A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt
by Bert McCoy
A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt contains 1,281 quotes.
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Bert McCoy Quotes Page 1
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Bert McCoy Quotes
Showing 1-30 of 1,566
1. **"If it is what it is learn from it."
~ Bert McCoy
2. **“Don't be so loyal to your mind; the mind is not loyal to You.”
― Bert McCoy
3. **“The ego is the ultimate conspirator.”
― Bert McCoy
4. **“Be aware of yourself without thinking or looking in the mirror”
― Bert McCoy
5. **“What is not true does not exist in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
6. **“In deep sleep we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
7. **“To think or not to think...This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
8. **“Sarcasm is wasted on the young.”
― Bert McCoy
9. **“It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary.”
― Bert McCoy
10. **“The wind plays its own music.”
― Bert McCoy
11. **“You are actually in search of nothing-and when you realize this you are free.”
― Bert McCoy
12. “You are the proof of everything”
― Bert McCoy
13. “Just because it's a trend should we do it?”
― Bert McCoy
14. **“Life is simple when you don't mind what happens.”
― Bert McCoy
15. **“The changeless part in you recognizes change”
― Bert McCoy
16. “Let the mind complain - you are not the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
17. **“Having manners is the sweet scent that calls you to the rose.”
― Bert McCoy
18. “You've been wandering this earth desert for far too long - go inside yourself and replenish yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
19. “When you start to question - you are part of the problem.”
― Bert McCoy
20. “Why do we refuse to love each other?”
― Bert McCoy
21. “Reading subtitles is reading.”
― Bert McCoy
22. **“The ultimate truth is: We have nothing to fear - our deepest self is Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
23. “Art depicts life and life depicts art.”
― Bert McCoy
24. **“Teach your mind to be still, just like you would teach a puppy to sit.”
― Bert McCoy
25. **“Stop feeding the ego food, then it will stop asking for more.”
― Bert McCoy
26. “Our supreme purpose here is to discard our false identity and realize the Atman within.”
― Bert McCoy
27. **“Stop digging up the past, lay down your shovel, the past is dead.”
― Bert McCoy
28. “What we have lost is not ours to keep.”
― Bert McCoy
29. “Who do you love more, your thoughts or God?”
― Bert McCoy
30. “When hate is gone, love will follow.”
― Bert McCoy
31. “Find a rare one who introduces you to the deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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32. “Without caffeine there will be chaos.”
― Bert McCoy
33. “Watching the mind separates us from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
34. “You can't force poetry - it just happens.”
― Bert McCoy
35. “It's never too late to question everything.”
― Bert McCoy
36. “Having kids prolongs our retirement.”
― Bert McCoy
37. “Sometimes the brightest part of our day is the sunset.”
― Bert McCoy
38. “The one who knows the truth is silent.”
― Bert McCoy
39. “In a hundred years we'll see.”
― Bert McCoy
40. “Death is a funny joke to a Timeless Awareness Being.”
― Bert McCoy
41. “Your loyalty to your mind is misguided.”
― Bert McCoy
42. “Surrender your ego to the heart and all will be well.”
― Bert McCoy
43. “Reincarnation is just re-entering the game.”
― Bert McCoy
44. “The dark sky helps to see the stars... The dark night of the soul helps us to see the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
45. “The mind's middle name is distraction.”
― Bert McCoy
46. “Mystical poetry stills the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
47. “Either you soften your ego, or the world will do it for you. Choose!”
― Bert McCoy
48. “The purpose of poetry is to feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
49. “There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it's the death of the body.”
― Bert McCoy
50. “Experiences are essential for learning.”
― Bert McCoy
51. “Seeking enlightenment is a waste of your time... In reality there is no seeker, no search, and no words.”
― Bert McCoy
52. “We need to widen our eyes to see our vulnerabilities.”
― Bert McCoy
53. “When you see beauty, you are beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
54. “Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can relax and have fun in this Divine Play.”
― Bert McCoy
55. “A great wave of souls ebb and flow within and without of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
56. “There's always someone's roadwork ahead of us - reduce speed and precede with caution.”
― Bert McCoy
57. “Surrender the ego and the heart will take it from there.”
― Bert McCoy
58. “A man who doesn't tip well, doesn't live well.”
― Bert McCoy
59. “When you
Concentrate on the mistakes of others
Concentrate on what you don’t have
Concentrate on why you can’t be happy
Concentrate on the past
Concentrate on the future
Concentrate on what’s wrong with this very moment
How can you be happy?”
― Bert McCoy
60. “Death is not the end - it's just the falling away of all that's not You. Sooner or later all will slip through our hands - It's supposed to. When you return, it will feel as if only a second has passed. So be at peace here - all is well.”
― Bert McCoy
61 “Picture a strong box with a strong lid. Open the lid. Now take your past - all the so called good and bad... everything that's ever happened to you... and put it into the box... all of your past has been written down. Take all of your past... and put it into the box. Now take your right hand and push it down to the bottom. Now take your right hand out. Now take all of your future - all your hopes and dreams... all of it... and put it into the box. Now take your right hand and push this future to the bottom of the box with the past. Now take your right hand out. Now take your name - you didn't pick it, it was chosen for you. Now take your name and push it to the bottom of the box with your right hand - with the past and future. Now take your right hand out. Now close your lid and pick up your box. Now walk with me to an imaginary cliff. See yourself looking over... It's bottomless. Now quickly throw your box over the cliff... and don't take your eyes off of it. It's going down... down... down... Down... Until it's a tiny little speck... and then it's gone!
Now... Who are you now?
Who are you without a past, without a future, and without a name?
You don't even know... Do you?
In fact... You have no idea who you are!
Let me ask you a question, "do you have a problem right now?"
You don't... do you? In fact... you've never had a problem... Have you?
You don't have a problem because the mind hasn't given you one yet.
Yes... you are just fine... Pure... Clear... and still. And you have always been This... Pure... and still... you've always be at peace... and always will.
In fact, the real You has never had a problem because the real You is beyond all comings and goings of this world. You are Timeless Awareness... and Being. You have always been This... and you will always be That!
― Bert McCoy
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62. “We forget we are divine.”
― Bert McCoy
63. “When you follow your thoughts you follow a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
64. “You know exactly what you need to do when you really love someone.”
― Bert McCoy
65. “All stories are love stories in the making.”
― Bert McCoy
66. “Don't respond when the mind snaps its fingers.”
― Bert McCoy
67. “The ego focuses on petty things.”
― Bert McCoy
68. “In this madness you will find your way.”
― Bert McCoy
69. “Just call deep sleep reality and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
70. “Without a voice the flowers speak.”
― Bert McCoy
71. “Thoughts are ghosts, when you look for them they disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
72. “Let go of judgement and life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
73. “Where there is mind there is trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
74. “The only way to live in this life is to love this life.”
― Bert McCoy
75. “Don't be a cheater, lose with class.”
― Bert McCoy
76. “Each day is a new flower, enjoy its beauty while it lasts.”
― Bert McCoy
77. “Water doesn't know where it's going to flow, it just flows.”
― Bert McCoy
78. “Our life here is but one burning candle in time - why do we worry so much?”
― Bert McCoy
79. “Nature speaks a language only lovers understand.”
― Bert McCoy
80. “Thinking too much about the past or future in class can have serious grade consequences.”
― Bert McCoy
81. “Words are shadows - their value depends on the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
82. “Our deathless nature is realized by this transitory experience.”
― Bert McCoy
83. “Big events are better understood under the scrutiny of historians - that's why I like learning about history”
― Bert McCoy
84. “Are sunset’s endings or beginnings?”
― Bert McCoy
85. “What looks like a path to enlightenment is actually a
― Bert McCoy
86. “We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have.”
― Bert McCoy
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87. “Take care of your business, so others will stay out of yours.”
― Bert McCoy
88. “The stars teach us to look beyond this world.”
― Bert McCoy
89. “Everything and everyone is our mirror - how else can we see ourselves.”
― Bert McCoy
90. “Be a mind hacker and find your natural Self.”
― Bert McCoy
91. “True paradise lies within us.”
― Bert McCoy
92. “This life experience is a shedding which leads to the egoless state.”
― Bert McCoy
93. “Advocate – 1 John 2:1, Almighty – Revelation 1:8, Alpha – Revelation 1:8, Amen – Revelation 3:14, Angel of the Lord – Genesis 16:7, Anointed One – Psalm 2:2, Apostle – Hebrews 3:1, Author and Perfecter of our Faith – Hebrews 12:2, Beginning – Revelation 21:6, Bishop of Souls – 1 Peter 2:25, Branch – Zechariah 3:8, Bread of Life – John 6:35,48, Bridegroom – Matthew 9:15, Carpenter – Mark 6:3, Chief Shepherd – 1 Peter 5:4, The Christ – Matthew 1:16, Comforter – Jeremiah 8:18, Consolation of Israel – Luke 2:25, Cornerstone – Ephesians 2:20, Dayspring – Luke 1:78, Day Star – 2 Peter 1:19, Deliverer – Romans 11:26, Desire of Nations – Haggai 2:7, Emmanuel – Matthew 1:23, End – Revelation 21:6, Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6, Faithful and True Witness – Revelation 3:14, First Fruits – 1 Corinthians 15:23, Foundation – Isaiah 28:16, Fountain – Zechariah 13:1, Friend of Sinners – Matthew 11:19, Gate for the Sheep – John 10:7, Gift of God – 2 Corinthians 9:15, God – John 1:1, Glory of God – Isaiah 60:1, Good Shepherd – John 10:11, Governor – Matthew 2:6, Great Shepherd – Hebrews 13:20, Guide – Psalm 48:14, Head of the Church – Colossians, 1:18, High Priest – Hebrews 3:1, Holy One of Israel – Isaiah 41:14, Horn of Salvation – Luke 1:69, I Am – Exodus 3:14, Jehovah – Psalm 83:18, Jesus – Matthew 1:21, King of Israel – Matthew 27:42, King of Kings – 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16, Lamb of God – John 1:29, Last Adam – 1 Corinthians 15:45, Life – John 11:25, Light of the World – John 8:12, Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Revelation 5:5, Lord of Lords – 1 Timothy, 6:15; Revelation 19:16
Master – Matthew 23:8, Mediator – 1 Timothy 2:5, Messiah – John 1:41, Mighty God – Isaiah 9:6, Morning Star – Revelation 22:16, Nazarene – Matthew 2:23, Omega – Revelation 1:8, Passover Lamb – 1 Corinthians 5:7, Physician – Matthew 9:12, Potentate – 1 Timothy 6:15, Priest – Hebrews 4:15, Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6, Prophet – Acts 3:22, Propitiation – I John 2:2, Purifier – Malachi 3:3, Rabbi – John 1:49, Ransom – 1 Timothy 2:6, Redeemer – Isaiah 41:14, Refiner – Malachi 3:2, Refuge – Isaiah 25:4, Resurrection – John 11:25, Righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6, Rock – Deuteronomy 32:4, Root of David – Revelation 22:16, Rose of Sharon – Song of Solomon 2:1, Ruler of God’s Creation – Revelation 3:14, Sacrifice – Ephesians 5:2, Savior – 2 Samuel 22:47; Luke 1:47, Second Adam – 1 Corinthians 15:47, Seed of Abraham – Galatians 3:16, Seed of David – 2 Timothy 2:8, Seed of the Woman – Genesis 3:15, Servant – Isaiah 42:1, Shepherd – 1 Peter 2:25, Shiloh – Genesis 49:10, Son of David – Matthew 15:22, Son of God – Luke 1:35, Son of Man – Matthew 18:11, Son of Mary – Mark 6:3, Son of the Most High – Luke 1:32, Stone – Isaiah 28:16, Sun of Righteousness – Malachi 4:2, Teacher – Matthew 26:18, Truth – John 14:6, Way – John 14:6, Wonderful, Counselor – Isaiah 9:6, Word – John 1:1
Vine – John 15:1... You are so beautiful in so many names, ways, shapes, and forms.”
― Bert McCoy
94. “Poetry is our essence... It's uncovered in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
95. “The way out of suffering is yes.”
― Bert McCoy
96. “Inside the seed are many trees... Inside You are many kingdoms.”
― Bert McCoy
97. “The wise ones have been tortured by their minds for lifetimes - listen to what they have to say.”
― Bert McCoy
98. “These days... you're at a disadvantage if you only know how to speak, read, and write one language.”
― Bert McCoy
99. “If you stay long enough in paradise, you're bound to get bitten by mosquitos.”
― Bert McCoy
100. “We must increase the spaciousness in our thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
101. “How a person sees the world is so very important.”
― Bert McCoy
102. “There are a multitude of worries that will consume you - Why choose any?”
― Bert McCoy
103. “Kind words promote good communication.”
― Bert McCoy
104. “We are not lost, broken, or alone - we're given exactly what we need to be still.”
― Bert McCoy
105. “The one who transcends the mind sits on a throne.”
― Bert McCoy
106. “Without a past, future, or name who are you? Nobody? Without a past, future, or name do you have a problem?”
― Bert McCoy
107. “Addiction gives the ego purpose.”
― Bert McCoy
108. “If you look deep enough into anyone's eyes you will see yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
109. “Time flies when you're multitasking.”
― Bert McCoy
110. “The only true paradise is the paradise of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
111. “Quotes are good for either getting conversations started... or calling us back to silence.”
