"One becomes enlightened for others." ~Bert McCoy
"When we improve our sight... we improve our next step." ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us constant entertainment... we should applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is too subtle for the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The key to living the dream is devoting oneself to this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"When we've totally let go of something... It means we've let go of a hot piece of burning coal." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the silent witness of this wonderful play." ~Bert McCoy
"Letting go means you've realized that holding onto a hot piece of coal isn't worth it." ~Bert McCoy
"Listening happens with a still mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of duality is to witness Love." ~Bert McCoy
"When We surrender Our will is no more." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're in charge of this life prevents Us from seeing rightly." ~Bert McCoy
"The world serves us entertainment... let's applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us constant entertainment... we should applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"The world serves us entertainment... let's applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Eventually, all of this will pop like a soap bubble." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"You are always and forever the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Learning how to learn is paramount to one's education." ~Bert McCoy
"To believe in thought or not to believe in thought... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"The here and now supports us; why do we run away to the past or future?" ~Bert McCoy
"We're amazing when we accept this moment as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"To know everything happens for a reason or to see that life is against us... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest offering is Our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Keep helping others and the right results will surface." ~Bert McCoy
"All separation is an illusion; all is one." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is more important than offering up our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Just because you don't understand... it doesn't make it any less profound." ~Bert McCoy
"Small acts of kindness are to be cherished." ~Bert McCoy
"See yourself in everything, and you are liberated." ~Bert McCoy
"All desires breed discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"All is mise en scene in a made up story." ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is the true faith." ~Bert McCoy
"Depend on nothing and no one for your happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"The little things are the amazing things." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop obsessing over the old and tired past." ~Bert McCoy
"A parent's job is not over because we say, 'I told you so.'" ~Bert McCoy
"One can only offer to God his or her will." ~Bert McCoy
"A sage sees this world as film on the screen of consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"When we live in the now, we don't have to overthink." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all bait and hook." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers are addicted to following thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"To work for the incentive or to work for the love of work... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Why get lost in thoughts when you can be aloof? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"A mind turned outward brings pain and suffering; a mind turned inward brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We are perfection inside imperfection." ~Bert McCoy
"What's not real will eventually fall away." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to say no to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardeners will put us to work for our own good." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are distractions to lovers." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the heart we'll understand everything." ~Bert McCoy
"When thought melts away, happiness is revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"To think you are special or not to think you are special... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is perfect and eternal; the little you is imperfect and extinguishable in time." ~Bert McCoy
"Make it a great day by going with the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is clean; speech is muddy." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make friends with an unhappy mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is not as important as remembering." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is not as important as remembering your true nature." ~Bert McCoy
"Unpredictability makes this life predictable." ~Bert McCoy
"What is, is to be accepted; otherwise, we suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"Give it a try; see yourself in everything." ~Bert McCoy
"One is awakened when One sees no more value in the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Free yourself from the senses, and you are Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"There are no monsters in your head; It's just the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfyingly the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"To be myself or to be someone I am not? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"You have karma until you realize you are beyond karma." ~Bert McCoy
"The key to life is to be aloof to everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a flowing river: to fight to get upstream or to go with the flow? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing like a river is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"The real you is in need of nothing; relax and enjoy the show." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind never was." ~Bert McCoy
"Keeping life simple keeps us smiling." ~Bert McCoy
"Look without thinking and be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Each step takes us a little closer to our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine experiences this play of form through the senses." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation burns away the dark clouds." ~Bert McCoy
"Be the truth and live forever." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is a participant in this grand play." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have too many questions you're identifying too much with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace reminds us of what we are not." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to escape what is, is not the enlightened path." ~Bert McCoy
"To worship the dust or not to worship the dust... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be patient and allow others to live out their karma." ~Bert McCoy
"Everything has a beginning, middle, and end—except you." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an ego-mind wants to get even." ~Bert McCoy
"Our real nature is as light as air." ~Bert McCoy
"Belief in the false strengthens the illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization sees no duality." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the big picture we will judge no one." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we are happy no matter what." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a flowing river: to fight to get upstream or to go with the flow? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is our paradise; do whatever you can with your small piece." ~Bert McCoy
"You're having fun when you forget you're getting paid." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to fill a bowl of regret, and a second to drop it." ~Bert McCoy
"If it makes you restless, turn away from it." ~Bert McCoy
"Having too much stuff makes life more complicated." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing like a river is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty only exists in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfying the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind will never understand the ways of the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"Escape the world by desiring nothing from it." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry is a waste of time for a spiritual being." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for yourself through belief will lengthen your search." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is quick... The ripening is slow." ~Bert McCoy
"Random thoughts can distract the best of us." ~Bert McCoy
"Look within to find your powers." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the fear of tomorrow ruin today." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditate on nothingness and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty can only exist in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfying the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya s gatekeeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence transcends all boundaries." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for yourself through belief will lengthen your search." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future are as real as the Easter bunny." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't trust the mind to enlighten you." ~Bert McCoy
"A talkative mind can ruin a beautiful sunset." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is beyond all words... and so are You." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a wondrous seed within us... nurture it." ~Bert McCoy
"The past can only be remembered as a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"We need soft eyes to see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"Life becomes easier when we stop questioning everything." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is perfectly designed for those learning to live in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"The illusion of balance makes this world believable." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is revealed when we live in its flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is revealed when we live in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"When one sees clearly, our true nature hides in plain sight." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment has a lifetime warranty." ~Bert McCoy
"The changeless Self sits quietly in this changeful form." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to lectures or to silence... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Great truths will awaken through Silence and intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Quotes are useful when they affect change." `Bert McCoy
"The higher our goals, the more energy we're given." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachers must have insight and sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teaching moments await us." ~Bert McCoy
"Our life changes when we change our values." ~Bert McCoy
"Envy is a match in a dry forest." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes energy to build a mental prison, and the present moment has the power to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"To see clearly, one must look without thought or belief." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is a perfectly designed curriculum, and living in the flow makes the learning easier." ~Bert McCoy
"The flame of silence will burn away all thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Embrace it if you want to accept it." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't meet new people if you keep spending time with the same ones." ~Bert McCoy
"We already live in a gold mine; only a little digging is needed." ~Bert McCoy
"World on our shoulders... melt in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Love makes no distinctions between good and bad." ~Bert McCoy
"Love burns away all concepts and beliefs." ~Bert McCoy
"Take pride in nothing that is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"An ounce of ego takes pounds and pounds of flesh." ~Bert McCoy
"The simple is profound... The complex contains pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Some fish have a hard time finding the Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"The ocean is God, and we are the fish." ~Bert McCoy
"Energy is wasted on low expectations." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind make the little things into big things." ~Bert McCoy
"When we can better navigate our emotions, we can better navigate the obstacles on our path." ~Bert McCoy
"What isn't eternal will perish." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry should never be our first response." ~Bert McCoy
"Label me all you want... I already know I'm nobody." ~Bert McCoy
"If you're a human this place is a trap; If you're Consciousness you're watching theater." ~Bert McCoy
"Seek nothing to be happy... seeking only satisfies the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"This world's a show, don't forget you're playing a part." ~Bert McCoy
"Beingness and experience are like oil and vinegar." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the big picture, we will judge no one." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit requires nothing; the body-mind requires constant maintenance." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation burns away the mind fog." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind fears death... not the Spirit." ~Bert McCoy
"You are not the shell... you are the pearl within the shell." ~Bert McCoy
"Collecting stuff seems important until one realizes that getting rid of stuff makes life easier." ~Bert McCoy
"Beyond the transient is the I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"We cling to life because all of life is love." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought is an obstacle in the quest for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The taste of peace calls us back for more." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness has no cause; it is our natural state." ~Bert McCoy
"Ultimately... We're all just racing ourselves." ~Bert McCoy
"Book knowledge is not wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry is a waste of time... make a plan instead." ~Bert McCoy
"All thoughts, photos, and videos in the head aren't real." ~Bert McCoy
“When you start to question why, you become part of the problem.” ~Bert McCoy
"The last illusion is to give up desire." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't expect others to make you happy - Your cup is already full." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"True laughter is irresistible." ~Bert McCoy
"Life would be boring without adrenaline junkies." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind awakens in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"We must find ways to show children how to fail beautifully." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we're not attentive to the mind's fears and desires." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind doesn't know what peace is - It enjoys noise and problems." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind has never truly met peace - It likes to dwell in desire and fear." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a bold experiment... It's to be experienced in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Being the Now keeps the mind fresh." ~Bert McCoy
"It's good practice to try on old hats... This lets Us know if our head's gotten any bigger." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teaching will lead us back to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachers point us back to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"We need only to look to the open sky to see." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is light and free - The ego is dark and heavy." ~Bert McCoy
"When we realize we're always in the here and now... We realize we've always been free." ~Bert McCoy
"Clouds teach us to look between the clouds." ~Bert McCoy
“When you start to question why, you become part of the problem.” ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid worry - Awaken instead." ~Bert McCoy
"Laughter cannot be forced... It's irresistible." ~Bert McCoy
"All attachments are balls and chains." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is fullness and fullness is emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"When we see that all happens as it should... Worry loses its grip on us." ~Bert McCoy
"Desires subside when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"The only place to look for peace is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"In the flow there's no like or dislike." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is everything and nothing." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind weakens when we get lost in whatever we do." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a small boulder rolling down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a boulder falling down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"True love is a small boulder thrown down a steep mountain." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a thinker follows thought." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind's quiet we're awake... When the mind's active we're asleep." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind gets easily stuck with fears and desires." ~Bert McCoy
"If you're a human this place is a trap; If you're Consciousness you're watching theater." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thought." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind will lead us home." ~Bert McCoy
"Past and future don't exist in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Try on old hats... It's important to know if your head's gotten any bigger." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true nature is thoughtless Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us from learning valuable lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"You can find the Self everywhere and nowhere." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"No one is enlightened in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Only you can see the rope is not a snake." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient lives in time." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a freeway sign directing us to a mirage." ~Bert McCoy
"Spaciousness holds all forms in place." ~Bert McCoy
"We become the Ultimate when We realize We're not the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The changeless Self sits quietly in this changeful form." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust in what is... Not in what was." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in a dream or to wake up... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom makes the teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness is Life's true perspective." ~Bert McCoy
"Better to be a slave to the Heart than a slave to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being Your true Self is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"The closer you look, the emptier this world gets."
~Bert McCoy
"No one really knows what's going on... with the exception of a few who see this as all a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"To remember... only a few choice words are needed." ~Bert McCoy
"Negativity weakens our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind likes a good argument - the heart likes to smile." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory can explain the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"What has no origin must have no end." ~Bert McCoy
"In ten thousand years we'll see." ~Bert McCoy
"See the world as perfect, and intuitively you will understand why." ~Bert McCoy
"Just being Your true Self is the best meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Leave it to the Present Moment to guide You." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a freeway sign directing us to a mirage." ~Bert McCoy
"Seek nothing and be content with what is." ~Bert McCoy
"God is easy to reach, for God is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"To talk or to be silent... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Words cannot reach Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or what says 'I Am' in the head?" ~Bert McCoy
"The intellect can only take us so far - then we wait for stillness to pull us in." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're not at peace, the mind's the culprit." ~Bert McCoy
"Look away from fearful thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Oneness is the one true perspective." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop creating obstacles and peace of mind will find You." ~Bert McCoy
"Beliefs are a dime a dozen... buy two and get one free." ~Bert McCoy
"Belief is not eternal... only Truth is eternal." ~Bert McCoy
"If we stop creating obstacles... peace of mind will find us." ~Bert McCoy
"Those possessed with the possibility of Self-realization are given a great gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Be happy when you see the exit door." ~Bert McCoy
"Make right your day... before the sun sets." ~Bert McCoy
"To wallow in grief or to go with the flow... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Our worthiness opens many doors." ~Bert McCoy
"No person becomes enlightened... when enlightened there is no more person." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop creating obstacles and peace of mind will find You." ~Bert McCoy
"Only God Is." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't get too drunk on beliefs... They come with a terrible hangover." ~Bert McCoy
"All words are surrounded by space. Remember to give the space as much attention, if not more, than the words." ~Bert McCoy
"The intellect can only take us so far - then we wait for stillness to pull us in." ~Bert McCoy
"All of life is spiritual practice." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom will help America grow." ~Bert McCoy
"We must stop thinking the same thoughts." – Bert McCoy
"Don't stress... just do what needs to be done." ~Bert McCoy
"One becomes enlightened for others... then one realizes there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"Life teaches us in many unexpected ways." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardening is a supreme Yoga." ~Bert McCoy
"Stand separate from thought and you are its Master." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to build bridges, not dig holes." – Bert McCoy
"Wanting security in a world of insecurity is not realistic." – Bert McCoy
"Our success is reliant upon Grace." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self leads Us to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The God within is the God without." ~Bert McCoy
"The God within is the same as the God without." – Bert McCoy
"The key to living is devotion." ~Bert McCoy
"To pray for our desires or to pray for God... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"To go within, one must avoid thoughts of the past and future." – Bert McCoy
"When we accept ourselves, we stop hiding." – Bert McCoy
"If you can't change it, then it is what it is." ~Bert McCoy
"No theory or belief is necessary to be You." ~Bert McCoy
"Ego-minds are great at adding fuel to a fire." ~Bert McCoy
"You're only your current age for a short period of time." ~Bert McCoy
"No theories or belief is needed for Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is used to getting its own way." ~Bert McCoy
"We must bypass the body-mind to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born will one day die." ~Bert McCoy
"All knowledge in this manifested world is paradoxical." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born will suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"We're not as human as the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness reveals itself to Oneness." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature always accepts what is... Why don't we?" ~Bert McCoy
"The same water is in all the rivers, lakes, and streams." ~Bert McCoy
"Rooted in being... You are not touched by any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn how to have better conversations." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're born, you suffer. When you realize you were never born, you know you will never suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"Only what is born suffers." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're born, you will suffer. When you realize you were never born, you realize you've never suffered." ~Bert McCoy
"Kicking what we don't want to another pond won't make the world better place." ~Bert McCoy
"Simplification is an art worth cherishing." ~Bert McCoy
"One becomes enlightened for others." ~Bert McCoy
"When we improve our sight... we improve our next step." ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us constant entertainment... we should applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is too subtle for the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The key to living the dream is devoting oneself to this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"When we've totally let go of something... It means we've let go of a hot piece of burning coal." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the silent witness of this wonderful play." ~Bert McCoy
"Letting go means you've realized that holding onto a hot piece of coal isn't worth it." ~Bert McCoy
"Listening happens with a still mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of duality is to witness Love." ~Bert McCoy
"When We surrender Our will is no more." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we're in charge of this life prevents Us from seeing rightly." ~Bert McCoy
"The world serves us entertainment... let's applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"This world serves us constant entertainment... we should applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"The world serves us entertainment... let's applaud once in a while." ~Bert McCoy
"Eventually, all of this will pop like a soap bubble." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from nonduality to duality and back to nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"You are always and forever the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Learning how to learn is paramount to one's education." ~Bert McCoy
"To believe in thought or not to believe in thought... this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"The here and now supports us; why do we run away to the past or future?" ~Bert McCoy
"We're amazing when we accept this moment as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"To know everything happens for a reason or to see that life is against us... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest offering is Our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Keep helping others and the right results will surface." ~Bert McCoy
"All separation is an illusion; all is one." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is more important than offering up our will." ~Bert McCoy
"Just because you don't understand... it doesn't make it any less profound." ~Bert McCoy
"Small acts of kindness are to be cherished." ~Bert McCoy
"See yourself in everything, and you are liberated." ~Bert McCoy
"All desires breed discontent." ~Bert McCoy
"All is mise en scene in a made up story." ~Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is the true faith." ~Bert McCoy
"Depend on nothing and no one for your happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"The little things are the amazing things." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop obsessing over the old and tired past." ~Bert McCoy
"A parent's job is not over because we say, 'I told you so.'" ~Bert McCoy
"One can only offer to God his or her will." ~Bert McCoy
"A sage sees this world as film on the screen of consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"When we live in the now, we don't have to overthink." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is all bait and hook." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers like to follow thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"All thinkers are addicted to following thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"To work for the incentive or to work for the love of work... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Why get lost in thoughts when you can be aloof? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"A mind turned outward brings pain and suffering; a mind turned inward brings peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We are perfection inside imperfection." ~Bert McCoy
"What's not real will eventually fall away." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to say no to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future only exist in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Gardeners will put us to work for our own good." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are distractions to lovers." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the heart we'll understand everything." ~Bert McCoy
"When thought melts away, happiness is revealed." ~Bert McCoy
"To think you are special or not to think you are special... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is perfect and eternal; the little you is imperfect and extinguishable in time." ~Bert McCoy
"Make it a great day by going with the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is clean; speech is muddy." ~Bert McCoy
"The truth can't be explained... Only lived." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make friends with an unhappy mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is not as important as remembering." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is not as important as remembering your true nature." ~Bert McCoy
"Unpredictability makes this life predictable." ~Bert McCoy
"What is, is to be accepted; otherwise, we suffer." ~Bert McCoy
"Give it a try; see yourself in everything." ~Bert McCoy
"One is awakened when One sees no more value in the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Free yourself from the senses, and you are Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"There are no monsters in your head; It's just the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfyingly the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"To be myself or to be someone I am not? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"You have karma until you realize you are beyond karma." ~Bert McCoy
"The key to life is to be aloof to everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a flowing river: to fight to get upstream or to go with the flow? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing like a river is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"The real you is in need of nothing; relax and enjoy the show." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind never was." ~Bert McCoy
"Keeping life simple keeps us smiling." ~Bert McCoy
"Look without thinking and be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Each step takes us a little closer to our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine experiences this play of form through the senses." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation burns away the dark clouds." ~Bert McCoy
"Be the truth and live forever." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is a participant in this grand play." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have too many questions you're identifying too much with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Grace reminds us of what we are not." ~Bert McCoy
"Trying to escape what is, is not the enlightened path." ~Bert McCoy
"To worship the dust or not to worship the dust... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be patient and allow others to live out their karma." ~Bert McCoy
"Everything has a beginning, middle, and end—except you." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an ego-mind wants to get even." ~Bert McCoy
"Our real nature is as light as air." ~Bert McCoy
"Belief in the false strengthens the illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization sees no duality." ~Bert McCoy
"When we understand the big picture we will judge no one." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down we are happy no matter what." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a flowing river: to fight to get upstream or to go with the flow? This is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is our paradise; do whatever you can with your small piece." ~Bert McCoy
"You're having fun when you forget you're getting paid." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to fill a bowl of regret, and a second to drop it." ~Bert McCoy
"If it makes you restless, turn away from it." ~Bert McCoy
"Having too much stuff makes life more complicated." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing like a river is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty only exists in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfying the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind will never understand the ways of the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"Escape the world by desiring nothing from it." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry is a waste of time for a spiritual being." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for yourself through belief will lengthen your search." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is quick... The ripening is slow." ~Bert McCoy
"Random thoughts can distract the best of us." ~Bert McCoy
"Look within to find your powers." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the fear of tomorrow ruin today." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditate on nothingness and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty can only exist in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Satisfying the ego-mind is not in our best interest." ~Bert McCoy
"Sensuality is Maya s gatekeeper." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence transcends all boundaries." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for yourself through belief will lengthen your search." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future are as real as the Easter bunny." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't trust the mind to enlighten you." ~Bert McCoy
"A talkative mind can ruin a beautiful sunset." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is beyond all words... and so are You." ~Bert McCoy
"There's a wondrous seed within us... nurture it." ~Bert McCoy
"The past can only be remembered as a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"We need soft eyes to see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"Life becomes easier when we stop questioning everything." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is perfectly designed for those learning to live in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"Who do we love more... our desires or God?" ~Bert McCoy
"The illusion of balance makes this world believable." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is revealed when we live in its flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is revealed when we live in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"When one sees clearly, our true nature hides in plain sight." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment has a lifetime warranty." ~Bert McCoy
"The changeless Self sits quietly in this changeful form." ~Bert McCoy
"To listen to lectures or to silence... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Great truths will awaken through Silence and intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Quotes are useful when they affect change." `Bert McCoy
"The higher our goals, the more energy we're given." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teachers must have insight and sympathy." ~Bert McCoy
"All great teaching moments await us." ~Bert McCoy
"Our life changes when we change our values." ~Bert McCoy
"Envy is a match in a dry forest." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes energy to build a mental prison, and the present moment has the power to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"To see clearly, one must look without thought or belief." ~Bert McCoy
"This world is a perfectly designed curriculum, and living in the flow makes the learning easier." ~Bert McCoy
"The flame of silence will burn away all thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Embrace it if you want to accept it." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't meet new people if you keep spending time with the same ones." ~Bert McCoy
"We already live in a gold mine; only a little digging is needed." ~Bert McCoy
"World on our shoulders... melt in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Love makes no distinctions between good and bad." ~Bert McCoy
"Love burns away all concepts and beliefs." ~Bert McCoy
"Take pride in nothing that is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"An ounce of ego takes pounds and pounds of flesh." ~Bert McCoy
"The simple is profound... The complex contains pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Some fish have a hard time finding the Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"The ocean is God, and we are the fish." ~Bert McCoy
"A pain in the chest just means your going home soon." ~Bert McCoy
"Working through challenges is better than avoiding them." ~Bert McCoy
"The ultimate spiritual book is this present moment... read it." ~Bert McCoy
"Clean up the mind like you'd clean up a kitty litter box." ~Bert McCoy
"Working through challenges is better than avoiding them." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is like a wildflower dancing with the wind." ~Bert McCoy
"Nature is best understood in silence." ~Bert McCoy
"To awaken... hold onto nothing and no one." ~Bert McCoy
"The world's a show... don't get lost in it." ~Bert McCoy
"Be ever mindful... this is not your true home." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all in a challenging dance back to eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"We have the power to say no to our thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"To search for what you already have is foolish." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to build a prison, and no time to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop reaches the ocean, it's no longer a drop." ~Bert McCoy
"Carrying regrets slows our progress." ~Bert McCoy
"The naming of the Spiritual separates us from the spiritual." ~Bert McCoy
"No-Mind is our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Being respectful is always the smartest play." ~Bert McCoy
"World on our shoulders... melt into this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Worry doesn't change the past - so give up both." ~Bert McCoy
"When thoughts in the head stop... enjoy the silence." ~Bert McCoy
"This life experience makes us appreciate our innate perfection." ~Bert McCoy
"To wallow in grief or to live with courage... that is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"There's never nothing wrong... all is as it should be." ~Bert McCoy
"Carrying regret slows down our growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Be aloof to the transient, and all of life will make sense." ~Bert McCoy
"Just as you would set a clock to the correct time, set your mind to the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Be aloof to the transient, and You are life itself." ~Bert McCoy
"The peace and love within us allow us to see peace and love without." ~Bert McCoy
"Just as you would set a clock to the correct time, set your mind to the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"I win when I accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"As soon as we need money, we start listening." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind's maze reeks of chaos." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the shepherd and the wolf." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to build a prison, and no time to destroy it." ~Bert McCoy
"Mental pride is an obstacle to freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"Quiet minds dwell in beauty." ~Bert McCoy
"To uncover our greatest treasure, we must remove many masks." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise know our true destination is this moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Be interested in the theater of life, but don't drown in it." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a true meditator knows the true destination is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow negative thoughts and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike will limit our growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Trouble is just another word for a challenging assignment." ~Bert McCoy
"The body-mind has limits... you do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom speaks on many different levels." ~Bert McCoy
"Look within to find unlimited power." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be the Self to expound great wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"To allow someone to make a mistake or to intervene with wisdom... that is the true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness can see beyond the stars." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking only pleasure limits our growth." ~Bert McCoy
"One must be still to see beyond the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"To be someone, one must be that someone." ~Bert McCoy
"One's behavior is directly related to what one has understood, learned, and expressed." ~Bert McCoy
"You find your passion when you try new things." ~Bert McCoy
"The moon doesn't shine on its own... it shines by a light beyond itself." ~Bert McCoy
"We already live in a gold mine; only a little digging is needed." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking only pleasure limits our spiritual growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for Oneself through concepts and beliefs will lengthen One's search." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow negative thoughts and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeking only pleasure limits our spiritual growth." ~Bert McCoy
"You'll find your passion when you try new things." ~Bert McCoy
"There's always a price to pay when you put yourself out there." ~Bert McCoy
"Whatever is experienced through the senses is not Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is an ever flowing well of wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't follow negative thoughts and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"Teaching in metaphor and simile is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"Be what is... Not what was." ~Bert McCoy
"Take refuge in the present moment, and a clear path will be made." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let past and future invade our happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all in a challenging dance back to eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"Past and future disrupt our happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"To be someone, one must be that someone." ~Bert McCoy
"To be what is - is easier than being what was." ~Bert McCoy
"Namaste is a beautiful handshake." ~Bert McCoy
"Life would be boring without adrenalin junkies." ~Bert McCoy
"No road is as important as the road you're already on." ~Bert McCoy
"Doubt keeps us from reaching our goals." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid negative thoughts as you would avoid bumping into people in a crowd." ~Bert McCoy
"To be at peace, be aloof." ~Bert McCoy
"The real You is shadowless." ~Bert McCoy
"The flame of silence will burn away all thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Carrying the past makes a heavy heart." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are clingy, hearts are fearless." ~Bert McCoy
"Abandon the complex and embrace the simple." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes to wander away from the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Self surrender is the key to success." ~Bert McCoy
"Don t make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"How far from the present moment are You?" ~Bert McCoy
"Too much planning replaces doing." ~Bert McCoy
"Why fill our pockets with dirt when we can fill our pockets with jewels; why fill our pockets with fear and regret when we can fill our pockets with wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid negative thoughts as you would avoid avoid bumping into people in a crowd." ~Bert McCoy
"The past can be useful when looking for our keys, but not when seeking our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All goals will eventually yield to earnestness." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true Teacher is always in the heart waiting for Us." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always possible." ~Bert McCoy
"Transcend suffering by accepting life as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"If our mind is full of the past... We can't enjoy the present." ~Bert McCoy
"We all paint the world with our own colors and strokes." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing with life is true love." ~Bert McCoy
"Using metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid touching any thought and be free." ~ Bert McCoy
"Reality is not a prison... Unless you see life as a prison." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the true knowledge." ~Bert McCoy
"In this lifetime or then next... We'll eventually have to throw in the towel." ~Bert McCoy
"The true goal is Oneness with Being." ~Bert McCoy
"Our only salvation is to put our complete trust in this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the human condition is Pure Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"If you are great... it's a gift from the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"Any thought is not the real you." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit is louder when the mind is silent."
"Entertaining doubt brings more doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment to meditation is an attachment to be transcended." ~Bert McCoy
"All great words come from somewhere else." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop believing in what the mind says, and soon you will be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch thought and be free of it." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenges awaken Us from our slumber." ~Bert McCoy
"We make progress when We accept our challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to let silence lead the way." ~Bert McCoy
"Mirrors can only point us to our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to always accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"I am one instrument in a very big orchestra." ~Bert McCoy
"We're free of the ego-mind when the Spiritual mind awakens." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest followers." ~Bert McCoy
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"You." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can show us our true face." ~Bert McCoy
"The cause of our bondage is the belief in the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Forgetfulness is a widespread disease." ~Bert McCoy
"Forgetfulness of who we really are is a widespread disease." ~Bert McCoy
"Chaos is needed when we need to learn the really deep lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind needs reassurance; the heart doesn't bother." ~Bert McCoy
"Doing nothing is the key to meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Great advice without action matters not." ~Bert McCoy
"We've all been praying to Our greater Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We've all been praying to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"The bullseye of life is this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the Truth can find the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Chaos is needed when we need to learn the really deep lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to fill a bowl of regret, and only a second to drop it." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"To search for what you already have is foolish." ~Bert McCoy
"Look without thinking and you will see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for happiness with the ego-mind brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Awakening is far beyond words on paper." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is in the transcendence of man." ~Bert McCoy
"Keeping life simple keeps us smiling." ~Bert McCoy
"Minds are clingy, hearts are fearless." ~Bert McCoy
"Abandon the complex and embrace the simple." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes to wander away from the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Self surrender is the key to success." ~Bert McCoy
"Don t make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"How far from the present moment are You?" ~Bert McCoy
"Too much planning replaces doing." ~Bert McCoy
"Why fill our pockets with dirt when we can fill our pockets with jewels; why fill our pockets with fear and regret when we can fill our pockets with wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid negative thoughts as you would avoid avoid bumping into people in a crowd." ~Bert McCoy
"The past can be useful when looking for our keys, but not when seeking our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All goals will eventually yield to earnestness." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true Teacher is always in the heart waiting for Us." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always possible." ~Bert McCoy
"Transcend suffering by accepting life as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"If our mind is full of the past... We can't enjoy the present." ~Bert McCoy
"We all paint the world with our own colors and strokes." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing with life is true love." ~Bert McCoy
"Using metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid touching any thought and be free." ~ Bert McCoy
"Reality is not a prison... Unless you see life as a prison." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the true knowledge." ~Bert McCoy
"In this lifetime or then next... We'll eventually have to throw in the towel." ~Bert McCoy
"The true goal is Oneness with Being." ~Bert McCoy
"Our only salvation is to put our complete trust in this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the human condition is Pure Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"If you are great... it's a gift from the Beloved." ~Bert McCoy
"Any thought is not the real you." ~Bert McCoy
"The Spirit is louder when the mind is silent."
"Entertaining doubt brings more doubt." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment to meditation is an attachment to be transcended." ~Bert McCoy
"All great words come from somewhere else." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop believing in what the mind says, and soon you will be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch thought and be free of it." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenges awaken Us from our slumber." ~Bert McCoy
"We make progress when We accept our challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"We must learn to let silence lead the way." ~Bert McCoy
"Mirrors can only point us to our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to always accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"I am one instrument in a very big orchestra." ~Bert McCoy
"We're free of the ego-mind when the Spiritual mind awakens." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest followers." ~Bert McCoy
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"You." ~Bert McCoy
"No mirror can show us our true face." ~Bert McCoy
"The cause of our bondage is the belief in the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Forgetfulness is a widespread disease." ~Bert McCoy
"Forgetfulness of who we really are is a widespread disease." ~Bert McCoy
"Chaos is needed when we need to learn the really deep lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind needs reassurance; the heart doesn't bother." ~Bert McCoy
"Doing nothing is the key to meditation." ~Bert McCoy
"Great advice without action matters not." ~Bert McCoy
"We've all been praying to Our greater Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We've all been praying to Ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"The bullseye of life is this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the Truth can find the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Chaos is needed when we need to learn the really deep lessons." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes time to fill a bowl of regret, and only a second to drop it." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"To search for what you already have is foolish." ~Bert McCoy
"Look without thinking and you will see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"Searching for happiness with the ego-mind brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Awakening is far beyond words on paper." ~Bert McCoy
"We enjoy the price in learning to meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is in the transcendence of man." ~Bert McCoy
"Keeping life simple keeps us smiling." ~Bert McCoy
"Using metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Why do we spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest listeners." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest followers." ~Bert McCoy
"The bullseye of life is this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"I am one instrument in a very big orchestra."
~Bert McCoy
"Only the Truth can find the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the human condition is Pure Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"We make progress when We accept our challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch thought and be free of it." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to seek the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is to seek the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"When we grow in love we grow in action." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenges awaken Us from our slumber." ~Bert McCoy
"Envy is a burning fire in a very dry forest." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't trust the mind to awaken you." ~Bert McCoy
"We're free of the ego-mind when the Spiritual mind awakens." ~Bert McCoy
"Our only salvation is to put our complete trust in this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Why do we spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"When We understand our inner life... We'll better understand our outer life." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest listeners." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisest words have the fewest followers." ~Bert McCoy
"The bullseye of life is this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"I am one instrument in a very big orchestra."
~Bert McCoy
"Only the Truth can find the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the human condition is Pure Awareness." ~Bert McCoy
"We make progress when We accept our challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch thought and be free of it." ~Bert McCoy
"The goal of life is to seek the truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is to seek the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"When we grow in love we grow in action." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenges awaken Us from our slumber." ~Bert McCoy
"Envy is a burning fire in a very dry forest." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't trust the mind to awaken you." ~Bert McCoy
"We're free of the ego-mind when the Spiritual mind awakens." ~Bert McCoy
"Our only salvation is to put our complete trust in this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Metaphor helps us to understand Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true Teacher is always in the heart waiting for Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Self surrender is the key to success." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the body-mind existence is Our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization takes half a second; thus, saying you need time is a hindrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"All goals will eventually yield to earnestness." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"When we're at one with the world we'll see the world as perfect." ~Bert McCoy
"How far from the present moment are You?" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is not a prison... Unless you see life as a prison." ~Bert McCoy
"Transcend suffering by accepting life as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always possible." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid touching any thought and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes to wander away from the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"The transient cannot support Your search for Realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Learn to meditate on the fact that you exist." ~Bert McCoy
"We all paint the world with our own colors and strokes." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing with life is true love." ~Bert McCoy
"Effortlessness is essential in Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenging students make better teachers." ~Bert McCoy
"Life uses pain and suffering to show us we're off track." ~Bert McCoy
"The enlightened stay calm - knowing that birth and don't really exist." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth has nothing to achieve." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization takes a second; saying you need time is a hindrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose failure when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"The enlightened are contrasted with individuals." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose to fail when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"A true hero is a nobody." ~Bert McCoy
"The greater Self is everywhere and nowhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender your thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose to fail when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"When You're in the hands of God... What more could you want?" ~Bert McCoy
"All attachments will keep us busy." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is an expert at finding flaws." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the negative prevents the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachments keep us busy; non-attachment sets us free." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenging students make better teachers." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Getting drunk on fame will never satisfy our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs desire when you're in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift you can give to Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch idle thoughts, and they will disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"True freedom comes when you realize you're not the doer of any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"When You're in the hands of God... What more could you want?" ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is an expert at finding flaws." ~Bert McCoy
"Truthfully, we need very little to be happy." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't bring the ego-mind when you meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"What Is intuitive can't be found in a book." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs desire when we're in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be on the ego-mind's leash." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"True freedom comes when you realize you're not the doer of any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"To look at myself or to escape...that is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn and not giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"A lover and an individual see the world differently." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"Conquer the mind and all will be remembered." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in our life." ~Bert McCoy
"The big questions in life deserve our contemplation." ~Bert McCoy
"Books are helpful... at first." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is not Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To think with words or to trust in silence... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened." ~Bert McCoy
"Weeds provide contrast to the flowers." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; and keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are really the Self." ~Bert McCoy." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can be heard when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"We become wise when We know our challenges are here to teach Us." ~Bert McCoy
"To look within or to distract myself with the outer world... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"What's transient can't support us in the search of Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the negative prevents the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality seed produces quality fruit." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality seeds produce quality fruit." ~Bert McCoy
"We are Pure Emptiness... Anything other is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"We are Pure Emptiness... Anything else is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Self surrender is the key to success." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to the body-mind existence is Our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization takes half a second; thus, saying you need time is a hindrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"All goals will eventually yield to earnestness." ~Bert McCoy
"Greed creates a world out of balance." ~Bert McCoy
"When we're at one with the world we'll see the world as perfect." ~Bert McCoy
"How far from the present moment are You?" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make patience and learning an obstacle." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is not a prison... Unless you see life as a prison." ~Bert McCoy
"Transcend suffering by accepting life as it is." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is always possible." ~Bert McCoy
"Avoid touching any thought and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes to wander away from the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"We confide with the inner Guru by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"The transient cannot support Your search for Realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Learn to meditate on the fact that you exist." ~Bert McCoy
"We all paint the world with our own colors and strokes." ~Bert McCoy
"Flowing with life is true love." ~Bert McCoy
"Effortlessness is essential in Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenging students make better teachers." ~Bert McCoy
"Life uses pain and suffering to show us we're off track." ~Bert McCoy
"The enlightened stay calm - knowing that birth and don't really exist." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth has nothing to achieve." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization takes a second; saying you need time is a hindrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose failure when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"The enlightened are contrasted with individuals." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose to fail when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"A true hero is a nobody." ~Bert McCoy
"The greater Self is everywhere and nowhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender your thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Why choose to fail when we can choose to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"When You're in the hands of God... What more could you want?" ~Bert McCoy
"All attachments will keep us busy." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is an expert at finding flaws." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the negative prevents the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachments keep us busy; non-attachment sets us free." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenging students make better teachers." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge comes by way of intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Getting drunk on fame will never satisfy our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All great knowledge is intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs desire when you're in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift you can give to Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch idle thoughts, and they will disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"True freedom comes when you realize you're not the doer of any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"When You're in the hands of God... What more could you want?" ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is an expert at finding flaws." ~Bert McCoy
"Truthfully, we need very little to be happy." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't bring the ego-mind when you meditate." ~Bert McCoy
"What Is intuitive can't be found in a book." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs desire when we're in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be on the ego-mind's leash." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender thoughts and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"True freedom comes when you realize you're not the doer of any of this." ~Bert McCoy
"To look at myself or to escape...that is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn and not giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"A lover and an individual see the world differently." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"Conquer the mind and all will be remembered." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in our life." ~Bert McCoy
"The big questions in life deserve our contemplation." ~Bert McCoy
"Books are helpful... at first." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is not Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To think with words or to trust in silence... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened." ~Bert McCoy
"Weeds provide contrast to the flowers." ~Bert McCoy
"My wife and family keeps me grounded; and keeps me from flying away." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self doesn't need to be enlightened... and You are really the Self." ~Bert McCoy." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can be heard when the mind is quiet." ~Bert McCoy
"We become wise when We know our challenges are here to teach Us." ~Bert McCoy
"To look within or to distract myself with the outer world... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"What's transient can't support us in the search of Self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Giving a damn will make all the difference in your life." ~Bert McCoy
"Like and dislike have no place in truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in control when we no longer want to be in control." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the negative prevents the flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"Confidence is the greatest gift we can give to yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality seed produces quality fruit." ~Bert McCoy
"Quality seeds produce quality fruit." ~Bert McCoy
"We are Pure Emptiness... Anything other is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"We are Pure Emptiness... Anything else is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Who needs desire when one can fully accept what is?" ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Great poetry points to the light switch." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't torture yourself by believing in thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"All work is done through us... Not by us." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go in meditation... The less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Count your friends... Not your tears." ~Bert McCoy
"The best quotes are the ones that pierce the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses conceal our greatness." ~Bert McCoy
"Great grades will open many new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing really matters in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses cleverly conceal Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind loves creating mischief." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all learning how to play our own music." ~Bert McCoy
"If we really want to see the stars , we must darken this world." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go the less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Bypass the body-mind and go directly to the Soul." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting what is means one accepts the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're Everything... What more is there to achieve." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender to not having any likes or dislikes and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"What's intuitive can't be found in a book." ~Bert McCoy
"Our mental walls keep us from inner peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Bypass body-mind awareness and go directly to the Soul." ~Bert McCoy
"Leave the world alone - It knows exactly what It's doing." ~Bert McCoy
"Our forgotten birthright is Eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"To find Your true Self You must look behind the mind's curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"You don't need any titles or degrees to be in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"All pursuits are meaningless in finding the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Time tells us to search for what we already have." ~Bert McCoy
"Looking without thought awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind maze always leads to confusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Lose Yourself in helping others and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go the less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us from being free." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us in bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Living the dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is as safe as putting Ourself in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Love has more than one religion." ~Bert McCoy
"It's another 'here we go again' Monday." ~Bert McCoy
"To find ourself we must look behind the curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind opens many doors." ~Bert McCoy
"We must see with our own eyes that the past slows us down and the future stresses us out." ~Bert McCoy
"How can past and future exist when we're always here and now?" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make friends with negativity." ~Bert McCoy
"Mind monsters are not real." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust the flow of life and You'll be richly rewarded." ~Bert McCoy
"To improve humanity we must take better care of women." ~Bert McCoy
"Resting in Beingness is the true goal. "Bert McCoy
"Count your friends... Not your tears." ~Bert McCoy
"Great poems are great reminders." ~Bert McCoy
"Being in the flow of life will convince You that life is easy." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to thought is the thoughtless state." ~Bert McCoy
"The timeless now is Eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom is knowing my life is really not my own." ~Bert McCoy
"The nature of the river is the same as humanity - To flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The Eternal is obstructed by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom speaks to us when we're called to listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Remove Yourself from the dream to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Wrong habits limit our worthiness." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no need to control the mind - only to see that the mind is a ghost." ~Bert McCoy
"A true sage calls us back to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Maya cannot follow Us into deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from thought frees us from Maya's teeth." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from thought is free from Maya." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thought awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Bridges are needed when you need to get somewhere... When you're in the here and now there's no place to go." ~Bert McCoy
"Bridges are needed when you need to go somewhere... When you're in the here and now there's no place to go." ~Bert McCoy
"To be the witness or not to be the witness... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No-thought is the remedy for pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch the world like you'd watch a TV screen." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the sun knows how to paint the sky." ~Bert McCoy
"Understanding the Tao completely dissolves the Tao." ~Bert McCoy
"To realize Our perfection is the only true pursuit." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past cannot expose the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The obtuseness of the mind slows down our self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To be enlightened is to watch the show unfold." ~Bert McCoy
"Our senses are not afraid - But the ego-mind is." ~Bert McCoy
"We're blind when We see the world as separate from Us." ~Bert McCoy
"We're blind when We think the world is separate from Us." ~Bert McCoy
"True Love is nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"Without love... everything loses its flavor." ~Bert McCoy
"The struggle to be free postpones our liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"When we see the Gold in the necklace... We see the Spirit in Man." ~ Bert McCoy
"When we can see the Gold in the necklace... We can see the Spirit in the Man." ~ Bert McCoy
"Roots begin to grow when we see the possibility of self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking is like traffic - Watching it is much easier than being caught in it." ~Bert McCoy
"Remove yourself from the dream to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future cannot exist without the present moment; but, the present moment can exist without past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"The true rebellion against the ego-mind is to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"Introduce Yourself to Love and You will not be afraid to die." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who spoon feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"The blues ain't for everyone - but right now She's with me." ~Bert McCoy
"The eyes are not afraid... It's the ego-mind that doubts." ~Bert McCoy
"That which is permanent sees that which is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"That which is permanent sees that which is temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"Fundamentalists don't like much wiggle room." ~Bert McCoy
"Fundamentalists don't allow much wiggle room." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is the greatest pursuit." ~Bert McCoy
"Prayer and meditation are one and the same." ~Bert McCoy
"The intelligent learn from everyone and everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Restlessness forces us to learn from pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"When We accept what is We move graciously in the Flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words because I don't have the time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"A still mind is always in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't and will not free us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
“This world is just paint on canvas.” ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words because I don't have time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words when I don't have time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"The Silence within Us will never change." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom of many lifetimes can be found on a quiet walk." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom of many lifetimes can be found in our backyard." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom a thousand years ago is still relevant today." ~Bert McCoy
"When We see the Gold in the neckless... We can see The Spirit in Man." ~Bert McCoy
"When you can see the Gold in the neckless... You can see the Spirit in Man." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses can never taste the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't play hide and seek with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Our story is handed down through our DNA." ~Bert McCoy
'Our life story is handed down through our DNA." ~Bert McCoy
"We're unhappy because we haven't gone deep enough." ~Bert McCoy
"Our interest in thoughts will strengthen them." ~Bert McCoy
"Being honest with ourself is a good first step to maturity." ~Bert McCoy
"Analysis takes time... Life is now." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"Our essence is in the quiet space between thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Our essence is in between thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts continually flow... Don't follow them if you want to be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to the infinite." ~Bert McCoy
"The right state of mind is a quiet state of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Ignorance is easily seen by Emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"The Silence inside Us will never change." ~Bert McCoy
"All great poets live in the hearts of all." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the deeper Self... the ego-mind is as wise as a pair of shoes." ~Bert McCoy
"A barking dog is closer to the Truth than a man searching for happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"World events are weather changes in Consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Clear seeing sees through the multiplicity in this world." ~Bert McCoy
"Mind madness occurs when we're lost in past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"To satisfy the senses or to be the witness - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Imperfection is only seen through the past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"A very large mirror is behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is easy to give but difficult to receive." ~Bert McCoy
"Look deeply into Your own mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"We must look deeply into our own mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is just behind the World's curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"We must remove what's false to find Our True Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We must remove what's false to find the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Removing what's false exposes the Treasure within." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom a thousand years ago is still important today." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see the Gold in the neckless... You see The Spirit in the Man." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see the Gold in the neckless... You see The Spirit in the Man." ~Bert McCoy
"We all have stuff that can slow us down... If we let it." ~Bert McCoy
"Turn away from any negative thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Moving forward always opens new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"The Authentic Self is always You... Even before You were born." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the mental... You're health is better." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace and love abide everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Lectures filled with too much content are counterproductive." ~Bert McCoy
"Scriptures are ink on paper... The Spirit is Now." ~Bert McCoy
"When we ignore the present moment we ignore Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence explains more about Reality than words could ever." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from past and future awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"We must All be programmers in order to succeed." ~Bert McCoy
"You are That which rests quietly between the words." ~Bert McCoy
"Asking Who Am I is an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is as it is for show only." ~Bert McCoy
“Love is not merely a feeling. It is a choice we make every day, to show compassion, to understand, and to be there for one another.”
– Bert McCoy
“Let go of who you think you are and embrace who you truly are.” ~Bert McCoy
“Question everything, especially your own thoughts. The truth lies beyond the mind.” ~Bert McCoy
“Embracing change means letting go of the need to control every outcome and surrendering to the flow of life.” ~Bert McCoy
“Life becomes simpler when we don’t resist what happens.” ~Bert McCoy
“Change is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.” ~Bert McCoy
“Embrace change, and you’ll discover a life filled with growth, opportunities, and fulfillment.” ~Bert McCoy
“When we quiet the mind, we create space for serenity to enter.” ~Bert McCoy
"The true Master is really You." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from past and future awakens our Divinity." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth is the true substratum." ~Bert McCoy
"Great poetry points to the light switch." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't torture yourself by believing in thoughts." ~Bert McCoy
"All work is done through us... Not by us." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go in meditation... The less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Count your friends... Not your tears." ~Bert McCoy
"The best quotes are the ones that pierce the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses conceal our greatness." ~Bert McCoy
"Great grades will open many new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing really matters in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses cleverly conceal Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind loves creating mischief." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all learning how to play our own music." ~Bert McCoy
"If we really want to see the stars , we must darken this world." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go the less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Bypass the body-mind and go directly to the Soul." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting what is means one accepts the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're Everything... What more is there to achieve." ~Bert McCoy
"Surrender to not having any likes or dislikes and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"What's intuitive can't be found in a book." ~Bert McCoy
"Our mental walls keep us from inner peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Bypass body-mind awareness and go directly to the Soul." ~Bert McCoy
"Leave the world alone - It knows exactly what It's doing." ~Bert McCoy
"Our forgotten birthright is Eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"To find Your true Self You must look behind the mind's curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"You don't need any titles or degrees to be in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"All pursuits are meaningless in finding the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Time tells us to search for what we already have." ~Bert McCoy
"Looking without thought awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind maze always leads to confusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Lose Yourself in helping others and all will be well." ~Bert McCoy
"The deeper you go the less You have to do." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us from being free." ~Bert McCoy
"Holding onto hope and fear keeps us in bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Living the dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing is as safe as putting Ourself in the hands of God." ~Bert McCoy
"Love has more than one religion." ~Bert McCoy
"It's another 'here we go again' Monday." ~Bert McCoy
"To find ourself we must look behind the curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind opens many doors." ~Bert McCoy
"We must see with our own eyes that the past slows us down and the future stresses us out." ~Bert McCoy
"How can past and future exist when we're always here and now?" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't make friends with negativity." ~Bert McCoy
"Mind monsters are not real." ~Bert McCoy
"Trust the flow of life and You'll be richly rewarded." ~Bert McCoy
"To improve humanity we must take better care of women." ~Bert McCoy
"Resting in Beingness is the true goal. "Bert McCoy
"Count your friends... Not your tears." ~Bert McCoy
"Great poems are great reminders." ~Bert McCoy
"Being in the flow of life will convince You that life is easy." ~Bert McCoy
"Prior to thought is the thoughtless state." ~Bert McCoy
"The timeless now is Eternity." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom is knowing my life is really not my own." ~Bert McCoy
"The nature of the river is the same as humanity - To flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The Eternal is obstructed by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom speaks to us when we're called to listen." ~Bert McCoy
"Remove Yourself from the dream to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"Wrong habits limit our worthiness." ~Bert McCoy
"There's no need to control the mind - only to see that the mind is a ghost." ~Bert McCoy
"A true sage calls us back to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Maya cannot follow Us into deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from thought frees us from Maya's teeth." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from thought is free from Maya." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thought awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Bridges are needed when you need to get somewhere... When you're in the here and now there's no place to go." ~Bert McCoy
"Bridges are needed when you need to go somewhere... When you're in the here and now there's no place to go." ~Bert McCoy
"To be the witness or not to be the witness... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"No-thought is the remedy for pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Watch the world like you'd watch a TV screen." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the sun knows how to paint the sky." ~Bert McCoy
"Understanding the Tao completely dissolves the Tao." ~Bert McCoy
"To realize Our perfection is the only true pursuit." ~Bert McCoy
"Focusing on the past cannot expose the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The obtuseness of the mind slows down our self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"To be enlightened is to watch the show unfold." ~Bert McCoy
"Our senses are not afraid - But the ego-mind is." ~Bert McCoy
"We're blind when We see the world as separate from Us." ~Bert McCoy
"We're blind when We think the world is separate from Us." ~Bert McCoy
"True Love is nonduality." ~Bert McCoy
"Without love... everything loses its flavor." ~Bert McCoy
"The struggle to be free postpones our liberation." ~Bert McCoy
"When we see the Gold in the necklace... We see the Spirit in Man." ~ Bert McCoy
"When we can see the Gold in the necklace... We can see the Spirit in the Man." ~ Bert McCoy
"Roots begin to grow when we see the possibility of self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking is like traffic - Watching it is much easier than being caught in it." ~Bert McCoy
"Remove yourself from the dream to awaken." ~Bert McCoy
"The past and future cannot exist without the present moment; but, the present moment can exist without past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"The true rebellion against the ego-mind is to be still." ~Bert McCoy
"Introduce Yourself to Love and You will not be afraid to die." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"A poet is one who spoon feeds the world." ~Bert McCoy
"The blues ain't for everyone - but right now She's with me." ~Bert McCoy
"The eyes are not afraid... It's the ego-mind that doubts." ~Bert McCoy
"That which is permanent sees that which is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"That which is permanent sees that which is temporary." ~Bert McCoy
"Fundamentalists don't like much wiggle room." ~Bert McCoy
"Fundamentalists don't allow much wiggle room." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is the greatest pursuit." ~Bert McCoy
"Prayer and meditation are one and the same." ~Bert McCoy
"The intelligent learn from everyone and everything." ~Bert McCoy
"Restlessness forces us to learn from pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"When We accept what is We move graciously in the Flow of life." ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words because I don't have the time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"A still mind is always in the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't and will not free us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
“This world is just paint on canvas.” ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words because I don't have time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"I say it in words when I don't have time to paint." ~Bert McCoy
"The Silence within Us will never change." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom of many lifetimes can be found on a quiet walk." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom of many lifetimes can be found in our backyard." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom a thousand years ago is still relevant today." ~Bert McCoy
"When We see the Gold in the neckless... We can see The Spirit in Man." ~Bert McCoy
"When you can see the Gold in the neckless... You can see the Spirit in Man." ~Bert McCoy
"The senses can never taste the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't play hide and seek with the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Our story is handed down through our DNA." ~Bert McCoy
'Our life story is handed down through our DNA." ~Bert McCoy
"We're unhappy because we haven't gone deep enough." ~Bert McCoy
"Our interest in thoughts will strengthen them." ~Bert McCoy
"Being honest with ourself is a good first step to maturity." ~Bert McCoy
"Analysis takes time... Life is now." ~Bert McCoy
"You can be brilliant with no degrees." ~Bert McCoy
"Our essence is in the quiet space between thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Our essence is in between thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts continually flow... Don't follow them if you want to be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to the infinite." ~Bert McCoy
"The right state of mind is a quiet state of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Ignorance is easily seen by Emptiness." ~Bert McCoy
"The Silence inside Us will never change." ~Bert McCoy
"All great poets live in the hearts of all." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the deeper Self... the ego-mind is as wise as a pair of shoes." ~Bert McCoy
"A barking dog is closer to the Truth than a man searching for happiness." ~Bert McCoy
"World events are weather changes in Consciousness." ~Bert McCoy
"Clear seeing sees through the multiplicity in this world." ~Bert McCoy
"Mind madness occurs when we're lost in past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"To satisfy the senses or to be the witness - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Imperfection is only seen through the past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"A very large mirror is behind the last curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is easy to give but difficult to receive." ~Bert McCoy
"Look deeply into Your own mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"We must look deeply into our own mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is just behind the World's curtain." ~Bert McCoy
"We must remove what's false to find Our True Self." ~Bert McCoy
"We must remove what's false to find the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Removing what's false exposes the Treasure within." ~Bert McCoy
"The wisdom a thousand years ago is still important today." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see the Gold in the neckless... You see The Spirit in the Man." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see the Gold in the neckless... You see The Spirit in the Man." ~Bert McCoy
"We all have stuff that can slow us down... If we let it." ~Bert McCoy
"Turn away from any negative thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Moving forward always opens new doors." ~Bert McCoy
"The Authentic Self is always You... Even before You were born." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the mental... You're health is better." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace and love abide everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Lectures filled with too much content are counterproductive." ~Bert McCoy
"Scriptures are ink on paper... The Spirit is Now." ~Bert McCoy
"When we ignore the present moment we ignore Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence explains more about Reality than words could ever." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from past and future awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"We must All be programmers in order to succeed." ~Bert McCoy
"You are That which rests quietly between the words." ~Bert McCoy
"Asking Who Am I is an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is as it is for show only." ~Bert McCoy
“Love is not merely a feeling. It is a choice we make every day, to show compassion, to understand, and to be there for one another.”
– Bert McCoy
“Let go of who you think you are and embrace who you truly are.” ~Bert McCoy
“Question everything, especially your own thoughts. The truth lies beyond the mind.” ~Bert McCoy
“Embracing change means letting go of the need to control every outcome and surrendering to the flow of life.” ~Bert McCoy
“Life becomes simpler when we don’t resist what happens.” ~Bert McCoy
“Change is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.” ~Bert McCoy
“Embrace change, and you’ll discover a life filled with growth, opportunities, and fulfillment.” ~Bert McCoy
“When we quiet the mind, we create space for serenity to enter.” ~Bert McCoy
"The true Master is really You." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from past and future awakens our Divinity." ~Bert McCoy
"When we worship water we worship all rivers, lakes, streams, and dew drops." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is pain and suffering... Nonduality is Pure Love." ~Bert McCoy
"Why be this or that when You can just Be." ~Bert McCoy
"Infinity awakens in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from past and future awakens our Divinity." ~Bert McCoy
"Realizing the Truth already in Us is the greatest gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace and love abound everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful - The world will offers Us a kiss - while it steals our wallet." ~Bert McCoy
"Every river and every stream, every lake and every dew drop... Eventually makes it back to the Sea." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to our Center." ~Bert McCoy
"Give me traffic in Solvang any day and any time." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thoughts awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"We travel from pleasure to pleasure and wonder why we're not fulfilled." ~Bert McCoy
"We often forget the power in just one seed." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be more creative when contemplating war." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is pain and suffering... Nonduality is Pure Love." ~Bert McCoy
"Why be this or that when You can just Be." ~Bert McCoy
"Infinity awakens in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from past and future awakens our Divinity." ~Bert McCoy
"Realizing the Truth already in Us is the greatest gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace and love abound everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful - The world will offers Us a kiss - while it steals our wallet." ~Bert McCoy
"Every river and every stream, every lake and every dew drop... Eventually makes it back to the Sea." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to our Center." ~Bert McCoy
"Give me traffic in Solvang any day and any time." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thoughts awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"We travel from pleasure to pleasure and wonder why we're not fulfilled." ~Bert McCoy
"We often forget the power in just one seed." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be more creative when contemplating war." ~Bert McCoy
"A lecture filled with too many words is limiting." ~Bert McCoy
"Who You meditate to is really You." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be Still to witness Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"From service comes Wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"All is empty; but, life is full." ~Bert McCoy
"We must breathe more in difficult situations." ~Bert McCoy
"Discursive thoughts come and go... You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"What We are not... blinds Us from what We always are." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can handle any problem." ~Bert McCoy
"Scratching at the past doesn't make it any better." ~Bert McCoy
"Pondering life makes One a philosopher."