― Bert McCoy
112. “God has answers, but most of them we don't want to hear.”
― Bert McCoy
113. “Our biggest mistake is accepting this dream as reality.”
― Bert McCoy
114. “You know who loves you when your hanging off a cliff.”
― Bert McCoy
115. “I don't have to think, therefore I am.”
― Bert McCoy
116. “We have true power when we support each other.”
― Bert McCoy
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117. “You are the master and life is your servant.”
― Bert McCoy
118. “Swap your past and future for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
119. “Attention comes from interest; thus, teachers need to make learning interesting to their students.”
― Bert McCoy
120. “Help those who are in your reach and you will help thousands.”
― Bert McCoy
121. “All that's needed is to trust you're not the body or mind.”
― Bert McCoy
122. “Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
123. “The difficult people in our life are really our teachers.”
― Bert McCoy
124. “Spontaneity is divine will.”
― Bert McCoy
125. “Grace made its move when you lose interest in this world.”
― Bert McCoy
126. “For many... Spirit is a spare tire and jack located somewhere in the trunk and only pulled out in an emergency.”
― Bert McCoy
127. “Our true nature calls us back home to the deep sleep state.”
― Bert McCoy
128. “Our purpose here is to discard the personality and find what lies underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
129. “Without self-awareness we live in a tiny dark room.”
― Bert McCoy
130. “The ego is a jack-n-the-box - if you're not paying attention you can be caught off guard.”
― Bert McCoy
131. “You can learn everything you need to know by gardening.”
― Bert McCoy
132. “Ego is the one true addiction.”
― Bert McCoy
133. “One flower can transform your entire day.”
― Bert McCoy
134. “Fame and fortune are accessories issued from the wardrobe department... Both will need to be returned.”
― Bert McCoy
135. “Great teachers are great tour guides - they show us the sights, the sounds, the beauty, the pain, and the ones who made a difference.”
― Bert McCoy
136. “Stop being a seeker and find Yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
137. “All chaos is divine intervention.”
― Bert McCoy
138. “Once you find your treasure, the path to get there loses its importance.”
― Bert McCoy
139. “Understanding the past helps us to recognize the dysfunction of the present.”
― Bert McCoy
140. “Be careful about trading your simple way of life with popularity - popularity will not fulfill you in the end.”
― Bert McCoy
141. “Your pain and suffering will eventually lead to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
142. “Striving for happiness will never bring you happiness.”
― Bert McCoy
143. “Don't be afraid of making mistakes - it's how we learn.”
― Bert McCoy
144. “If your guru's great... You'll have forgotten everything.”
― Bert McCoy
145. “All suffering vanishes in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
146. “Negative thinking makes all of us tired.”
― Bert McCoy
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147. “The positive arises with the right perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
148. “This world is a spider web of distractions - distracting us from that which is of the utmost importance.”
― Bert McCoy
149. “There’s some form of beauty in all words.”
― Bert McCoy
150. “In deep sleep there are no paths to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
151. “Crossing over a bridge is never as far as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
152. “You've never existed in the past or future; you exist in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
153. “It feels like a dream because it is.”
― Bert McCoy
154. “When education knocks... Open your door.”
― Bert McCoy
155. “Be at one with your senses - they know the direct route to your Natural Self.”
― Bert McCoy
156. “It took time to become an individual and no time to become free.”
― Bert McCoy
157. “When it's perfect there's no more words.”
― Bert McCoy
158. “Without wine... the night would be too short.”
― Bert McCoy
159. “What remains to be seen... remains on the architect's table.”
― Bert McCoy
160. “The journey takes us to where we need to go.”
― Bert McCoy
161. “Even a blade of grass is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
162. “It's funny when the lion dreams of one day becoming a lion.”
― Bert McCoy
163. “Meditation helps us to find the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
164. “All concepts are pot-holes... Stay out of them.”
― Bert McCoy
165. “The ego will give you a kiss, then pickpocket your wallet.”
― Bert McCoy
166. “Cats know what we're thinking - They just don't care.”
― Bert McCoy
167. “Consciousness can be found in meditation.”
― Bert McCoy
168. “The simplest explanations come from consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
169. “2001 A Space Odyssey is the biggest step in science fiction.”
― Bert McCoy
170. “The real you knows this is all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
171. “The ego is an expert at camouflage.”
― Bert McCoy
172. “There's no reasoning with the unreasonable mind.”
― Bert McCoy
173. “What is perfect is challenging.”
― Bert McCoy
174. “We taste consciousness through this temporary state.”
― Bert McCoy
175. “Cinematography is eye candy.”
― Bert McCoy
176. “Judge by motives... not by dress.”
― Bert McCoy
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177. “True surrender is when you hand over the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
178. “Knowing that all becomes the past, is known by That which is always present.”
― Bert McCoy
179. “The ego pretends to be you.”
― Bert McCoy
180. “The I Am must eventually be discarded.”
― Bert McCoy
181. “Seeking enlightenment is a waste of time... just stop thinking and remember.”
― Bert McCoy
182. “Everyone!”
― Bert McCoy
183. “The ones who are not brainwashed will help open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
184. “Humans are shadows of the soul.”
― Bert McCoy
185. “Trouble will continue to come until we stop being an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
186. “Having stuff is a trap.”
― Bert McCoy
187. “Emptiness is hidden in everything.”
― Bert McCoy
188. “This world is necessary until you've grown beyond it.”
― Bert McCoy
189. “Peace of mind arises when we're okay with whatever happens.”
― Bert McCoy
190. “The words that come from the heart feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
191. “The truth cannot be spoken, only lived.”
― Bert McCoy
192. “Sometimes the brightest part of the day is the sunset.”
― Bert McCoy
193. “All spoken truths contain falsehood.”
― Bert McCoy
194. “Better luck tomorrow never comes.”
― Bert McCoy
195. “keep focused on the present moment - the past slows us down.”
― Bert McCoy
196. “Lying low... Now takes on a whole new meaning.”
― Bert McCoy
197. “Getting involved helps others to see our value.”
― Bert McCoy
198. “Our life is circular - we'll see our natural Self very soon.”
― Bert McCoy
199. “The words that come from silence feed the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
200. “Seeking enlightenment is like searching for a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
201. “One thing I've found to be helpful is the understanding that things are not gonna be easy.”
― Bert McCoy
202. “Candy is more powerful than the boogie man.”
― Bert McCoy
203. “Just keep asking yourself over and over who are you, and when you get to the point that you have absolutely no idea - you're here and now - welcome.”
― Bert McCoy
204. “You'll never be six-feet in the ground - the spirit flies away immediately.”
― Bert McCoy
205. “Getting old is so unfair.”
― Bert McCoy
206. “Teachers are the life blood of all nations... Please take care of them.”
― Bert McCoy
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207. “God doesn't exist without you.”
― Bert McCoy
208. “The mind is a red rose with thorns... Don't get too close.”
― Bert McCoy
209. “We're all rulers given a beggar's life.”
― Bert McCoy
210. “Books are silent, but have the ability to scream.”
― Bert McCoy
211. “Avoid the obstacles which keep you from your greater Self.”
― Bert McCoy
212. “Bullying should be dealt with expeditiously.”
― Bert McCoy
213. “Freedom is never won... It pervades in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
214. “Stillness is the elixir the soul likes to drink.”
― Bert McCoy
215. “Every little thing is related to every little thing.”
― Bert McCoy
216. “All experiences are incomplete.”
― Bert McCoy
217. “Summer love songs wake up inert energies.”
― Bert McCoy
218. “Be simple or be sorry.”
― Bert McCoy
219. “It's difficult to look good when you don't have the help of others.”
― Bert McCoy
220. “If you truly want a great story... write in a God and evil presence.”
― Bert McCoy
221. “The ego is loyal only to itself.”
― Bert McCoy
222. “The real you is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.”
― Bert McCoy
223. “Illusion is the only tool the ego has to work with.”
― Bert McCoy
224. “Write fast - poetry inspiration ebbs and flows.”
― Bert McCoy
225. “Everything is meant to fall apart by design.”
― Bert McCoy
226. “Our home is in deep sleep - go there as often as you can throughout your day.”
― Bert McCoy
227. “No more beating around the bush - You are what you've been searching for.”
― Bert McCoy
228. “So few are interested in unmasking the ego.”
― Bert McCoy
229. “Metaphors make life richer.”
― Bert McCoy
230. “The storyteller is more important than the story.”
― Bert McCoy
231. “The way to let go of the past is the way to take care of a wound - don't pick at it.”
― Bert McCoy
232. “No matter what you do or where you go, you can catch the meditation vibe.”
― Bert McCoy
233. “Do you really think God keeps score?”
― Bert McCoy
234. “True love is the open sky.”
― Bert McCoy
235. “Being enlightened is a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
236. “Peace of mind awakens in us when we do our best.”
― Bert McCoy
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237. “Simplify" should be one of the most used words in any meeting.”
― Bert McCoy
238. “Awareness is eternity... and dances in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
239. “Nothing is separate from anything.”
― Bert McCoy
240. “When you want to feel rich... Visit your friends.”
― Bert McCoy
241. “This world is just paint on a canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
242. “Making whiskey with words - pour me another please.”
― Bert McCoy
243. “Poets see the truth in little things.”
― Bert McCoy
244. “Be ever grateful and always take the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
245. “Just a reminder: there ain't no beginning and there ain't no end.”
― Bert McCoy
246. “When you know God exists... Belief isn't needed.”
― Bert McCoy
247. “Questioning is mind - you want no-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
248. “The wind plays the blues on hot summer days.”
― Bert McCoy
249. “Screenwriting is an anthropological dig.”
― Bert McCoy
250. “If we want to reach our students, we must first meet them in their inner world.”
― Bert McCoy
251. “Simply spoken is closer to the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
252. “All words are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
253. “I live in the present moment like you.”
― Bert McCoy
254. “The Self will reveal itself in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
255. “Meditation is useful until you realize you are still doing something.”
― Bert McCoy
256. “From great strife comes great art.”
― Bert McCoy
257. “Do we want instant pleasure or lasting happiness?”
― Bert McCoy
258. “Grace calls us back to nonduality”
― Bert McCoy
259. “Gardens hold great truths - for those willing to get a little dirty.”
― Bert McCoy
260. “Ownership is an obstacle to realization.”
― Bert McCoy
261. “Your thoughts make this world your own.”
― Bert McCoy
262. “We are pure love separated by the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
263. “Quotes are a great way to start a discussion.”
― Bert McCoy
264. “What We do brings suffering - what Spirit does brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
265. “No matter how rich you are... There you still are.”
― Bert McCoy
266. “Stress is an illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
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267. “When the mind is active you are not free.”
― Bert McCoy
268. “With proper education the ego will fade away.”
― Bert McCoy
269. “The Desirelessness state is true intelligence.”
― Bert McCoy
270. “A good restaurant server is an attaché to good health.”
― Bert McCoy
271. “All paintings are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
272. “Split and we are weak.”
― Bert McCoy
273. “Live in this moment and let life flow.”
― Bert McCoy
274. “This life is not the egos.”
― Bert McCoy
275. “See where thoughts come from and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
276. “Individuality must be removed to help us to remember - the many are really just all one.”
― Bert McCoy
277. “Stillness fans the flame of creativity.”
― Bert McCoy
278. “Some days we crawl and some days we stand tall.”
― Bert McCoy
279. “This world could never exist without You.”
― Bert McCoy
280. “In deep sleep there is no pain and suffering - and this is our true nature.”
― Bert McCoy
281. “Sitting down and doing nothing is a divine calling.”
― Bert McCoy
282. “Like and dislike takes all the fun out of making mistakes and learning from them.”
― Bert McCoy
283. “When you realize that nothing really matters... You're getting very close waking up from this dream.”
― Bert McCoy
284. “The ego temporarily conceals the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
285. “We all should share each other's pain - temporarily.”
― Bert McCoy
286. “You're only as good as your next save.”
― Bert McCoy
287. “Some consequences are better than you think.”
― Bert McCoy
288. “Friends are worth our precious time.”
― Bert McCoy
289. “We change until we reach our changeless state.”
― Bert McCoy
290. “Pull the veil over your eyes if you want... But this is all theatre.”
― Bert McCoy
291. “The illusion began when you first opened your eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
292. “I kept looking outwards...
when I should of been
looking within.”
― Bert McCoy
293. “I can now say with certainly that less is more.”
― Bert McCoy
294. “When in doubt, seek wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
295. “The part of you that prefers to be silent is the deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
296. “Ideas and speech are worthless without loving presence.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 301-330 of 1,565
297. “To know oneself one must step outside oneself.”
― Bert McCoy
298. “Finding the now is finding the needle in the haystack.”
― Bert McCoy
299. “The longer we live... The more we get the blues.”
― Bert McCoy
300. “I opened the book of knowledge and found it to be empty.”
― Bert McCoy
301. “Your true Self is without limits.”
― Bert McCoy
302. “When all else fails call a friend.”
― Bert McCoy
303. “All meditators are quietly called to their greater Self.”
― Bert McCoy
304.“We're all acting in an ever-evolving script.”
― Bert McCoy
305. “Great quotes say a lot with a little.”
― Bert McCoy
306. “If we're still enough, we can hear flowers singing to the bees.”
― Bert McCoy
307. “Sometimes it'll just have to be the young ones who listen to wisdom and love speak.”
― Bert McCoy
308. “Letting go of the past gives us a restart.”