~ Bert McCoy
"What we are not... blinds Us from the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"Name and form blind Us from Our True Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Name and form blind Us from Our Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am is Our one true north." ~Bert McCoy
"All name and form distract Us from what's paramount." ~Bert McCoy
"All name and form distract Us from what's truly important." ~Bert McCoy
"Letting objects own Us is a dreadful mistake." ~Bert McCoy
"Transcending the world is the ultimate good." ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is a pedagogical tool for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thought awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing here can fulfill Your unlimited Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing here can fulfill Our unlimited Self." ~Bert McCoy
"bodhisattvas are in the world, but not of the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony is in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is the true path." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is Our true path." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all in a perpetual game of hide and seek." ~Bert McCoy
"Never regret a loving act." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind seduce you into believing you are average." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let the mind seduce you into believing you are weak." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't the mind seduce you into believing you will die one day." ~Bert McCoy
"So many rivers and streams...Yet One Great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all just dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
"The True Master is disguised as You." ~Bert McCoy
"The True Master is just under Our skin." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't sign any contract the ego-mind hands You." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality and words are mutually exclusive." ~Bert McCoy
"Every day is a new opportunity to live in the now." ~Bert McCoy
"A mind-cage is equal to a metal cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
"So many rivers and streams - One great Ocean." ~Bert McCoy
"Our True Identity is unsayable." ~Bert McCoy
"Believing You will die will kill You." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowing You were never born will save you." ~Bert McCoy
"Most are unaware of their true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Believing You were born will kill You." ~Bert McCoy
"Unaware of our true power makes this play so real." ~Bert McCoy
"Unaware of our true power makes this story believable." ~Bert McCoy
"When the rich make war, the rich make money.' ~Bert McCoy
- "The cost of knowing Thyself is but a small price." ~Bert McCoy
- "If You want to be awakened... Don't go to sleep." ~Bert McCoy
- "The world's ground is gravel... Don't bother growing roots." ~Bert McCoy
- "Scrutinizing the mind awakens Us." ~Bert McCoy
- "The fewer the words the stronger the message." ~Bert McCoy
- "Don't help the ego-mind to build You a prison." ~Bert McCoy
- "Don't help the ego-mind to build a prison." ~Bert McCoy
- "Don't fuel the mind's obsessions." ~Bert McCoy
- "Don't help the ego-mind to build a prison." ~Bert McCoy
- "Don't fuel the mind's obsessions." ~Bert McCoy
"Saying 'my bad' is not sorry enough." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks satisfaction." ~Bert McCoy
"Our devotion to the ego-mind is misplaced." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking and dreaming are the same thing." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Good and bad do not exist to a sage." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise recognize ignorance when they see it." ~Bert McCoy
"To be helpful or to be admired - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness rests peacefully in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine Self is hidden in everyday life." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Reevaluating the past is a never-ending cycle." ~Bert McCoy
"Reevaluating the past is a never-ending cycle." ~Bert McCoy
"To learn the hard way or to trust a valuable source - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing everything as a dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to learn be comfortable with being uncomfortable." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to learn be comfortable with being uncomfortable." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thought is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"When the Drop reaches the Sea It remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine Self is hidden in everyday life." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine Self is hidden in everyday life." ~Bert McCoy
"When the Drop makes it back to the Sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"When the Drop touches the Sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"Beautiful women love listening to country music." ~Bert McCoy
"Smart kids come in all flavors." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom abounds when We no longer see good or bad." ~Bert McCoy
"You don't need to dream to Be." ~Bert McCoy
"Desiring anything cannot bring rest and peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Let's find the way to be bigger than this human condition - find the way to help... not to hurt." ~Bert McCoy
"Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry awakens pure vision." ~Bert McCoy
“The Matrix is everywhere-except in deep sleep.” ― Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry fills us with wonder." ~Bert McCoy
"Accepting a weakness brings us strength." ~Bert McCoy
"Responding to thoughts is more troublesome than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Responding to thoughts is more troublesome than it looks." ~Bert McCoy
"To respond to thoughts or to witness thoughts - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Finding a way to be useful is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"It's wise to say We're all just dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom abounds when We no longer see good or bad." ~Bert McCoy
"Clarity is found in between the words." ~Bert McCoy
"The Knower cannot be known because You are the Supreme Knower." ~Bert McCoy
"The Knower cannot be known because You are the Supreme Knower." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment erases memory ink." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind is still, we see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"Name and form blind us from Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is rarely in the right place at the right time." ~Bert McCoy
"If it's Loving... Share it." ~Bert McCoy
"You are brahman... act like it." ~Bert McCoy
"When the mind is still, it is clear." ~Bert McCoy
"Talking about things in a dream world becomes pointless." ~Bert McCoy
"To focus on the temporary or to focus on the permanent... this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"When you are full of Love, there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"When You find your Guru, you've found Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Behind science is all Love." ~Bert McCoy
“When you find your guru, you found yourself.” ― Bert McCoy
"Grace is the Guru—sometimes she pushes, sometimes she pulls." ~Bert McCoy
"All karma is transcended by accepting what is." ~Bert McCoy
"Not all desires are worth being a slave to." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind makes prisons and the heart demolishes them." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace is affirmed by associating yourself with great souls." ~Bert McCoy
"The human condition is temporary; you are eternal." ~Bert McCoy
"Reevaluating the past is a never-ending cycle." ~Bert McCoy
"The road to enlightenment requires no starting and no stopping." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind places roadblocks on our path to strengthen our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"Stop thinking you're human and You'll begin to see." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind places roadblocks on our path to strengthen our resolve." ~Bert McCoy
"We're in the spiritual realm when we realize we're in the spiritual realm." ~Bert McCoy
"We enter the spiritual realm the moment we realize we are in it." ~Bert McCoy
"Free from concepts and beliefs, the waters flow freely." ~Bert McCoy
"When You find your Guru, you find Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"A layer of new frost Along on a winter's day The world is mine" ~Bert McCoy
"Free from concepts and beliefs, the waters flow freely." ~Bert McCoy
"The unconcerned argues with no one." ~Bert McCoy
"Birth and death belong to the I Amness." ~Bert McCoy
"All hearts beat in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest book of all time is already written in our heart." ~Bert McCoy
"I remember what you have forgotten." ~Bert McCoy
"Just accept 'what is' and move on." ~Bert McCoy
"The Divine is hidden in everydayness." ~Bert McCoy
"Our Divine Self is hidden in the everydayness." ~Bert McCoy
"Computers require knowledge; students require insight and empathy." ~Bert McCoy
"The seeker is the ego-mind... You are Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Who knows God, is God." ~Bert McCoy
"Challenges will come when we need them for growth." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking we are separate from the Divine cripples us." ~Bert McCoy
"The Beloved speaks—but are we willing to listen?" ~Bert McCoy
"A cat, a bird, a mountain, or even a challenge can be a teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"We are blinded by too many words." ~Bert McCoy
"We are blinded by too much analysis." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
"When you are your true Self, there are no others." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let meditation turn into entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let meditation turn into your entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"The smarter you are the more valuable you are." ~Bert McCoy
"More than liberty... Give me a break." ~Bert McCoy
"Being still allows the greater part of You to handle things." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am sees what the ego-mind cannot." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am sees what the ego-mind can never see." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth: sees through the eyes, hears through the ears, smells through the nose, tastes with the tongue, and feels by way of touch." ~Bert McCoy
"What You are not... blinds You from the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"What we are not... blinds Us from what We've always been." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's burdens are not Ours - They belong to the ego-mind - and you are not the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"What we are not... blinds Us from what we've always been." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am is right now." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the ego-mind's Source." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient seeks to distract Us." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient seeks to cheat Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens are really gifts to be cherished." ~Bert McCoy
"A clean mirror shows us only a glimpse of our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Destiny only lives in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Destiny only lives in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey here is from Self to self and back to Self." ~Bert McCoy
"More than liberty... Give me variety." ~Bert McCoy
"We all live in so many different worlds." ~Bert McCoy
"This world's mise en scène is prepared by Mahamaya." ~Bert McCoy
"Mahamaya sets our stage." ~Bert McCoy
"The only place I want to be is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is wiser than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"A clean mirror shows us only a glimpse of our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens are really gifts to be cherished." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient seeks to distract Us." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the ego-mind's Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am is right now." ~Bert McCoy
"What we are not - blinds Us from what we've always been." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's burdens are not ours - they belong to the ego-mind - and you are not the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"What you are not... Blinds You from the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth: sees through the eyes, hears through the ears, smells through the nose, tastes with the tongue, and feels by way of touch." ~Bert McCoy
"Being still allows the greater part of You to handle things." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am sees what the ego-mind cannot." ~Bert McCoy
"More than liberty... Give me variety." ~Bert McCoy
"We all live in so many different worlds." ~Bert McCoy
"This world's mise en scène is prepared by Mahamaya." ~Bert McCoy
"Mahamaya sets our stage." ~Bert McCoy
"The only place I want to be is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is wiser than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"A clean mirror shows us only a glimpse of our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Burdens are really gifts to be cherished." ~Bert McCoy
"What is transient seeks to distract Us." ~Bert McCoy
"You are the ego-mind's Source." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am is right now." ~Bert McCoy
"What we are not - blinds Us from what we've always been." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's burdens are not ours - they belong to the ego-mind - and you are not the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"What you are not... Blinds You from the Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth: sees through the eyes, hears through the ears, smells through the nose, tastes with the tongue, and feels by way of touch." ~Bert McCoy
"Being still allows the greater part of You to handle things." ~Bert McCoy
"The I Am sees what the ego-mind cannot." ~Bert McCoy
"Clarity is found in between the words." ~Bert McCoy
"When we take the money we take the bait." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is wiser than the ego-mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Mahamaya sets the world's stage." ~Bert McCoy
"Mahamaya sets our stage." ~Bert McCoy
"This world's mise en scène is prepared by Mahamaya." ~Bert McCoy
"We all live in so many different worlds." ~Bert McCoy
"More than liberty... Give me variety." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're willing to make mistakes we're willing to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"The only way to understand a woman is to love a woman." ~Bert McCoy
"The fear of silence keeps Us in bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Things don't get better by saying... That's just the way things are." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see a path to help others... Take it!" ~Bert McCoy
"It's really not that hard to practice what we preach." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We've fallen in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a mystic knows how to kill the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"A masterful teacher knows when to toe the line and when to give some slack." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought is too slow for intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we make more mistakes." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we find more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we accept more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Things don't get better by saying... That's just the way things are." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see a path to help others... Take it!" ~Bert McCoy
"It's really not that hard to practice what we preach." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We've fallen in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a mystic knows how to kill the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"A masterful teacher knows when to toe the line and when to give some slack." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought is too slow for intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we make more mistakes." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we find more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we accept more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is always calling our name." ~Bert McCoy
"When we worship water we worship all rivers, lakes, streams, and dew drops." ~Bert McCoy
"Some kind of bomb drops when diplomacy fails." ~Bert McCoy
"Our journey is from Self to self - then back to Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't waste Beauty by thinking about it." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're willing to make mistakes we're willing to learn." ~Bert McCoy
"To understand a woman we must love a woman." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We're falling in love every second." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We're falling in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We've fallen in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We're falling in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"If we're doing it right... We've fallen in love with this Present Moment." ~Bert McCoy
"A true Mystic is in Union." ~Bert McCoy
"Without the bombardment of thoughts the philosopher becomes a Mystic." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we find more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we accept more challenges." ~Bert McCoy
"Victory is possible when we make more mistakes." ~Bert McCoy
"Only a mystic knows how to kill the mind." ~Bert McCoy
"It's really not that hard to practice what we preach." ~Bert McCoy
"Thought is too slow for intuition." ~Bert McCoy
"I'd rather be here and now than in the past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"A masterful teacher knows when to toe the line and when to give some slack." ~Bert McCoy
"When you see a path to help others... Take it!" ~Bert McCoy
"Things don't get better by saying... That's just the way things are." ~Bert McCoy
"The fear of silence keeps Us in bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't give up - If You ride the hard times out there's pure wisdom - then bliss." ~Bert McCoy
"A true sage need only to look to the open sky." ~Bert McCoy
"You are a great work of Art... Why look the other way?" ~Bert McCoy
"The true artist makes art with the absurd." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't search for Peace on the outside - Peace is contained within." ~Bert McCoy
"Watching the ego-mind at work is like watching a thief at work." ~Bert McCoy
"Love is simple... And not so simple." ~Bert McCoy
"Great quotes begin great conversations." ~Bert McCoy
"I Am Divine Presence... I Am no different than You." ~Bert McCoy
"Watching Life unfold is true intelligence." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is the true ball and chain." ~Bert McCoy
"When You see the world's perfect... Clear wisdom arises." ~Bert McCoy
"It doesn't matter which exit You use to get out of the past and future." ~Bert McCoy
"Not having to impress others saves Us time and money." ~Bert McCoy
'When We follow our senses We become a window shopper." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't feel lonely on any road You're on." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise know that against the wind is a short part of the journey." ~Bert McCoy
"Walk away from Love and You walk away from knowing Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Against the wind is part of everyone's journey." ~Bert McCoy
"Wait for nothing - Get busy now." ~Bert McCoy
"The best quotes come from no thought." ~Bert McCoy
"The best words come from no thought." ~Bert McCoy
"The best words come from no thought." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking is slow... Intuition is immediate." ~Bert McCoy
"The best words come from gardening." ~Bert McCoy
"The best quotes come when gardening." ~Bert McCoy
"Picasso knew how to make things last." ~Bert McCoy
"Living simply is better than You think." ~Bert McCoy
"In a play... Actors are important and not important." ~Bert McCoy
"True wisdom is common sense to the Heart." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowledge is based on words... And words aren't real." ~Bert McCoy
"Craving for Love is unfulfilling." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-realization arises without doing anything." ~Bert McCoy
"It's more important to be - than to be this or to be that." ~Bert McCoy
"Success is only achieved in the present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Mood has nothing to do with being successful." ~Bert McCoy
"When We question reality our chains are loosened." ~Bert McCoy
"Our chains are loosened when We question reality." ~Bert McCoy
"Hal might we program better AI?" ~Bert McCoy
"We must find a perfect mirror so we can see clearly." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down We're all poet warriors." ~Bert McCoy
"Look for love You won't find It... Still the mind and You are It." ~Bert McCoy
"Whether we realize it or not... We're all in search of a perfect mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"Learn to be still and let life do Its magic." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal silence is the song of Pure Bliss." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind is afraid of Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be afraid of silence - Silence is Our greatest teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"We've forgotten the healing power of Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Beyond everything seen and imagined... You Are." ~Bert McCoy
"The human condition is a temporary sickness that will soon pass." ~Bert McCoy
"We all have the strength to accept what is." ~Bert McCoy
"All ignorance is revealed by way of Truth." ~Bert McCoy
"All love scars call Us back to the Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All love scars reach out to the Eternal." ~Bert McCoy
"Hal might we program better AI?" ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let spelling keep you from writing." ~Bert McCoy
"We've forgotten the healing power of Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't be afraid of Silence - Silence is Our greatest teacher." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind is afraid of Silence." ~Bert McCoy
"Looking for love You won't find It... Stilling the mind and You are It." ~Bert McCoy
"Whether we realize it or not... We're all in search of a perfect mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep down We're all poet warriors." ~Bert McCoy
"Look for love You won't find It... Still the mind and You are It." ~Bert McCoy
"Whether we realize it or not... We're all in search of a perfect mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"What is intuitive cannot be learned." ~Bert McCoy
"Why bother studying something that's intuitive." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't share your secrets with robots." ~Bert McCoy
"Scriptures are ink on paper... Unless they're lived." ~Bert McCoy
"The deities are no more... For I Am All." ~Bert McCoy
"Sin doesn't exist without the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"You're as cool as you'll ever get when you accept this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Learn to be still and let life do Its magic." ~Bert McCoy
"Eternal silence is the song of Pure Bliss." ~Bert McCoy
"Forget everything and be free of the world." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the world as a prison, or as a temporary home - This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Right here and now is Our real address." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment reaches out her hand; but, we're too interested in what was and what could be." ~Bert McCoy
"Something very wonderful hides in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all playing parts in a Grand Play without having a script." ~Bert McCoy
"If you have a garden you have a library." ~Bert McCoy
"Writing is a poor substitute for silence." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret to life is to realize it's all a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all playing parts in a Grand Play without knowing the script." ~Bert McCoy
"Learn to be still and let life do It's magic." ~Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when We don't want to fix the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Scriptures and gods make for amazing stories." ~Bert McCoy
"True sages don't try to fix the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Let the world be... It's perfectly planned." ~Bert McCoy
"Pleasure disguises herself as love." ~Bert McCoy
"All words arise from the Garden of Bliss." ~Bert McCoy
"Ignorance begins and ends with the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Unfulfillment keeps the ego-mind alive." ~Bert McCoy
"It's funny when the Lion asks about being a Lion." ~Bert McCoy
"Perfection is covered in ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Spiritual practice is used to peel onions." ~Bert McCoy
"Sadhana is used to peel onions." ~Bert McCoy
"Without effort the effortless state arises." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't spoil beauty by talking about it." ~Bert McCoy
"We're better with stress when we use it wisely." ~Bert McCoy
"How many chances to smile have we missed?" ~Bert McCoy
"The wise know that freewill and destiny are to be transcended." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind searches for enlightenment." ~Bert McCoy
"The Energy is within Us... All we need is a spark." ~Bert McCoy
"Forget the ego-mind's fears and desires and enjoy the day." ~Bert McCoy
"When the teaching is there... The learning is up to the student." ~Bert McCoy
"Why continue to sightsee when You can visit the Wizard." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire nothing and the natural State flourishes." ~Bert McCoy
"When the ego arises we are in bondage." ~Bert McCoy
"Existentialism is an overly inflated fourteen letter word trying to grasp the essence of this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing illusion for illusion is Self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Life gets better when you realize the ego-mind is a cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't let spelling keep you from writing." ~Bert McCoy
"The greatest remedy for anger is wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is transient - Non-duality is changeless." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to stop losing ourself in the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to stop losing ourself in the body-mind idea." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't worry... Infinity is our backdoor." ~Bert McCoy
"Beingness is our true mirror." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts not followed will dissipate into nothingness." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom is our guiding light to freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"True sages will guide you back to Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Timeless Awareness is our true home." ~Bert McCoy
"Live in the now and be your Natural Self." ~Bert McCoy
"True wisdom is heart-speak." ~Bert McCoy
"Who is the person who is having thoughts?" ~Bert McCoy
"Unfollowed thoughts will die of starvation." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts come and go - You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"It's hard to capture Love with reason." ~Bert McCoy
"Love has a master key to all ego-mind locks." ~Bert McCoy
"Love - Loves breaking Us free from the ego-mind's grip." ~Bert McCoy
"Love wants Us to dance more." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're truly in love there's no past or future." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry exposes the necklace around our neck." ~Bert McCoy
"Great wine matures - but never gets old." ~Bert McCoy
"Defining Love is ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... There's no more searching." ~ Bert McCoy
"No artist truly understands Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no win or lose in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"To be the ego-mind or to be the witness of the ego-mind - This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Books can be our guiding light or cool shade." ~Bert McCoy
"No one makes a mistake in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"We don't need the ego-mind's help to be in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Leaves have no real say in where they will fall." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is invisible to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony with what is is peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Death can't enter this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment to anything brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty is so overlooked by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry exposes the neckless around our neck." ~Bert McCoy
"The only way to meet God is to meet Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no distance between You and the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... The search is over." ~Bert McCoy
"Love hides from ego-minds." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty pleasures separate Us from our real Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is more potent than rituals." ~Bert McCoy
"To learn there must be interest and steady remembrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Most treasures are found below the surface." ~Bert McCoy
"The head is too careful - The heart says, give it a go." ~Bert McCoy
"Instead of looking outside - Look inside the Heart's shed?" ~Bert McCoy
"The only mystery worth exploring is the mystery of You." ~Bert McCoy
"In love we are lost and in love we are found." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness awakens innate energies." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the only sage worth listening to." ~Bert McCoy
"Hungry eyes are not to be trusted." ~Bert McCoy
"A reminder: Don't waste a human birth." ~Bert McCoy
"The real you is beyond evolution." ~Bert McCoy
"Non-duality is the realized state." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness improves the mind's clarity." ~Bert McCoy
"When the ego-mind falls away you are divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Students have many sides - One side doesn't fit all." ~Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... There's no more searching." ~ Bert McCoy
"No artist truly understands Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no win or lose in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"To be the ego-mind or to be the witness of the ego-mind - This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Books can be our guiding light or cool shade." ~Bert McCoy
"No one makes a mistake in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"We don't need the ego-mind's help to be in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Leaves have no real say in where they will fall." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is invisible to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony with what is is peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Death can't enter this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Attachment to anything brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty is so overlooked by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry exposes the neckless around our neck." ~Bert McCoy
"The only way to meet God is to meet Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no distance between You and the Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... The search is over." ~Bert McCoy
"Love hides from ego-minds." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty pleasures separate Us from our real Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is more potent than rituals." ~Bert McCoy
"To learn there must be interest and steady remembrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Most treasures are found below the surface." ~Bert McCoy
"The head is too careful - The heart says, give it a go." ~Bert McCoy
"Instead of looking outside - Look inside the Heart's shed?" ~Bert McCoy
"The only mystery worth exploring is the mystery of You." ~Bert McCoy
"In love we are lost and in love we are found." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness awakens innate energies." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the only sage worth listening to." ~Bert McCoy
"Hungry eyes are not to be trusted." ~Bert McCoy
"A reminder: Don't waste a human birth." ~Bert McCoy
"The real you is beyond evolution." ~Bert McCoy
"Non-duality is the realized state." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness improves the mind's clarity." ~Bert McCoy
"When the ego-mind falls away you are divine." ~Bert McCoy
"Students have many sides - One side doesn't fit all." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret of success is not what you think... It's what you do." ~Bert McCoy
"Students have many sides - One side doesn't fit all." ~Bert McCoy
"The quest for freedom is all part of the show." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from distraction is a Divine state." ~Bert McCoy
"The Self-realized have no pride." ~Bert McCoy
"Have the courage to see Yourself in everyone and everything." ~Bert McCoy
"All seeking is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is the only sage worth listening to." ~Bert McCoy
"In love we are lost and in love we are found." ~Bert McCoy
"The only mystery worth exploring is the mystery of You." ~Bert McCoy
"Instead of looking outside - Look inside the Heart's shed?" ~Bert McCoy
"Most treasures are found below the surface." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty desires separate us from our real Self." ~Bert McCoy
"To learn there must be interest and steady remembrance." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence is more potent than rituals." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty pleasures separate Us from our real Self." ~Bert McCoy
"All great poems remind us of our ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Love hides from ego-minds." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no distance between You and the Diving." ~Bert McCoy
"Self-inquiry exposes the neckless around our neck." ~Bert McCoy
"The only way to meet God is to meet Yourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Beauty is so overlooked by the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... There's no more searching." ~ Bert McCoy
"We don't need the ego-mind's help to be in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Death can't enter this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony with what is is peace of mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality is invisible to the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Leaves have no real say in where they will fall." ~Bert McCoy
"Our Divine Comedy ends exactly where it began." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true journey continues across the plains of forever." ~Bert McCoy
"No one makes a mistake in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"Books can be our guiding light or cool shade." ~Bert McCoy
"To be the ego-mind or to be the witness of the ego-mind - This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"There is no win or lose in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"No artist truly understands Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"It takes no time to feel young again." ~Bert McCoy
"Compassion reflected by compassion is true love." ~Bert McCoy
"All schools should offer elective classes in etiquette." ~Bert McCoy
"It's truly important how we handle ourself in restaurants." ~Bert McCoy
"It's truly important how we handle ourselves in public." ~Bert McCoy
"It's truly important how we handle ourselves in public." ~Bert McCoy
"I'd rather be here and now than anywhere else." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in the noise or to be the witness of sound... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"With clear vision all is transient." ~Bert McCoy
"To search for outward pleasure or inner Bliss... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be phenomenally rich or to be spiritually enlightened - This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in the world or to see the world as a play... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in the world or to see the world as a play... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To be a sinner or to be a mahatma... This is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The appearance of name and form only applies to this dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"When You see Beauty in chaos You see Beauty everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Our incessant need to be right prevents us from understanding ourself." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is not the Self-realized state." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from past and future awaken Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Troubles come and go... You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"Ignore the mind if You want to be free." ~Bert McCoy
"Real Americans are heavy in debt." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is not the realized state." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from the past and future will awaken Us." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from the past and future will awaken Us." ~Bert McCoy
"I have no more ideas - For I go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"To see nothing or to see everything - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Death is simply another door to walk through." ~Bert McCoy
"All knowledge in a dream world is illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't capture enlightenment with words and concepts." ~Bert McCoy
"You can't capture enlightenment with words and potions." ~Bert McCoy
"Enlightenment can't be found in name and form." ~Bert McCoy
"To define what love is is foolish." Bert McCoy
"The born are lost... The real You was never born." ~Bert McCoy
"To define Love is ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
"Is this real or is this illusion - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"All pain and suffering is a wake up call to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom doesn't change as much as you think." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom doesn't change as much as the thinking mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom doesn't change as much as the thinking mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't look for happiness... Be the happiness you seek." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is not the realized state." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful not to think yourself out of being reasonable." ~Bert McCoy
"The real journey of life is to move from getting to giving up." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret of success is not what You think." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret of success is not what You think - It's when You don't think." ~Bert McCoy
"The secret of success is not what You think - It's when You don't think." ~Bert McCoy
"Desire and fear cause unwanted actions." ~Bert McCoy
"Success comes when You force Yourself to be uncomfortable." ~Bert McCoy
"Sometimes You have to force Yourself to get what You want." ~Bert McCoy
"All pain and suffering is a wake up call to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all watching TV on a very big screen." ~Bert McCoy
"Never look back and you'll never see your shadow." ~Bert McCoy
"The weak challenge the strong." ~Bert McCoy
"We all need to remember how to play fair." ~Bert McCoy
"We all need a refresher course on how to play fair." ~Bert McCoy
"We all need a refresher course on how to play fair." ~Bert McCoy
"It's amazing that all This chaos works." ~Bert McCoy
"All pain and suffering is a wake-up call to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"On my gravestone... I ain't dead yet." ~Bert McCoy
"Ultimately there's nothing to seek... Only to witness."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"We're all just watching a very big TV screen." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from the present moment limits our creativity." ~Bert McCoy
"There is nothing more important than teaching our students how to be happy." ~Bert McCoy
"All body-minds are beggars." ~Bert McCoy
"God and Now are one." ~ Bert McCoy
"Great quotes won't be seen by everyone." ~Bert McCoy
"Detachment from this present moment limits our creativity." ~Bert McCoy
"When the World is perfect You are perfect." ~Bert McCoy
"All seeking is an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Books help us to learn - Love helps us to understand." ~Bert McCoy
"Illusion is experienced through the senses." ~Bert McCoy
"Silence sings when We truly listen." ~Bert McCoy
"When We truly listen... Silence sings." ~Bert McCoy
"When We truly listen... Silence sings." ~Bert McCoy
"When We don't want to change the World... We become the World." ~Bert McCoy
"When We realize the ego-mind is beneath Us we're no longer its servant." ~Bert McCoy
"Examine the validity of everything and one day you will disappear." ~Bert McCoy
"Most desires aren't worth slaving over." ~Bert McCoy
"The characters that live long have found a way to be useful to the narrative." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all just Spirit-Souls piecing together this world narrative." ~Bert McCoy
"Gravediggers like to dig up the past." ~Bert McCoy
"God and Now are One." ~Bert McCoy
"Scrutinize everything and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"God is reflected in a quiet mind." ~Bert McCoy
"True love doesn't need to weigh the pros and cons." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"Getting drunk on love saves us from pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"If you take great notes you won't have to remember as much." ~Bert McCoy
"Obsession with routine blocks creativity." ~Bert McCoy
"True understanding arrives without doing anything." ~Bert McCoy
"We're all learning how to be in love." ~Bert McCoy
"God is reflected in a quiet mind." ~Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is all it takes to be at peace." ~Bert McCoy
"We all live and breathe in a play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a quick dance on an ever changing dance floor." ~Bert McCoy
"To think less and remember less or to think more and remember more - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"True love doesn't need to weigh the pros and cons." ~Bert McCoy
"To think less and remember less or to think more and remember more - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"To want what I don't have or to want what I do have - This is a good question." ~ Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking less is refreshing." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality and confusion are one and the same." ~Bert McCoy
"There's something very permanent in this transient life." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thinking is freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thinking is True freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"All the world and all the money don't mean much if you don't have peace within." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise devote themselves to this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Our persona is our jailer." ~Bert McCoy
"The persona is the true jailer." ~Bert McCoy
"The peace of a lifetime is in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thinking is freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise devote themselves to this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"In all things We are reminded We are Infinite." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be open to the many teachings of pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"Reality's obscured when we're lost in the illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Books offer learning... Love brings understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't spend too much time chilling when you're young - this will cost you valuable time and money when you grow older." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What sees that there's Nothing in deep sleep?"
"Too much chilling will cost you a lot of time and money." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind seeks improvement... The real You does not." ~Bert McCoy
"The Treasure is realized when We stop thinking." ~Bert McCoy
"The real Treasure is realized when We stop thinking." ~Bert McCoy
"The Treasure is realized when We stop seeking." ~Bert McCoy
"No thinking is necessary to Be." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't try to improve the ego - That's like dressing up a monster." ~Bert McCoy
"The purpose of life is to unveil Something." ~Bert McCoy
"A pillar of hope is still just hope." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't write a beautiful poem... but You can." ~Bert McCoy
"We can't return to the soul because We never left." ~Bert McCoy
"To be lost in samsara or to be the Witness - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind can't write a beautiful poem alone." ~Bert McCoy
"A thinking mind is empty of true creativity." ~Bert McCoy
"Interest in objects fades with inner peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Eventually One will see that destiny is an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"Any amount of thinking takes away from our true Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Our real breath is within the breath." ~Bert McCoy
"The thinking mind is the veil to the heart." ~Bert McCoy
"When the heart opens the bees will come." ~Bert McCoy
"When you go to meditate... Don't pack the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Maybe we're the good guys - or maybe we're not." ~ Bert McCoy
"The song of eternity plays in the background of the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"If it's not in deep sleep it's an illusion." ~Bert McCoy
"The names and dates will change; but, this world's still an illusion to the enlightened." ~Bert McCoy
"We allow too many body-mind habits to invade our peaceful nature." ~Bert McCoy
"Subtleness without thought will remind Us of Our true Home." ~Bert McCoy
"To be a seeker or to see the divine in the mirror - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Having nothing more to do is a perfect place to take a rest." ~Bert McCoy
"To see the madness or the pure perfection of this world - this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"When you don't accept the body-mind idea you become spacious." ~Bert McCoy
"When you're not sure where to look... Try looking within." ~Bert McCoy
"Whatever is acquired is eventually lost." ~Bert McCoy
"If it doesn't really matter... Why do we talk about it?" ~Bert McCoy
"All body-minds are beggars and cry for no reason." ~Bert McCoy
"Knowing You're not the body-mind removes the veil of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"The Truth dispels all concepts and beliefs." ~Bert McCoy
"All is ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't rush so easily into thinking You know what Reality is." ~Bert McCoy
"When we worship water we worship all rivers, lakes, dew drops, and streams." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality is pain and suffering... Nonduality is Pure Love." ~Bert McCoy
"Why be this or that when You can just Be." ~Bert McCoy
"Infinity awakens in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from past and future awakens our Divinity." ~Bert McCoy
"Realizing the Truth already in Us is the greatest gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace and love abound everywhere." ~Bert McCoy
"Be careful - The world offers Us a kiss - while it steals our wallet." ~Bert McCoy
"Every river and every stream, every lake and every dew drop... Eventually makes it back to the Sea." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to our Center." ~Bert McCoy
"Give me traffic in Solvang any day and any time." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thoughts awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"We travel from pleasure to pleasure and wonder why we're not fulfilled." ~Bert McCoy
"We often forget the power in just one seed." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be more creative when contemplating war." ~Bert McCoy
"Find a rare one who'll remind You who and what You really are." ~Bert McCoy
"It's amazing how brilliant we can be when we go with the flow." ~Bert McCoy
"The timeless state is right now." ~Bert McCoy
"To keep rowing the boat or to raise the sails - this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"What inspires us teaches us." ~Bert McCoy
"Who harms us teaches us." ~Bert McCoy
"Maybe we're the good guys and maybe we're not." ~ Bert McCoy
"You can't be in the future or past if you're right here and right now." ~Bert McCoy
"Any walk into history takes us away from this present moment."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are as subtle as a flower petal and as harsh as a mad wolf."
~Bert McCoy
"We lighten our load when we take the rocks out of our pockets."
"Bert McCoy
"Bert McCoy
"Words are a poor substitute for Eternal Peace." ~Bert McCoy
"Get rid of the heaviest memories first." ~Bert McCoy
"The pain and suffering curriculum is challenging and engaging." ~Bert McCoy
"The awakened ones watch over all the ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"All smart women and men are alone - and well." ~Bert McCoy
"Dreams come and go: You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"To die with regret or without - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't chase after self-realization - Be still and self-realization will chase after You."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"All hopes and dreams lead us back to here and now."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"The wisest person has transcended everything." ~ Bert McCoy
"Earth knowledge is not supreme knowledge." ~ Bert McCoy
"If you get to live long enough... You might get to write about it." ~ Bert McCoy
"The body-mind is a uniform Consciousness wears." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing seen through the eyes, heard with the ears, tasted with the mouth, smelled with the nose, or felt with the body is Real." ~Bert McCoy
"Our true journey is from animal to Prince of Peace." ~Bert McCoy
"We live and breathe in a play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"When the Drop reaches the Ocean It remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf."
"Thinking and dreaming are the same thing." ~Bert McCoy
"Our devotion to the ego-mind is misplaced." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thought is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Good and bad do not exist to a sage." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise recognize ignorance when they see it." ~Bert McCoy
"To be helpful or to be admired - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness rests peacefully in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing everything as a dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Life has but one purpose... Entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"We live and breathe in a play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"When the Drop reaches the Ocean It remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf."
"Thinking and dreaming are the same thing." ~Bert McCoy
"Our devotion to the ego-mind is misplaced." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thought is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Good and bad do not exist to a sage." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise recognize ignorance when they see it." ~Bert McCoy
"To be helpful or to be admired - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness rests peacefully in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing everything as a dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Life has but one purpose... Entertainment." ~Bert McCoy
"Until One sees pain and suffering as a waste of time... One still needs pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"The real evolution begins with the death of the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't study Spiritual matters - The Spiritual is here and now." ~ Bert McCoy
"Too much thinking makes us run around in circles." ~Bert McCoy
"Seekers struggle to find what they already have." ~ Bert McCoy
"To be a beggar or to be a king - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"When you don't accept the body-mind idea you become spaciousness."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is always our true north." ~ Bert McCoy
"We already have the intelligence we need to see beyond this world." ~ Bert McCoy
"It doesn't matter who gets the credit in a dream." ~Bert McCoy
"All quests and accomplishments will lead you right back to here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
"Inside the human shell is the Pearl." ~ Bert McCoy
"Live long and be useful." ~ Bert McCoy
"Cleverness always causes trouble." ~ Bert McCoy
"The song of eternity plays ever in the background of this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Inside our shell is the real pearl."
~ Bert McCoy
'The best quotes are the ones that remove ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
'The most important quotes are those that remove ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
"If we're lucky enough we'll get to see far beyond this world."
~ Bert McCoy
"The no desire state is The Divine." ~Bert McCoy
"The present moment is always our true north."~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment has always been our true north."~ Bert McCoy
"We already have the intelligence we need to see beyond this world." ~ Bert McCoy
"We all have the intelligence to see beyond this world." ~ Bert McCoy
"Cleverness is always rot with trouble." ~ Bert McCoy
"Hope and fear limit our understanding." ~ Bert McCoy
"There are no concepts or belief in deep sleep." ~ Bert McCoy
"Where there's wine there's chemistry." ~ Bert McCoy
"Past and future is a cage we willingly lock ourselves into."
~ Bert McCoy
"Release the past and future to awaken the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"When one finds meaning... One finds themselves.
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A mind without past and future becomes spacious."
~ Bert McCoy
"A mind with past and future is a limited mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A mind with past and future is a limited mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"A mind without past and future is an awakened mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Death is just a spiritual doorway."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Skills foster our talents."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"True magic is the ability to unmask our concepts and beliefs and flow with life as it is."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Technology far exceeds our practical needs."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Differentiation doesn't exist in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs will limit our journey home."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When one finds meaning... One finds themselves."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"No one can disclose the end... for there is no end."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Love's power is astonishing... Look at the power of one tiny seed."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Play in the world and you'll fulfill your purpose."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"See the world as a play and life will acquiesce."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The true heart of man is the heart of pure Awareness."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Nothing here can fulfill Us... because emptiness is the goal."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind looks forward to being irritated."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind likes to scare us with what if thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"What We ultimately seek is nameless."
~ Bert McCoy
"Religious dogma is ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Religious dogma is of the past."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Time begins with the I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Bad writing exposes great writing."
~ Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are walls to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Words can guide us or mislead us - the Heart knows the difference."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"I'll bet you can't recognize an angel when You see one."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The Self can't be known by the senses... Only lived through the senses."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The awakened see only illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs are excess baggage."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When You reach the end You'll find where You began."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When the mind is dead You are Life itself."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The harmony of Life can't be understood by the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Perfect relationships must have contrast."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Do nothing, think nothing, say nothing, and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
"Effortlessness is the key to self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"Doership is useless in self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"When You disappear You actually arrive."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Doership is useless in self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"When You disappear You actually arrive."
~ Bert McCoy
"It's a Wonderful Life is a true example of living the American Dream."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Give me quiet or give me death."
~ Bert McCoy
"A young plant will thrive in the right conditions."
~ Bert McCoy
"Truthfully - You cannot achieve anything because everything and nothing is You."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't rush to go into the past."
~ Bert McCoy
"The givers give when they have it and give whatever they can when they don't."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wanting to be enlightened is vanity."
~ Bert McCoy
"Death fulfills our make believe legacy."
~ Bert McCoy
"Effortlessness is the key to self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Effortlessness is the key to self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind is peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"True understanding comes when we surrender to what is."
~ Bert McCoy
"The Truth has no roads."
~ Bert McCoy
"All pain ad suffering keeps us from learning valuable lessons."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The Truth has no roads."
~ Bert McCoy
"All pain ad suffering keeps us from learning valuable lessons."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only ignorance causes grief."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why count your faults when you can count your blessings."
~ Bert McCoy
"Nothing really happens in a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
"The pearl's the treasure... Not the color and shape of the shell."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind's a tool - Don't let the mind use you."
~ Bert McCoy
"Deja vu happens when the world loses its continuity."
~ Bert McCoy
"You being You is the best meditation."
~ Bert McCoy
"Addicted to thinking is a serious disease."
~ Bert McCoy
"We improve literacy by improving the material."
~ Bert McCoy
'The harmony of life rests in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"Overthinking slows down our flow."
~ Bert McCoy
"All religions are great rivers moving towards the Great Ocean."
~ Bert McCoy
"To be a slave of the mind or not to be a slave of the mind - this is a good question."
~ Bert McCoy
"Contemplating pain and suffering builds merit." ~ Bert McCoy
"The past can only live in the head." ~ Bert McCoy
"Eating too much of the past will eventually make us sick."
~ Bert McCoy
"The real You is the director of this play."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why choose to fail when you can choose to learn."
~ Bert McCoy
"Mirrors are liars - you are Formless Awareness."
~ Bert McCoy
"All concepts and beliefs are fantasy."
~ Bert McCoy
"The more you say no to life... The more life says no to you."
~ Bert McCoy
"Once you realize nothing here can hurt you... You're free."
~ Bert McCoy
"Avoiding pain and suffering keeps us from learning valuable lessons."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't kill yourself trying to get back to the past."
~ Bert McCoy
"The seer can't be seen because it sees."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes distracting us from the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
"The more you say no to life... The less life flows."
~ Bert McCoy
"When you accept what is you're free."
~ Bert McCoy
"To question makes one a philosopher... To go with the flow makes one enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
"To live in duality or nonduality - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"Emptiness writes the best poetry."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind likes to over complicate our life with problems and worries."
~ Bert McCoy
"If your mind is full of the past... You can't enjoy the present."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why count your faults when you can count your blessings." ~ Bert McCoy
"Our worst regret is that we've forgotten and degraded Ourself for lifetimes."
~ Bert McCoy
"Our journey is not in the past or future... It unfolds in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"All frustration belongs to the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"The enlightened stay calm - knowing there was never birth or death."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind is all mirage."
~ Bert McCoy
"Life uses pain and suffering to show us when we're off track."
~ Bert McCoy
"Find a rare one who shows you who you really are."
~ Bert McCoy
"All body-minds are beggars."
~ Bert McCoy
"Without interest... Students lack engagement."
~ Bert McCoy
"Effort is necessary until one realizes effort is not necessary."
~ Bert McCoy
"To obtain what you already have is foolish."
~ Bert McCoy
"All is forgotten in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
"There's nothing to obtain... Only to realize."
~ Bert McCoy
"Great shifts in understanding are subtle and profound."
~ Bert McCoy
"Defining what love is is ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
"When we don't accept ourselves we suffer." ~ Bert McCoy
"Wait and see is an intelligent response."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're all wondering swans."
~ Bert McCoy
"The true teacher leads us to the entrance to the gold mine."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The true teacher leads us to the entrance to the gold mine."
~ Bert McCoy
"God drives the chariot you think you drive."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The doubts of the mind vanish in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is all mirage."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is all mirage."
~ Bert McCoy
"The wise are aware of their ignorance... The ignorant are not."
~ Bert McCoy
"Self inquiry exposes the illusion of time.
~ Bert McCoy
"The doubts of the mind vanish in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Self inquiry exposes the illusion of time.
~ Bert McCoy
"The doubts of the mind vanish in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wisdom's available to those who ask."
~ Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind calls us back from the past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts can't exist in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Deep sleep is free of all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
"Great wisdom reminds Us We're not the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"There's no confusion in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Deep sleep is free of all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
"Great wisdom reminds Us We're not the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"There's no confusion in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Great wisdom uncovers what's essential."
~ Bert McCoy
"Defining what love is
is ignorance."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts can't exist in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Deep sleep is free of all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
"Evil is expressed through a diseased mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Great wisdom reminds Us We're not the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
is ignorance."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts can't exist in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Deep sleep is free of all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
"Evil is expressed through a diseased mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Great wisdom reminds Us We're not the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"When We remove all the masks We're left with the I Am." ~Bert McCoy
"Deep sleep is free of concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
"The I Am is Our throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Saying 'my bad' is not sorry enough." ~Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The I Am is Our throne." ~Bert McCoy
"Saying 'my bad' is not sorry enough." ~Bert McCoy
"Thoughts can't exist in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The wise ones know they're all alone." ~Bert McCoy
"Only the wise ones know they're all alone." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an ego-mind seeks satisfaction." ~Bert McCoy
"God realization is as subtle as a rose petal in the palm of Our hand."
~ Bert McCoy
"Hearts are magnets... They draw the beautiful ones to Us."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Hearts are magnets... They draw the beautiful ones to Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
"To be helpful or to be admired - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise recognize ignorance when they see it." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an ego-mind seeks satisfaction." ~Bert McCoy
"Good and bad do not exist to a sage." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thought is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness rests peacefully in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing everything as a dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"To be helpful or to be admired - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The wise recognize ignorance when they see it." ~Bert McCoy
"Only an ego-mind seeks satisfaction." ~Bert McCoy
"Good and bad do not exist to a sage." ~Bert McCoy
"Witnessing thought is true power." ~Bert McCoy
"Happiness rests peacefully in this present moment." ~Bert McCoy
"Seeing everything as a dream liberates Us from the ego-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"Why struggle to be free when there's really no cage." ~Bert McCoy
"A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf." ~Bert McCoy
"When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
"To learn the hard way or to trust a valuable source - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The immortal in Us knows all."
~ Bert McCoy
"Removing obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Go to Your source to find The Source."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The essence of laughter contains all that We Are." ~Bert McCoy
"Emptiness is our supreme gift." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't kill yourself trying to get back to the past."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Living in the flow of life teaches us all we need to learn."
"Living in the present moment teaches us all we need to know."
"Living in the now teaches us all we need to know."
"Living in the present moment teaches us all we need to know."
"Living in the now teaches us all we need to know."
"Books offer learning... Love brings understanding." ~Bert McCoy
"Who or What knows there is nothingness in deep sleep?" ~Bert McCoy
"The kinetic energy of the first step will help to make the second step." ~Bert McCoy
"If done rightly... Film is an invaluable tool in teaching our students." ~Bert McCoy
"Rituals won't take Us beyond." ~Bert McCoy
"Simplify your life by going nowhere."
~ Bert McCoy
"Simplify your life by going nowhere... In the head."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Simplify your life by going nowhere... In the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're at peace when we stop trying to fix the world." ~Bert McCoy
"In all things we are reminded We are Infinite." ~Bert McCoy
"We all live and breathe in a play of ignorance." ~Bert McCoy
"Death fulfills our legacy." ~Bert McCoy
"To keep rowing the boat or to put up the sails - this is a good question." ~Bert McCoy
"Truth be told: We exist as characters in an elaborate play." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality wears blinders - Nonduality takes them off."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're all learning how to be in love." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind-body is three pounds of ash." ~Bert McCoy
"Scrutinize everything and be free." ~Bert McCoy
"To be rich or to be a nobody - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
"The Eternal is obstructed by the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Predictability makes this life predictable." ~Bert McCoy
"There are no sacred scriptures in deep sleep." ~Bert McCoy
"In deep sleep all is One." ~Bert McCoy
"When you think too much you're not happy." ~Bert McCoy
"Life is a quick dance on an ever changing dance floor." ~Bert McCoy
"Freedom from thinking is True freedom." ~Bert McCoy
"God is reflected in a quiet mind." ~Bert McCoy
"When You know who You are... The search is over." ~ Bert McCoy
"There's something very permanent in the transient." ~Bert McCoy
"Look without words and You will see clearly."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind's maze always leads to more confusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The older I get the more I see life as storytelling." ~Bert McCoy
"The older I get the more I see life as story making." ~Bert McCoy
"The older I get the more I see life as story making." ~Bert McCoy
"True knowledge takes root naturally." ~ Bert McCoy
"True understanding arrives without doing anything." ~Bert McCoy
"Thinking less is refreshing." ~Bert McCoy
"Duality makes us fight the past and future - nonduality removes the past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
"The most profound form of rebellion is the rebellion against the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"Our innate Peace is temporarily blocked by the incessant chatter in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"All the world and all the money don't mean much if you don't have peace within." ~Bert McCoy
"It's a Wonderful Life is the truest expression of the American Dream."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're still living in The Garden of Earthly Delight."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're still living in Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We're still living in The Garden of Earthly Delight."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're still living in Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights."
~ Bert McCoy
"Desirelessness is a Divine state." ~ Bert McCoy
"Not wanting anything more is the best possible outcome."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Removing obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Duality keeps us hoping for a different future - nonduality enlightens us."
~ Bert McCoy
"Duality veils our True Self."
~ Bert McCoy
"Duality unveils our true Self."
~ Bert McCoy
"Rules are necessary for those who cannot see rightly."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Duality unveils our true Self."
~ Bert McCoy
"Rules are necessary for those who cannot see rightly."
~ Bert McCoy
"In space there's no north, south, east, or west."
~ Bert McCoy
"In space there's no here or there."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"In space there's no here or there."
~ Bert McCoy
"Simplify your life... Don't go anywhere in the past or future."
~ Bert McCoy
"We are all a family of One."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We are all a family of One."
~ Bert McCoy
"Simplify your life... don't go anywhere in the past or future."
Bert McCoy
"Be like the wind and cling to nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
"All great things begin by moving slowly."
~ Bert McCoy
"The true religion isn't in a book - it's in a warm embrace."
~ Bert McCoy
"Dying to attachments leads to peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"Love removes all conflict and fear."
~ Bert McCoy
"Being aware of being aware is the key to Eternity." ~ Bert McCoy
"Intuition is a map for lovers." ~ Bert McCoy
"If your mind is full of the past... You can't enjoy the present."
~ Bert McCoy
"Clarity comes when You know Thyself." ~ Bert McCoy
"Know Thyself and enjoy the show." ~ Bert McCoy
"Shadows show us where to find the light." ~ Bert McCoy
"Truth has no roads to follow." ~ Bert McCoy
"Time is not the enemy; because, time isn't real."
~ Bert McCoy
"It's easy to speak - not so easy to listen." ~ Bert McCoy
"Observing the mind slows down the mind." ~ Bert McCoy
"You will find God in every mirror." ~ Bert McCoy
"When we run away from what Is we suffer." ~ Bert McCoy
"Thought is noise to silence." ~ Bert McCoy
"Being clever is not being loving." ~ Bert McCoy
"Inside Our shell is the pearl."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Meditation is outside of time."
~ Bert McCoy
"True morality springs forth from Love."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind's illusions cannot condemn Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"All roads lead Us to pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"All roads to enlightenment lead to pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"True morality springs forth from Love."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind's illusions cannot condemn Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"All roads lead Us to pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"All roads to enlightenment lead to pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Being clever is not being loving."
~ Bert McCoy
"If you're being clever you're not being loving."
~ Bert McCoy
"To Silence... Thought is noise."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thought is noise to Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
"Problems cannot exist in Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
"What We Think We possess actually possesses Us."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"If you're being clever you're not being loving."
~ Bert McCoy
"To Silence... Thought is noise."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thought is noise to Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
"Problems cannot exist in Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
"What We Think We possess actually possesses Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"The Truth is beyond all guideposts."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Time is the enemy until We see time doesn't exist."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"True freedom is beyond choosing."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"What is unthinkable is Reality."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Silence is the true intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind is an empty glass."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Problems exist in the head... Challenges exist in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Give me Quiet or give me death."
~ Bert McCoy
"Give me Stillness or give me death."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Give me Stillness or give me death."
~ Bert McCoy
"If One questions wisely... One eventually sees that all is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When We run away from what is we suffer."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The Truth cannot be found... Only realized."
~ Bert McCoy
"If One questions wisely... One eventually sees that all is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"If One questions wisely... One eventually sees that all is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must cease shopping for God and notice who or what is shopping."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Mind has convinced You to look for That which You already are."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"One cannot experience Silence... One can only be Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We must learn to question wisely."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"We all end up exactly where we were prior to the birth of this body."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Some things can't be fixed... Only transcended."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes pointing Us in the wrong direction."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes misdirecting Us from the prize."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which We already are."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already in our pocket."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which We already are."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already in our pocket."
~ Bert McCoy
"Seeking with the ego-mind brings trouble."
~ Bert McCoy
"Attachment to anything keeps Us from the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
"Awakening is beyond ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
"Awakening is far beyond ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
"Powerful words can come from a guru, monk, or a dishwasher."
~ Bert McCoy
"Powerful words can come from an emperor, a monk, or a dishwasher."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which We already are."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already in our pocket."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Attachment to anything keeps Us from the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
"Awakening is beyond ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
"Awakening is far beyond ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
"Powerful words can come from a guru, monk, or a dishwasher."
~ Bert McCoy
"Powerful words can come from an emperor, a monk, or a dishwasher."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which We already are."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why do We spend so many lifetimes searching for That which is already in our pocket."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must See the ego-mind's bait is rotten."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's bait is flavorless."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's hook is baited with nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must see the ego-mind's bait is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind's hook is baited with illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't begin a long journey with a wagonload of monkeys."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must prepare our garden for the good seed."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must prepare our garden for the good seed to come."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't begin a journey with a wagonload of monkeys in your head."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't begin a journey with a wagonload of monkeys."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must learn to question wisely - or learn to accept the present."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind of the Liberated is free from attachment and doubt."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Tomorrow and yesterday only exist in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Great pain leads to great wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Doubts cannot awaken us."
~ Bert McCoy
"The distance between the Witness and the witnessed is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind has a warped sense of memory."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pondering life makes a philosopher."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the silent can appreciate sound."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"To know what is fleeting is wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
"We must learn to question wisely."
~ Bert McCoy
"Peace arises where wisdom flourishes."
~ Bert McCoy
"Grace smiles upon Us All."
~ Bert McCoy
"Challenges are a refreshing source of wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
"One will eventually see the Witness and the witnessed is all illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"Without the ego-mind there's no search for Enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Without the ego-mind there's no search for Enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
"Without the body-mind You are pure Being."
~ Bert McCoy
"One will eventually see the Witness and the witnessed is all illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"One will eventually see the Witness and the witnessed is all illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"It's more important to Be... Than to be this or to be that."
~ Bert McCoy
"Without the body-mind You are pure Being."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Without the body-mind You are pure Being."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind's illusions cannot condemn us."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Being alert and quiet is true intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
"No amount of thinking can Enlighten Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"If we can't accept and love Ourself... We'll have to find someone to accept and love."
~ Bert McCoy
"Primordial wisdom awakens in birdsong."
~ Bert McCoy
"Meditation awakens in no thought."
~ Bert McCoy
"The space between the Observer and the observed is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"Primordial wisdom awakens in birdsong."
~ Bert McCoy
"When the mind is still... Nonduality arises."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Negate all that is and Love abounds."
~ Bert McCoy
"It's easy to speak - Not so easy to listen."
~ Bert McCoy
"Ignorance of the Self is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"Some things can't be fixed... Only transcended."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't blame the ants if you sit on an ant hill."
~ Bert McCoy
"To find the Truth One must find Oneself."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The distance between the Witness and the witnessed is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
"Life gets harder when You miss too many sunsets."
~ Bert McCoy
"To prove something is sweet You must taste it."
~ Bert McCoy
"To prove Consciousness is sweet You must taste It."
~ Bert McCoy
"To prove Self-realization is sweet You must taste It."
~ Bert McCoy
"The proof that God exists is here in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"To prove Consciousness is sweet You must taste It."
~ Bert McCoy
"To prove Self-realization is sweet You must taste It."
~ Bert McCoy
"The proof that God exists is here in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pleasures don't add to life... They obscure Life."
~ Bert McCoy
"Freedom comes with no choice."
~ Bert McCoy
"Freedom comes with not choosing anything."
~ Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs divide Us from each other."
~ Bert McCoy
"What we think of others - divides Us from each other."
~ Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is beyond man."
~ Bert McCoy
"When We accept what is... We come out ahead."
~ Bert McCoy
"Choosing not to choose is freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Freedom comes with no choice."
~ Bert McCoy
"Freedom comes with not choosing anything."
~ Bert McCoy
"Concepts and beliefs divide Us from each other."
~ Bert McCoy
"What we think of others - divides Us from each other."
~ Bert McCoy
"The real evolution is beyond man."
~ Bert McCoy
"When We accept what is... We come out ahead."
~ Bert McCoy
"Choosing not to choose is freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Show me a garden and I'll show you a classroom."
~ Bert McCoy
"You can never leave Source Energy."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment always has a welcome Home mat at the doorstep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Trouble ain't hard to find for the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"You can never leave Source Energy."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment always has a welcome Home mat at the doorstep."
~ Bert McCoy
"Trouble ain't hard to find for the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"You can never leave Source Energy."
~ Bert McCoy
"There is nothing to gain for Spirit-Soul."
~ Bert McCoy
"To find the Truth One must find Oneself."
~ Bert McCoy
"To seek the Truth or to seek comfort - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To find the Truth... One must be the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pleasures don't add to life... They obscure Life."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"To find the Truth One must find Oneself."
~ Bert McCoy
"To seek the Truth or to seek comfort - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To find the Truth... One must be the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pleasures don't add to life... They obscure Life."
~ Bert McCoy
"Disinterest in past and future awakens Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"Realizing the ego-mind is ignorant is true knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
"The inner Guru is available twenty-four hours a day."
~ Bert McCoy
"Multiplicity is a veil to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Remove ignorance and you've removed past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
"Mental cages keep Us from freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The inner Guru is available twenty-four hours a day."
~ Bert McCoy
"Multiplicity is a veil to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Remove ignorance and you've removed past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
"Mental cages keep Us from freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind sees others... The Heart sees One."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind sees others... The Heart only sees One."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts arise out of Emptiness... and You are this Emptiness."
~ Bert McCoy
"A weak mind is a distracted mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"A distracted mind is a weak mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"A non-clinging mind is a still mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is the greatest gift."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The inner Guru is available twenty-four hours a day."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"All pain and suffering can be transcended in the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
"Meditation is contrasted with doing." ~ Bert McCoy
"True understanding comes when we surrender to what is."
~ Bert McCoy
"Instead of wanting more... Try wanting less." ~ Bert McCoy
"Desire and fear cause unhappy thoughts." ~ Bert McCoy
"When we're happy we do good work - when we're not happy we don't do good work."
~ Bert McCoy
"We spoil meditation by talking about it." ~ Bert McCoy
"Ill gotten goods are never satisfying." ~ Bert McCoy
"Ill gotten goods are never satisfying." ~ Bert McCoy
"Accepting what Is is your greatest therapy."
~ Bert McCoy
"Accepting what is is our greatest therapy." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is a conundrum and You are the missing piece."
~ Bert McCoy
"Searching for happiness with the ego-mind brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is a conundrum and you've always been the missing piece."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Searching for happiness with the ego-mind brings pain and suffering." ~Bert McCoy
"The world is a conundrum and you've always been the missing piece."
~ Bert McCoy
"Why follow shadows when You can follow the light."
~ Bert McCoy
"Shifting the blame isn't intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
"Awakening is far beyond words on paper." ~Bert McCoy
"The mind sees others... The Heart sees One."
~ Bert McCoy
"The mind sees others... The Heart only sees One."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wrong desires limit our intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
"Realizing one is ignorant is the beginning of wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Realizing the ego-mind is ignorant is true knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thinking is complicated... love is simple." ~ Bert McCoy
"It's important for kids to see their parents reading and writing."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A still mind sees the world as a show."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is only a temporary leash."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When the mind is still... Our path will be clear."
~ Bert McCoy
"Our path will be clear... When the mind is still."
~ Bert McCoy
"We're all the Divine Source playing the human game."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts can't make you anxious or depressed - only if you allow them to."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A positive mindset helps us see the possibilities."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The only true ignorance is ignorance of the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Meditation is contrasted with doing."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind has a warped sense of humor."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"True understanding comes when we surrender to what Is."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Meditation is contrasted with doing."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Instead of wanting more... Try wanting less."
~ Bert McCoy
"Be certain of nothing to see clearly."
~ Bert McCoy
"The thinking mind is a distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
"Maya is meant to hypnotize Us."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When the mind is still... Your path will be clear."
~ Bert McCoy
"Like water in a mirage... Thoughts are in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"True understanding comes when we surrender to what is."
~ Bert McCoy
"When were happy we do good work - when were not happy we don't do good work."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace are We able to contemplate pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Contemplating pain and suffering will enlighten Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"Avoiding pain and suffering keeps Us from learning valuable lessons."
~ Bert McCoy
"Water in a mirage is like thoughts in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts in the head is like water in a mirage."
~ Bert McCoy
"Like water in a mirage... Thoughts are in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pull up Your anchor to this world... The waves will take You to Your destination."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pull up Your anchor... The waves will guide You."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pull up Your anchor... The waves will do the rest."
~ Bert McCoy
"When we accept everything as it is... We see life is perfect."
~ Bert McCoy
"You are the center of everything."
~ Bert McCoy
"The center of the Universe is You."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thinking in the head is like water in a mirage."
~ Bert McCoy
"Water in a mirage is like thinking in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"Avoiding pain and suffering keeps Us from learning valuable lessons."
~ Bert McCoy
"A thinking mind is a distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
"To suffer or to see suffering as a learning opportunity - This is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"The thinking mind is a distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
"Pain and suffering is the jailer and the way out of samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
"At some point we all realize pain and suffering is a blessing."
~ Bert McCoy
"A diseased mind is just as bad as a diseased body."
~ Bert McCoy
"Desire and fear cause unhappy thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
"Through merit We are able to contemplate pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"The nature of a river is to flow... The nature of our life is to flow."
~ Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind calls us back to emptiness."
~ Bert McCoy
"Who lives in time dies in time." ~Bert McCoy
"Peace of mind calls Us to let go of the past."
~ Bert McCoy
"Everything You could ever dream of is in this Present Moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"At some point we'll all realize pain and suffering is a blessing."
~ Bert McCoy
"A diseased mind is just as bad as a diseased body."
~ Bert McCoy
"Desire and fear cause unhappy thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
"Through merit We're able to contemplate pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Being disenchanted with life is part of awakening."
~ Bert McCoy
"A diseased mind is worse than a diseased body."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace are We able to contemplate the nature of pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace can We contemplate the nature of pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace can We contemplate pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only by Grace are We able to contemplate pain and suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
"Everything we need to learn happens in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't limit Yourself by agreeing with the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Liberation."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Oneness."
~ Bert McCoy
"The thinker is really the doubter."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Liberation."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
"Only the ego-mind seeks Oneness."
~ Bert McCoy
"The thinker is really the doubter."
~ Bert McCoy
"Self-realization is the necklace around Our neck."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Where our head is at... Our world is at."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"It gets fun after you've done it a hundred times."
~ Bert McCoy
"How can true teaching occur when students don't like their teachers."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are riptides - It's best to stay on the shore."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes petting and slapping Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"The past and future is not our true home."
~ Bert McCoy
"The True God doesn't need any attention - and neither do You."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a great weight... If You embrace it You'll drown in it."
~ Bert McCoy
"I am just the Witness in this world play."
~ Bert McCoy
"In this present moment all doubts vanish."
~ Bert McCoy
"To search for pleasure or to search for wisdom - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To abide as the microcosm or abide as the macrocosm - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To believe in a beginning and end or to relish in eternity - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To be happy or to think - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To dream I am awake or to be Formless Awareness - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"The Divine Source doesn't need any attention."
~ Bert McCoy
"Grace gives Us obstacles for our own growth."
~ Bert McCoy
"Grace plants obstacles on our path to strengthen our resolve."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wanting liberation is misleading - You are already liberated."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wanting liberation is a trap."
~ Bert McCoy
"When we're happy we do good work - when we're not happy we don't."
~ Bert McCoy
"The harmony of life rests in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"When thinking stops... The magic begins."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"How can true teaching occur when students don't like their teachers."
~ Bert McCoy
"Thoughts are riptides - It's best to stay on the shore."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind likes petting and slapping Us."
~ Bert McCoy
"The past and future is not our true home."
~ Bert McCoy
"The True God doesn't need any attention - and neither do You."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is a great weight... If You embrace it You'll drown in it."
~ Bert McCoy
"I am just the Witness in this world play."
~ Bert McCoy
"In this present moment all doubts vanish."
~ Bert McCoy
"To search for pleasure or to search for wisdom - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To abide as the microcosm or abide as the macrocosm - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To believe in a beginning and end or to relish in eternity - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To be happy or to think - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"To dream I am awake or to be Formless Awareness - this is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"The Divine Source doesn't need any attention."
~ Bert McCoy
"Grace gives Us obstacles for our own growth."
~ Bert McCoy
"Grace plants obstacles on our path to strengthen our resolve."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wanting liberation is misleading - You are already liberated."
~ Bert McCoy
"Wanting liberation is a trap."
~ Bert McCoy
"When we're happy we do good work - when we're not happy we don't."
~ Bert McCoy
"The harmony of life rests in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
"When thinking stops... The magic begins."
~ Bert McCoy
"Ill gotten goods are never worth their price."
~ Bert McCoy
"Heartbreaks are only for the strong."
~ Bert McCoy
"Heartbreaks are only for lovers."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is empty of all promises."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is a gift to be cherished."
~ Bert McCoy
"Lies are messy... The Truth is not."
~ Bert McCoy
"It gets fun after you've done it a hundred times."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Heartbreaks are only for the strong."
~ Bert McCoy
"Heartbreaks are only for lovers."
~ Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is empty of all promises."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is a gift to be cherished."
~ Bert McCoy
"Lies are messy... The Truth is not."
~ Bert McCoy
"It gets fun after you've done it a hundred times."
~ Bert McCoy
"Stop thinking... Self-realization is here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
"Ill gotten goods are never satisfying."
~ Bert McCoy
"All individuals seek their source."
~ Bert McCoy
"All seekers are individuals."
~ Bert McCoy
"To be a seeker or to get quiet - This is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"The heart opens when the conditions are right."
~ Bert McCoy
"Accepting what Is - is the greatest therapy."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Ill gotten goods are never satisfying."
~ Bert McCoy
"All individuals seek their source."
~ Bert McCoy
"All seekers are individuals."
~ Bert McCoy
"To be a seeker or to get quiet - This is a true question."
~ Bert McCoy
"The heart opens when the conditions are right."
~ Bert McCoy
"Accepting what Is - is the greatest therapy."
~ Bert McCoy
"We spoil meditation by talking about it."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is Our true path." ~Bert McCoy
"Letting objects own Us is a dreadful mistake." ~Bert McCoy
Transcending the world is the ultimate good. ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is a pedagogical tool for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thought awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"bodhisattvas are in the world, but not of the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing here can fulfill Our unlimited Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Scratching at the past doesn't make it any better." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can handle any problem." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be Still to witness Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"A lecture filled with too many words is limiting." ~Bert McCoy
"Discursive thoughts come and go... You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"What We are not... blinds Us from what We always are." ~Bert McCoy
"What is Real cannot be seen by the naked eye." ~Bert McCoy
"From service comes Wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"We must breathe more in difficult situations." ~Bert McCoy
"We must breathe deeply through the difficult situations." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty interests will never fulfill Us." ~Bert McCoy
"All is empty; but, life is full." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony is in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Pondering life makes One a philosopher." ~Bert McCoy
"We often forget the power in just one seed." ~Bert McCoy
"We travel from pleasure to pleasure and wonder why we're not fulfilled." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to our Center." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thoughts awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Give me traffic in Solvang any day any time." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be more creative when contemplating war." ~Bert McCoy
"We spoil meditation by talking about it."
~ Bert McCoy
"The present moment is Our true path." ~Bert McCoy
"Letting objects own Us is a dreadful mistake." ~Bert McCoy
Transcending the world is the ultimate good. ~Bert McCoy
"Meditation is a pedagogical tool for self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thought awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to self-realization." ~Bert McCoy
"bodhisattvas are in the world, but not of the world." ~Bert McCoy
"Nothing here can fulfill Our unlimited Self." ~Bert McCoy
"Scratching at the past doesn't make it any better." ~Bert McCoy
"Wisdom can handle any problem." ~Bert McCoy
"We must be Still to witness Reality." ~Bert McCoy
"A lecture filled with too many words is limiting." ~Bert McCoy
"Discursive thoughts come and go... You do not." ~Bert McCoy
"What We are not... blinds Us from what We always are." ~Bert McCoy
"What is Real cannot be seen by the naked eye." ~Bert McCoy
"From service comes Wisdom." ~Bert McCoy
"We must breathe more in difficult situations." ~Bert McCoy
"We must breathe deeply through the difficult situations." ~Bert McCoy
"Petty interests will never fulfill Us." ~Bert McCoy
"All is empty; but, life is full." ~Bert McCoy
"Harmony is in the here and now." ~Bert McCoy
"Pondering life makes One a philosopher." ~Bert McCoy
"We often forget the power in just one seed." ~Bert McCoy
"We travel from pleasure to pleasure and wonder why we're not fulfilled." ~Bert McCoy
"Stillness is the surest way to our Center." ~Bert McCoy
"Absence of thoughts awakens Joy." ~Bert McCoy
"Give me traffic in Solvang any day any time." ~Bert McCoy
"We need to be more creative when contemplating war." ~Bert McCoy
"Don't spoil What Is with what was or what could be."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"See stress as good and you're good."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We spoil peace of mind by talking about it."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The deeper the teachings the more subtle and profound the message."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"It's Your decision to believe or not to believe in this world."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We spoil silence by talking about it."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The true path is a remembering."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't spoil What Is with what was or what could be."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"You only get to fool a lion once."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"There is no hell... God wouldn't allow it."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Surrender to what is and life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Right does not make it right because the majority share in it."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Joy is found in the source of Joy."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When We define Love We ruin It."