― Bert McCoy
309. “Perennial wisdom is found in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
310. “Rules are surrounded with many grey areas.”
― Bert McCoy
311. **“What is eternal is paramount.”
― Bert McCoy
312. “Just keep the stylus moving.”
― Bert McCoy
313. “When we start taking care of all people from all walks of life... New energies will be given to us.”
― Bert McCoy
314. “Nothing really happens in a dream world.”
― Bert McCoy
315. “Making mistakes allows us the opportunity to find what works and what works.”
― Bert McCoy
316. “We can't close the door on our complete education - we will get chance after chance to master what love is.”
― Bert McCoy
317. “Waves sometimes play long susurrus ballads.”
― Bert McCoy
318. “When you don't follow your passions, you grow angry and
― Bert McCoy
319. “Poets reveal themselves in the stillness of their words.”
― Bert McCoy
320. “Mother nature expects a whole lot more from us.”
― Bert McCoy
323. “Stop quitting on yourself - you can achieve so much more with the right mindset.”
― Bert McCoy
324. “Sometimes you just have to take the pie in the face.”
― Bert McCoy
325. “When enlightened, no one knows more than You.”
― Bert McCoy
326. “The ego finds ways to distract us from the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
327. “Kindred spirits speak heart to heart.”
― Bert McCoy
328. “Spirit knows exactly what's needed... Our effort only delays the game.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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329. “We're allowed to make mistakes: Just take the steps to correct them.”
― Bert McCoy
330. “The Real You is beyond the reincarnation game.”
― Bert McCoy
331. “Less fluff is more clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
332. “The breath fans our heated emotions.”
― Bert McCoy
333. “The mind is a dark closet - get out as soon as possible.”
― Bert McCoy
334. “Jump for joy - The ego's really a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
335. “Playing with memories takes us away from the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
336. “The real is visible to the innocent.”
― Bert McCoy
337. “When you're ready... be earnest.”
― Bert McCoy
338. “Work without expectation brings peace.”
― Bert McCoy
339. “All is vanity means all is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
340. “Questioning causes suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
341. “Rambling in the head is mind madness.”
― Bert McCoy
342. “Be this moment and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
343. “Once we remove the ego-mask, we'll be able to see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
344. “Some days... we don't mean very much of what we say.”
― Bert McCoy
345. “Our existence prevails above all concepts and beliefs.”
― Bert McCoy
346. “I teach what compels us to question our reality”
― Bert McCoy
347. “To continue to grieve or not to continue to grieve - this is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
348. “Catch negative thoughts quickly... so they don't multiply.”
― Bert McCoy
349. “The message is the good medicine.”
― Bert McCoy
350. “When the creative flow slows... Just stay busy.”
― Bert McCoy
351. “We are Spirit first - human second.”
― Bert McCoy
352. “Doing anything will not lead you to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
353. “How quickly do endings come.”
― Bert McCoy
354. “The lower self is a ghost to the higher Self.”
― Bert McCoy
355. “From great suffering comes great art.”
― Bert McCoy
356. “Racism will be eradicated by men and women with picks and shovels.”
― Bert McCoy
357. “Cooking is the most important art... after hunting and gardening - of course.”
― Bert McCoy
358. “Don't judge a film by the year it was made.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 361-390 of 1,565
359. “The real is visible to the beautiful.”
― Bert McCoy
360. “Childhood is such a wonderful disguise for the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
361. “You are beyond all dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
362. “It's not easy keeping track of all the voices in your head, but no one's going to do it for you.”
― Bert McCoy
363. “Our breath is music to the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
364. “One cannot learn what cannot be taught.”
― Bert McCoy
365. “When it's a party, waves love to play crash and roar songs.”
― Bert McCoy
366. “If you think too much you're a seeker.”
― Bert McCoy
367. “Most humans suffer from amnesia.”
― Bert McCoy
368. “My dream is to help my students achieve their dreams.”
― Bert McCoy
369. “Letting children fall is a part of parenting; and, showing kids how to stand right back up takes a real artist.”
― Bert McCoy
370. “Many different flowers make a beautiful vase.”
― Bert McCoy
371. “Even if we are tired, hungry, sick, or even dying... We can still choose to be happy.”
― Bert McCoy
372. “There's always a guidepost at every intersection.”
― Bert McCoy
373. “Counting the minutes creates anxiety.”
― Bert McCoy
374. “Thinking about what you will do, when you will do it, and what might happen blocks life's flow.”
― Bert McCoy
375. “Be grateful for whatever you have and you'll always wear a smile - even if it's for your last breath.”
― Bert McCoy
376. “Don't make your wants more than you're willing to grow.”
― Bert McCoy
377. “Without a sound the flower's speak.”
― Bert McCoy
378. “Soon there will be the mask police!”
― Bert McCoy
379. “When will we stop making and using weapons to get what we want?”
― Bert McCoy
380. “Beliefs cause miscommunication.”
― Bert McCoy
381. “Not taking reasonable chances makes us afraid to live.”
― Bert McCoy
382. “Shift your vision from time - to no time.”
― Bert McCoy
383. “Money can be a terrible motivator.”
― Bert McCoy
384. “There is always a purpose to what, how, where, and when.”
― Bert McCoy
385. “This world is our mirror... Objects may get a little too close at times.”
― Bert McCoy
386. “Don't replace a negative thought with a positive thought - That's like replacing a headache with a sore throat.”
― Bert McCoy
387. “True intelligence awakens a multitude of possibilities.”
― Bert McCoy
388. “We must find a way to rise above our mistakes.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 391-420 of 1,565
389. “Our immortal Self is beyond all of this.”
― Bert McCoy
390. “Great books never stop reading to me.”
― Bert McCoy
391. “If reincarnation truly exists... We're definitely not alone in this adventure.”
― Bert McCoy
392. “Why search for money and experiences when you can search for your mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
393. “Our DNA is our own personal story.”
― Bert McCoy
394. “Truly powerful words lead us to stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
395. “This universe is as real as the next.”
― Bert McCoy
396. “If it is what it is, then, it's good enough.”
― Bert McCoy
397. “Perfect means challenging.”
― Bert McCoy
398. “Who would of thought, it pays to be in the military.”
― Bert McCoy
399. “Everyone should be required to take a smiling class.”
― Bert McCoy
400. “Alice didn't go deep enough.”
― Bert McCoy
401. “The ego is a poor chauffeur - never taking you to where you really need to go.”
― Bert McCoy
402. “The ego is a magnet for trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
403. “Effortlessness begs the beauty within.”
― Bert McCoy
404. “Learning how to be calm in all situations is a valuable skill.”
― Bert McCoy
405. “Enlightenment cannot be earned, bought, or understood.”
― Bert McCoy
406. “Happiness is success.”
― Bert McCoy
407. “The ego temporarily conceals us from the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
408. “If we are going to survive, we must stick together and make each other sick - only then can we fight the microbial world.”
― Bert McCoy
409. “Be more Zen!”
― Bert McCoy
410. “It's better to be with someone who has the same sleep patterns.”
― Bert McCoy
411. “Date nights during a pandemic are few and far between.”
― Bert McCoy
412. “Like and dislike cripples you.”
― Bert McCoy
413. “Together!”
― Bert McCoy
414. “If you've already forgotten... We're all Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
415. “Feed the squirrels - who else will?”
― Bert McCoy
416. “You can improve yourself worldly... Not spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
417. “Playing the victim is never a good disguise.”
― Bert McCoy
418. “The way you prepare for your life is the same way you prepare for your blackbelt.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 421-450 of 1,565
419. “This universe is held in the palm our hand - there's so much more.”
― Bert McCoy
420. “As a servant, you are responsible for relationships.”
― Bert McCoy
421. “Never neglect the host.”
― Bert McCoy
422. “Great coaches are true artists.”
― Bert McCoy
423. “The eyes are subordinate to the third eye.”
― Bert McCoy
424. “This world is yours - your thoughts and opinions, likes and dislikes, have made it what it is... To you.”
― Bert McCoy
425. “The ego is a expert at using the five senses and thoughts to trap us.”
― Bert McCoy
426. “We will awaken when it's our time.”
― Bert McCoy
427. “Thinking too much blocks life's flow.”
― Bert McCoy
428. “All possessions are painful.”
― Bert McCoy
429. “Awareness is absence of seeking.”
― Bert McCoy
430. “We focus on the past and future and ignore the obvious.”
― Bert McCoy
431. “Stillness keeps the thief out of your house.”
― Bert McCoy
432. “Did you water your garden today?”
― Bert McCoy
433. “The deeper you go the closer you are to awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
434. “Some people are blind but can see, and some people can see but are blind.”
― Bert McCoy
435. “We're all caught up in our own spider webs.”
― Bert McCoy
436. “Don't give your mind five star service.”
― Bert McCoy
437. “Judge no one - judging someone is judging a character in a play.”
― Bert McCoy
438. “When we embrace our weakness... We awaken the spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
439. “Good wives are excellent fault finders... and this promotes growth.”
― Bert McCoy
440. “In the middle of every storm is pure love.”
― Bert McCoy
441. “Seeking makes us uneasy - stop seeking and just be still.”
― Bert McCoy
442. “The goal is to separate ourselves from samsara.”
― Bert McCoy
443. “It'll be okay - if you want it to be okay.”
― Bert McCoy
444. “Let's all just step it up a notch - and love each other a little more.”
― Bert McCoy
445. “The awakened ones know this is all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
446. “When you tip your server well, you're spreading goodwill and love.”
― Bert McCoy
447. “I don't work... I teach.”
― Bert McCoy
448. “All pain and suffering carries the seed to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 451-480 of 1,565
449. “I know nothing; therefore, I Am.”
― Bert McCoy
450. “Great quotes never stop speaking to me.”
― Bert McCoy
451. “At some point we all become philosophers.”
― Bert McCoy
452. “Non-duality is our natural state.”
― Bert McCoy
453. “When you're the doer, you're not free.”
― Bert McCoy
454. “Perfume is poetry to be worn.”
― Bert McCoy
455. “Time leaves no one alone.”
― Bert McCoy
456. “Boy are we going to be surprised when we pull the veil away from our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
457. “When the fear of death goes... Bondage goes.”
― Bert McCoy
458. “Great silence precedes great vision.”
― Bert McCoy
459. “Making money is cool; but, doing what you love is way cooler.”
― Bert McCoy
460. “An untrained mind is like a car without shocks, you'll feel every little bump or hole and the larger ones will certainly do some damage.”
― Bert McCoy
461. “Mind movements are like riptides - they do their best to pull us into deep water.”
― Bert McCoy
462. “A calm mind begets clear thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
463. “Chaos is Divine intervention.”
― Bert McCoy
464. “It's really simple, just be as loving as you can right now.”
― Bert McCoy
465. “Forgive your regrets and carry on.”
― Bert McCoy
466. “Seashells only sing when you hold them.”
― Bert McCoy
467. “Some people can change and some people don't want to.”
― Bert McCoy
468. “All pain and suffering carries the seed of enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
469. “Things happen the way women want them to happen.”
― Bert McCoy
470. “I am in this body, but not this body.”
― Bert McCoy
471. “When we embrace our weakness... We awaken the spirit within.”
― Bert McCoy
472. “Deep down we are all poets.”
― Bert McCoy
473. “Poets are gardeners of the human soul.”
― Bert McCoy
474. “When there are no more questions there are no more problems.”
― Bert McCoy
“The entire world is plastic... including the body and mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The waves of yesterday don't need to be remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 481-510 of 1,565
“When you're sad, look within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is the perfume love wears.”
― Bert McCoy
“All drama and heartbreak will eventually lead to laughter.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to feel rich... Go visit your friends.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pulling poems from a hat seems to be the easiest way to write.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego comes to eat... don't give it five-star service.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're looking for too many ways to connect with the outside and not enough ways to connect with our deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Calm the body and mind and you will see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment frees us from the illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking is a blindfold we choose to wear.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is a price to pay for being an open book.”
― Bert McCoy
“Knowledge is simply a point of view.”
― Bert McCoy
“People act out what they see.”
― Bert McCoy
“Choose your joys and toys wisely - for there is always a price.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're stacking cups and glasses... you have too many.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's hard to teach... When you're not passionate about what you teach.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you go to deep sleep the illusion is gone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Always do your best and your life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not even a flower knows its beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Greed blinds the hearts ability to see.”
― Bert McCoy
“In no time you will be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teachers should always include opportunities for the students to fix or make something new.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is no sweeter sound than a flower courting the bees.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must stop being a slave to the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is getting too full of content...there's not enough space.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be a good server you need an elevated personality with a good heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Ocean of Love is awaiting our return - Let's help others while we play on the shore.”
― Bert McCoy
“Education our youth is far more than data collection.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you leave the mind's gate open... The mind will run amok.”
― Bert McCoy
“Seeking peace anywhere else but inside your chest is a waste of your time.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Openness and stillness are one and the same.”
― Bert McCoy
“The perennial wisdom is found by those who are not special.”
― Bert McCoy
“On the other side of pain and suffering is peace and love.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is spirit and there is ego - we must merge the two together.”
― Bert McCoy
“Things happen the way women want it to happen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred of spirit is all that matters.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't remove the darkness - just turn on your light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone needs at least one powerful quote to live by... What are yours?”