~ Bert McCoy
"When We define what Love is We ruin it."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"When We define what Love is We ruin it."
~ Bert McCoy
"We find success by doing what makes us happy."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The deeper the teachings the more subtle and profound."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Removing obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Every flower wears a smile."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"True love wants to change no one."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A positive mindset allows us to see our limitations."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Be here and now and all of life will flow."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"All thought arises from the source of thought."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"People who feel good are attracted to people who feel good."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Ignorance of the self is just an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"I am the observer of the observer of the observed - and so are you."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Teachers must up their game if students are to up their game."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Every flower wears a smile."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"History is just ink on paper."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"We must learn to discriminate between what brings us peace and what does not."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Freedom from duality brings Oneness."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The Uncreated is above creation."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Accepting great pain awakens great wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The deeper the teachings the more subtle and profound."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The right words speak to us when we're ready."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Effort blocks our separation from the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Our answers to life are here in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A life without birdsong is an artificial life."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Being patient with what you don't like helps you to get what you do like."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Patience breeds kings and queens."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"To get what you want... You have to put up with what you don't want."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Patience breeds kings and queens."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Too many desires breeds slaves."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"A hungry Lion only gets fooled once."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Being in the Now keeps the mind fresh."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
'Peace of mind awakens in us when we do our best."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Destiny only lives in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is rarely in the right place at the right time." ~Bert McCoy
"The ego-mind is rarely in the right place at the right time." ~Bert McCoy
"When we question more... We enjoy less."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Stop creating more work and work on balance."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
All somebody's have a difficult time seeing their ignorance." ~ Bert McCoy
"Words without meaning is like a coat without a lining."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Untrained in sitting quietly... One becomes easily drowned by worry."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Where there's wine there's chemistry."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Without wine the nights would be too short."
~ Bert McCoy
"All possessions come with a ball and chain."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Self Inquiry removes all doubt."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
I am the observer of the observer of the observed - and so are You.
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The only difference between You and Me is Your imagination that We are two."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
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"Not by the critical mind - but by spiritual eyes will we see clearly."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"All life journeys are futile without Grace."
~ Bert McCoy
"A quiet mind brings peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
"Deja vu happens when the world loses its continuity."
~Bert McCoy
~Bert McCoy
"We're the pearl inside the shell - not just the shell."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"The truth is always simple and poetic."
~ Bert McCoy
"Find the source of all thought and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
"Learn how to do nothing... before you learn how to do something."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
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"Life can't be understood... Only lived."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
"Find the thinker in the head and you'll find the trouble maker."
~ Bert McCoy
- "There's no place more sacred than here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
- "It's easier to speak than to be quiet."
~ Bert McCoy
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- "If the problem doesn't exist right now... It only exists in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
"Don't allow consciousness to associate with the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
"It's ignorance to identify with the body-mind." ~Bert McCoy
- "The quality of thought is more important than the quantity."
~ Bert McCoy
- "Don't be so loyal to the mind... The mind is not loyal to you."
~ Bert McCoy
- "Be the Ocean and you won't get carried away by the waves."
~ Bert McCoy
- "Words only cheapen a heartfelt embrace."
~ Bert McCoy
- "When you're not sure where to look... Try looking within." ~Bert McCoy
- "The stars teach us to look beyond this world."
~ Bert McCoy
- "The stars teach us to look beyond this world."
~ Bert McCoy
- "The difficult people in our life are really our teachers."
~ Bert McCoy
- "It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary."
~ Bert McCoy
- "A book in your pocket is worth ten on the shelf." ~Bert McCoy
- "Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
- "Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
- "When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
- "Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
- "Beautiful women love listening to country music." ~Bert McCoy
- "You don't need to dream to Be." ~Bert McCoy
- "Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
- "Smart kids come in all flavors." ~Bert McCoy
- "Self-inquiry awakens pure vision." ~Bert McCoy
- "Finding a way to be useful is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
- "It's wise to say We're all just dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
- "Wisdom abounds when We no longer see good and bad." ~Bert McCoy
- "The present moment erases memory ink." ~Bert McCoy
- "To believe the mind or to question everything - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
- "Clarity is found in between the words." ~Bert McCoy
- "Name and form blind us from Reality." ~Bert McCoy
- "Destiny only lives in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
- "Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
- "The only place I want to be is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
- "Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
- "Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
- "When the drop makes it back to the sea it remembers." ~Bert McCoy
- "Intuition is a mystery to the ego-mind and a friend to the wise." ~Bert McCoy
- "Beautiful women love listening to country music." ~Bert McCoy
- "You don't need to dream to Be." ~Bert McCoy
- "Responding to thoughts strengthens them." ~Bert McCoy
- "Smart kids come in all flavors." ~Bert McCoy
- "Self-inquiry awakens pure vision." ~Bert McCoy
- "Finding a way to be useful is easier than the mind thinks." ~Bert McCoy
- "It's wise to say We're all just dancing in the wind." ~Bert McCoy
- "Wisdom abounds when We no longer see good and bad." ~Bert McCoy
- "The present moment erases memory ink." ~Bert McCoy
- "To believe the mind or to question everything - this is a true question." ~Bert McCoy
- "Clarity is found in between the words." ~Bert McCoy
- "Name and form blind us from Reality." ~Bert McCoy
- "Destiny only lives in a dream world." ~Bert McCoy
- "Burdens cherished become open doorways to Our infinite Self." ~Bert McCoy
- "The only place I want to be is here and now." ~Bert McCoy
- "It'll be okay if you want it to be okay."
~ Bert McCoy
[email protected]
- "Don't allow the weakness of another to ruin your day."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
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This website is my file cabinet of material to help me reach my students.
My goals for my students:
*Attend all classes and be in the Present Moment
*Be an active listener and participate with respect
*Practice Creative Inquiry
My goals for my students:
- To be Good Human Beings
- To have Confidence in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
- Be Happy in daily Life
*Attend all classes and be in the Present Moment
*Be an active listener and participate with respect
*Practice Creative Inquiry
- "You are the Pearl in the shell." ~ Bert McCoy
English 12
I’m glad you’re here!
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to some of the major British and American authors, to help discover a rich cultural heritage, and to develop a genuine appreciation for some of the most time-tested works of art in the English language.
The more deeply you understand yourself, the more deeply you will understand great writers with great vision. Exploring a great piece of poetry or Literature is the same as exploring a great part of your Self. And that being said... Let's get started with some great writers and great vision.
Let's begin our Self-realization journey.
Let's have some fun!
~Bert McCoy
- "As a fish swims in water... We swim in spirit."
~ Bert McCoy
- "Truth speaks to Us in silence."
~ Bert McCoy
~ Bert McCoy
When you
Concentrate on the mistakes of others
Concentrate on what you don’t have
Concentrate on why you can’t be happy
Concentrate on the past
Concentrate on the future
Concentrate on what’s wrong with this very moment
How can you be happy?
~Bert McCoy
When you
Concentrate on the mistakes of others
Concentrate on what you don’t have
Concentrate on why you can’t be happy
Concentrate on the past
Concentrate on the future
Concentrate on what’s wrong with this very moment
How can you be happy?
~Bert McCoy
- "The darkness We fear is really pure light."
~ Bert McCoy
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"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
~ Dr. Seuss
Bert McCoy Quotes Page 2
All Bert McCoy Quotes are copyrighted
1. "When we find fault with the world we find fault with Us."
~ Bert McCoy
2. "Find no fault with the world and you will find your Beauty."
~Bert McCoy
3. "Silence carries us beyond this world."
~ Bert McCoy
4. "Seeking personal fulfillment keeps us from Self Realization."
~ Bert McCoy
5. "Meditation catches the monkey mind."
~ Bert McCoy
6. Meditation teaches the monkey mind to sit quietly.
~ Bert McCoy
7. "The ego-mind has limits - You do not."
~ Bert McCoy
8. "Nonduality is the cure for duality."
~ Bert McCoy
9. "The formless One dwells in everything and everyone."
~ Bert McCoy
10. "The right medicine can cure us from our thoughts of separation."
~ Bert McCoy
11. "All habits are snakes - They will eventually bite."
~ Bert McCoy
12. "The real You can't be known through the senses... Only lived through the senses."
~ Bert McCoy
13. "Life continues because You are."
~ Bert McCoy
14. "The knower of all sits quietly inside Us."
~ Bert McCoy
15. "When we find our treasure, we forget where we put our picks and shovels."
~ Bert McCoy
16. "Birth and death are both lies to the enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
17. "Seashells only sing when you hold them up to your ear."
~ Bert McCoy
18. "To live a worldly life or not to live a worldly life... This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
19. "Neti neti will lead us to nothingness."
~ Bert McCoy
20. "Worldly knowledge is a work of fiction."
~ Bert McCoy
21. "We should avoid the obstacles that keep us from the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
22. " It takes true courage to accept the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
23. "We can't see nothingness - But we can be nothingness."
24. "There's no limit to the challenges of family life."
~ Bert McCoy
25. "When we feel burned out we're just lost in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
26. "The more we accept the present moment, the more intelligent we are."
~ Bert McCoy
27. "When we feel burned out we're just lost in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
28. "What's supposed to happen is supposed to happen - Teach yourself how to get through it."
~Bert McCoy
29. "Communication improves when the material is engaging."
~ Bert McCoy
30. "Follow the breath... Not the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
31. "Getting involved helps others to see our value."
~ Bert McCoy
32. "Helping others to see clearly is a calling."
~ Bert McCoy
33. "Desirelessness is a Divine state."
~ Bert McCoy
34. "Punishing others is a misuse of others."
~ Bert McCoy
35. "All sages are burning candles... Visit them while they're still burning."
~ Bert McCoy
36. "Devotion to beingness is the key to success."
~ Bert McCoy
37. "Nothing happens after the now."
~ Bert McCoy
38. "To error is one's perspective."
~ Bert McCoy
39. "Negative thinking makes all of us tired."
~ Bert McCoy
40. "Long summer days can calm the angriest of beasts."
~ Bert McCoy
41. "Those who live selflessly are trusted tour guides."
~ Bert McCoy
42. "Great teachers make their students want to come to school."
~ Bert McCoy
43. "There's an ashram inside all of us."
~ Bert McCoy
44. "Earth knowledge is dream knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
45. "Knowledge of Self is all one needs."
~ Bert McCoy
46. "The guru's words are activated in silence."
~ Bert McCoy
47. "Desire breeds suffering - learn to go with the flow."
~ Bert McCoy
48. "Mental pride is an obstacle to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
49. "The guru's words are our words."
~ Bert McCoy
50. "We must replace anxiety and hope with courage."
~ Bert McCoy
51. "Simple pleasures make this dream worth it."
~ Bert McCoy
52. "Ruminating makes for long days - meditate instead."
~ Bert McCoy
53. "It's right in front of us... The body-mind trap."
~ Bert McCoy
54. "What's eternal is our true treasure."
~ Bert McCoy
55. "Keep moving... Otherwise you'll be stuck."
~ Bert McCoy
56. "Only a guru recognizes another guru."
~ Bert McCoy
57. "We exist prior to any thought."
~ Bert McCoy
58. "Explore the inside as much as the outside."
~ Bert McCoy
59. "Time doesn't exist when you have no beginning and no end."
~ Bert McCoy
60. "The quality of thought is more important than the quantity."
~ Bert McCoy
61. "The purpose of life is entertainment."
~ Bert McCoy
62. "It's comforting to know we're suffering from amnesia."
~ Bert McCoy
63. "Wisdom is cherished by those who recognize it."
~ Bert McCoy
64. "The wind teaches the leaves to dance."
~ Bert McCoy
65. "The Divine light shines through all of us."
~ Bert McCoy
66. "When the mind is still the world is ours."
~ Bert McCoy
67. "Nothing is as enjoyable as doing what we love to do."
~ Bert McCoy
68. "There's an endless number of doors to walk through - until you see no more doors are needed."
~ Bert McCoy
69. "Deja vu happens when this dream loses its continuity."
~ Bert McCoy
70. "True love belittles no one."
~ Bert McCoy
71. "A change of heart reduces stress."
~ Bert McCoy
72. "Resist the mind's pull."
~ Bert McCoy
73. "Searching for truth takes us away from the truth."
~ Bert McCoy
74. "Nature is the true therapist."
~ Bert McCoy
75. "Pleasure seeking is always rot with its opposite."
~ Bert McCoy
76. " When we see this world as a dream... We are free."
~ Bert McCoy
77. "Our true treasure cannot be found with a pick and shovel."
~ Bert McCoy
78. " Meditation carries us across the river of samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
79. "Words are misleading - Live your courage ."
~ Bert McCoy
80. "All shadows are to be avoided - Reality is here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
81. "Humanity is a borrowed costume."
~ Bert McCoy
82. "The simple pleasures make this life worth it."
~ Bert McCoy
83. "Accept challenges and let life do the rest."
~ Bert McCoy
83. "Life's good - should be everyone's mantra."
~ Bert McCoy
84. "What you do effortlessly is your talent."
~ Bert McCoy
85. "When we get rid of our ego masks we'll be able to breathe again."
~ Bert McCoy
86. "As long as we focus on the body-mind the truth will be canceled."
~ Bert McCoy
87. "Living simply begins right now."
~ Bert McCoy
88. "God is beyond all concepts and beliefs... And so are We."
~ Bert McCoy
89. "Individuality negates the truth."
~ Bert McCoy
90. "When you see all of this is illusion... We are one."
~ Bert McCoy
91. "When we need direction we must look within."
~ Bert McCoy
92. "Humanity is a costume the greater Self wears."
~ Bert McCoy
93. "We forget we are Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
94. "With the right perspective - family life provides unlimited entertainment."
~ Bert McCoy
95. "Acquired knowledge is useless in finding Oneself."
~ Bert McCoy
96. "A mother's love can reach a whole generation."
~ Bert McCoy
97. "Mental wellness can be found in meditation."
~ Bert McCoy
98. "Have faith in your path - It will soon take you home. "
~ Bert McCoy
99. "The body-mind is powerful because we identify with it."
~ Bert McCoy
100. "It's not dancing... It's salsa."
~ Bert McCoy
101. "Biases are ego driven."
~ Bert McCoy
102. "Half of the curriculum needs to be culturally relevant."
~ Bert McCoy
103. "Without spaciousness of thought one is bound."
~ Bert McCoy
104. "Being vulnerable is not ego driven."
~ Bert McCoy
105. "The ego holds onto hope to distract us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
106. "Hope teaches us not to rely on hope."
~ Bert McCoy
107. "Children teach us how to overcome the big things by watching them overcome the small things. "
~ Bert McCoy
108. "Sheer will is all we need to move mountains."
~ Bert McCoy
109. "Great teachers live and teach their passions."
~ Bert McCoy
110. "Grace is concealed in tears."
~ Bert McCoy
111. "Grace is often concealed in our tears."
~ Bert McCoy
112. "Concepts and beliefs only hold true for individuals."
~ Bert McCoy
113. "Chaos is Divine intervention."
~ Bert McCoy
114. "Great teachers live and teach their passions."
~ Bert McCoy
115. "To think or not to think... This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
116. "The past and future cannot know the truth."
~ Bert McCoy
117. "Self realization is an atomic bomb."
~ Bert McCoy
118. "The ego wants us to believe we have desires."
~ Bert McCoy
119. "Our true purpose is love and beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
120. "Lost in the clouds and at home in the rain."
~ Bert McCoy
121. "Collecting wisdom helps us to complete the puzzle."
~ Bert McCoy
122. " A perfect mind is a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
123. "The universe is much closer to us than the personal."
~ Bert McCoy
124. "Thinking disturbs our natural state."
~ Bert McCoy
125. "Man frees himself by conquering himself."
~ Bert McCoy
126. "With clear vision we'll see we're surrounded by elegance."
~ Bert McCoy
127. "Curriculum must be teacher friendly and adjustable."
~ Bert McCoy
128. "Bondage is time bound."
~ Bert McCoy
129. "Great teachers are great tour guides - They show us the sights, the sounds, the beauty, and the ones who made a difference."
~ Bert McCoy
130. "Great teachers make their students want to come to school."
~ Bert McCoy
131. "Verbal definitions are traps to self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
132. "Newness abides in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
133. "The truth is too subtle for words."
~ Bert McCoy
134. "Inattention to the present moment brings bondage."
~ Bert McCoy
135. "Seeking peace anywhere else but inside your chest is a waste of your time."
~ Bert McCoy
136. "Inattention to the present moment brings suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
137. "Life is a fever and meditation is the antipyretic."
~ Bert McCoy
138. "The truth opens new doors."
~ Bert McCoy
139. "Opening up a restaurant is a great way to meet your neighbors."
~ Bert McCoy
140. "Worshiping the inner Self enlightens the world."
~ Bert McCoy
141. "Concentrate on the breath and all will be well."
~ Bert McCoy
142. "Talking too much exposes our flaws."
~ Bert McCoy
143. "Be careful not to reincarnate concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
144. "LED lighting is counterintuitive to romance."
~ Bert McCoy
145. "Know thyself to be separate from the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
146. "When love wants to play catch... Don't waste time looking for a glove."
~ Bert McCoy
147. "Minds are ever flowing rivers - you're the witness on the shore."
~ Bert McCoy
148. "It's always the right time to be in the now."
~ Bert McCoy
149. "Bondage is time bound."
~ Bert McCoy
150. "Knowledge of the deeper Self exposes the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
151. "The seed of Consciousness is already planted in your garden."
~ Bert McCoy
152. "Doing nothing is a path to enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
153. "The ego loves putting us into difficult situations."
~ Bert McCoy
154. "Most minds engage in bullshit."
~ Bert McCoy
155. "Nature dances in silence."
~ Bert McCoy
156. "Body-minds decompose - You do not."
~ Bert McCoy
157. "Everyone and everything is part of this worldly deception."
~ Bert McCoy
158. "The concept of death awakens us to our eternal nature."
~ Bert McCoy
159. "The true journey is the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
160. "The ego is a doubt fiend."
~ Bert McCoy
161. "There's nothing to attain... only to witness."
~ Bert McCoy
162. "Only I can change my biases."
~ Bert McCoy
163. "New beginnings follow challenging endings."
~ Bert McCoy
164. "Fear is at odds with the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
165. "Dance in harmony with the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
166. "The smarter we become the more intelligent the world."
~ Bert McCoy
167. "Fairness comes from loyalty and performance."
~ Bert McCoy
168. Merging back to spirit takes a hundredth of a second."
~ Bert McCoy
169. "Wake up... Otherwise you'll get caught in the mind's abyss."
~ Bert McCoy
170. "Trust your talents as you would trust a roadmap."
~ Bert McCoy
171. "The present moment has no shadow."
~ Bert McCoy
172. "The mind's expectations are endless."
~ Bert McCoy
173. "Spiritual shoppers always look for better deals."
~ Bert McCoy
174. "Kind words are hollow without love."
~ Bert McCoy
175. ""Kind words are hollow without action."
~ Bert McCoy
176. "The real journey begins when you ask yourself Who or What you are without a future, past, or name."
~ Bert McCoy
177. "Seeing illusion for illusion is self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
178. "We need to be reminded it's all just an amazing and brilliant game."
~ Bert McCoy
179. "Beingness is the candle We're all burning."
~ Bert McCoy
180. "I do nothing - Life does."
~ Bert McCoy
181. "Our Eternal silence sings in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
182. "All bridges are made from love."
~ Bert McCoy
183. "Always remember to follow beauty and goodness back to yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
184. "Don't try to fix the world... Ride the world."
~ Bert McCoy
185. "Once you're on a quote list with Winnie the Pooh and John Mayer... You're on the right track."
~ Bert McCoy
186. "Be careful not to reincarnate thoughts - especially the uninspired ones."
~ Bert McCoy
187. "When there's no rhyme or reason it's fresh."
~ Bert McCoy
188. "One more thought is one too many."
~ Bert McCoy
189. "All truly great thoughts are conceived by not thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
190. "The mind has no words for stillness."
~ Bert McCoy
192. "Nothing here is the real you."
~ Bert McCoy
193. "Beliefs are contrasted with knowing."
~ Bert McCoy
194. "Death reminds us of Our Infinite Self."
~ Bert McCoy
195. "The barriers to achievement exist only in the curriculum."
~ Bert McCoy
196. "Understanding precedes correct action."
~ Bert McCoy
197. "The superior man doesn't rely on thought."
~ Bert McCoy
198. "Replace words relating to bad with the word interesting and see how life changes."
~ Bert McCoy
199. "Memory is a deep and slippery well."
~ Bert McCoy
200. "Doubting ourself blurs our focus."
~ Bert McCoy
201. "The One who leads you back to the Self is your Guru."
~ Bert McCoy
202. "Wherever you go and whatever you do... Just be present."
~ Bert McCoy
203. "To fear death or not to fear death, that is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
204. "We all must do what we can to keep our favorite restaurants alive."
~ Bert McCoy
205. "Successes temporary blind us from Self discovery."
~ Bert McCoy
206. "Beliefs are jail bars we willingly look through."
~ Bert McCoy
207. "What is said in private is normally not very private."
~ Bert McCoy
208. "Being consumed by past events is a disease of the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
209. "Desiring pleasure limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
210. "Seeking Beauty and Self realization are one and the same."
~ Bert McCoy
211. "Avoid complaining and agreeing with those who complain - The result will blow your mind."
~ Bert McCoy
212. "Joyful play helps us find our talents."
~ Bert McCoy
213. "Is this real or is this illusion - This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
214. "Great teachers show students how to spin challenges into opportunities."
~ Bert McCoy
215. "Life's a dance - Jump in."
~ Bert McCoy
216. "Peaceful thoughts bring forth a peaceful world."
~ Bert McCoy
217. "You can't get bored with a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
218. "Dance before the limbs grow weak."
~ Bert McCoy
219. "Insight sees perfection everywhere."
~ Bert McCoy
220. "To live the dream or not to live the dream - this is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
221. "No effort is needed to be at peace."
~ Bert McCoy
222. "When we question more... We enjoy less."
~ Bert McCoy
223. "Truth dispels all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
224. "If you know how to live your day... You know how to live your life."
~ Bert McCoy
225. "We must learn to discriminate between what brings us peace and what does not."
~ Bert McCoy
226. "We must give up our reasons to be unhappy."
~ Bert Mccoy
227. "The truth exposes our biases."
~ Bert McCoy
228. "If you want to be happy... Stop getting lost in samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
229. "Grace reveals herself through challenges."
~ Bert McCoy
230. "The good life is in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
231. "Resisting temtations loosens the mind's grip."
~ Bert McCoy
232. "All beliefs and concepts are walls to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
233. "All concepts and beliefs are walls to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
234. "Becoming someone or something is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
235. "Searching distracts us from the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
236. "The ego looks for That which you already are."
~ Bert McCoy
237. "What's too close can easily be missed."
~ Bert McCoy
238. "A reminder: You are always the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
239. "The ego is a cloud obstructing us from Ourself."
~ Bert McCoy
240. "The true mecca is within Us."
~ Bert McCoy
241. "Thoughts are as transparent as air."
~ Bert McCoy
242. "The Divine is hidden in form."
~ Bert McCoy
243. "When the mind is still we are One."
~ Bert McCoy
244. "The mind is a projector for duality."
~ Bert McCoy
245. "We grow professionally when we work together."
~ Bert McCoy
246. "Nothing's more important than our Oneness with the Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
247. "Make friends with those who are traveling your way."
~ Bert McCoy
248. "Beauty can only exist in the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
249. "Silence is the Source."
~ Bert McCoy
250. "Intellectual understanding is a trap to self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
251. "The present moment is free from birth and death."
~ Bert McCoy
252. "The Self is the true philosopher."
~ Bert McCoy
253. "Wisdom comes from a pure heart."
~ Bert McCoy
254. "Only the present moment gives us a taste of eternity."
~ Bert McCoy
255. "Worldly knowledge is dream knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
256. "To be free of mind or not to be free of mind - this is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
257. "Having a great attitude is paramount to acquiring knowledge and developing skills."
~ Bert McCoy
258. "Only the Divine is."
~ Bert McCoy
259. "To recognize change One must be the changeless."
~ Bert McCoy
260. "The universe is in the palm of our hands - all we need to do is open them."
~ Bert McCoy
261. "A true artist stays outside the lines of conformity."
~ Bert McCoy
262. "Appreciation of what one has is a sign of maturity."
~ Bert McCoy
263. "We must un-think ourselves out of samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
264. "Being human is our journey."
~ Bert McCoy
265. "Cravings come from ego."
~ Bert McCoy
266. "Too many words keep us from realization."
~ Bert McCoy
267. "Too many of Us have forgotten where We come from."
~ Bert McCoy
268. "All conventional and esoteric pursuits eventually lead us back to This present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
269. "Existentialism is a overly inflated thirteen letter word trying to grasp the essence of this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
270. "The universe is all mise en scene."
~ Bert McCoy
271. "Being controlled by past events is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
272. "A warrior is not controlled by the ego."
~ Bert McCoy
273. "Understanding the root of pain frees us."
~ Bert McCoy
274. "The past is an angry child."
~ Bert McCoy
275. "Who or What knows that the mind drives Us crazy?"
~ Bert McCoy
276. "We can still be happy when life gets challenging."
~ Bert McCoy
277. "The Now is a total game changer."
~ Bert McCoy
278. "If you stop feeding the mind, it will learn to follow you.
~ Bert McCoy
279. "Unplug from the mind and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
280. "By searching for peace we're already lost."
~ Bert McCoy
281. "Paths can be walked on... but often lead to nowhere."
~ Bert McCoy
282. "In the present moment we sit on a throne."
~ Bert McCoy
283. "We must stop being a grave digger - the past is the past."
~ Bert McCoy
284. "Stay in the present moment and the ego will weaken."
~ Bert McCoy
285. "The mind is the thief in your house."
~ Bert McCoy
286. "See the theatre for theatre and you are home."
~ Bert McCoy
287. "Not holding onto the past weakens the ego."
~ Bert McCoy
288. "Most have only scratched the surface of their own mind... And beneath the shallowness of this theatre is simply pure unimaginable Bliss."
~ Bert McCoy
289. "Catching the right person's vibe is so critical in meaningful relationships."
~ Bert McCoy
290. "Seek out the wise and you will find your mirror."
~ Bert McCoy
291. "You are all you need to be free."
~ Bert McCoy
292. "Grace smiles when you notice her."
~ Bert McCoy
293. "Who or What knows there is Consciousness - You are That."
~ Bert McCoy
294. "The body can't live without the mind; but, the spirit can live without the body."
~ Bert McCoy
295. "Most people are better when they're busy."
~ Bert McCoy
296. "Allowing something to be 'as it is' might be exactly what needs to happen."
~ Bert McCoy
296. "Good people and good wine - what more can I say."
~ Bert McCoy
297. "Love someone now."
~ Bert McCoy
298. "All worry leads to suffering."
~ Bert McCoy
299. "There are a multitude of worries that will consume you - why choose any?"
~ Bert McCoy
300. "Nature speaks a language only lovers understand."
~ Bert McCoy
301. "You can improve yourself worldly... Not spiritually."
~ Bert McCoy
302. " Our life here is but one burning candle in time - Why do we worry so much?"
~ Bert McCoy
303. "We're able to see clearly when we rise above it all."
~ Bert McCoy
304. "We must find a way to rise above our mistakes."
~ Bert McCoy
305. "Our doubts are our demons."
~ Bert McCoy
306. "We all spend time with different versions of Ourself."
~ Bert McCoy
307. "Only the Self is called to Satsang."
~ Bert McCoy
308. "Sitting in Satsang is the greatest of gifts."
~ Bert McCoy
309. "Silence is Beauty and Beauty is Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
310. "Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can relax and have fun in this dream."
~ Bert McCoy
311. "Don't be a cheater, lose with class."
~ Bert McCoy
312. A warrior is not controlled by the ego."
~ Bert McCoy
313. "Kindred of spirit is all that matters."
~ Bert McCoy
314. "Letting go of the past gives us a restart."
~ Bert McCoy
315. "Suicide isn't the solution when the mind attacks - Teach the mind to be quiet and all will be well."
~ Bert McCoy
316. "Quiet the mind and the soul will speak."
~ Bert McCoy
317. "On the other side of pain and suffering is Peace and Love."
~ Bert McCoy
318. "Too much interest in thoughts bring sadness and despair."
~ Bert McCoy
319. "Without the ego we are Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
320. "Meditation precedes transcendence."
~ Bert McCoy
321. "The mind is a projector for reality."
~ Bert McCoy
322. "Meditation dissolves the boundaries of the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
323. "Teach your mind to be still like you would teach a puppy to sit."
~ Bert McCoy
324. "The distance between me and you is an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
325. "Excessive talk leads to misunderstanding."
~ Bert McCoy
326. "All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
327. "We have true power when we support each other."
~ Bert McCoy
328. "The only way to live this life is to love this life."
~ Bert McCoy
329. "If it is what it is embrace it."
~ Bert McCoy
330. "Long summer days can calm the angriest of beasts."
~ Bert McCoy
331. "I don't have to think... Therefore I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
332. "True love is fierce and powerful."
~ Bert McCoy
333. The wind plays its own music."
~ Bert McCoy
334. "Living in the past will make you feel depressed."
~ Bert McCoy
335. "The Now has no beginning and no end."
~ Bert McCoy
336. "Grace calls us back to Nonduality."
~ Bert McCoy
337. "Fear alienates Us from Nonduality."
~ Bert McCoy
338. "We're happy before we think we're happy."
~ Bert McCoy
339. "It's important for our kids to beat us at our own games."
~ Bert McCoy
340. "Our desires and fears are not our own... They belong to the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
341. "Don't be afraid of making mistakes... It's how we learn."
~ Bert McCoy
342. "To live to my potential or to complain about what could have been... This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
343. "Our real Self awaits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
344. "All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
345. "History is nothing new."
~ Bert McCoy
346. "Spend time with those who vibrate like you."
~ Bert McCoy
347. "Words are shadows - Their value depends on the light source."
~ Bert McCoy
348. "Peaceful thoughts bring forth a peaceful world."
~ Bert McCoy
349. "Negative thinking limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
350. "The concept of death awakens us to our eternal nature."
~ Bert McCoy
351. "Death teaches us to make the most of any situation."
~ Bert McCoy
352. "Death is a funny joke to Timeless Awareness Being."
~ Bert McCoy
353. "Your loyalty to your mind is misguided."