― Bert McCoy
“When your world falls apart... You're being drawn closer to your original Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some seek education to better understand their world; and, some meditate to better understand themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our body is perishable - not the spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“You know the biggest mind blower would be that you are creating all of this yourself!”
― Bert McCoy
“It's funny listening to an ego disagreeing with a guru.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much talk is ignorance.”
― Bert McCoy
“History is skewed by filmmakers.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to speed up the game, don't let the ball go out of bounds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Give your breath more attention than your mind and all will be well.”
― Bert McCoy
“What might have been doesn't matter right now.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real meditation is to live from the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cave work is inner work.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Matrix is everywhere-except in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“After the now is still the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining is another word for failure.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pulling poems and quotes from a hat seems to be the easiest way to write.”
― Bert McCoy
“Real teaching is about nurturing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Liberation fully blooms when you realize you are the Gardner.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's blasphemy to say You will one day die.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bird's don't read music - they just sing.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true teacher shows you where the light switch is.”
― Bert McCoy
“And you thought you were human.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Only a somebody claims to be enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“Consciousness writes our path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditate not self-medicate.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's so many opportunities to wake up and out of this ego-mind-dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without ego we are divine”
― Bert McCoy
“Amazing stuff happens every day!”
― Bert McCoy
“When this world is pulled from our eyes... All will be right again.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred spirits have met each other so many times.”
― Bert McCoy
“Money will never reach liberation.”
― Bert McCoy
“Belly full... Ego empty.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that is good is here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“The worst hunger is the hunger for more.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind never has anything new to say-all it knows is of the past.”
― Bert McCoy
“All earthly matters will eventually bring us heartbreak - embrace all of them.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do nothing but flow with life as it is brought to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's fun when you have something to write about.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are free when we dismount from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many words won't leave enough space.”
― Bert McCoy
“In the darkest of nights... Spirit knows the way through.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is understood after the fact.”
― Bert McCoy
“More work is not as important as clear understanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“If time becomes your master... seeing clearly is obscured.”
― Bert McCoy
“Worry is wasted energy - do something about it now or do something about it later.”
― Bert McCoy
“Belief is of the outside; knowing comes directly from the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Impure thoughts come and go... You do not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your daily life is The Book - read it!”
― Bert McCoy
“All challenges require introspection.”
― Bert McCoy
“The flowers are waiting for us to bloom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sadness cannot exist between one thought and another.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 571-600 of 1,565
“Love lasts... Therefore it must be real.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life experience makes us aware that we are Life itself.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we sing like nightingales.”
― Bert McCoy
“Offering forgiveness for transgression will allow us to see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're young, you don't know what experience will cost you and what It... will do for Others.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist in a nameless and eternal state.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego likes feeding us false information.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain and suffering is the catalyst for freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Where there’s mind... there's trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sooner or longer we'll all wake up from our addiction to ego and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our loyalty to the mind is misguided.”
― Bert McCoy
“Parenting is a serious vocation - wait until you're ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our life guides us to see we are not of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wise people can live without the ego... The others cannot.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true guru meets himself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attention to the present moment removes fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surreal is the new normal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching only content limits our kid's education.”
― Bert McCoy
“The matrix is the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trouble begins with overthinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“The easy days are balanced with the challenging ones.”
― Bert McCoy
“A wildflower knows it's beautiful - but not everyone can see it.”
― Bert McCoy
“a summertime nap
on a blanket of green grass
under a shade tree”
― Bert McCoy
“Flowers are so sexy in the morning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Lovers aren't lost in the past or future - they live in reality.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we see this world as illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
“Grace always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Telling me what I want to hear is cheap advice.”
― Bert McCoy
“Medicine comes in all shapes, colours, and experiences.”
― Bert McCoy
“Punishing others is a misuse of power.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“It's hard to accept others when you can't accept yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“The truth will speak to you in silence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Clear words are like clean glass... They're easy to see through.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is a leaky faucet - learn to shut it off.”
― Bert McCoy
“The choices are many... until you realize there aren't any.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-realization takes place when limiting concepts are removed.”
― Bert McCoy
“The prize is wrapped in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“More words doesn't bring us closer to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Realization of the truth precedes reasoning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every night is movie night.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true gurvis meets herself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Smiles and laughter
A warm summer afternoon
Water balloons”
― Bert McCoy
“Find a clean mirror and take a good look at yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our greatness can be hidden for only so long.”
― Bert McCoy
“You've been wandering in this earth desert for far too long - go inside yourself and drink.”
― Bert McCoy
“FYI... Green grass grows everywhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“We realize our greatness when we allow ourselves to be defeated.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the mind is still... Right action takes over.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who live selflessly are our tour guides.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need more loyalty to the parenting profession.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trees grow towards that which sustains them.”
― Bert McCoy
“This short life is not enough: go within to become full.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a jail cell we willingly walk into.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live in the sunshine and cry in the rain.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wine is the lover's elixir.”
― Bert McCoy
“The sound of water is music.”
― Bert McCoy
“To error is one's perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“Forget the ego's concerns and be happy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Once the drop makes it to the Ocean... It forgets everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“I realized my life was great after it all fell apart.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 631-660 of 1,565
“We've wandered away from our perennial wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we are free of concepts.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's real only exists in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is a projector.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're on a spiritual journey when you realize you're on a spiritual journey.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time tries to control us... But actually we are free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our perfect day begins when we say Yes to what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're so beyond all this worldly drama.”
― Bert McCoy
“The more you learn about spirituality... The more you will disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego harasses us until we've had enough.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must learn to toss out all negative influences.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all need to realize we're all on the same team.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trouble will continue to come until the inner Self is realized.”
― Bert McCoy
“In reality there is no one else - we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
“The experiencer is more important than the experience.”
― Bert McCoy
“Go to the flowers empty... then you will enjoy them.”
― Bert McCoy
“The background of samsara is bliss”
― Bert McCoy
“Desire for peace, love, and truth is a blessing from the beloved.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful cause all words are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can better play the game of life.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is true must exist in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love awakens when we realize we are not the body or mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind complains until it reaches the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Chronologically speaking... The present moment makes no sense.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Divine incarnates into everything seen, heard, touched, smelled, and tasted.”
― Bert McCoy
“Traveling is the true book to read!”
― Bert McCoy
“You can only improve yourself worldly... Not spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drama will eventually lead to laughter.”
― Bert McCoy
“People over eighty shouldn't be able to use the self-checkout lines at the grocery store - especially with a full basket!”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be at the egos beck and call.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Keeping it all together is the grace of God.”
― Bert McCoy
“Death teaches us to make the most of any situation.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being let down is sometimes like being let off the hook.”
― Bert McCoy
“Children are more susceptible to our failures than we think.”
― Bert McCoy
“The most painful experiences are usually the most eye-opening.”
― Bert McCoy
“Black Lives Matter to all of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be very cautious when reaching out for the ego's hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“I've often wondered whether it's the number of heart beats, or the number of years, days, hours, and seconds that will call us back.”
― Bert McCoy
“True understanding comes from surrender.”
― Bert McCoy
“The senses pick up the slack until the mind is ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind can't be found by the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Opinions can be changed by repetition.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a wild unicorn with a bridal and bit - you hold the reins.”
― Bert McCoy
“Would it kill you to be a little nicer to your parents?”
― Bert McCoy
“Not caring what other people think is a tool to keep us sane.”
― Bert McCoy
“The curriculum makes the broad strokes - obviously there is a whole pallet of colors to make use of.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Coronavirus is forcing us to work together as human beings.”
― Bert McCoy
“If it is what it is... embrace it.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is fickle, like a candle flame touching the night air.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness... Love shares her secrets.”
― Bert McCoy
“A racehorse will never reach the prize - a rock has a better chance.”
― Bert McCoy
“The dream of this world opens up to a very familiar place.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all have hidden gems within us - we just have to look.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mothers help keep us sane - for as long as we want to listen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much content is too much.”
― Bert McCoy
“Is your insight or eyesight stronger?”
― Bert McCoy
“Memories bring expectations and expectations carry suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all caught up in a play with Divine irony.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's just You in this dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“All life experience loses its luster in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Sooner or later we will wake up to the fact that we are much more than human.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reluctancy has become a pastime.”
― Bert McCoy
“An early morning quest warms the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“What does a man profit if he feeds the ego and forgets to find the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Living in the past will make you feel depressed.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is as natural as breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“If the gods were really against us... We wouldn't be here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Old thinking won't lead to new beginnings.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are free to choose - so choose with your heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The big things in life are big; but, the little things are even bigger.”
― Bert McCoy
“Emptiness is hidden in the details.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you look deeper into anyone's eyes, you will see yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're the gardeners here... We allow stress to grow in our garden.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let's go dancing... I put the ego to sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“The light of the witness helps us to see in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“In as far as the spirituality game goes - You've already won!”
― Bert McCoy
“When you understand deeply, you'll find no fault with anyone.”
― Bert McCoy
“You want to speed up the game, don't let the ball go out of bounds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dig in the well of No until you come to the Yes!”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone needs something.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every great kid has a crazy mom - from the kid's perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“All Students are light switches - Let's help them find their switch.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real journey is from ego to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look deeply into anyone's eyes and you will find the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many quotes are just too many quotes.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are the Pearl in the shell.”
― Bert McCoy
“Childhood is a comical way to mask the fact that we are Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's amazing how far we've come - considering many of us lived in caves for so long.”
― Bert McCoy
“Creativity follows her own path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts can't be reckoned with... Only transcended.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“This life is a dance - keep moving to the beat.”
― Bert McCoy
“To dance in this crazy world, or not to dance...This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attention comes from interest... So make learning interesting.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's dangerous listening to negative thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry carries the light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Who is anyone but a sham, a signed on actor wearing many costumes in this divine play.”
― Bert McCoy
“Using more words won't get us closer to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're not as human as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
“The painter is in the picture.”
― Bert McCoy
“Oneness is greater than separateness.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is not true makes you suffer.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is the shadow of humanity - our journey is to find the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
“A reminder: the old ones are mirrors to see ourselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace and love come to those who minds are still.”
― Bert McCoy
“Loving the Self beats redemption.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negation is the key to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Another reminder: The older ones are our mirrors.”
― Bert McCoy
“We move from nothingness, to human being, then back to nothingness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life is what it is - stop trying to change the picture.”
― Bert McCoy
“Alice should have kept digging.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surround yourself with good food and drink while we go through this pandemic.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all still growing in the world's womb.”
― Bert McCoy
“I am not the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“In a thousand years we'll see.”
― Bert McCoy
“The wine's only as good as the people we are with.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering is of the past.”
― Bert McCoy
“When everything around you becomes real dark, it's easier to find the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Gardner's speak the perennial language with the earth.”
― Bert McCoy
“Real love is when you hand over everything.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“The beautiful ones are hard to spot - they're hungry and riddled with love scars.”
― Bert McCoy
“Soon... your attachment to this world will come to an end.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's the point of a great quote if no one reads it?”
― Bert McCoy
“Pride in the body doesn't help one to find what's just underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain has been my most trusted guru.”
― Bert McCoy
“The more you enjoy the game.. the better you'll play.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you can think about it you can talk about it, and if you can talk about it, you can write about it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Who would have thought it would pay to be in the military.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all flowers waiting to bloom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our conceptions about this mind-body experience separates us from our ultimate truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“Desirelessness is the Divine state.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not feeling worthy is a ploy taken by the ego.”
― Bert McCoy
“True love is fierce and powerful.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some people are deaf but can listen; and, some people can hear but do not listen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love and hate are both prejudices.”
― Bert McCoy
“The word beautiful is used by humans - flowers don't need words to express themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you are thinking... you are dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's invisible gives life to the visible.”
― Bert McCoy
“Say yes to life when you no longer want to suffer.”
― Bert McCoy
“Yesterday is a distraction.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pain and suffering calls us back to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“I've often wondered... is it the number of heart beats, the number of days, the hours, or even minutes that says it's time to come home?”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond the I Am is Our home.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be the body-mind or not to be the body-mind, this is the question.”
― Bert McCoy
“The restaurant business keeps you young.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you can't laugh at it, you're not over it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our earliest memory of our Self is pure beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Perfection is free of thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind is not needed in the past... It's needed in the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothing happens after the now.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“There is nothing exterior - everything emanates from you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Helping others to see clearly is a calling.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the Divine can see the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“It seems to me we're using brighter and brighter lighting in our everyday lives - this leaves less and less to the imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“What we need to realize the divine within us... is given to us.”
― Bert McCoy
“A great attitude carries us through everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true artist is reckless.”
― Bert McCoy
“With popularity comes great responsibility.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many steps in the wrong direction brings pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Deep down we're always in love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear of the quiet keeps us in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're stationary... Up your game.”
― Bert McCoy
“The search for God begins with a mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Self is realized through pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is paint on a canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
“All life experiences lose their luster in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negative thinking limits our understanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real us is hidden beneath the mental noise in our head.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crime has become too organized.”
― Bert McCoy
"Sarcasm is wasted on the young.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry burns right through the page.”
― Bert McCoy
“Staying in presence is the goal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our journey here is from self to Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego whistles... Just keep walking.”
― Bert McCoy
“More thinking equals more drama.”
― Bert McCoy
“This dream world was designed especially for You.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's just so much to say about one-liners.”
― Bert McCoy
“Keep writing while the ink is still wet.”