~ Bert McCoy
354. "Let the Silence in this moment guide you."
~ Bert McCoy
355. "In the middle of every storm is pure love."
~ Bert McCoy
356. "There's always a guidepost at every intersection."
~ Bert McCoy
357. "Every little thing is related to every little thing."
~ Bert McCoy
358. "Nothing here is random... There is a message and lesson to everything."
~ Bert McCoy
359. "The wind plays its own music."
~ Bert McCoy
360. "We exist where death cannot."
~ Bert McCoy
361. "A school of knowledge is located in your backyard garden."
~ Bert McCoy
362. "Don't worry... Samsara is imagination."
~ Bert McCoy
363. "The present moment has never changed."
~ Bert McCoy
364. "All great wine is enjoyed in the now."
~ Bert McCoy
365. "When you're in the now you're perfect."
~ Bert McCoy
366. "When we're in deep sleep we're everything."
~ Bert McCoy
367. "When we're truly in love... The mind is silent."
~ Bert McCoy
368. "we are not the ego's chew toy."
~ Bert McCoy
369. "Silence answers all important questions in no time."
~ Bert McCoy
370. "Thinking too much about the past is like visiting a graveyard."
~ Bert McCoy
371. "Thinking about the past is visiting the graveyard."
~ Bert McCoy
372. "A lost sheep has many questions... A tiger does not."
~ Bert McCoy
373. "Pain and suffering is a powerful wake up call."
~ Bert McCoy
374. "When in doubt... Seek wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
375. "In deep sleep We are everything."
~ Bert McCoy
376. "Too much practice limits us."
~ Bert McCoy
377. "The ego-mind promises much - And gives very little."
~ Bert McCoy
378. "When you dance with the ego-mind you dance with trouble."
~ Bert McCoy
379. "Sometimes one more minute is all you need."
~ Bert McCoy
380. "Be the Ocean and you won't get lost in the waves."
~ Bert McCoy
381. "Naps are a good source of energy."
~ Bert McCoy
382. "Things with class always have class."
~ Bert McCoy
383. "Living in the past and future is quicksand."
~ Bert McCoy
384. "The mind can make an opportunity look like a lot of hard work."
~ Bert McCoy
385. "The mind can make an opportunity look like a problem."
~ Bert McCoy
386. "The best thing to get addicted to is the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
387. "All waves are on their way home."
~ Bert McCoy
388. "The mind only writes fiction."
~ Bert McCoy
389. "Pain and suffering helps free the mind from attachments."
~ Bert McCoy
390. "Pain and suffering gets us to the shore - then We jump in."
~ Bert McCoy
391. "We can better serve our kids by teaching the trades."
~ Bert McCoy
392. "Thinking disturbs a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
393. "If we can live the next ten minutes beautifully we can certainly live the following ten minutes beautifully... And so on...
~ Bert McCoy
394. "Nobody remembers our mistakes more than we do."
~ Bert McCoy
395. "Satisfying our senses is not happiness."
~ Bert McCoy
396. "Hope removes our willingness to make mistakes and grow."
397. "Kill the boogieman and you've killed the franchise."
~ Bert McCoy
398. "The grass is greener without parking lots."
~ Bert McCoy
399. "Be the sky and you won't be moved by the weather."
~ Bert McCoy
400. "When you're in front of the Satguru... Lose the book knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
401. "Waking someone up from a nightmare is kindness."
~ Bert McCoy
402. "Nothing is more important than our oneness with the Divine.
~ Bert McCoy
403. "If it is what it is learn from it."
~ Bert McCoy
404. "We must find a way to rise above it all."
~ Bert McCoy
405. "We'll be able to see clearly when we rise above it all."
~ Bert McCoy
406. "If you follow your thoughts you'll be somewhere else."
~ Bert McCoy
407. "If you're separate from the source you need to do Sadhana."
~ Bert McCoy
408. "The mind likes feeding us false information."
~ Bert McCoy
409. "Deep sleep removes the veil of the dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
410. "The right challenges will come when needed."
~ Bert McCoy
411. "A calm mind allows the heart to make decisions."
~ Bert McCoy
412. "The best quotes are the ones that come directly from your own heart."
~ Bert McCoy
413. "We all wear body shrouds."
~ Bert McCoy
414. "The body is perishable - You are not."
~ Bert McCoy
415. "The mind is an imagined advisory."
~ Bert McCoy
416."We're all old souls playing imaginary parts."
~ Bert McCoy
417. "To go with the flow and be free, or not to go with the flow and be bound, that is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
418. "You don't need the mind to know Who or What You are."
~ Bert McCoy
419. "When the mind becomes anxious... Just be indifferent."
~ Bert McCoy
420. "The wind is not attached to anything."
~ Bert McCoy
421. "Enlightenment is in one simple flower."
~ Bert McCoy
422. "What is beyond the mind cannot be experienced with the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
423. "Without a hell... Literature would be boring."
~ Bert McCoy
424. "Without a hell... Stories would be boring."
~ Bert McCoy
425. "Our fears and desires are clouds blocking the sun."
~ Bert McCoy
426. "We always have the peace of mind we seek."
~ Bert McCoy
427. "We must learn not to buy what the ego has to sell."
~ Bert McCoy
428. "We must learn not to buy what the ego-mind has to sell."
~ Bert McCoy
429. "The ego is the greatest salesperson in the world."
~ Bert McCoy
430. "Flow with the pages of your life."
~ Bert McCoy
431. "No earthly experience will ever be enough."
~ Bert McCoy
432. "There is no hell - God wouldn't allow it."
~ Bert McCoy
433. "Knowingness is more important than book knowledge."
~ Bert McCoy
434. "Genius waits for us in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
435. "When duality ends We are One."
~ Bert McCoy
436. "All great teachings need some time to digest."
~ Bert McCoy
437. "The mind is a mirage maker."
~ Bert McCoy
438. "Be addicted to nothing and live with passion."
~ Bert McCoy
439. " Paths are dangerous... Especially in finding the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
440. "Enjoy each step - We're all on the right road."
~ Bert McCoy
441. "The more I love... The more peace I find."
~ Bert McCoy
442. "If you focus on the stars you've missed the surrounding space."
~ Bert McCoy
443. "You can't go wrong adapting film to nature."
~ Bert McCoy
444. "We're here to enjoy this moment... Not to cry about the past."
~ Bert McCoy
445. "We win this game by desiring nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
446. "Petty desires weaken our resolve."
~ Bert McCoy
447. "Be happy no matter what... And fate will recalculate."
~ Bert McCoy
448. "No individual can be truly happy."
~ Bert McCoy
449. "Waves teach wisdom with ebb, flow, and sound."
~ Bert McCoy
450. "Waves are dancers choreographed by the wind and sea."
~ Bert McCoy
451. "Wisdom adds beauty to all conversation."
~ Bert McCoy
452. "Any beautiful experience happens in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
453. "Captivated with thoughts brings sadness and despair."
~ Bert McCoy
454. "Smiles are life preservers - Throw them to anyone who has trouble swimming."
~ Bert McCoy
455. "Those who are always positive find life is on their side."
~ Bert McCoy
456. "The ego is a monster dressed up like an old friend."
~ Bert McCoy
457. "The Beloved serves the best wine - remember to come with an empty cup."
~ Bert McCoy
458. "Removing obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
459. "Thought keeps us drowning in samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
460. "Thought is a never ending maze - Don't play it's game."
~ Bert McCoy
461. "Hold any thought in the palm of your hand and it will disappear."
~ Bert McCoy
462. "Rocks are a testament to how stubborn we can be."
~ Bert McCoy
463. "We'll see clearly when the inner eye opens."
~ Bert McCoy
464. "Breathe in wonder and breathe out repose."
~ Bert McCoy
465. "To truly love someone is to see them as Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
466. "Suffering and happiness cannot coexist."
~ Bert McCoy
467. "There's insanity in numbers."
~ Bert McCoy
468. "Great poetry burns right through the page."
~ Bert McCoy
469. "Bodies die - Spirit never dies."
~ Bert McCoy
470. "The ego's story is a ghost story."
~ Bert McCoy
471. "The mind tries to convince us to search for the Truth we already are."
~ Bert McCoy
472. We're forever strong in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
473. "No one is truly happy living in the past or future."
~ Bert McCoy
474. "Peace of mind is beyond past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
475. "We cannot be a thing; because, we are Everything."
~ Bert McCoy
476. "Inner sight recognizes Beauty everywhere."
~ Bert McCoy
477. "Surrender to consciousness and you're in the flow of life."
~ Bert McCoy
478. "The ego is an impulse buyer."
~ Bert McCoy
479. "The Universe is much closer to us than the mind thinks."
~ Bert McCoy
480. "The here and now is fathomless."
~ Bert McCoy
481. "In deep sleep there are no more walls."
~ Bert McCoy
482. "Thinking we are the body-mind limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
483. "The ego-mind fears the end of concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
484. "There are no walls in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
485. "The variety of this world is balanced by the Unchangeable."
~ Bert McCoy
486. "Arrogance comes from overthinking."
~ Bert McCoy
487. "The reality of this world is that it's an illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
488. "We are complete when we are empty."
~ Bert McCoy
489. "Teaching from love is freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
490. "Fear and desire prevent us from our deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
491. "The truth is simple... The false is not."
~ Bert McCoy
492. "We climb through vanity to Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
493. "You'll find what your good at by merging the mind with the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
494. "Creative inquiry is asking the right questions at the right time."
~ Bert McCoy
495. "Nothing here happens to us... It happens within Us.
~ Bert McCoy
496. "Pleasure distracts us from the deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
497. "Sickness reminds us we don't have forever in this body."
~ Bert McCoy
498. "The real you is untouched by karma."
~ Bert McCoy
499. "The ego-mind will never taste true happiness on its own."
~ Bert McCoy
500. "Pain and suffering is a catalyst for self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
501. "Love abounds when the left hand contemplates what the right hand is doing."
~ Bert McCoy
502. "The ego-mind sees us as a caged bird."
~ Bert McCoy
503. "Peace of mind is attention to nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
504. "The mind is delusion - Silence is clarity."
~ Bert McCoy
505. "Sink into silence and you'll awaken innate energies."
~ Bert McCoy
506. "Without thought there are no others."
~ Bert McCoy
507. "Without thought One is complete."
~ Bert McCoy
508. "When the world gets harsh... Smile your way through it."
~ Bert McCoy
509. "The Divine awakens in a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
510. "Deep down there's no other than you."
~ Bert McCoy
511. "Some kids bring you joy and some kids bring you heartbreak - both spring from the Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
512. "Unchangeable Awareness is aware of the Witness."
~ Bert McCoy
513. "Ego's want - the real You does not."
~ Bert McCoy
514. "To be free... You must not think."
~ Bert McCoy
515. "It's easier to tell the truth - lying requires thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
516. "The present moment knows exactly what we need to grow."
~ Bert McCoy
517. "Concepts and beliefs are rocks thrown into a calm pool."
~ Bert McCoy
518. "If we want peace we must teachthe mind to absorb this present moment.
~ Bert McCoy
519. "Beginning, middle, and end only relate to stories... Not existence.
~ Bert McCoy
520. "What we scrutinize doesn't really exist."
~ Bert McCoy
521. "What we're upset about is already in the past."
~ Bert McCoy
522. "Don't allow the weakness of another to ruin your day."
~ Bert McCoy
523. "We always have the peace of mind we seek."
~ Bert McCoy
524. "All traumatic events carry the seed of self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
525. "All truly great thoughts are conceived by not thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
526. "Nothing is separate from anything."
~ Bert McCoy
527. "Grace awaits us in our fears."
~ Bert McCoy
528. "Grace is concealed in our tears."
~ Bert McCoy
529. "Ruminating makes for long days - Meditate instead."
~ Bert McCoy
530. "What's behind the eyes cannot be seen.
~ Bert McCoy
531. "Pretending to be who we are not makes us fearful and unfulfilled."
~ Bert McCoy
532. "Surrender to consciousness and you're the Guru."
~ Bert McCoy
533. "Being unhappy is a choice the mind makes in haste."
~ Bert McCoy
534. "It's better to fall off a wild horse sooner rather than later."
~ Bert McCoy
535. "This world is Our gameboard."
~ Bert McCoy
536. "The balance of life exists in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
537. "Be water and dance down the stream of life."
~ Bert McCoy
538. "The ego cares more about glamour than peace."
~ Bert McCoy
539. "Challenges reach all of us: the strong learn from them and the weak curse them."
~ Bert McCoy
540. "Simplicity is closer to the Truth than complexity."
~ Bert McCoy
541. "Don't be at the egos beck and call."
~ Bert McCoy
542. "Keeping it all together is the Grace of God."
~ Bert McCoy
543. "Searching for the Truth will eventually lead Us to Silence."
~ Bert McCoy
544. "Great legacies do what they can to preserve the arts, and natural purity of the land and sea."
~ Bert McCoy
545. "Desirelessness is the goal of all goals."
~ Bert McCoy
546. "Ignorance is just illusion in Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
547. "All of Maya is a ghost."
~ Bert McCoy
548. "God's not afraid of confrontation."
~ Bert McCoy
549. "The purpose of life is to realize our innate happiness."
~ Bert McCoy
550. "Forget the mind and be the sage."
~ Bert McCoy
551. "Maya is a deep hole you don't want to fall into."
~ Bert McCoy
552. "The blind man knows he can't see... The fool doesn't."
~ Bert McCoy
553. "The ego can trap the best of Us.
~ Bert McCoy
554. "Understanding grief removes grief."
~ Bert McCoy
555. "In reality We are free from Karma."
~ Bert McCoy
556. "Forgetting the world brings freedom from the world."
~ Bert McCoy
557. "Not feeding the ego-mind makes the ego-mind weak."
~ Bert McCoy
558. "Birds only sing in the now."
~ Bert McCoy
559. "Concepts and beliefs can't explain the depth or our being."
~ Bert McCoy
560. "Worldly success can blind us from the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
561. "There is no perfect marriage - onl;y a perfect spot to sit and stay out of trouble."
~ Bert McCoy
562. "Being famous in a dream is not as important as knowing you're in a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
563. "Don't go down any road if You want to find the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
564. "All walking requires a fair amount of falling."
~ Bert McCoy
565. "There is no creator beyond Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
566. "Bliss is hidden in everydayness."
~ Bert McCoy
567. "Not doing anything is the key to meditation."
~ Bert McCoy
568. "Don't let the mind distract You from what's important."
~ Bert McCoy
569. "Free from thought is peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
570. "To see the rope or to see the snake - This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
571. "The Real is visible to the Innocent."
~ Bert McCoy
572. "Don't think yourself out of being happy."
~ Bert McCoy
573. "The distance between me and you is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
574. "We're all on a mystical journey."
~ Bert McCoy
575. "Knowledge of Gold is more important than its many forms."
~ Bert McCoy
576. "True wealth is not what the mind thinks."
~ Bert McCoy
577. "When the mind is still... Truth can be lived."
~ Bert McCoy
578. "It's by challenging the validity of life itself... That freedom is obtained."
~ Bert McCoy
579. ""It's by challenging the validity of life itself... That freedom is realized."
~ Bert McCoy
580. "Realizing We were never born is an atomic bomb."
~ Bert McCoy
581. "And you thought you were the doer."
~ Bert McCoy
582. "All spiritual traps are illusions created by Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
583. "Deep down we're always a newborn child."
~ Bert McCoy
584. "The Observer doesn't have to understand... Only to watch."
~ Bert McCoy
585. "Why change the world when We can change our view."
~ Bert McCoy
586. "We're living a perfect illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
587. "Knowing too much has limitations."
~ Bert McCoy
588. "Thought comes from nowhere and goes back to nowhere."
~ Bert McCoy
589. "Don't try to save the world... Just find the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
590. "Abandon all words to see the dream as dream."
~ Bert McCoy
591. "Seeing the dream as dream is enough."
~ Bert McCoy
592. "Thinking too much prevents us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
593. "Words aren't real - You can't eat a restaurant menu."
~ Bert McCoy
594. "Who needs thought when the heart speaks perfectly."
~ Bert McCoy
595. "The past is dead... Stop digging."
~ Bert McCoy
596. "Thought and Soul are like oil and vinegar."
~ Bert McCoy
597. "By knowing our deepest Self We know everything."
~ Bert McCoy
598. "The Soul makes the clothes."
~ Bert McCoy
599. "Be careful not to trade the present moment for the past or future."
~ Bert McCoy
600. "Losing your appetite for past and future makes us smile."
~ Bert McCoy
601. "I am Emptiness - I am free."
~ Bert McCoy
602. "When the mind is silent All is good."
~ Bert McCoy
603. "To See the world as illusion or to Think you are enlightened - this is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
604. "By Self, through Self and in Self, do we say I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
605. "Concepts and beliefs can easily mislead us.
~ Bert McCoy
606. "Skin color has nothing to do with being a genius."
~ Bert McCoy
607. "Fear is a drug for inaction."
~ Bert McCoy
608. "We don't need to be free from the dream... just realize it is a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
609. "Belief can be a virus - if not checked with presence."
~ Bert McCoy
610. "There's an endless number of doors to walk through - Until you see no more doors are needed."
~ Bert McCoy
611. There's nothing beyond this dream but more Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
612. "Anxiety ignores the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
613. "We need to stop seeing trouble and start seeing opportunity."
~ Bert McCoy
614. "When you see the world as a dream you're connected to Soul."
~ Bert McCoy
615. "The senses can hypnotize us... If we let them."
~ Bert McCoy
616. "All lives come with an internal GPS."
~ Bert McCoy
617. "Humanity is limited until the Self is realized."
~ Bert McCoy
618. "Concepts and beliefs don't make it easy to see the truth."
~ Bert McCoy
619. "The world is made of imagination - treat it as such."
~ Bert McCoy
620. "Sometimes it just takes a few choice words to bring clarity."
~ Bert McCoy
621. "Our world is made with fairytale magic."
~ Bert McCoy
622. "We've been kissed by Grace when we see the world as a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
623. "All bondage is really Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
624. "Creativity flows in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
625. "If we want to see the stars we need to open the roof of the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
626. "All real magic is innate."
~ Bert McCoy
627. "Rise above the phenomenal world and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
628. "Losing interest in the mundane is not necessarily a bad thing."
~ Bert McCoy
629. "Embrace the timeless Beauty of deep sleep during the waking state."
~ Bert McCoy
630. "Emptiness rejects everything."
~ Bert McCoy
631. "Immortality is right now... No past no future."
~ Bert McCoy
632. "We are the waves of the great Ocean."
~ Bert McCoy
633. "The ego-mind deceives us by telling us we need to search for happiness."
~ Bert McCoy
634. "Birth and death vanish in self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
635. "Drive out the negative by contemplating the positive."
~ Bert McCoy
636. "When it comes to love... There are fewer answers in books than in your heart."
~ Bert McCoy
637. "The world 's a snake and rope game."
~ Bert McCoy
638. "Meditation dissolves the little me."
~ Bert McCoy
639. "Doubt and misgivings are inside the ego's bag of tricks."
~ Bert McCoy
640. "Don't allow the mind to paint you ugly pictures."
~ Bert McCoy
641. "Language is certainly a messy game."
~ Bert McCoy
642. "Freedom is being the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
643. "Being content with what is... Is our natural state."
~ Bert McCoy
644. "We're unhappy when we follow the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
645. "The great book of life is already written in our heart."
~ Bert McCoy
646. "Grace gives us the heart to listen."
~ Bert McCoy
647. "Non-duality is the cure for duality."
~ Bert McCoy
648. "Go deep enough and You'll find there are no others."
~ Bert McCoy
649. "The taste of honey can't be described with words."
~ Bert McCoy
650. "Beliefs and concepts belong to Maya - not to You."
~ Bert McCoy
651. "Living from the ego-mind breeds discontent."
~ Bert McCoy
652. "There is no death... Just a change of scenery."
~ Bert McCoy
653. "The Guru's words are realized through silence."
~ Bert McCoy
654. "Pure knowledge is masked by the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
655. "When we free ourselves from the body-mind... We uncover our true Self."
~ Bert McCoy
656. "Either we're all Gurus or none of us are."
~ Bert McCoy
657. "Saying... That's just the way things are stifles creativity and innovation."
~ Bert McCoy
658. "God can't be understood by duality - only by nonduality."
~ Bert McCoy
659. "Sweetness can't be understand with words... Only by taste."
~ Bert McCoy
660. "In the present moment our stainless Divine Self is intact."
~ Bert McCoy
661. "The ultimate spiritual place is here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
662. "Our point of view depends on who we take ourselves to be."
~ Bert McCoy
663. "Thoughts harass us when we're not in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
664. "In meditation... Doing nothing is doing something."
~ Bert McCoy
665. "The past and future don't belong in the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
666. "The most painful experiences are usually the most eye-opening."
~ Bert McCoy
667. "For better or for worse... We all have each other."
~ Bert McCoy
668. "Meditation carries us across the river of samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
669. "The mind is not our friend... It's our employee."
~ Bert McCoy
670. "The past only plays reruns."
~ Bert McCoy
671. "The ego is a jail cell we willingly walk into."
~ Bert McCoy
672. "Say yes to life when you no longer want to suffer."
~ Bert McCoy
673. "Yesterday is a distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
674. "Easy doesn't always mean we're learning."
~ Bert McCoy
675. "Stop feeding the ego food, then it will stop asking for more."
~ Bert McCoy
676. "Our supreme goal is to see ourselves in others."
~ Bert McCoy
677. "When hate is gone, Love will follow."
~ Bert McCoy
678. "Sitting down and doing nothing is a Divine calling."
~ Bert McCoy
679. "Peace of mind arises when we're okay with whatever happens."
~ Bert McCoy
680. "Laughing at life gets Us through life."
~ Bert McCoy
681. "I do nothing - Life does."
~ Bert McCoy
682. "Deserving is such a complicated concept... Especially when we already have it all."
~ Bert McCoy
683. "Don't try to fix the world - Ride the world."
~ Bert McCoy
684. "One more thought is one too many."
~ Bert McCoy
685. "All truly great thoughts are conceived by not thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
686. "Humanity is a costume the greater Self wears."
~ Bert McCoy
687. "Worshiping the inner Self enlightens the world."
~ Bert McCoy
688. "The truth opens new doors."
~ Bert McCoy
689. "Life moves as the wind moves."
~ Bert McCoy
690. "The reruns of the mind are not as important as the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
691. "World knowledge will never satisfy the deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
692. "In meditation... The simple is the profound."
~ Bert McCoy
693. "Minds are ever flowing rivers - You're the witness on the shore."
~ Bert McCoy
694. " It's always the right time to be in the Now."
~ Bert McCoy
695. "We must want what Grace has to offer."
~ Bert McCoy
696. "The seed of Consciousness is already planted in your garden."
~ Bert McCoy
697. "The concept of death awakens us to our eternal nature."
~ Bert McCoy
698. "Not thinking challenges maya's integrity."
~ Bert McCoy
699. "Knowledge of the deeper Self exposes the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
700. "The ego holds onto hope to distract us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
701. "Overthinking makes us insecure."
~ Bert McCoy
702. "In deep sleep we are One."
~ Bert McCoy
703. "The emptier we get the more we become."
~ Bert McCoy
704. "Don't be fooled by thought - The here and now reveals everything."
~ Bert McCoy
705. "Doubting ourself blurs our focus."
~ Bert McCoy
706. "To be fearless , or not to be fearless, that is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
707. "Wherever you go and whatever you do... Just be present."
~ Bert McCoy
708. "It's easier taking steps to improve than continuing to suffer."
~ Bert McCoy
709. "The only place to dig for treasure is in your own chest."
~ Bert McCoy
710. "Avoid complaining and arguing with those who complain - The result will blow you away."
~ Bert McCoy
711. "Is this real or is this illusion - This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
712. "Concepts and beliefs take up too much space in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
713. "You can't get bored with a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
714. "Time travelers get caught in the past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
715. "Hold onto trauma as you'd hold onto a hot piece of coal."
~ Bert McCoy
716. "Spiritual shoppers always look for better deals."
~ Bert McCoy
717. "We're free from delusion when we see ourselves in everything."
~ Bert McCoy
718. "All habits are snakes."
~ Bert McCoy
719. "In seeking Love You will eventually find Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
720. "When you follow your thoughts you follow a ghost."
~ Bert McCoy
721. "All drama and heartbreak will eventually lead to laughter."
~ Bert McCoy
722. "The way out of suffering is yes."
~ Bert McCoy
723. "Labels are not to be trusted - It's what's inside that counts."
~ Bert McCoy
724. "Give your breath more attention than your mind and all will be well."
~ Bert McCoy
725. "Telling me what I want to hear is cheap advice."
~ Bert McCoy
726. "You can make mistakes and still be great."
~ Bert McCoy
727. "Intersections exist so we can choose a different way."
~ Bert McCoy
728. "Simplify your needs and you simplify your life."
~ Bert McCoy
729. "All words are Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
730. "Be careful cause all words are Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
731. "I live in the present moment like you."
~ Bert McCoy
732. "Life's a dance - Jump in."
~ Bert McCoy
733. "Intellectual understanding is a trap to self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
734. "Nature is the greatest Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
735. "Our doubts are our demons."
~ Bert McCoy
736. "There are a multitude of worries that will consume you - why choose any?"
~ Bert McCoy
737. "We all spend time with different versions of ourself."
~ Bert McCoy
738. "Speaking from the head accomplishes very little."
~ Bert McCoy
739. "You can make mistakes and still be great."
~ Bert McCoy
740. "Don't be so loyal to the mind; the mind is not loyal to you."
~ Bert McCoy
741. "Negative thoughts are attracted to other negative thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
742. "When hate is gone... Lolve will follow."
~ Bert McCoy
743. "In quiet waters one finds clarity."
~ Bert McCoy
744. "If you look deeply enough into anyone's yes you will see yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
745. "Fear kills the hero in all of us."
~ Bert McCoy
746. "Trees don't fight the wind - they dance with the wind."
~ Bert McCoy
747. "All conventional and esoteric pursuits eventually lead us back to this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
748. "The ego is just an image in the mirror."
~ Bert McCoy
749. "No effort is needed to be at peace."
~ Bert McCoy
750. "It will be okay if you want it to be okay."
~ Bert McCoy
751. "Love shines its Light through everything."
~ Bert McCoy
752. "Laughing at life gets us through life."
~ Bert McCoy
753. "Having kids prolongs our retirement."
~ Bert McCoy
754. "You are actually in search of nothing - and when you realize this you are free."
~ Bert McCoy
755. "We must rid ourselves from the wild animals - If we're to live peacefully."
~ Bert McCoy
756. "No labor is needed for the wealth already within Us."
~ Bert McCoy
757. "before enlightenment smile less and think more - After enlightenment smile more and think less."
~ Bert McCoy
758. "Everyone should be required to take a smiling class."
~ Bert McCoy
759. "Mother Nature expects a whole lot more from us."
~ Bert McCoy
760. "Instead of worrying about the future... get a piece of paper and start making a list of things to do."
~ Bert McCoy
761. "When it's perfect there are no more words."
~ Bert McCoy
762. "When You see Beauty, you are Beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
763. "Time flies when you're multitasking."
~ Bert McCoy
764. "The deeper you go, the closer you are to your Authentic Self."
~ Bert McCoy
765. "The only way to live in this life is to love this life."
~ Bert McCoy
766. "True intelligence awakens a multitude of possibilities."
~ Bert McCoy
767. "Letting children fall is a part of parenting; and, showing kids how to get right back up takes a real artist."
~ Bert McCoy
768. "Simplify... Should be one of the most used words in any meeting."
~ Bert McCoy
769. "When you see the world as a stage... You are a Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
770. "Worshiping the inner Self enlightenes the world."
~ Bert McCoy
771. "No need to look for Truth - The Truth is what's looking."
~ Bert McCoy
772. "Reject everything if you want to go to sleep or become enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
773. "At first we want to be a somebody - Later we want to be a nobody."
~ Bert McCoy
774. "Name and form is a rented costume."
~ Bert McCoy
775. "Neti neti removes the veil to the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
776. "We must learn to discriminate between what brings us peace and what does not."
~ Bert McCoy
777. "This temporary life is balanced with eternity."
~ Bert McCoy
778. "Grace reveals herself through challenges."
~ Bert McCoy
779. "All minds are fictional entities."
~ Bert McCoy
780. "The mind is a projector for duality."
~ Bert McCoy
781. "The ego is a cloud obstructing us from Ourself."
~ Bert McCoy
782. "Memory is a deep slippery well."
~ Bert McCoy
783. "Flowing with life requires no effort."
~ Bert McCoy
784. "The present moment dissolves the boundaries of the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
785. "When the mind is quiet eternity blooms."
~ Bert McCoy
786. "The superior man doesn't rely on thought."
~ Bert McCoy
787. "Doing nothing is a path to enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
788. "Healing comes when we realize our inner Self is beyond any need of healing."
~ Bert McCoy
789. "The ego is the ultimate conspirator."
~ Bert McCoy
790. "The mind loves to feed us fear of the unknown."
~ Bert McCoy
791. "Living in the past and future is quicksand."
~ Bert McCoy
792. "Be the Ocean and You won't get carried away by the waves."
~ Bert McCoy
793. "The best thing to get addicted to is the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
794. "All perfect families have challenges."
~ Bert McCoy
795. "The mind can make any opportunity look like a problem."
~ Bert McCoy
796. "The mind loves to feed us fear."
~ Bert McCoy
797. "The mind can make a rope look like a snake."
~ Bert McCoy
798. "Chasing the mind is like a dog chasing its tail."
~ Bert McCoy
799. "You are all you need to be free."
~ Bert McCoy
800. "We exist where death cannot."
~ Bert McCoy
801. "The true treasure is the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
802. "There's no reason for a Wave to fear the Ocean."
~ Bert McCoy
803. "Grace smiles when you notice her."
~ Bert McCoy
804. "Where there is wine there's chemistry."
~ Bert McCoy
805. "The present moment is free from birth and death."
~ Bert McCoy
806. "Believing everything the mind says is a definition for insanity."
~ Bert McCoy
807. "There's no hell - God wouldn't allow it."
~ Bert McCoy
808. "Every great story needs a heaven and hell."
~ Bert McCoy
809. "Spirit is easy - The human theatre is challenging."
~ Bert McCoy
810. "A peaceful mind finds peace anywhere."
~ Bert McCoy
811. "life's a book... We just have to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
812. "Petty desires weakens us."
~ Bert McCoy
813. "If we focus on our thoughts... We'll miss the silence."
~ Bert McCoy
814. "Turn a bad situation into a positive learning experience and you've turned into an alchemist."
~ Bert McCoy
815. "The ego-mind promises much - and gives very little."
~ Bert McCoy
816. "The more I love... The more peace I find."
~ Bert McCoy
817. "If you focus on the stars you've missed the surrounding Space."
~ Bert McCoy
818. "Paths are dangerous... Especially in finding the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
819. "Quiet minds dwell in beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
820. "Life has great meaning... For those who want to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
821. "All great Sages know there's really nothing to teach."
~ Bert McCoy
822. "We win this game by desiring nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
823. "Remembering what was never lost is our ultimate goal."
~ Bert McCoy
824. "Knowledge is found in books - Wisdom in waves."
~ Bert McCoy
825. "Carrying too much luggage slows down our journey."