― Bert McCoy
“You live better by loving better.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets are short intermissions.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“All high schools should offer parenting classes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great teachers are like clear glass... It's easy to see through them.”
― Bert McCoy
“I'm finding that everything is a façade.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real You is hidden beneath the mental noise in Your head.”
― Bert McCoy
“No one can teach us to see - but we must first open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Long summer days can calm the angriest of beasts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Google is good for inspiration.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much pride in the body-mind doesn't help to find what's underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bondages are an illusion - see this clearly and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Explore your inside as much as your outside.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being empty while awake is the goal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Watching old memory clips can be dangerous.”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is a hindrance to self-realization”
― Bert McCoy
“Stay in the I Am throughout your day.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enjoy each step - We're all on the right road.”
― Bert McCoy
“The time-body wants us to buy into the idea of death.”
― Bert McCoy
“You can't meet the Self unless you're willing to dive inside yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“We've already transcended duality.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering is extinguished in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“The good shit can't be forced.”
― Bert McCoy
“Seashells only sing when you hold them in your hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no struggle when we're totally in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“When all else fails... we must open our eyes and wake up from the dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“We have no destiny - we simply are.”
― Bert McCoy
“All effort in a dream is useless.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're spaciousness... Nothing can attach to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Travel lightly - the ego is extra baggage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freeway traffic is a perfect Sādhana.”
― Bert McCoy
“All sins are washed away with self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we become true lovers there will be no others.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Who needs a book on flowers to enjoy flowers?”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am is only the beginning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let the silence in this moment guide you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching only content limits a student's education.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry is pulled from a magic hat.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suicide is not the solution... Just avoid excessive thinking about the past and future.”
― Bert McCoy
“We live in a world of imagination - let's use this power to help each other.”
― Bert McCoy
“At first life's like picking a lock... Later we find there's no lock and no door.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstandings.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's a deeper calling when life is ass-backwards.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're a window shopper just pick something... All paths lead to the same place - back to yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone teaches everyone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Social emotional support can be fostered by incorporating meditation classes in our schools.”
― Bert McCoy
“We should all watch more sunsets.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our home is beyond the senses - where the eyes do not see, the ears do not hear, nothing to touch, taste, or smell.”
― Bert McCoy
“Resist the body-mind and pure consciousness will grow.”
― Bert McCoy
“This dream world is designed especially for You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Devotion to beingness is the key to success.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are many life temptations - sample them wisely.”
― Bert McCoy
“In quiet waters one finds clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you see the truth, time disappears.”
― Bert McCoy
“Saying 'it is what it is' keeps me sane in this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“True understanding speaks in metaphors.”
― Bert McCoy
“Soccer is a game of skill and composure.”
― Bert McCoy
“A sunset is a period to a long day's work.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stop holding on to what burns you.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we stop thinking about death.”
― Bert McCoy
“If dreams are real, they must exist in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“For those who won't listen, pain and suffering will be their greatest teacher.”
― Bert McCoy
“Good and bad, like and dislike, entangle your search for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Relax... Let the spirit take the wheel for a while.”
― Bert McCoy
“Making the world beautiful with plants and flowers is a very high calling.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working in a restaurant teaches one what not to do.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drink in presence and taste the ambrosia of life.”
― Bert McCoy
“The only thing that is satisfying here is awakening.”
― Bert McCoy
“The world can pull us away from Our true Self - the present moment is the way back.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many expectations breed discontent.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we see ourselves in everything and everyone we've transcended.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world distracts us from the treasure inside.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're connected to the Source... you choose nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great people set the bar for the rest of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets are the day's last gift.”
― Bert McCoy
“fruit tastes better when it's ripe... People are easier to deal with when they are ripe.”
― Bert McCoy
“Expecting something to happen in the future keeps us from enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you say it simply... you say it best.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must teach our young that racism is the ultimate curse against humanity!”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind grasping the Self is like an ant grasping a universe.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be afraid to do your best.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's nothing like a little family drama at a funeral.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's not what happens to us, it's how we write about it.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are not a slave to the ego - the ego doesn't exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“All learning is of the body-mind - Enlightenment is a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
“As long as we are identified with the past, we are in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Change is needed till one reaches the changeless state.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystics speak from stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Less is stronger.”
― Bert McCoy
“Rituals are mind driven.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need the heartbreaks to touch us deeply... then we remember... we are Beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must rid ourselves from the wild animals - if we're to live peacefully.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is so simple when you don't mind what happens.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“When you find your guru you find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness wakes us up.”
― Bert McCoy
“Loss brings you back to your true self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live this life with the super confidence that all is as it should be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Innate wisdom is found just under the skin.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be human is to suffer - to be spirit is to be one with all.”
― Bert McCoy
“El Shaddai el shad-di', El Elyon el el-yone', Adonai ad-o-noy', Yahweh yah-weh, ehovah
Jehovah Nissi yeh-ho-vaw' nis-see', Jehovah-Raah yeh-ho-vaw' raw-aw', Jehovah Rapha yeh-ho-vaw' raw-faw', Jehovah Shammah yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw, Jehovah Tsidkenu yeh-ho-vaw' tsid-kay'-noo, Jehovah Mekoddishkem yeh-ho-vaw' M-qadash... You are so Beautiful in so many ways, shapes, and forms.”
― Bert McCoy
“By design... all things fall away.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we stop rowing, rowing, and rowing our boat... We'll start to take this dream too seriously.”
― Bert McCoy
“All appearances are disguised for training purposes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Originality is a byproduct of being in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“If I hadn't of made so many mistakes, I wouldn't of had so many stories.”
― Bert McCoy
“The future will never get here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking conceals our true identity.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be enlightened or to be lost in the illusion - This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sometimes people are just in different worlds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful trading your creativity and talents for popularity.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do whatever you can to coax the mind back into the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no end to the ego's sweetness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Family is your greatest gift and your greatest challenge.”
― Bert McCoy
“A fool doesn't understand the need for stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Believing in those never - stop - dreaming signs really gets in the way of Enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“We either work to get to someone or something... or to get away from someone or something.”
― Bert McCoy
“Less-laggy is now a word.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing something will never bring you back to your True Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ordinary is the extraordinary.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind doubts our Divinity.”
― Bert McCoy
“New beginnings are now.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we stop complaining we will find a new path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every path to the beach is fresh and new - once you're on the beach, you must walk in alone.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Everything is theory.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to value a person's worth, look at their garden!”
― Bert McCoy
“Follow the money has now been updated to... Follow the non-profits.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every great restaurant menu is a great work of poetry.”
― Bert McCoy
“Rehabilitate instead of Incarcerate.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love gnaws through the hardest of wood.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is as easy as breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Keep the money out of your art for as long as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“I matter because I am That.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone lives in their own little twilight zone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Questioning our existence is a good first step.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thought takes us away from what's important.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freedom from habits is freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mi Casablanca es tu Casablanca.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you look for the ego it will hide; and, when you find the ego you'll find nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist harmoniously in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Somehow we need to realize it's a blessing to be pulled in so many different directions.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is as real as the next.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness awakens the deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many concepts keeps us from self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negative thoughts are attracted to other negative thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just a few lines can spark - up a wonderful life.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am will never leave you.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego melts... there's great joy.”
― Bert McCoy
“From nothingness comes right action.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you argue with yourself you shadowbox - there's really no one there.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness is candy to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Culture works on all of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“We'll know so much more when we can talk to the whales.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are only so many times you can say no.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“The mind creates complexity until it enters the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation allows us to remove our ego mask.”
― Bert McCoy
“Compassion for others comes from self-love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Falling asleep is all about finding your rhythmic breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining entangles us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego's goal is not the same goal as the Spirit's.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great relationships have great chemistry.”
― Bert McCoy
“Powerful quotes are magical when they find soft ground.”
― Bert McCoy
“Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion classes into our education system will help build a more enlightened society.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be at the ego's beckon call.”
― Bert McCoy
“All is entertainment to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great films show us how to love one another.”
― Bert McCoy
“Most exchange their vows for success.”
― Bert McCoy
“All acquired knowledge is false.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working in the restaurant industry teaches a person what not to do or say.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... We embrace the I Am.”
― Bert McCoy
“I write when the heart speaks.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are encased in a bubble of love - breathe in deeply.”
― Bert McCoy
“Make yourself strong, so you don't break.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am is the ferryman.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we caution our likes and dislikes, it will be easier to see the right path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Go ahead... Try to tell the difference between you and the absolute.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reason has convinced You to dig a large hole - Presence is the rope.”
― Bert McCoy
“To truly find yourself...
stop thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our point of view depends on who we take ourselves to be.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's important to keep looking in the right direction.”
― Bert McCoy
“The key to peace of mind is to laugh, smile, and live in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without stillness art couldn't be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Good manners brightens up every table around you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reject this world - you do it every day before you go to sleep... Reject this world and inert energies will awaken inside you.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Devotion must come from the heart... Not the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Students should learn calligraphy - making the written language beautiful has value.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being hypnotized by content is a disease.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pleasure is balanced with an equal measure of pain.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... Duality is only temporary.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya is contrast.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“You'll never know if you really like someone or something unless you give one hundred percent.”
― Bert McCoy
“Helping others is a great way to get what you want.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spontaneity is action by the deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Controlling your impulses will eliminate most of your troubles.”
― Bert McCoy
“Individuals are separate from the whole.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you meet a satguru you are meeting yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Ten times out of ten the ego's the culprit - either mine or theirs.”
― Bert McCoy
“Talking is like writing something on the shore - soon it will be gone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Minds ask too many questions.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mantras are stepping stones to nowhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all must find a way to be at peace with our life situation.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is much kinder than we think.”
― Bert McCoy
“As the sun is reflected in a tiny drop... The Divine is reflected in the wink of an eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is as real as film.”
― Bert McCoy
“See the world through the present moment lens.”
― Bert McCoy
“Question everything to become enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... We're content with what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sooner or later one realizes there are no days off.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being rejected by someone just means you're available.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trust the Self... We have nothing to lose.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love sometimes disguises itself as pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is an atomic bomb.”
― Bert McCoy
“Remove the obstacles when you want to wake up.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“There's always someone or something to drink to.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without effort you are.”
― Bert McCoy
“Colour and form blind us from the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“The madness of this world is forging us from arrogance to presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Deactivate your mind and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's really to win the game when you have bad players.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your freedom isn't in a faraway place or buried deep in a mine - just open your fist, and there it is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crossing a bridge is never as far as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
“Laughing at life
gets us through life.”
― Bert McCoy
“A great working restaurant is a great working family.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness all doors are unlocked.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is too close cannot be seen with the human eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to be at peace, It's really simple, just stay out of the head.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're an individual until you realize you're not an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
“It doesn't matter how old we are, we're still learning how to walk.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment destroys all concepts.”
― Bert McCoy
“It figures...”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry separates the wheat from the chaff.”
― Bert McCoy
“The less one says... the truer the words.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do I see this world through your eyes or mine?”
― Bert McCoy
“Our body registers time - what part of us know this?”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Like neon... We buzz and glow in this spirit-body.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind is sitting without feeling guilty.”
― Bert McCoy
“When calm... You've found your center.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some authors bring the light, and some bring the dark night.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining doesn't lead to success.”
― Bert McCoy
“This whole world is an independent study course.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we keep our business to ourselves... People won't know we need them.”
― Bert McCoy
“The road is the goal and the goal is the road.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Boredom happens when one gets lost in thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“What you see is separate from you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love navigates us through the toughest storms.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pleasures are balanced with equal parts of pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being kind and compassionate is a big part of intelligence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets do amazing things to those who take the time to look.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness is a privilege.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some teaching brings the light, and some brings the dark night.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness we are perfect.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you are fearful you are separate from the divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Could it be that this is all an elaborate dream - and deep sleep is our real home?”
― Bert McCoy
“Young people use too many pronouns.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are so many levels when analyzing a situation - dig for the deeper levels first.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life has no beginning and no ending - it simply is.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you realize you are... God is there.”
― Bert McCoy
“Phenomena can be described... The deeper Self cannot.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's always a market for positive messages.”
― Bert McCoy
“A student said to me, cya when I wake up." I said, "wake up now!”
― Bert McCoy
“You are Stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all breathe the same breath of consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Because we see and feel love... Love is innate in us already.”
― Bert McCoy
“Laughter navigates us through the toughest of times.”
― Bert McCoy
“Ego versus Awareness - the fight continues.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear kills the hero inside us all.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you fight or follow the ego you become its sparring partner.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness of mind is freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that matters is kindred of spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“Desires and expectations diminish when love awakens in us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear is the hero killer.”
― Bert McCoy
“Awareness of mind brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“All experiences have hidden meanings.”
― Bert McCoy
“Before enlightenment smile less and think more - after enlightenment smile more and think less.”
― Bert McCoy
“If the room is too bright... you've shut the door to imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dropping the past gets us through life.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cautionary tales require our attention.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the Self is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great tragedy can be counterbalanced with a still and open mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is trying to burn away the false you - stop running away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't push away problems - you push away opportunities.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's only spirit... covered up with concepts, beliefs, norms, and rituals.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no ceiling to inner peace.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attachment to this world brings pain and suffering - unattachment brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind makes this world seem so real.”
― Bert McCoy
“What makes this party beautiful is the white canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is absolutely nowhere you can go and not find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking blocks us from reaching stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“True love is kinship of spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surrender is the same as empathy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Smarter by the dozen doesn't always apply.”
― Bert McCoy
“Simplify your needs and you simplify your life.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spend time with those who vibrate like you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Noise competes with stillness until you realize it doesn't.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya has a beginning... You do not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bliss is your natural state - everything else is contrast.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets make life easier.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past is a sharp knife in our hand - don't get cut.”
― Bert McCoy
“The jailer isn't going to help you escape - He's been imprisoned since the beginning of time.”
― Bert McCoy
“I have faith in everybody - have faith in yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“The worst words in the world are me, my, and mine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sweep the mind daily for any dust or dirt.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Always do your best to take the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Like and dislike separate us from true love.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that we have here and now is entertainment.”
― Bert McCoy
“No labor is needed for the wealth within us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just find a way to make peace with yourself and all will be right.”
― Bert McCoy
“Same light source - different light shades.”
― Bert McCoy
“All worry leads to suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“The best poetry comes from nowhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“Embrace all difficulties, all pain, all suffering, and you will prevail.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing what makes one successful scares most people.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just beyond the mind is milk and honey.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is an illusion of light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who know the truth of time... are released from the bondage of time.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great sadness is mirrored with great joy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the heart knows of eternity.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is all about removing obstacles.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are Timeless Being and Awareness...You are not touched by any of this.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a cleverly disguised monster.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of worrying about the future... Get a piece of paper and start making a list of things to do.”
― Bert McCoy
“Covid is a time for cleansing and introspection.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit expresses itself through our actions - our arrogance gets in the way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Shorter explanations are closer to the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“I don't exist in the past or future.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're slaves when we identify with the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Social and emotional learning fosters self-awareness and peace of mind in the school setting.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking will harass us... until we stop listening.”
― Bert McCoy
“All traps have an available way out.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true sage is not the body.”
― Bert McCoy
“Both difficulties and triumphs are exactly the same... Learning experiences.”
― Bert McCoy
“Consciousness writes the true poetry.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“If we live long enough we'll pay for all our mistakes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Concepts blind us to the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must feed our children high ideals.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's the little things we can teach our children.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts aren't real; there's a huge difference between eating the words on a menu and eating the actual food.”
― Bert McCoy
“The You of you is timeless awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
“In the absence of choice... Right action takes place.”
― Bert McCoy
“What could ever be more important than this one ever-present eternal moment?”
― Bert McCoy
“Lord... What a sublime and Divine Comedy you have assembled here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“War begins when communication stops.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we look we'll find meaning everywhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“Serve others and you will live a blessed life.”
― Bert McCoy
“A school of knowledge in located in your backyard garden”
― Bert McCoy
“We spend far too much time and energy building and maintaining the walls between us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't spend your whole life looking in the wrong direction.”
― Bert McCoy
“All meditation is self-love.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no sin in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone is dreaming here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be still and know that You are the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry is not for our entertainment, it's for our sustenance.”
― Bert McCoy
“We play with the ego for all the wrong reasons.”
― Bert McCoy
“Most talk is shallow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Art is personal.”
― Bert McCoy
“All thoughts of the past or future disappear in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find your talent and enjoy the ride.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past and future clouds our presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crossing over a bridge never takes as long as one might think.”
― Bert McCoy
“Losing oneself in a sunset brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your life will eventually explode when you only do for yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“All parents are mirrors for their children.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Love, peace, heart, soul - what else can I say that truly matters here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Watch your mind and freedom follows.”
― Bert McCoy
“No thought is the best ego sanitizer.”
― Bert McCoy
“You must be the Self to find the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know Thyself and just be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Yesterday and tomorrow don't really exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deeply understanding anything, you are free from it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Books help those who want to help themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“The news can separate us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation melts down the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“You start to awaken when you're no longer afraid of anything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love is an atomic reactor.”
― Bert McCoy
“God is in the I Amness.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're awake... you're dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beauty recognizes beauty, lovers recognize lovers, artists recognize other artists, and spirit sees spirit - it's important to have eyes that see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're here to bless the world in our own way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be concerned trading the simple way of life for the popular - popularity can betray the best of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who live selflessly are trusted tour guides.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry can help transform us - if we allow it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Death can never touch the real You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Family is a candle burning at both ends - stay in the middle for as long as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“If at first you don't succeed, go back and get some help.”
― Bert McCoy
“Tolerance is rewarded with clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
“True wealth is clarity of thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reliving the past in the head will not make life better.”
― Bert McCoy
“So many great women and men were stripped of their worth, talent, and contribution for the betterment of humanity.”
― Bert McCoy
“The heart always has one foot in eternity.”
― Bert McCoy
“In retrospect... losing isn't losing and winning isn't really winning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wherever your body goes... wisdom will follow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothingness makes thought creative.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“We're all eternally One.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real You is always and forever.”
― Bert McCoy
“When You meet the Self... You meet Yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit moves easily through us when we stop identifying with the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering ends when suffering is correctly understood.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cease desires and fears and your conflicts will dissolve.”
― Bert McCoy
“Worthiness proceeds the advanced learner.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find the present moment in this haystack existence and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Renouncing the body-mind is within our control.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry announces a deeper level to being human.”
― Bert McCoy
“The pain and suffering of this life leads us to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look at yourself often so you can see what others see.”
― Bert McCoy
“Write fast while your muse sings and dances.”
― Bert McCoy
“Allow forgiveness for transgression, and the whole world sees clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment doesn't come from our actions... It awakens from doing nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you see life's a dream you'll be playful and wise.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find your mirror and take great notes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The wise avoid calling anything good or bad.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are all eternal friends.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts aren't real - You can't eat the words on a restaurant menu.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are the tree of life we are looking for.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're predictable you're not free.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that matters are the words of the ferryman.”
― Bert McCoy
“All breakthroughs involved presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“without the bombardment of thoughts, the truth will emerge through intuition.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is Eternal can only be remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of worry and fear, feel the majesty and wonder of the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstandings.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are three important moments: The moment You're absorbed into the body-mind, the moment You question the validity of the body-mind, and the moment You realize You're not the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“True irony occurs when you accept the fact they love you more at work than at home.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“She wouldn't let me.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is very little peace when one is inundated in worldly matters.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are beyond any challenge that confronts us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Eternity is remembered in the here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we open our eyes we're opening the curtain to the World's play.”
― Bert McCoy
“In a perfect education world... Each student would have an individualized curriculum.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's never too late to question whether everything we have here is real.”
― Bert McCoy
“All body-minds live in fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we're ready, words have the ability to transform us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment moment is our deliverance.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the young kids are kicking your ass... It's time to re-evaluate what you're good at.”
― Bert McCoy
“Old thinking doesn't lead to new beginnings.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is the open sky.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is an expert at deception.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's love that brought you here - now give it a chance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Silence speaks in mindfulness.”
― Bert McCoy
“The means will always justify self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Avoid the need to constantly connect with the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our existence is an experiment in time.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past and future doesn't exist for those who live in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“I feel so sorry for the uninspired men and women who took it upon themselves to benefit from the horrific death of George Floyed. This tragic event should teach us all to grieve for George Floyed and his family, check our own prejudices, and focus our efforts to reform police practices and the criminal justice system in the United States.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be still and know you're the Absolute.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love shines its light through everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Tomorrow will never know the power in this present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Prose lies its way to the truth”
― Bert McCoy
“The whole world relies upon our good deeds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts are just ripples in the sea of consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Through our everyday challenges we grow mentally and spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's more important: Love or lifestyle?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're in the grip of the mind, you're all tangled up.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“The ego is a master hypnotist.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is our deliverance.”
― Bert McCoy
“The world is a mirror - sometimes objects in this mirror are closer than they look.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the gods are gone, you remain.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all live in small circles - each circle ends exactly where it began.”
― Bert McCoy
“True words take no thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you find your calling you'll never have to work again.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothing here is random - There is a message and lesson to everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves love to play long ballads.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're enlightened you see everything here as a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“All the love in this world comes from You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beauty is enduring in what we leave behind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The problem with society is... too many people love a good fight.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't help the ego sharpen its fangs.”
― Bert McCoy
“All sages are burning candles... Visit them while they're still burning.”
― Bert McCoy
“We will starve if we rely on the past to feed us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness of mind is enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“It takes an enlightened being to recognize an enlightened being.”
― Bert McCoy
“One doesn't need a candle to see the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reading the mystical poets will help free us from our ego self.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're being challenged you're living it right.”
― Bert McCoy
“Make a conscious choice to be present and the ego will acquiesce.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's simple... just look around and see the beauty of it all.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing breeds pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves love to play love songs.”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is a rental that must be returned.”
― Bert McCoy
“True knowledge comes from beingness.”
― Bert McCoy
“All difficulties are perfectly balanced.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is a swinging door.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find a way to laugh at all of life - just not out loud.”
― Bert McCoy
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“It takes an artist to know how to coach someone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without compassion education will separate us from each other.”
― Bert McCoy
“Answers about That which precedes thought cannot be spoken... Only remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's so easy to forget we came from somewhere else.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be social or not to be social?”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond dreaming there's only You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Inner peace is at the door - waiting for a knock.”
― Bert McCoy
“Get started and succeed.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's money in quotes because there's wisdom in words.”
― Bert McCoy
“A family's productivity and serenity have been greatly challenged by teachers assigning excessive amounts of busywork.”
― Bert McCoy
“The arts keep us from going insane.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every challenge is wrapped in love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Even a small sunset goes a long way.”
― Bert McCoy
“All of this is illusion - no one needs saving.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fortune favors those living in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Straying away from the Self allows us to see the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a lone wolf... Always on the hunt.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not laughing often may result in heavy and limiting thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's who you know, what you know, and how far you're willing to drive that will get you your next job.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are strong when the ego softens.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our disillusionment is only temporary.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you are the Self... You love all.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want people to stay out of your business... Take care of your business.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live your life by great quotes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind likes habits - not the real You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Duality is quicksand.”
― Bert McCoy
“The waves play their own music.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every day we write our eulogy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry awakens when we're empty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Separate yourself from the fire of thought with presence.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Self-improvement is a worldly - finding your deepest Self is the ultimate quest.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all actors looking for a perfect part in a play that is bound to fall apart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Matrix is an allegory of the spiritual journey.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kids should be taught early on to plan their legacy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Each person's journey is unique and has a 1000 faces.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deeper you go, the closer you are to your authenic Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“It is by grace you are so worn and tattered.”
― Bert McCoy
“The personality is just a temporary costume.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves have been playing love songs since the beginning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Any effort to acquire enlightenment will be fraught with disappointment.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Truth is not seen by reason.”
― Bert McCoy
“Give up all beliefs and cling onto what you can know for sure.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we only knew our real Self, we would be truly ashamed of what we do and allow.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is full of mirrors... look into as many of them as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“Truth in words is a lie.”
― Bert McCoy
“All obstacles are hidden gurus.”
― Bert McCoy
“You will find the Self in every mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know thyself before you come to the end of the road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suicide is beneath you - avoid past memories and meditate in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our personal journey leads us realize we're timeless beings.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be cautious when reaching out for the ego's hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stop trying to change what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need to stop losing ourselves in this grand ever evolving theatre production.”
― Bert McCoy
“Devotion to the deeper Self is devotion to God.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reason and wealth have blinded the best of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The illusion begins when we open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering comes from our mindset.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deeper you go, the closer you are to your authentic Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Creative genius is seen as ignorance... At first.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness and thought are like oil and vinegar.”
― Bert McCoy
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“No words are necessary to become enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“When awakened you do nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real ball and chain is the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The journey we're on is as vast and sacred as the stars in the night sky.”
― Bert McCoy
“One must know their true relationship to this life experience.”
― Bert McCoy
“Listening happens when you don't use your head.”
― Bert McCoy
“As I see it, the main goal here is to see the ego is simply a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
“A master sees this world as theatre.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you remove the walls of the mind... You're free.”
― Bert McCoy
“I don't mind what happens in the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Hold tightly onto the I Am principle... then, gently release your grip and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“All fruit eventually ripens - some early in the season and some at the end.”
― Bert McCoy
“Hold tightly to your innermost Self and nothing you encounter will lead you into despair.”
― Bert McCoy
“We've been taking the blue pill for far too long - It's time to wake up.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time is everywhere but here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our yellow brick road is from individuality to Totality.”
― Bert McCoy
“If your guru was great, you'll live as if he, she, or it never existed.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life bring heartbreak - embrace all of it.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is our dance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everybody needs to give Everybody a chance - This is the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great quotes carry the wisdom through the ages.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spiritual truth goes beyond body mind awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we look closely into a mirror we'll find we are the jailor - we already have the key to escape.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Amness carries us to the awakened state.”
― Bert McCoy
“We choose our pain and suffering; and, these choices lead us to the prize.”
― Bert McCoy
“The next big step for humanity will be ridding ourselves from the pollution we created - and from wanting more stuff.”
― Bert McCoy
“Picture an empty box with no top or bottom... now picture the same box with no sides - You are this empty space.”
― Bert McCoy
“The older I get... the less I care.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness speaks louder than words.”
― Bert McCoy
“Memory is not needed for self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Spiritual truth goes beyond the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is perfect is here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time reminds us we don't have forever; the present moment reminds us we are eternal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not stepping on a bug is a powerful act of kindness.”