~ Bert McCoy
826. "Self realization begins with dissatisfaction."
~ Bert McCoy
827. "No one is truly happy living in the pasat and future."
~ Bert McCoy
828. "A mental education can hold you only for so long."
~ Bert McCoy
829. "All stories are love stories in the making."
~ Bert McCoy
830. "We're forever strong in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
831. "The mind tries to convince us to search for the Truth we already are."
~ Bert McCoy
832. "Only the present moment heals all wounds."
~ Bert McCoy
833. "Our true personal pronouns are Sat, chit, and Ananda."
~ Bert McCoy
834. "The most painful events bring out the most beautiful people."
~ Bert McCoy
835. "All paths are laid before us by Grace."
~ Bert McCoy
836. "Yesterday and tomorrow don't really exist."
~ Bert McCoy
837. "You are actually in search of nothing and when you realize this you are free."
~ Bert McCoy
838. "When everything becomes really dark, it's easier to find the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
839. "Our biggest mistake is accepting this dream as reality."
~ Bert McCoy
840. "In deep sleep there are no more walls."
~ Bert McCoy
841. "Thinking we're the body-0mind keeps us in the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
842. "Heaven and hell are both obstacles to enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
843. "Thinking we are the body-mind limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
844. "Great quotes carry wisdom through the ages."
~ Bert McCoy
845. "Silence is such a powerful Guru."
~ Bert McCoy
846. "Free from thought is peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
847. "Don't think yourself out of being happy."
~ Bert McCoy
848. "Doubting if God exists is doubting if You exist."
~ Bert McCoy
849. "The brightest of light is hidden in the darkest of nights."
~ Bert McCoy
850. "When we see clearly we'll see all of this is a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
851. "The only way to understand a woman is to love a woman."
~ Bert McCoy
852. "What we're upset about is already in the past."
~ Bert McCoy
853. "Concepts and beliefs are rocks thrown into a calm pool."
~ Bert McCoy
854. "Don't allow the weakness of another to ruin your day."
~ Bert McCoy
855. "Beginning, middle, and end only relate to stories... Not existence."
~ Bert McCoy
856. "Bondage only exists in Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
857. "False ideas are a result of a false sense of separation."
~ Bert McCoy
858. "The ego creates complexity - The heart sees the path through."
~ Bert McCoy
859. "We always have the peace of mind we seek."
~ Bert McCoy
860. "The weak are eager for justice - the strong are eager to forgive."
~ Bert McCoy
861. "The ignorant see trouble... The wise see adventure."
~ Bert McCoy
862. "Removing obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
863. "Thought keeps us drowning in samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
864. "The guru's words are activated in silence."
~ Bert McCoy
865. "Don't respond when the mind snaps its fingers."
~ Bert McCoy
866. "Once the drop makes it to the Ocean... It forgets everything."
~ Bert McCoy
867. "The beautriful ones are hard to spot - They're hungry and riddled with love scars."
~ Bert McCoy
868. "The soul makes the clothes."
~ Bert McCoy
869. "Thinking too much prevents us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
870. "The world is made of imagination - Treat it as such."
~ Bert McCoy
871. "The real Self awaits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
872. "We're living in a perfect illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
873. "We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have."
~ Bert McCoy
874. "Beauty is missed when we follow our thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
875. "There's no beginning or end to this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
876. "Abandon all words to see the dream as dream."
~ Bert McCoy
877. "Maya is a deep hole you don't want to fall into."
~ Bert McCoy
878. "Sadhana is the best therapy."
~ Bert McCoy
879. "By Self, through Self and in Self, do we say I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
880. "Throw away all concepts and beliefs and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
881. "Thought is the barrier to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
882. "When the mind is silent all is good."
~ Bert McCoy
883. "Being famous in a dream is not as important as knowing you're in a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
884. "Concepts and beliefs can't explain the depth of our being."
~ Bert McCoy
885. "Only a quiet mind can recognize a Jnani."
~ Bert McCoy
886. "The ego has us when we start thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
887. "It's never too late to iqnore the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
888. "The mind that abides in stillness is free."
~ Bert McCoy
889. "A still mind knows no duality."
~ Bert McCoy
890. "Bliss is hidden in everydayness."
~ Bert McCoy
891. "Good things take time: self realization takes no time."
~ Bert McCoy
892. "Live in the moment and let life flow."
~ Bert McCoy
893. "The right medicine can cure us from thoughts of separation."
~ Bert McCoy
894. "Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
895. "Death is not the end - It's just the falling away of all that's not you."
~ Bert McCoy
896. "There is no death... Just a change of scenery."
~ Bert McCoy
897. "Body-mind consciousness limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
898. "We don't need to be free from the dream... Just realize it is a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
899. "Yesterday is as empty as tomorrow - only the present moment is full."
~ Bert McCoy
900. "God can't be understood by duality - only by nonduality."
~ Bert McCoy
901. "Trouble begins with over-thinking."
~ Bert McCoy
902. "Skin color has nothing to do with being a genius."
~ Bert McCoy
903. "The senses can hypnotize us... If we let them."
~ Bert McCoy
904. "The ego fills the head - Meditation empties it."
~ Bert McCoy
905. "I don't have to think, therefore I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
906. "To be free we must learn to see through the illusion of time and space."
~ Bert McCoy
907. "Meditation finds the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
908. "Acquired knowledge is useless in finding oneself."
~ Bert McCoy
909. "See where thoughts come from and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
910. "Live by courage and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
911. "The right medicine can cure us from our separation."
~ Bert McCoy
912. "All stories are love stories in the making."
~ Bert McCoy
913. "Failure is impossible for a spiritual being."
~ Bert McCoy
914. "Dream less - Meditate more."
~ Bert McCoy
915. "Our existence prevails above all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
916. "When you see life's a dream you'll be playful and wise."
~ Bert McCoy
917. "Spirit moves easily through us when we stop identifying with the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
918. "The lower self is a ghost to the higher Self."
~ Bert McCoy
919. "All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
920. "Desirelessness is a Divine state."
~ Bert McCoy
921. "We're only as lonely as we think we are."
~ Bert McCoy
922. "Our existence prevails above all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
923. "When everything around you becomes real dark, it's easier to see the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
924. "The ones who are not brainwashed will help open our eyes."
~ Bert McCoy
925. "We must learn to discriminate what is real from what is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
926. "The real You knows this is all a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
927. "The past is full of land mines waiting for us to step on one."
~ Bert McCoy
928. "Turn the mind inwards and the right doors will open."
~ Bert McCoy
929. "The real learning begins when everything
falls apart."
~ Bert McCoy
930. "Failure teaches us how to breathe."
~ Bert McCoy
931. "The key to happiness is the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
932. "With clear vision we'll see we're surrounded by elegance."
~ Bert McCoy
933. "The ego wants Us to believe We have desires."
~ Bert McCoy
934. "What could ever be more important than this one ever-present eternal moment."
~ Bert McCoy
935. "Man frees himself by conquering himself."
~ Bert McCoy
936. " There's nothing more fragile than a big ego."
~ Bert McCoy
937. "The simple pleasures make this life worth it."
~ Bert McCoy
938. "Just because we close our eyes... Doesn't mean the lights not there."
~ Bert McCoy
939. "True love belittles no one."
~ Bert McCoy
940. "In a dream there is no difference between a billionaire and a dishwasher."
~ Bert McCoy
941. "Not knowing how everything will work out is perfectly normal."
~ Bert McCoy
942. "It may be rot with challenges, but, trust your path."
~ Bert McCoy
943. "Wisdom awakens when the mind is quiet."
~ Bert McCoy
944. "Words are misleading - Live your courage."
~ Bert McCoy
945. "Leela's a game We willingly witness."
~ Bert McCoy
946. "As long as we focus on the body-mind the truth will be concealed."
~ Bert McCoy
947. "With the right perspective... Family life provides unlimited entertainment."
~ Bert McCoy
948. "Playing with memories takes us away from the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
949. "The past is a monster dressed up like an old friend."
~ Bert McCoy
950. "Thinking disturbs a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
951. "Waking someone up from a nightmare is kindness."
~ Bert McCoy
952. "Be the sky and you won't be moved by the weather."
~ Bert McCoy
953. "The true teacher knows you already have what you are seeking."
~ Bert McCoy
954. "Any effort to be enlightened continues the story."
~ Bert McCoy
955. "Only the Divine knows where the Divine is."
~ Bert McCoy
956. "The present moment keeps us from drowning in samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
957. "Thoughts are only projections onto a screen."
~ Bert McCoy
958. "In emptiness there are no more questions."
~ Bert McCoy
959. "Thinking about the past is visiting the graveyard."
~ Bert McCoy
960. "The ego-mind promises much - and gives very little."
~ Bert McCoy
961. "Enlightenment is in one simple flower."
~ Bert McCoy
962. "The present moment has never left you."
~ Bert McCoy
963. "To be lost in Leela or not to be lost in Leela - This is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
964. "Love navigates us through the toughest of storms."
~ Bert McCoy
965. "Going with the flow makes life less challenging."
~ Bert McCoy
966. "Our fears and desires are clouds blocking the sun."
~ Bert McCoy
967. "A lost sheep has many questions - A tiger does not."
~ Bert McCoy
968. "We dance with trouble when we dance with the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
969. "In emptiness there are no more questions."
~ Bert McCoy
970. "What the heart knows is more important than what the mind understands."
~ Bert McCoy
971."Freedom is weightlessness."
~ Bert McCoy
972. "Understanding only with the mind is not true understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
973. " We've constructed too many walls to enlightenment."
~ Bert McCoy
974. "The ego-mind is the phantom of this earth opera."
~ Bert McCoy
975. " This world is a complete work of fiction."
~ Bert McCoy
976. "It continues when the mind keeps asking more questions."
~ Bert McCoy
977. "The story continues when the ego-mind keeps asking questions."
~ Bert McCoy
978. "We've constructed too many walls to the truth."
~ Bert McCoy
979. "Grace is often canceled in our tears."
~ Bert McCoy
980. "Grace awaits us in our fears."
~ Bert McCoy
981. "Ruminating makes for very long days."
~ Bert McCoy
982. "When it comes to love... There are fewer answers in books than in your heart."
~ Bert McCoy
983. "Being content with what is... is our natural state."
~ Bert McCoy
984. "Don't allow the mind to paint you ugly pictures."
~ Bert McCoy
985. "Collecting wisdom is collecting real treasure."
~ Bert McCoy
986. "Everything is clear when the mind is still."
~ Bert McCoy
987. "There is no death... Just a change of scenery."
~ Bert McCoy
988. "Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
989. "Don't get lost in overanalyzing what is."
~ Bert McCoy
990. "Skin color has nothing to do with being a genius."
~ Bert McCoy
991. "The ego fills the head - Meditation empties it."
~ Bert McCoy
992. "What we don't have is not as important as what we do have."
~ Bert McCoy
993. "Meditation finds the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
994. "Trouble begins with overthinking."
~ Bert McCoy
995. "Live in the moment and let life flow."
~ Bert McCoy
996. "Family is your greatest gift and your greatest challenge."
~ Bert McCoy
997. "There's no beginning or end to this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
998. "Thinking too much prevents us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
999. "We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have."
~ Bert McCoy
1000. "If you look deeply into anyone's eyes you will find yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1001. " The ego fills the head - Meditation empties it."
~ Bert McCoy
1002. "What we don't have is not as important as what we do have."
~ Bert McCoy
1003. "Meditation finds the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
1004. "Trouble begins with overthinking."
~ Bert McCoy
1005. "Live in this moment and let life flow."
~ Bert McCoy
1006. "Family is your greatest gift and your greatest challenge."
~ Bert McCoy
1007. "There's no beginning or end to this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1008. "Thinking too much prevents us from taking action."
~ Bert McCoy
1009. "We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have."
~ Bert McCoy
1010. "If you look deeply into anyone's eyes you will find yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1011. "Our true goal has always been the journey."
~ Bert McCoy
1012. "Take being famous off your todo list, it's not worth what you think it will be."
~ Bert McCoy
1013. "The Soul makes the clothes."
~ Bert McCoy
1014. "When you become your best version of yourself you change the world."
~ Bert McCoy
1015. "Don't let the mind think of things to be unhappy about."
~ Bert McCoy
1016. "When the mind is silent all is good."
~ Bert McCoy
1017. "Thinking isn't real - you've never gotten burnt by the word fire."
~ Bert McCoy
1018. "Why count your faults when you can count your blessings."
~ Bert McCoy
1019. "You can choose to suffer through your day or enjoy your day."
~ Bert McCoy
1020. "Silence is such a powerful Guru."
~ Bert McCoy
1021. "Don't let the mind distract you from what's important."
~ Bert McCoy
1022. "Bliss is hidden in everydayness."
~ Bert McCoy
1023. "All walking requires a fair amount of falling."
~ Bert McCoy
1024. "Don't think yourself out of being happy."
~ Bert McCoy
1025. "Life is shoe shopping - look for fit not price."
~ Bert McCoy
1026. "Only one who's separate from the Divine needs sadhana."
~ Bert McCoy
1027. "The only way to understand a woman is to love a woman."
~ Bert McCoy
1028. "When the world gets harsh... Smile your way through it."
~ Bert McCoy
1029. "Words only cheapen a heartfelt touch."
~ Bert McCoy
1030. "Don't be afraid of making mistakes - It's how we learn."
~ Bert McCoy
1031. "Drink from the glass while there's still wine in it."
~ Bert McCoy
1032. "Don't allow the weakness of another to ruin your day."
~ Bert McCoy
1033. "What we're upset about is already in the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1034. "Finding the present moment is the sdame thing as Soul searching."
~ Bert McCoy
1035. "We always have the peace of mind we seek."
~ Bert McCoy
1036. "Most people are better when they're busy."
~ Bert McCoy
1037. "The ignorant see trouble... The wise see adventure."
~ Bert McCoy
1038. "The sweetness of life comes from you."
~ Bert McCoy
1039. "There are no wrong turns... Only a lack of faith in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1040. "All stories are love stories in the making."
~ Bert McCoy
1041. "Removing the obstacles limits our growth."
~ Bert McCoy
1042. "The beautiful ones are hard to spot - They're hungry and riddled with love scars."
~ Bert McCoy
1043. "Wine is the lover's elixir."
~ Bert McCoy
1044. "The only way to live in this life is to love this life."
~ Bert McCoy
1045. "The key to wisdom is a beautiful sunset."
~ Bert McCoy
1046. "No one is truly happy living in the past and future."
~ Bert McCoy
1047. "Challenges make success so much sweeter."
~ Bert McCoy
1048. "When you see life as a game you are wise."
~ Bert McCoy
1049. "Only the present moment heals all wounds."
~ Bert McCoy
1050. "Life's a book... We just have to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
1051. "Life's a book... We just have to learn how to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
1052. "Problems exist when we limit ourselves."
~ Bert McCoy
1053. "The most painful events bring out the most beautiful people."
~ Bert McCoy
1054. "Flow with the pages of your life."
~ Bert McCoy
1055. "All paths are layed before us by Grace."
~ Bert McCoy
1056. "Thinking we are the body-mind limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
1057. "A peaceful mind finds peace anywhere."
~ Bert McCoy
1058. "When we feel we're not enough, we're just lost in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
1059. "Drinking wine teaches us how to smile and love."
~ Bert McCoy
1060. "Every great story needs a heaven and a hell."
~ Bert McCoy
1061. "Direction is often more important than intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
1062. "The good in our heart is greater than anything we encounter."
~ Bert McCoy
1063. "The wind teaches us to be unattached."
~ Bert McCoy
1064. "If we focus on the thoughts... We'll miss the silence."
~ Bert McCoy
1065. "Believe in the mind and you'll believe yourself into an inferiority complex."
~ Bert McCoy
1066. "The more families you meet... The more you realize your family's not that bad."
~ Bert McCoy
1067. "Life has great meaning... For those who want to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
1068. "We're here to enjoy this moment... Not to cry about the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1069. "Turn a bad situation into a positive learning experience and you've turned into an alchemist."
~ Bert McCoy
1070. "There's oceans of wisdom in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1071. "Wisdom adds Beauty to all conversations."
~ Bert McCoy
1072. "Knowledge is found in books - wisdom in waves."
~ Bert McCoy
1073. "Carrying too much luggage slows down our journey."
~ Bert McCoy
1074. "People get depressed by holding onto the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1075. "Hope removes our willingness to make mistakes and grow. "
~ Bert McCoy
1076. "Each moment is perfect - The challenge is to accept this moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1077. "Nobody remembers our mistakes more than we do."
~ Bert McCoy
1078. "Enlightenment is in one simple flower."
~ Bert McCoy
1079. "When women get mad... Things get done."
~ Bert McCoy
1080. "The right challenges will come when needed."
~ Bert McCoy
1081. "The best quotes are ones that come directly from your own heart."
~ Bert McCoy
1082. "Minds are complicated - Love is simple."
~ Bert McCoy
1083. "When we're truly in love... The mind is silent."
~ Bert McCoy
1084. "We learn best by being around wise people."
~ Bert McCoy
1085. "The present moment has never left you."
~ Bert McCoy
1086. "When you're in the Now you're perfect."
~ Bert McCoy
1087. "What the heart knows is more important than what the mind understands."
~ Bert McCoy
1088. "A lost sheep has many questions - A tiger does not."
~ Bert McCoy
1089. "Going with the flow makes life less challenging."
~ Bert McCoy
1090. "Living in the past and future is quicksand."
~ Bert McCoy
1091. "Naps are a good source of energy."
~ Bert McCoy
1092. "Small-mindedness helps no-one."
~ Bert McCoy
1093. "Laughter quiets a busy mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1094. "The mind loves to feed us fear ofd the unknown."
~ Bert McCoy
1095. "Wisdom adds beauty to all experiences."
~ Bert McCoy
1096. "Believing everything the mind says is a definition for insanity."
~ Bert McCoy
1097. "The true treasure is the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1098. "It takes a rich man to recognize wealth."
~ Bert McCoy
1099. "The mind can make any opportunity look like a problem."
~ Bert McCoy
1100. "The mind can make a rope look like a snake."
~ Bert McCoy
1101. "All perfect families have challenges."
~ Bert McCoy
1102. "You are all you need to be free."
~ Bert McCoy
1103. "Where there's wine there's chemistry."
~ Bert McCoy
1104. "We all spend time with different versions of ourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1105. "Grace smiles when you notice Her."
~ Bert McCoy
1106. "Nature is the greatest Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
1107. "Stillness removes bondage."
~ Bert McCoy
1108. "We see with Divine eyes when we see the world as a spectator."
~ Bert McCoy
1109. "Self knowledge flows when the mind becomes still."
~ Bert McCoy
1110. "Our existence goes far beyond imagination."
~ Bert McCoy
1111. "At times we may think we suffer; but, deep down we are unmoved and still."
~ Bert McCoy
1112. "As long as we see the world as individuals... We cannot see the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
1113. " As long as we see the world and others as separate from ourselves... We are blind."
~ Bert McCoy
1114. "Being positive will pay-off for the rest of your life."
~ Bert McCoy
1115. "Good people and good wine - What more can I say."
~ Bert McCoy
1116. "All stories are love stories in the making."
~ Bert McCoy
1117. "There's a multitude of worries that will consume you - why choose any."
~ Bert McCoy
1118. "Our doubts are our demons."
~ Bert McCoy
1119. "Speaking from the head accomplishes very little."
~ Bert McCoy
1120. "Sometimes the brightest part of the day is the sunset."
~ Bert McCoy
1121. "Trouble begins with overthinking."
~ Bert McCoy
1122. "Live in the moment and let life flow."
~ Bert McCoy
1123. "Don't be so loyal to the mind; the mind is not loyal to you."
~ Bert McCoy
1124. "Without caffeine there would be chaos."
~ Bert McCoy
1125. "If you look deeply enough into anyone's eyes... You will see yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1126. "You can make mistakes and still be great."
~ Bert McCoy
1127. "Letting go of the past gives us a restart."
~ Bert McCoy
1128. "Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
1129. "True artists stay ouside the lines."
~ Bert McCoy
1130. "Trees don't fight the wind - they dance the wind."
~ Bert McCoy
1131. "Excessive thinking is a trap."
~ Bert McCoy
1132. "People bloom when the conditions are right."
~ Bert McCoy
1133. "When you see the world as a stage... You are a Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
1134. "A change of heart reduces stress."
~ Bert McCoy
1135. "All journeys include roadblocks and motorways."
~ Bert McCoy
1136. "All journeys lead us back to Ourselves."
~ Bert McCoy
1137. "We're doing our best when we're in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1138. "No effort is needed to be at peace."
~ Bert McCoy
1139. "We must give up our reasons to be unhappy."
~ Bert McCoy
1140. "Grace reveals herself through challenges."
~ Bert McCoy
1141. "The good life is in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1142. "We grow professionally when we work together."
~ Bert McCoy
1143. "Dogs and cats tell the truth more than we do."
~ Bert McCoy
1144. "Flowing with life requires no effort."
~ Bert McCoy
1145. "Beauty can only exist in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1146. "Beauty can only exist in the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1147. "Everything takes time... Unless you're living in the Now."
~ Bert McCoy
1148. "When the mind is still you're in the kingdom."
~ Bert McCoy
1149. "We must do what we can to keep our favorite restaurants alive."
~ Bert McCoy
1150. "To be fearless, or not to be fearless, that is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
1151. "One of the best ways to learn is to teach yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1152. "Doubting ourself blurs our focus."
~ Bert McCoy
1153. "Wherever you go and whatever you do... just be present."
~ Bert McCoy
1154. "Avoid complaining and agreeing with those who complain - The result will blow your mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1155. "The only place to dig for treasure is in your own chest."
~ Bert McCoy
1156. "It's easier taking steps to improve than continuing to suffer."
~ Bert McCoy
1157. "Life's a dance - Jump in."
~ Bert McCoy
1158. "You can't get bored with a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1159. "Trust your talents as you would trust a roadmap."
~ Bert McCoy
1160. "Hold onto trauma as you'd hold onto a hot piece of coal."
~ Bert McCoy
1161. "In seeking love you will eventually find Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1162. "Life's a discovery - Inside and out."
~ Bert McCoy
1163. "Don't try to fix the world - Ride the world."
~ Bert McCoy
1164. "Tears are powerful... Especially when they've dried."
~ Bert McCoy
1165. "Worshiping the inner Self enlightens the world."
~ Bert McCoy
1166. "The Truth opens new doors."
~ Bert McCoy
1167. "Whatever you have the energy for... Go for it."
~ Bert McCoy
1168. "The reruns of the mind are not as important as the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1169. "It's always the right time to be in the Now."
~ Bert McCoy
1170. "The right road is the road we are currently on."
~ Bert McCoy
1171. "Being human is easy - Being a good human is a challenge."
~ Bert McCoy
1172. "Overthinking makes us insecure."
~ Bert McCoy
1173. "Good teaching comes down to using the right bait with the right size hook."
~ Bert McCoy
1174. "Life's about witnessing thje ebb and flow."
~ Bert McCoy
1175. "The key to happiness is the preszent moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1176. "Making the best of what we have is success."
~ Bert McCoy
1177. "What could ever be more important than this one ever-present eternal moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1178. "Don't respond when the mind snaps its fingers."
~ Bert McCoy
1179. "Great sunsets punctuate the day."
~ Bert McCoy
1180. "There's nothing more fragile than a big ego."
~ Bert McCoy
1181. "Family is a candle burning at both ends - Stay in the middle for as long as you can."
~ Bert McCoy
1182. "Just because we close our eyes... Doesn't mean the light's not there."
~ Bert McCoy
1183. "No effort is needed to enjoy a sunset."
~ Bert McCoy
1184. "Life's good - should be everyone's mantra."
~ Bert McCoy
1185. "Wisdom awakens when the mind is quiet."
~ Bert McCoy
1186. "This world of tears enlightens us."
~ Bert McCoy
1187. "True love belittles no one."
~ Bert McCoy
1188. "Not knowing how everything will work out is perfectly normal."
~ Bert McCoy
1189. "With the right perspective... Family life provides unlimited entertainment."
~ Bert McCoy
1190. "The wind plays its own music."
~ Bert McCoy
1191. "We're here to bless the world in our own way."
~ Bert McCoy
1192. "Be this moment and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
1193. "Live by courage and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
1194. "Failure is impossible for a spiritual being."
~ Bert McCoy
1195. "Dream less - Meditate more."
~ Bert McCoy
1196. "We grow stronger with every bridge we cross."
~ Bert McCoy
1197. "When you see life's a dream you'll be playful and wise."
~ Bert McCoy
1198. "The quality of thought is more important than the quantity."
~ Bert McCoy
1199. "Controlling our impulses will eliminate most of our troubles."
~ Bert McCoy
1200. "We're only as lonely as we think we are."
~ Bert McCoy
1201. "Listening to reason is a stepping stone to maturity."
~ Bert McCoy
1202. "What's supposed to happen is supposed to happen - Teach yourself how to get through it."
~ Bert McCoy
1203. "The past and future don't belong to the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1204. "The ego loves holding onto grudges - Spirit doesn't bother."
~ Bert McCoy
1205. "The most painful experiences are usually the most eye opening."
~ Bert McCoy
1206. "For better or worse... We all have each other."
~ Bert McCoy
1207. "We all live in small circles - each circle ends exactly where it began."
~ Bert McCoy
1208. "The waves of yesterday don't need to be remembered."
~ Bert McCoy
1209. "Deep down we are all poets."
~ Bert McCoy
1210. "Say yes to life when you no longer want to suffer."
~ Bert McCoy
1211. "Yesterday is a distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
1212. "Yesterday and tomorrow are distracting us from the Now."
~ Bert McCoy
1213. "The ego is a jail cell we willingly walk into."
~ Bert McCoy
1214. "Our supreme goal is to see ourselves in others."
~ Bert McCoy
1215. "Sitting down and doing nothing is a Divine calling."
~ Bert McCoy
1216. "What's real only exists in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1217. "This world could never exist without You."
~ Bert McCoy
1218. "Let the silence in this moment guide You."
~ Bert McCoy
1219. "Suffering is a limited perspective."
~ Bert McCoy
1220. "All experiences have hidden meanings."
~ Bert McCoy
1221. "We're all acting in an ever-evolving script."
~ Bert McCoy
1222. "It will be okay - If you want it to be okay."
~ Bert McCoy
1223. "Laughing at life gets us through life."
~ Bert McCoy
1224. "Love shines its light through everything."
~ Bert McCoy
1225. "Stop trying to change what is."
~ Bert McCoy
1226. "Peace of mind arises when we're okay with whatever happens."
~ Bert McCoy
1227. "Getting involved helps others to see our value."
~ Bert McCoy
1228. "What might have been doesn't matter right now."
~ Bert McCoy
1229. "Fortune favors those living in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1230. "Having kids prolongs our retirement."
~ Bert McCoy
1231. "The ego is a lone wolf - always on the hunt."
~ Bert McCoy
1232. "The matrix is everywhere... Except in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
1233. "No labor is needed for the wealth already within us."
~ Bert McCoy
1234. "Complaining slows us down."
~ Bert McCoy
1235. "Everyone should be required to take a smiling class."
~ Bert McCoy
1236. "Mother nature expects a whole lot more from us."
~ Bert McCoy
1237. "Before enlightenment smile less and think more - after enlightenment smile more and think less."
~ Bert McCoy
1238. "There's no struggle when we're totally in this moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1239. "Instead of worrying about the future... get a piece of paper and start making a list of things to do."
~ Bert McCoy
1240. "True intelligence awakens a multitude of possibilities."
~ Bert McCoy
1241. "When it's perfect there are no more words."
~ Bert McCoy
1242. "When you see beauty you are beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
1243. "You are actually in search of nothing and when you realize this you are free."
~ Bert McCoy
1244. "The deeper you go, the closer you are to your authentic Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1245. "The only way to live this life is to love this life."
~ Bert McCoy
1246. "Letting children fall is a part of parenting; and, showing kids how to stand right back up takes a real artist."
~ Bert McCoy
1247. "The mind is a red rose with thorns... Don't get too close."
~ Bert McCoy
1248. "Simplify should be one of the most used words in any meeting."
~ Bert McCoy
1249. "Kindred spirits speak heart to heart."
~ Bert McCoy
1250. "When you follow your thoughts you follow a ghost."
~ Bert McCoy
1251. "The way out of suffering is yes."
~ Bert McCoy
1252. "Labels are not to be trusted - It's what's inside that counts."
~ Bert McCoy
1253. "Give your breath more attention than your mind and all will be well."
~ Bert McCoy
1254. "Great quotes never stop speaking to me."
~ Bert McCoy
1255. "Learning how to be calm in all situations is a valuable skill."
~ Bert McCoy
1256. "Caffeine will enable us to map the cosmos."
~ Bert McCoy
1257. "Simplify your needs and you simplify your life."
~ Bert McCoy
1258. "Seeing clearly is seeing things through the eyes of another."
~ Bert McCoy
1259. "Telling me what I want to hear is cheap advice."
~ Bert McCoy
1260. "Clear blue skies are always above our heads."
~ Bert McCoy
1261. "The positive arises with the right perspective."
~ Bert McCoy
1262. "Great books never stop reading to me."
~ Bert McCoy
1263. "Do nothing but flow with life as it is brought to you."
~ Bert McCoy
1264. "Don't remove the darkness... Just turn on your light."
~ Bert McCoy
1265. "The mind never has anything new to say... All it knows is of the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1266. "Only the wise ones know who is wise."
~ Bert McCoy
1267. "We are spirit first - human second."
~ Bert McCoy
1268. "The difficult people in our life are really our teachers."
~ Bert McCoy
1269. "The real meditation is to live from the heart."
~ Bert McCoy
1270. "Don't make your wants more than you are willing to grow."
~ Bert McCoy
1271. "We are the tree of life we are looking for."
~ Bert McCoy
1272. "Most talk is shallow."
~ Bert McCoy
1273. "Doing what makes one successful scares most people."
~ Bert McCoy
1274. "Negative thinking makes all of us tired."
~ Bert McCoy
1275. "Keep focused on the present moment - the past slows us down."
~ Bert McCoy
1276. "The flowers are waiting for us to bloom."
~ Bert McCoy
1277. "Sunsets are short intermissions."
~ Bert McCoy
1278. "When the mind is still You're in the Kingdom.
~ Bert McCoy
1279. "When everything aroubnd you becomes real dark... It's easier to find the light within."
~ Bert McCoy
1280. "You're on a spiritual journey when you realize you're on a spiritual journey."
~ Bert McCoy
1281. "Our greatness can be hidden for only so long."
~ Bert McCoy
1282. "Why do We focus on the past and future and ignore the obvious."
~ Bert McCoy
1283. "Life brings heartbreak - embrace all of it."
~ Bert McCoy
1284. "Catch negative thoughts quickly... So they don't multiply."
~ Bert McCoy
1285. "Without wine the nights would be too short."
~ Bert McCoy
1286. "The ego likes feeding us false information."
~ Bert McCoy
1287. "Don't give yourself five star service."
~ Bert McCoy
1288. "Negative thinking limits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
1289. "Desire and commitment will be the boat that carries you to your goal."
~ Bert McCoy
1290. "Travel lightly - The ego is extra baggage."
~ Bert McCoy
1291. "You live better by loving better."