― Bert McCoy
“A shady tree on a hot day is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Two fingers counting the number one.”
― Bert McCoy
“While you're here, find someone or something to love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment requires us to get new lenses.”
― Bert McCoy
“Clear blue skies are always above our heads.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you start looking within, your interest in this world diminishes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The freshness of this moment nourishes us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Science is a mirror we stand in front of.”
― Bert McCoy
“You want to really be cool... be humble.”
― Bert McCoy
“History is nothing new.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred spirits speak hear to heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Leave a lot of open space for fun.”
― Bert McCoy
“Using more words doesn't make something more true.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya is a wink of an eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know yourself without a past, future, or name and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Where can you go to be rid of the people who know you... or can harm you?”
― Bert McCoy
“Seeing clearly is seeing things through the eyes of another.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we are free of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attitude adjustments are needed for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The hunt is over when the mind is still.”
― Bert McCoy
“Options are an illusion when enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sometimes it's so hard to get rid of your junk.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nissargadatta is a mirror to consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is perfume - wear it when you go out into the world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who avoid change will be disappointed.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's time to take the red pill and free ourselves from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
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“I hear there are people who want to escape reality. Why would you want to escape the present moment? Where would you go? The future? The past?”
― Bert McCoy
“The stars teach us how to sing in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's only one way: transform their hate with your love.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're exactly where we need to grow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mindfulness protects us from the mind's hellfire.”
― Bert McCoy
“Absolute Emptiness is wrapped up in body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Happiness awakens when we see the dream as a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“My goal as an English teacher is not to produce more English teachers – It’s to help my students improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking skills, and guiding them to their own innate wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are the judge, jury, and everything in between.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond the past and future is the secret of the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Work with passion and vigor until someone flips the light switch.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is a mirror - whenever I look deeply into any mirror... I see the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's absolutely no distance between me and you.”
― Bert McCoy
“The highest religion is love.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must live love... Not just say it.”
― Bert McCoy
“No mind is peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let's teach empathy by empathizing with our students.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live closely with your muse.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain and suffering have been my most trusted textbook.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are living a limitless life - know this to be true and you are free.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we try to be like someone else we live in fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“The universe is a large obstacle we must jumped over.”
― Bert McCoy
“An aerial view of the mind is helpful in separating from the mind.”
“An aerial view of the mind is helpful in separating from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry is surrounded in space - don't forget to enjoy the space.”
“Great poetry is surrounded in spaciousness - don't forget to enjoy this spaciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we unplug from this matrix.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching kids to play fair should be at the root of education.”
― Bert McCoy
“No past - no demons.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our joy is in proportion to the stillness of our minds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our desires and fears are not our own - they belong to the ego mind.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“All seeking is a trap.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our genius is hidden inside this human shell.”
― Bert McCoy
“To believe in chance is ignorance. - everything is as it should be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is meant to feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Friends are worth your precious time.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real you is beyond all imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“Boredom is when the mind gets tired of itself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Body consciousness breeds dissatisfaction.”
― Bert McCoy
“If enlightenment is the ultimate goal... the attachment to words and concepts will lessen.”
― Bert McCoy
“I have faith in everyone... have faith in yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reincarnation has never touched our formless nature.”
― Bert McCoy
“You can make mistakes and still be great.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love awaits us in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“We will get more of what we want if we're more motivational and less critical.”
― Bert McCoy
“Joy and bliss do not come from being an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must live love to be love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining slows us down.”
― Bert McCoy
“The only thing wrong with this world is our perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you live in the past or if you live in the future... you're lost in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's wise to work on what's working.”
― Bert McCoy
“This present moment is our dance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great quotes carry the distilled wisdom through the ages.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-improvement is worldly - Finding your deepest Self is the true quest.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful about getting too close to the ego's cage - You could find yourself in the same cage.”
― Bert McCoy
“True chefs are beyond cooks; but, some cooks are chefs in the making.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deepening of humanity awaits our realization that we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness whispers to us intimately.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real you can create forever.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drink from the glass while there's still wine in it.”
― Bert McCoy
“To live a better life, one must cultivate one good trait after another.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > isms
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“It takes great passion to make great art.”
― Bert McCoy
“All paths to enlightenment are traps.”
― Bert McCoy
“What makes us smile makes us hungry for more.”
― Bert McCoy
“Which is better... You're inner eye or the outer ones?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you follow your thoughts... You'll be somewhere else.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all learning how to love each other more.”
― Bert McCoy
“Two masks are better than one.”
― Bert McCoy
“You might be big and strong; but, there's gonna be a wimpy ass nerd who's gonna kick your ass.”
― Bert McCoy
“By grace we know we exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“Us versus us is not an easy game to win.”
― Bert McCoy
“The secret to life is that it’s all a game.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life brings heartbreak - embrace all of it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Parity not disparity makes a person rich.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look deeply into any mirror and you'll find what you're looking for.”
― Bert McCoy
“Remembering the past keeps us in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Duality is needed to recognize nonduality.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being an individual cuts one off from the whole.”
― Bert McCoy
“The individual must lose itself into the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The most painful events bring out the most beautiful people.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suffering is simply a change in the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freedom is beyond both pain and pleasure.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love and helping others is our duty as spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind says I... but who really is I?”
― Bert McCoy
“In our perfect state there is no one and nothing - only pure eternal bliss.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're looking for too many ways to connect with the outside and not enough ways to our deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Infinite space is our real form.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poets meet us in the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The difficult students are teaching our teachers.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit is not bothered by habits - habits belong to the personality.”
― Bert McCoy
“Investigate who the "I" is in your head.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“As a flag stays attached and flows with the wind, stay attached to your natural Self and do what inspires you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working together is the new golden rule.”
― Bert McCoy
“Karma's invisible... Until it's not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't let the guilt of this world stick to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“The inner guru is always on duty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Innate energies can be awakened by a sage.”
― Bert McCoy
“All memories carry the seed of suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're only as good as your next home run.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ever-present you is at home everywhere and always.”
― Bert McCoy
“Imagination and consciousness are the same.”
― Bert McCoy
“No one goes with you into deep sleep - you go alone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stand above this world - then it will be less likely to get your boots dirty.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is the needle in a haystack.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great teachers live and teach their passions.”
― Bert McCoy
“Truth does not abide by the mind's standards.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we don't see it in deep sleep... does it exist?”
― Bert McCoy
“What doesn't last isn't true.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dramatize then hypnotize.”
― Bert McCoy
“All worldly knowledge will disappear when you're ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“When are we going to stop playing mind games with the mind?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you live from the mind there are too many choices - If you live from the heart there is only one.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're so use to the noise we don't know how to appreciate the silence.”
― Bert McCoy
“The eye sees itself only in reflection.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's least expected when you least expect it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets carry us away from samsara.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation dissolves the boundaries of the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find the kindred spirits in your life, and you will find long lost energies you forgot you had.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enquiry is the easiest way to find the source.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wine speaks to our soul.”
― Bert McCoy
“Destination to nowhere is the ultimate goal.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Being discreet is a term we are losing a grip on.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your real nature calls you home to deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“A positive quote a day will keep the doctor away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't play mind games... You don't even know who or what the mind really is.”
― Bert McCoy
“The obstacles to enlightenment are time, body, and mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let the beauty of this world affect you as much as your so called problems.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being asleep while awake is the cornerstone to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Follow the guru like you would follow the directions on a pill bottle.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meet any thought with stillness and the thought will disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of asking the mind the important questions... Ask the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true teacher doesn't ask you to follow him; but, to follow your heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Inspiration awakens in us when we say yes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Intersections exist so we can choose a different way.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all here looking for something real... but the truth is... It's all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the wise ones know who is wise.”
― Bert McCoy
“All concepts will eventually fade away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Conceptual knowledge is sterile in finding Oneself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Flowers don't call each other by their names we give them.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love doesn't always speak in words.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego loves hosting talk shows in the head.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love beats redemption.”
― Bert McCoy
“I am higher consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is a shroud we wear over our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The search for enlightenment is futile... It's a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's really only one road to enlightenment - give up the body-mind concept.”
― Bert McCoy
“Having great wealth in a time of great disparity doesn't make a person rich.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deepest footprints help lead the way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Caution your impulses and you will find freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“The way to let go of the past is the same way to take care of a wound - don't pick at it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Caffeine will enable us to map the cosmos.”
― Bert McCoy
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“When Maya ends... we'll see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thich Nhat Hanh was a Lao Tzu.”
― Bert McCoy
“No labor is needed for the wealth already within us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The truth is beyond the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you look deeply into anyone's eyes, you will find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
"To question life makes one a philosopher... To go with the flow of life makes one enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
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Bert McCoy Quotes
Showing 1-30 of 1,566
1. **"If it is what it is learn from it."
~ Bert McCoy
2. **“Don't be so loyal to your mind; the mind is not loyal to You.”
― Bert McCoy
3. **“The ego is the ultimate conspirator.”
― Bert McCoy
4. **“Be aware of yourself without thinking or looking in the mirror”
― Bert McCoy
5. **“What is not true does not exist in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
6. **“In deep sleep we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
7. **“To think or not to think...This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
8. **“Sarcasm is wasted on the young.”
― Bert McCoy
9. **“It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary.”
― Bert McCoy
10. **“The wind plays its own music.”
― Bert McCoy
11. **“You are actually in search of nothing-and when you realize this you are free.”
― Bert McCoy
12. “You are the proof of everything”
― Bert McCoy
13. “Just because it's a trend should we do it?”
― Bert McCoy
14. **“Life is simple when you don't mind what happens.”
― Bert McCoy
15. **“The changeless part in you recognizes change”
― Bert McCoy
16. “Let the mind complain - you are not the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
17. **“Having manners is the sweet scent that calls you to the rose.”
― Bert McCoy
18. “You've been wandering this earth desert for far too long - go inside yourself and replenish yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
19. “When you start to question - you are part of the problem.”
― Bert McCoy
20. “Why do we refuse to love each other?”
― Bert McCoy
21. “Reading subtitles is reading.”
― Bert McCoy
22. **“The ultimate truth is: We have nothing to fear - our deepest self is Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
23. “Art depicts life and life depicts art.”
― Bert McCoy
24. **“Teach your mind to be still, just like you would teach a puppy to sit.”
― Bert McCoy
25. **“Stop feeding the ego food, then it will stop asking for more.”
― Bert McCoy
26. “Our supreme purpose here is to discard our false identity and realize the Atman within.”
― Bert McCoy
27. **“Stop digging up the past, lay down your shovel, the past is dead.”
― Bert McCoy
28. “What we have lost is not ours to keep.”
― Bert McCoy
29. “Who do you love more, your thoughts or God?”
― Bert McCoy
30. “When hate is gone, love will follow.”
― Bert McCoy
31. “Find a rare one who introduces you to the deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
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32. “Without caffeine there will be chaos.”
― Bert McCoy
33. “Watching the mind separates us from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
34. “You can't force poetry - it just happens.”
― Bert McCoy
35. “It's never too late to question everything.”
― Bert McCoy
36. “Having kids prolongs our retirement.”
― Bert McCoy
37. “Sometimes the brightest part of our day is the sunset.”
― Bert McCoy
38. “The one who knows the truth is silent.”
― Bert McCoy
39. “In a hundred years we'll see.”
― Bert McCoy
40. “Death is a funny joke to a Timeless Awareness Being.”
― Bert McCoy
41. “Your loyalty to your mind is misguided.”
― Bert McCoy
42. “Surrender your ego to the heart and all will be well.”
― Bert McCoy
43. “Reincarnation is just re-entering the game.”
― Bert McCoy
44. “The dark sky helps to see the stars... The dark night of the soul helps us to see the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
45. “The mind's middle name is distraction.”
― Bert McCoy
46. “Mystical poetry stills the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
47. “Either you soften your ego, or the world will do it for you. Choose!”
― Bert McCoy
48. “The purpose of poetry is to feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
49. “There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it's the death of the body.”
― Bert McCoy
50. “Experiences are essential for learning.”
― Bert McCoy
51. “Seeking enlightenment is a waste of your time... In reality there is no seeker, no search, and no words.”
― Bert McCoy
52. “We need to widen our eyes to see our vulnerabilities.”
― Bert McCoy
53. “When you see beauty, you are beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
54. “Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can relax and have fun in this Divine Play.”
― Bert McCoy
55. “A great wave of souls ebb and flow within and without of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
56. “There's always someone's roadwork ahead of us - reduce speed and precede with caution.”
― Bert McCoy
57. “Surrender the ego and the heart will take it from there.”
― Bert McCoy
58. “A man who doesn't tip well, doesn't live well.”
― Bert McCoy
59. “When you
Concentrate on the mistakes of others
Concentrate on what you don’t have
Concentrate on why you can’t be happy
Concentrate on the past
Concentrate on the future
Concentrate on what’s wrong with this very moment
How can you be happy?”
― Bert McCoy
60. “Death is not the end - it's just the falling away of all that's not You. Sooner or later all will slip through our hands - It's supposed to. When you return, it will feel as if only a second has passed. So be at peace here - all is well.”