~ Bert McCoy
1292. "Playing the victim is never a good disguise."
~ Bert McCoy
1293. "More work is not as important as clear understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
1294. "The way to let go of the past is the way to take care of a wound - Don't pick at it."
~ Bert McCoy
1295. "Both difficulties and tgriumphs are exactly the same... Learning experience."
~ Bert McCoy
1296. "There's just You in this dream."
~ Bert McCoy
1297. "Without compassion education will separate us from each other."
~ Bert McCoy
1298. "All pain and suffering carries the seed of enlightenment.''
~ Bert McCoy
1299. "The breath fans our heated emotions."
~ Bert McCoy
1300. "Peace of mind is not needed in the past...
It's needed in the Now."
~ Bert McCoy
1301. "Leave a lot of space for fun."
~ Bert McCoy
1302. "Stop quitting on yourself - you can achieve so much more with the right mindset."
~ Bert McCoy
1303. "When you follow the ego you become its sparing partner"
~ Bert McCoy
1304. "Inspiration awakens in us when we say yes."
~ Bert McCoy
1305. "Time reminds us we don't have forever; the present moment reminds us we are eternal."
~ Bert McCoy
1306. "We will get what we want if we're more motivational and less critical."
~ Bert McCoy
1307. "The ego is a magnet for trouble."
~ Bert McCoy
1308. "Self realization takes place when limiting concepts are removed."
~ Bert McCoy
1309. "To see the positive or not to see the positive, this is the true question."
~ Bert McCoy
1310. "Labels are not to be trusted - It's whats inside that counts."
~ Bert McCoy
1311. "Beauty is enduring in what we leave behind."
~ Bert McCoy
1312. "The stars teach us to look beyond this world."
~ Bert McCoy
1313. "Words are shadows - their value depends on the light source."
~ Bert McCoy
1314. "This world distracts us from the treasure inside."
~ Bert McCoy
1315. "Laughter navigates us through the toughest of times."
~ Bert McCoy
1316. "Mothers help keep us sane... For as long as we want to listen."
~ Bert McCoy
1317. "We all have hidden gems within us... we just have to look."
~ Bert McCoy
1318. "If you live from the mind there are many choices - If you live from the heart there is only one."
~ Bert McCoy
1319. "Love navigates us through the toughest storms."
~ Bert McCoy
1320. "The most painful events bring out the most beautiful people."
~ Bert McCoy
1321. "You know exactly what you need to do when you really love someone."
~ Bert McCoy
1322. "Crossing over a bridge is never as far as you think."
~ Bert McCoy
1323. "FYI... Green grass grows everywhere."
~ Bert McCoy
1324. "Negative thoughts are attracted to other negative thoughts."
~ Bert McCoy
1325. "Don't respond to the ego's beck and call."
~ Bert McCoy
1326. "When you see beauty... You are beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
1327. "The mind never has anything new to say... All it knows is of the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1328. "Trouble begins with overthinking."
~ Bert McCoy
1329. "Once you find your treasure... The path to get there loses its importance."
~ Bert McCoy
1330. "If it is what it is... Embrace it."
~ Bert McCoy
1331. "Family is your greatest gift and your greatest challenge."
~ Bert McCoy
1332. "Books are silent, but have the ability to scream."
~ Bert McCoy
1333. "Friends are worth your precious time."
~ Bert McCoy
1334. "It's really simple... Just be as loving as you can right Now."
~ Bert McCoy
1335. "When you want to feel rich... Visit your friends."
~ Bert McCoy
1336. "Live in the moment and let life flow."
~ Bert McCoy
1337. "If you can't laugh at it you're not over it."
~ Bert McCoy
1338. "It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary."
~ Bert McCoy
1339. "We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have."
~ Bert McCoy
1340. "There are a multitude of worries that will consume you - why choose any."
~ Bert McCoy
1341. "Help those who are in your reach and you will help thousands."
~ Bert McCoy
1342. "Don't be so loyal to your mind; the mind is not loyal to you."
~ Bert McCoy
1343. "Surrender the ego and the heart will take it from there."
~ Bert McCoy
1344. "If you ask what is truly important... The ego will quickly say me."
~ Bert McCoy
1345. "The mind likes to divert us from that which is truly important."
~ Bert McCoy
1346. "No mind is necessary to see the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1347. "In transcendental meditation... Who is transcending?"
~ Bert McCoy
1348. "The light is necessary until the Sun comes out."
~ Bert McCoy
1349. "A light is necessary until the Sun comes out."
~ Bert McCoy
1350. "Embrace it if you want to understand it."
~ Bert McCoy
1351. "Wisdom awakens when We investigate the ego-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1352. "I am the observer of the observer of the observed - and so are You."
~ Bert McCoy
1353. "Powerful quotes are magical when they find soft ground."
~ Bert McCoy
1354. "Great relationships have great chemistry."
~ Bert McCoy
1355. "One cannot learn what cannot be taught."
~ Bert McCoy
1356. "We can't use other peoples insanity to find our own sanity."
~ Bert McCoy
1357. "The best way to destroy the ego-mind is to see that it doesn't really exist."
~ Bert McCoy
1358. "If you look close enough you'll see the thief in the head doesn't really exist."
~ Bert McCoy
1359. "No matter what we think we have... We're still emptiness."
~ Bert McCoy
1360. "The clouds of the day can never block Us from the rays of the Sun."
~ Bert McCoy
1361. "Everyone goes back home when it's their time."
~ Bert McCoy
1362. "What we truly are cannot be seen."
~ Bert McCoy
1363. "In the present moment there are no fears of hell."
~ Bert McCoy
1364. "Here at your feet - here in the heart of hearts - you've finally found it... This present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1365. "If You are strong enough... Admit that You are It."
~ Bert McCoy
1366. "Pain and suffering will always bring blessings."
~ Bert McCoy
1367. "Attention to the present moment removes fear."
~ Bert McCoy
1368. "All bondage is time bound."
~ Bert McCoy
1369. "Don't ask more questions... Just dive into emptiness."
~ Bert McCoy
1370. "Without ego we are Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
1371. "The mind is delusion - Silence is clarity."
~ Bert McCoy
1372. "Sink into silence and You'll awaken innate energies."
~ Bert McCoy
1373. "The ego is an expert at camouflage."
~ Bert McCoy
1374. "There's no reasoning with the unreasonable mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1375. "The ego focuses on petty things."
~ Bert McCoy
1376. "The ego is an expert at deception."
~ Bert McCoy
1377. "A warrior is not controlled by the ego."
~ Bert McCoy
1378. "The mind's middle name is distraction."
~ Bert McCoy
1379. "Quiet the mind and and the Soul will speak."
~ Bert McCoy
1380. "The ego harasses us until we've had enough."
~ Bert McCoy
1381. "You must be the Self to realize the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1382. "The thorns of the rose remind us to respect her."
~ Bert McCoy
1383. "Don't ask more questions... Just dive into emptiness."
~ Bert McCoy
1384. "Divine will shines through the so called positive and negative."
~ Bert McCoy
1385. "Experiences are necessary for learning."
~ Bert McCoy
1386. "Some seek education to better understand their world; and, some meditate to better understand themselves."
~ Bert McCoy
1387. "As I see it, the main goal here is to see the ego is simply a ghost."
~ Bert McCoy
1388. "If enlightenment is the ultimate goal... The attachment to words and concepts will lesson."
~ Bert McCoy
1389. "At first money is the goal - later it becomes the obstacle."
~ Bert McCoy
1390. "Our life guides us to see we are not of this world."
~ Bert McCoy
1391. "If we can live the next ten minutes beautifully we can certainly live the following ten minutes beautifully."
~ Bert McCoy
1392. "Ego is the one true addiction."
~ Bert McCoy
1393. "One flower can transform your entire day."
~ Bert McCoy
1394. "Fame and fortune are accessories issued from the wardrobe department... Both will need to be returned."
~ Bert McCoy
1395. "Hope teaches us nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
1396. "Peace of mind awakens in us when we do our best."
~ Bert McCoy
1397. "The road is the goal and the goal is the road."
~ Bert McCoy
1398. "In meditation... Doing nothing is doing something."
~ Bert McCoy
1399. "Removing racism improves the quality of our lives."
~ Bert McCoy
1400. "Removing racism will improve the quality of our life."
~ Bert McCoy
1401. "It feels like a dream because it is."
~ Bert McCoy
1402. "You've never existed in the past or future; you exist in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1403. "Nothing really happens in a dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1404. "Words are shadows - their value depends on the light source."
~ Bert McCoy
1405. "We're all caught up in a play of diving irony."
~ Bert McCoy
1406. "Emptiness is hidden in everything."
~ Bert McCoy
1407. Emptiness is hoidden in the details."
~ Bert McCoy
1408. "This world is necessary until you've grown beyond it."
~ Bert McCoy
1409. "Fate is a part of leela's game."
~ Bert McCoy
1410. "Deep sleep removes the veil of the dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1410. "Deep sleep removes the veil from this dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1411."It's better to be with someone who has the same sleep patterns."
~ Bert McCoy
1411. "Nothing is either good or bad in a dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1412. "Excessive talk leads to misunderstandings."
~ Bert McCoy
1413. "We forget we are Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
1414. "The Divine is reflected in the wink of an eye."
~ Bert McCoy
1415. "When you meet the Satguru You are meeting Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1416. "Fear alienates us from Nonduality."
~ Bert McCoy
1417. "Gardens hold great truths... For those willing get get a little dirty."
~ Bert McCoy
1418. "Life is simple whe you don't mind what happens."
~ Bert McCoy
1419. "We distract ourselves from the Self in vain."
~ Bert McCoy
1420. "Our earliest memory of our Self is pure Beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
1421. "Our real Self awaits our understanding."
~ Bert McCoy
1422. "Be a mind hacker and find your Natural Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1423. "Everything and everyone is our mirror - how else can we see ourselves."
~ Bert McCoy
1424. "There's money in quotes because there's wisdom in words."
~ Bert McCoy
1425. "Take care of your business, so others will stay out of yours."
~ Bert McCoy
1426. "Investigate who the 'I' is in your head."
~ Bert McCoy
1427. "Bondage only exists in Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
1428. "Ego is the true addiction."
~ Bert McCoy
1429. "Great silence precedes great vision."
~ Bert McCoy
1430. "All pain and suffering calls us back to the Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1431. "Pain and suffering have been my most trusted textbook."
~ Bert McCoy
1432. "Oneness is greater than separateness."
~ Bert McCoy
1433. "If you look deeply into anyone's eyes, you will find Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1434. "Once you find your treasure, the path to get there loses its importance."
~ Bert McCoy
1435. "Our joy is in proportion to the stillness of our minds."
~ Bert McCoy
1436. "Stillness is the elixir the soul likes to drink."
~ Bert McCoy
1437. "Every little thing is related to every little thing."
~ Bert McCoy
1438. "Don't be so loyal to the mind; the mind is not loyal to You."
~ Bert McCoy
1439. "The 'I Am' will never leave you."
~ Bert McCoy
1440. "Hold tightly onto the I Am principle... Then, gently release your grip and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
1441. "Thinking disturbs a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1442. "Quiet minds dwell in beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
1443. "Mental pride is an obstacle to freedom."
~ Bert McCoy
1444. "In deeply understanding anything, You are free from it."
~ Bert McCoy
1445. "Freedom is never won... It pervades in stillness."
~ Bert McCoy
1446. "Thinking disturbs our Natural State."
~ Bert McCoy
1447. "Thoughts are ghosts, when you look for them they disappear."
~ Bert McCoy
1448. "Let go of judgement and life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
1449. "Ten times out of ten the ego's the culprit - either mine or theirs."
~ Bert McCoy
1450. "Reading the mystical poets will hewlp free us from our ego self."
~ Bert McCoy
1451. "The ego is the Trojan Horse."
~ Bert McCoy
1452. "Neti neti precedes self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1453. "Clarity precedes wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
1454. "Concepts and beliefs take up too much space in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
1455. "By Divine Grace are concepts and beliefs unveiled."
~ Bert McCoy
1456. "Two masks are better than one."
~ Bert McCoy
1457. "The Guru's words are our words."
~ Bert McCoy
1458. "The distance between me and you is illusion."
~ Bert McCoy
1459. "Investigate who the 'I ' is in your head."
~ Bert McCoy
1460. "As a flag stays attached and flows with the wind, stay attached to your Natural Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1461. "Even a blade of grass is Maya."
~ Bert McCoy
1462. "It's funny when the lion dreams of one day becoming a lion."
~ Bert McCoy
1463. "Maya is contrast."
~ Bert McCoy
1464. "The matrix is an allegory of the spiritual journey."
~ Bert McCoy
1465. "Our supreme purpose here is to discard our false identity and realize the Atman within."
~ Bert McCoy
1466. "Our true purpose is love and beauty."
~ Bert McCoy
1467. "Life has great meaning... for those who want to read it."
~ Bert McCoy
1468. "No one is happy in duality."
~ Bert McCoy
1469. "Refuse to be unhappy and the mind will learn to acquiesce."
~ Bert McCoy
1470. "Death is not the end - it's just the falling away of all that's not you."
~ Bert McCoy
1471. "If you're chasing the past you're chasing a shadow."
~ Bert McCoy
1472. "What is eternal is paramount."
~ Bert McCoy
1473. "Excessive thinking is a trap."
~ Bert McCoy
1474. "When we start taking care of all people from all walks of life... New energies will be given to us."
~ Bert McCoy
1475. "We must un-think ourselves out of samsara."
~ Bert McCoy
1476. "A calm mind allows heart to make decisions."
~ Bert McCoy
1477. "All seeking is a trap."
~ Bert McCoy
1478. "Books are silent, but, have the ability to scream."
~ Bert McCoy
1479. "Art depicts life and life depicts art."
~ Bert McCoy
1480. "If it is what it is... Embrace it."
~ Bert McCoy
1481. "It's not easy keeping track of all the voices in your head, but, no one's going to do it for you."
~ Bert McCoy
1482. "Only the Self is."
~ Bert McCoy
1483. "The words that come from the heart feed the world."
~ Bert McCoy
1484. "I don't have to think, therefore I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
1485. "We grow stronger with every bridge we cross."
~ Bert McCoy
1486. "Grace made her move when you lose interest in this world."
~ Bert McCoy
1487. "Grace calls us b ack to nonduality.
~ Bert McCoy
1488. "The wise ones have been tortured by their minds for lifetimes - listen to what they have to say."
~ Bert McCoy
1489. "Listening happens when you don't use your head."
~ Bert McCoy
1490. "If one feels rejected by God... then one isn't listening."
~ Bert McCoy
1491. "Belief is of the outside; knowing comes directly from the heart."
~ Bert McCoy
1492. "Spirit has nothing to fear here."
~ Bert McCoy
1493 "Meditation helps remove false concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
1494. "God is beyond all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
1495. "The only true paradise is the paradice of presence."
~ Bert McCoy
1496. "If you look deep enough into anyone's eyes you will see yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1497. "A positive quote a day will keep the doctor away."
~ Bert McCoy
1498. "Our genius is hidden inside this human shell."
~ Bert McCoy
1499. "The ego creates complexity... The heart sees the path through."
~ Bert McCoy
1500. "Wine speaks to our soul."
~ Bert McCoy
1501. "Spend time with those who vibrate like you."
~ Bert McCoy
1502. "My dream is to help my students achieve their dream."
~ Bert McCoy
1503. "Suicide is beneath you - avoid past memories and meditate in the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1504. "Detachment from outcomes brings peace."
~ Bert McCoy
1505. "Tears work great at softening the ego."
~ Bert McCoy
1506. "Shadows help make forms more believable."
~ Bert McCoy
1507. "Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can relax and have fun in this Divine play."
~ Bert McCoy
1508. "The ego pretends to be you."
~ Bert McCoy
1509. "Ruminating makes for long days - meditate instead."
~ Bert McCoy
1510. "Meditation precedes transcendence."
~ Bert McCoy
1511. "Meditation dissolves the boundaries of the mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1512. "When enlightened, no one knows more than You."
~ Bert McCoy
1513. "Saying we're not enlightened is just a thought."
~ Bert McCoy
1514. "If we focus on thoughts we miss the silence."
~ Bert McCoy
1515. "If you focus on the stars you've missed the surrounding space."
~ Bert McCoy
1516. "True words take no thought."
~ Bert McCoy
1517. "In this madness you will find your way."
~ Bert McCoy
1518. "Just call deep sleep reality and be free."
~ Bert McCoy
1519. "True love is fierce and powerful."
~ Bert McCoy
1520. "Letting go of the past gives us a restart."
~ Bert McCoy
1521. "Where there's money there's supply."
~ Bert McCoy
1522. "When are we going to stop playing mind games with the mind?"
~ Bert McCoy
1523. "Waves teach wisdom with ebb, flow, and sound."
~ Bert McCoy
1524. "Perfume is poetry to be worn."
~ Bert McCoy
1525. "Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense."
~ Bert McCoy
1526. "We have true power when we support each other."
~ Bert McCoy
1527. "All suffering vanishes in the light of presence."
~ Bert McCoy
1528. "We must find a way to rise above our mistakes."
~ Bert McCoy
1529. "Quotes are good for either getting conversations started or calling us back top silence."
~ Bert McCoy
1530. "We are living a limitless life."
~ Bert McCoy
1531. "When you are fearful... You are separate from the Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
1532. "Great teachers are tour guides - they show us the sights, the sounds, the beauty, the pain, and the ones who made a difference."
~ Bert McCoy
1533. "Wisdom always has one foot in the spirit world."
~ Bert McCoy
1534. "All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1535. "Cherish the present moment and You are the Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
1536. "Covid is a time for cleansing and introspection."
~ Bert McCoy
1537. "The best poetry comes from nowhere."
~ Bert McCoy
1538. "Divine will shines through the so called positive and negative experiences."
~ Bert McCoy
1539. "Embrace all difficulties, all pain, all suffering, and you will prevail."
~ Bert McCoy
1540. "Embrace all the difficulties, all the pain and suffering, and you will prevail."
~ Bert McCoy
1541. "Find a clean mirror and take a good look at yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1542. "Long summer days can calm the angriest of beasts."
~ Bert McCoy
1543. "The painter is in the picture."
~ Bert McCoy
1544. "Our perfect day begins when we say yes to what is."
~ Bert McCoy
1545. "Love abounds when the left hand contemplates what the right hand is doing."
~ Bert McCoy
1546. "No individual can become enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
1547. "When awakened You do nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
1548. "Swap your past and future for peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1549. "Attention comes from interest; thus, teachers need to make learning interesting to their students."
~ Bert McCoy
1550. "On the other side of pain anmd suffering is peace and love."
~ Bert McCoy
1551. "All that matters is kindred of spirit."
~ Bert McCoy
1552. "Birth and death are both lies to the enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
1553. "Reading the mystical poets will help free us from our ego self."
~ Bert McCoy
1554."The only thing wrong with this world is our perspective."
~ Bert McCoy
1555. "Death is a funny joke to a Timeless Awareness Being."
~ Bert McCoy
1556. "We're all flowers waiting to bloom."
~ Bert McCoy
1557. "People bloom when the conditions arew right."
~ Bert McCoy
1558. "When in doubt, seek wisdom."
~ Bert McCoy
1559. "The purpose of life is to know we are All just One."
~ Bert McCoy
1560. "Wisdom is cherished by those whlo recognize it."
~ Bert McCoy
1561. "Our purpose here is to discard the personality and find what lies underneath."
~ Bert McCoy
1562. "Without self-awareness we live in a tiny dark room."
~ Bert McCoy
1563. "Shadows are to be avoided - Reality is here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1564. "It's never too late to question everything."
~ Bert McCoy
1565. "Striving for happiness will never bring you happiness."
~ Bert McCoy
1566. "Don't be afraid of making mistakes - It's how we learn."
~ Bert McCoy
1567. "We're happy before we think we're happy."
~ Bert McCoy
1568. "Satisfying the senses is not happiness."
~ Bert McCoy
1569. "It's important for our kids to beat us at our own games."
~ Bert McCoy
1570. "In deep sleep we are Oneness."
~ Bert McCoy
1571. "You can improve yourself worldly, but, not spiritually."
~ Bert McCoy
1572. "We'll be able to see clearly when we rise above it all."
~ Bert McCoy
1573. "You are actually in search of nothing - and when you realize this you are free."
~ Bert McCoy
1574. "Searching for Truth takes us away from the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
1575. "Beauty and Self realization are one and the same."
~ Bert McCoy
1576. "All paths to enlightenment are traps."
~ Bert McCoy
1577. "Your pain and suffering will eventually lead to self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1578. "pain and suffering is a catalyst for Self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1579. "Staying positive is the easiest way to live."
~ Bert McCoy
1580. "The world can pull us away from our true Self - The present moment is the way back."
~ Bert McCoy
1581. "Great poetry is pulled from a magic hat."
~ Bert McCoy
1582. "Spiritual Truth goes beyond body-mind awareness."
~ Bert McCoy
1583. "Spirit expresses itself through our actions - our arrogance gets in the way."
~ Bert McCoy
1584. "Life is simple when You don't mind what happens."
~ Bert McCoy
1585. "Be the Ocean and You won't get carried away by the waves."
1586. "The mind never has anything new to say... All it knows is of the past."
~ Bert McCoy
1587. "A great wave of souls ebb and flow within and without of this world."
~ Bert McCoy
1588. "We can still be happy when life gets challenging."
~ Bert McCoy
1589. "I have always been You."
~ Bert McCoy
1590. "I don't have to think... Therefore I Am."
~ Bert McCoy
1591. "The desirelessness state is true intelligence."
~ Bert McCoy
1592. "A good restaurant server is an attache' to good health."
~ Bert McCoy
1593. "No Guru was ever born - They are the Manifest Principle."
~ Bert McCoy
1594. "The true Guru shows us when and where to dig for our treasure."
~ Bert McCoy
1595. "If your Guru's great... You'll have forgotten everything."
~ Bert McCoy
1596. "All suffering vanishes in the light of presence."
~ Bert McCoy
1597. "Realizing life's a paradox makes one a Sage."
~ Bert McCoy
1598. "Investigate who the I is in your head."
~ Bert McCoy
1599. "Wisdom is cherished by those who recognize it."
~ Bert McCoy
1600. "A true Sage is not the body."
~ Bert McCoy
1601. "The real medicine is to see the world as a dream."
~ Bert McCoy
1602. "Nothing really happens in a dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1603. "Making mistakes allows us the opportunity to find what works and what works."
~ Bert McCoy
1604. "Nothing is either good or bad... In a dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1605. "In a dream world nothing is either good or bad."
~ Bert McCoy
1606. "Love and helping others is our duty as Spirit."
~ Bert McCoy
1607. "Teachers should always include opportunities for students to fix or make something new."
~ Bert McCoy
1608. "Family is a candle burning at both ends - stay in the middle for as long as you can."
~ Bert McCoy
1609. "Where there is mind there is trouble."
~ Bert McCoy
1610. "Trouble will continue to come until the inner Self is realized."
~ Bert McCoy
1611. "A family's productivity and serenity have been greatly challenged by teachers assigning excessive amounts of busywork."
~ Bert McCoy
1612. "Our existence prevails above all concepts and beliefs."
~ Bert McCoy
1613. "God is above all concepts and beliefs... And so are We."
~ Bert McCoy
1614. "Concepts and beliefs take up too much space in the head."
~ Bert McCoy
1615. "By Divine Grace are concepts and beliefs unveiled."
~ Bert McCoy
1616. "Consciousness can be found in meditation."
~ Bert McCoy
1617. "The simplest explanations come from Consciousness."
~ Bert McCoy
1618. "We all breathe the same breath of Consciousness."
~ Bert McCoy
1619. "We're all in a raising consciousness game - Some more slower than others."
~ Bert McCoy
1620. "Color and form blind us from the Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
1621. "We learn best by being around wise people."
~ Bert McCoy
1622. "Nature speaks a language only lovers understand."
~ Bert McCoy
1623. "Our biggest mistake is accepting this dream as reality."
~ Bert McCoy
1624. "True wealth is not what the mind thinks."
~ Bert McCoy
1625. "Your freedom isn't in a far away place or buried deep in a mine - just open your fist, and there it is."
~ Bert McCoy
1626. The light of the witness helps us to see in the dark."
~ Bert McCoy
1627. "In as far as the spirituality game goes - You've already won."
~ Bert McCoy
1628. "The mind's expectations are endless."
~ Bert McCoy
1629. "Emptiness is so immense - Yet only a few see this."
~ Bert McCoy
1630. "Emptiness allows us to hear the sky's secrets."
~ Bert McCoy
1631. "Emptiness is the Source."
~ Bert McCoy
1632. "Seeking enlightenment is a waste of your time... In reality there is no seeker, no search, and no words."
~ Bert McCoy
1633. "Our ultimate dance is with nothingness."
~ Bert McCoy
1634. "Nothingness makes thought creative."
~ Bert McCoy
1635. "When the mind becomes anxious - just be indifferent."
~ Bert McCoy
1636. "Counting the minutes creates anxiety."
~ Bert McCoy
1637. "The here and now is fathomless."
~ Bert McCoy
1638. "Shadows are to be avoided - Reality is here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1639. "All that we have here and now is entertainment."
~ Bert McCoy
1640. "Eternity is remembered in the here and now."
~ Bert McCoy
1641. "True words take no thought."
~ Bert McCoy
1642. "Spirit moves easily through us when we stop identifying with the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1643. "Spirit doesn't care about failure."
~ Bert McCoy
1644. "The only way to understand a woman is to love a woman."
~ Bert McCoy
1645. "Only when the ego-mind dissolves into heart will there be Pure Awareness."
~ Bert McCoy
1646. "The ego-mind will never taste true happiness on its own."
~ Bert McCoy
1647. "Physical strength weakens when we grow wise."
~ Bert McCoy
1648. "Birth and death apply only to the body-mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1649. "Pleasure distracts us from the deeper Self."
~ Bert McCoy
1650. "Silence awakens Self Realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1651. "The world is a trap - Don't get too close."
~ Bert McCoy
1652. "A silent mind is peace of mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1653. "Sink into silence and you'll awaken innate energies."
~ Bert McCoy
1654. "The mind is delusion - Silence is clarity."
~ Bert McCoy
1655. "Silence awakens self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1656. "The glory of silence rests in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1657. "Are we lucky to have what we have or is having what we have separate us from our deeper Self?"
~ Bert McCoy
1658. "Peace of mind is attention to nothing."
~ Bert McCoy
1659. "The brightest of light is hidden in the darkest of nights."
~ Bert McCoy
1660. "Pride is a red cape the ego wears proudly."
~ Bert McCoy
1661. "The ego-mind sees us as a caged bird."
~ Bert McCoy
1662. "Deep down there's no other than You."
~ Bert McCoy
1663. "The question of being enlightened is still in the dream world."
~ Bert McCoy
1664. "The Divine awakens in a quiet mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1665. "The mind creates complexities... Your job is to see this as play."
~ Bert McCoy
1666. "Bodies have a destiny... You do not."
~ Bert McCoy
1667. "Without thought One is complete."
~ Bert McCoy
1668. "When the world gets harsh... Smile your way through it."
~ Bert McCoy
1669. "No thought leaves no footprints."
~ Bert McCoy
1670. "Without thought there are no others."
~ Bert McCoy
1671. "Use your pain and suffering - Don't let pain and suffering use you."
~ Bert McCoy
1672. "False ideas are a result of a false sense of separation."
~ Bert McCoy
1673. "Limited views blind us from reality."
~ Bert McCoy
1674. "The mind isn't evil - it's your servant."
~ Bert McCoy
1675. "Concepts and beliefs are rocks thrown into a calm pool."
~ Bert McCoy
1676. "The Divine isn't reached by number of books read, hours of meditation, or grades in school - It's about quietness."
~ Bert McCoy
1677. "The outer world is riddled with change - the inner world is changeless."
~ Bert McCoy
1678. "Sad stories contain great meaning."
~ Bert McCoy
1679. "Some kids bring you joy and some kids bring you heartbreak - both spring from the Divine."
~ Bert McCoy
1680. "We taste Pure Awareness in deep sleep."
~ Bert McCoy
1681. "The real You is untouched by Karma."
~ Bert McCoy
1682. "Nothing here happens to us... It happens within us."
~ Bert McCoy
1683. "Creative inquiry is asking the right questions at the right time."
~ Bert McCoy
1684. "Eternity is in this present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1685. "Seeing ourselves in all - calms the mind flow."
~ Bert McCoy
1686. "The real You is Pure Consciousness and touched by none of this."
~ Bert McCoy
1687. "The way to find the Divine is to find Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1688. "A hammer and chisel is used to remove excess stone... Meditation is used to remove excess thought."
~ Bert McCoy
1689. "Rejecting everything awakens innate energies."
~ Bert McCoy
1690. "Truth is not the object... truth is the Subject."
~ Bert McCoy
1691. "We climb through vanity to Truth."
~ Bert McCoy
1692. "You'll find what you're good at by merging the mind with the present moment."
~ Bert McCoy
1693. "Beyond the body-mind is nothing but Pure Brilliant Stillness."
~ Bert McCoy
1694. "To be able to differentiate between the false and the true should be a fundamental class in all schools."
~ Bert McCoy
1695. "I do nothing - Life does."
~ Bert McCoy
1696. "We're free from delusion when we see ourselves in everything."
~ Bert McCoy
1697. "We need to be reminded it's all just an amazing and brilliant game."
~ Bert McCoy
1698. "Beingness is the candle we're all burning."
~ Bert McCoy
1699. "In seeking Love you will eventually find Yourself."
~ Bert McCoy
1700. "Life's a discovery - inside and out."
~ Bert McCoy
1701. "See illusion for illusion is Self realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1702. "The present moment is the true Guru."
~ Bert McCoy
1703. "Find the trees and you've found the forest."
~ Bert McCoy
1704. "There's really not many pieces to this puzzle called life."
~ Bert McCoy
1705. "The real journey begins when you ask yourself who or what you are without a past, future, or name."
~ Bert McCoy
1706. "The changeless part in you recognizes change."
~ Bert McCoy
1707. "We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have."
~ Bert McCoy
1708. "It takes great passion to make great art."
~ Bert McCoy
1709. "The background of samsara is Bliss."
~ Bert McCoy
1710. There is no reasoning with an unreasonable mind."
~ Bert McCoy
1711. "Self realization takes place when limiting concepts are removed."
~ Bert McCoy
1712. "The best way to communicate with God is your way."
~ Bert McCoy
1713. "When you meet God with a still mind you'll be looking into a mirror."
~ Bert McCoy
1714. "Words only cheapen a heartfelt embrace."
~ Bert McCoy
1715. "Our power is reduced by talking too much."
~ Bert McCoy
1716. "The timeless One hitches a ride with a time-bound body."
~ Bert McCoy
1717. "Embrace the timeless beauty of deep sleep during the waking state."
~ Bert McCoy
1718. "The mind likes to scare us with What If questions."
~ Bert McCoy
1719. "The true journey is the search for meaning."
~ Bert McCoy
1720. "Who knows the ego-mind better than You?"
~ Bert McCoy
1721. "The ego-mind can't scare someone who dwells in this present moment."
1722. "Dogma slows down Self-realization."
~ Bert McCoy
1723. "All bridges are made with love."
~ Bert McCoy