― Bert McCoy
61 “Picture a strong box with a strong lid. Open the lid. Now take your past - all the so called good and bad... everything that's ever happened to you... and put it into the box... all of your past has been written down. Take all of your past... and put it into the box. Now take your right hand and push it down to the bottom. Now take your right hand out. Now take all of your future - all your hopes and dreams... all of it... and put it into the box. Now take your right hand and push this future to the bottom of the box with the past. Now take your right hand out. Now take your name - you didn't pick it, it was chosen for you. Now take your name and push it to the bottom of the box with your right hand - with the past and future. Now take your right hand out. Now close your lid and pick up your box. Now walk with me to an imaginary cliff. See yourself looking over... It's bottomless. Now quickly throw your box over the cliff... and don't take your eyes off of it. It's going down... down... down... Down... Until it's a tiny little speck... and then it's gone!
Now... Who are you now?
Who are you without a past, without a future, and without a name?
You don't even know... Do you?
In fact... You have no idea who you are!
Let me ask you a question, "do you have a problem right now?"
You don't... do you? In fact... you've never had a problem... Have you?
You don't have a problem because the mind hasn't given you one yet.
Yes... you are just fine... Pure... Clear... and still. And you have always been This... Pure... and still... you've always be at peace... and always will.
In fact, the real You has never had a problem because the real You is beyond all comings and goings of this world. You are Timeless Awareness... and Being. You have always been This... and you will always be That!
― Bert McCoy
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62. “We forget we are divine.”
― Bert McCoy
63. “When you follow your thoughts you follow a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
64. “You know exactly what you need to do when you really love someone.”
― Bert McCoy
65. “All stories are love stories in the making.”
― Bert McCoy
66. “Don't respond when the mind snaps its fingers.”
― Bert McCoy
67. “The ego focuses on petty things.”
― Bert McCoy
68. “In this madness you will find your way.”
― Bert McCoy
69. “Just call deep sleep reality and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
70. “Without a voice the flowers speak.”
― Bert McCoy
71. “Thoughts are ghosts, when you look for them they disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
72. “Let go of judgement and life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
73. “Where there is mind there is trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
74. “The only way to live in this life is to love this life.”
― Bert McCoy
75. “Don't be a cheater, lose with class.”
― Bert McCoy
76. “Each day is a new flower, enjoy its beauty while it lasts.”
― Bert McCoy
77. “Water doesn't know where it's going to flow, it just flows.”
― Bert McCoy
78. “Our life here is but one burning candle in time - why do we worry so much?”
― Bert McCoy
79. “Nature speaks a language only lovers understand.”
― Bert McCoy
80. “Thinking too much about the past or future in class can have serious grade consequences.”
― Bert McCoy
81. “Words are shadows - their value depends on the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
82. “Our deathless nature is realized by this transitory experience.”
― Bert McCoy
83. “Big events are better understood under the scrutiny of historians - that's why I like learning about history”
― Bert McCoy
84. “Are sunset’s endings or beginnings?”
― Bert McCoy
85. “What looks like a path to enlightenment is actually a
― Bert McCoy
86. “We're at peace when we don't want what we don't have.”
― Bert McCoy
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87. “Take care of your business, so others will stay out of yours.”
― Bert McCoy
88. “The stars teach us to look beyond this world.”
― Bert McCoy
89. “Everything and everyone is our mirror - how else can we see ourselves.”
― Bert McCoy
90. “Be a mind hacker and find your natural Self.”
― Bert McCoy
91. “True paradise lies within us.”
― Bert McCoy
92. “This life experience is a shedding which leads to the egoless state.”
― Bert McCoy
93. “Advocate – 1 John 2:1, Almighty – Revelation 1:8, Alpha – Revelation 1:8, Amen – Revelation 3:14, Angel of the Lord – Genesis 16:7, Anointed One – Psalm 2:2, Apostle – Hebrews 3:1, Author and Perfecter of our Faith – Hebrews 12:2, Beginning – Revelation 21:6, Bishop of Souls – 1 Peter 2:25, Branch – Zechariah 3:8, Bread of Life – John 6:35,48, Bridegroom – Matthew 9:15, Carpenter – Mark 6:3, Chief Shepherd – 1 Peter 5:4, The Christ – Matthew 1:16, Comforter – Jeremiah 8:18, Consolation of Israel – Luke 2:25, Cornerstone – Ephesians 2:20, Dayspring – Luke 1:78, Day Star – 2 Peter 1:19, Deliverer – Romans 11:26, Desire of Nations – Haggai 2:7, Emmanuel – Matthew 1:23, End – Revelation 21:6, Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6, Faithful and True Witness – Revelation 3:14, First Fruits – 1 Corinthians 15:23, Foundation – Isaiah 28:16, Fountain – Zechariah 13:1, Friend of Sinners – Matthew 11:19, Gate for the Sheep – John 10:7, Gift of God – 2 Corinthians 9:15, God – John 1:1, Glory of God – Isaiah 60:1, Good Shepherd – John 10:11, Governor – Matthew 2:6, Great Shepherd – Hebrews 13:20, Guide – Psalm 48:14, Head of the Church – Colossians, 1:18, High Priest – Hebrews 3:1, Holy One of Israel – Isaiah 41:14, Horn of Salvation – Luke 1:69, I Am – Exodus 3:14, Jehovah – Psalm 83:18, Jesus – Matthew 1:21, King of Israel – Matthew 27:42, King of Kings – 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16, Lamb of God – John 1:29, Last Adam – 1 Corinthians 15:45, Life – John 11:25, Light of the World – John 8:12, Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Revelation 5:5, Lord of Lords – 1 Timothy, 6:15; Revelation 19:16
Master – Matthew 23:8, Mediator – 1 Timothy 2:5, Messiah – John 1:41, Mighty God – Isaiah 9:6, Morning Star – Revelation 22:16, Nazarene – Matthew 2:23, Omega – Revelation 1:8, Passover Lamb – 1 Corinthians 5:7, Physician – Matthew 9:12, Potentate – 1 Timothy 6:15, Priest – Hebrews 4:15, Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6, Prophet – Acts 3:22, Propitiation – I John 2:2, Purifier – Malachi 3:3, Rabbi – John 1:49, Ransom – 1 Timothy 2:6, Redeemer – Isaiah 41:14, Refiner – Malachi 3:2, Refuge – Isaiah 25:4, Resurrection – John 11:25, Righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6, Rock – Deuteronomy 32:4, Root of David – Revelation 22:16, Rose of Sharon – Song of Solomon 2:1, Ruler of God’s Creation – Revelation 3:14, Sacrifice – Ephesians 5:2, Savior – 2 Samuel 22:47; Luke 1:47, Second Adam – 1 Corinthians 15:47, Seed of Abraham – Galatians 3:16, Seed of David – 2 Timothy 2:8, Seed of the Woman – Genesis 3:15, Servant – Isaiah 42:1, Shepherd – 1 Peter 2:25, Shiloh – Genesis 49:10, Son of David – Matthew 15:22, Son of God – Luke 1:35, Son of Man – Matthew 18:11, Son of Mary – Mark 6:3, Son of the Most High – Luke 1:32, Stone – Isaiah 28:16, Sun of Righteousness – Malachi 4:2, Teacher – Matthew 26:18, Truth – John 14:6, Way – John 14:6, Wonderful, Counselor – Isaiah 9:6, Word – John 1:1
Vine – John 15:1... You are so beautiful in so many names, ways, shapes, and forms.”
― Bert McCoy
94. “Poetry is our essence... It's uncovered in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
95. “The way out of suffering is yes.”
― Bert McCoy
96. “Inside the seed are many trees... Inside You are many kingdoms.”
― Bert McCoy
97. “The wise ones have been tortured by their minds for lifetimes - listen to what they have to say.”
― Bert McCoy
98. “These days... you're at a disadvantage if you only know how to speak, read, and write one language.”
― Bert McCoy
99. “If you stay long enough in paradise, you're bound to get bitten by mosquitos.”
― Bert McCoy
100. “We must increase the spaciousness in our thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
101. “How a person sees the world is so very important.”
― Bert McCoy
102. “There are a multitude of worries that will consume you - Why choose any?”
― Bert McCoy
103. “Kind words promote good communication.”
― Bert McCoy
104. “We are not lost, broken, or alone - we're given exactly what we need to be still.”
― Bert McCoy
105. “The one who transcends the mind sits on a throne.”
― Bert McCoy
106. “Without a past, future, or name who are you? Nobody? Without a past, future, or name do you have a problem?”
― Bert McCoy
107. “Addiction gives the ego purpose.”
― Bert McCoy
108. “If you look deep enough into anyone's eyes you will see yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
109. “Time flies when you're multitasking.”
― Bert McCoy
110. “The only true paradise is the paradise of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
111. “Quotes are good for either getting conversations started... or calling us back to silence.”
― Bert McCoy
112. “God has answers, but most of them we don't want to hear.”
― Bert McCoy
113. “Our biggest mistake is accepting this dream as reality.”
― Bert McCoy
114. “You know who loves you when your hanging off a cliff.”
― Bert McCoy
115. “I don't have to think, therefore I am.”
― Bert McCoy
116. “We have true power when we support each other.”
― Bert McCoy
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117. “You are the master and life is your servant.”
― Bert McCoy
118. “Swap your past and future for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
119. “Attention comes from interest; thus, teachers need to make learning interesting to their students.”
― Bert McCoy
120. “Help those who are in your reach and you will help thousands.”
― Bert McCoy
121. “All that's needed is to trust you're not the body or mind.”
― Bert McCoy
122. “Be loyal to the present moment and your life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
123. “The difficult people in our life are really our teachers.”
― Bert McCoy
124. “Spontaneity is divine will.”
― Bert McCoy
125. “Grace made its move when you lose interest in this world.”
― Bert McCoy
126. “For many... Spirit is a spare tire and jack located somewhere in the trunk and only pulled out in an emergency.”
― Bert McCoy
127. “Our true nature calls us back home to the deep sleep state.”
― Bert McCoy
128. “Our purpose here is to discard the personality and find what lies underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
129. “Without self-awareness we live in a tiny dark room.”
― Bert McCoy
130. “The ego is a jack-n-the-box - if you're not paying attention you can be caught off guard.”
― Bert McCoy
131. “You can learn everything you need to know by gardening.”
― Bert McCoy
132. “Ego is the one true addiction.”
― Bert McCoy
133. “One flower can transform your entire day.”
― Bert McCoy
134. “Fame and fortune are accessories issued from the wardrobe department... Both will need to be returned.”
― Bert McCoy
135. “Great teachers are great tour guides - they show us the sights, the sounds, the beauty, the pain, and the ones who made a difference.”
― Bert McCoy
136. “Stop being a seeker and find Yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
137. “All chaos is divine intervention.”
― Bert McCoy
138. “Once you find your treasure, the path to get there loses its importance.”
― Bert McCoy
139. “Understanding the past helps us to recognize the dysfunction of the present.”
― Bert McCoy
140. “Be careful about trading your simple way of life with popularity - popularity will not fulfill you in the end.”
― Bert McCoy
141. “Your pain and suffering will eventually lead to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
142. “Striving for happiness will never bring you happiness.”
― Bert McCoy
143. “Don't be afraid of making mistakes - it's how we learn.”
― Bert McCoy
144. “If your guru's great... You'll have forgotten everything.”
― Bert McCoy
145. “All suffering vanishes in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
146. “Negative thinking makes all of us tired.”
― Bert McCoy
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147. “The positive arises with the right perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
148. “This world is a spider web of distractions - distracting us from that which is of the utmost importance.”
― Bert McCoy
149. “There’s some form of beauty in all words.”
― Bert McCoy
150. “In deep sleep there are no paths to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
151. “Crossing over a bridge is never as far as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
152. “You've never existed in the past or future; you exist in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
153. “It feels like a dream because it is.”
― Bert McCoy
154. “When education knocks... Open your door.”
― Bert McCoy
155. “Be at one with your senses - they know the direct route to your Natural Self.”
― Bert McCoy
156. “It took time to become an individual and no time to become free.”
― Bert McCoy
157. “When it's perfect there's no more words.”
― Bert McCoy
158. “Without wine... the night would be too short.”
― Bert McCoy
159. “What remains to be seen... remains on the architect's table.”
― Bert McCoy
160. “The journey takes us to where we need to go.”
― Bert McCoy
161. “Even a blade of grass is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
162. “It's funny when the lion dreams of one day becoming a lion.”
― Bert McCoy
163. “Meditation helps us to find the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
164. “All concepts are pot-holes... Stay out of them.”
― Bert McCoy
165. “The ego will give you a kiss, then pickpocket your wallet.”
― Bert McCoy
166. “Cats know what we're thinking - They just don't care.”
― Bert McCoy
167. “Consciousness can be found in meditation.”
― Bert McCoy
168. “The simplest explanations come from consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
169. “2001 A Space Odyssey is the biggest step in science fiction.”
― Bert McCoy
170. “The real you knows this is all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
171. “The ego is an expert at camouflage.”
― Bert McCoy
172. “There's no reasoning with the unreasonable mind.”
― Bert McCoy
173. “What is perfect is challenging.”
― Bert McCoy
174. “We taste consciousness through this temporary state.”
― Bert McCoy
175. “Cinematography is eye candy.”
― Bert McCoy
176. “Judge by motives... not by dress.”
― Bert McCoy
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177. “True surrender is when you hand over the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
178. “Knowing that all becomes the past, is known by That which is always present.”
― Bert McCoy
179. “The ego pretends to be you.”
― Bert McCoy
180. “The I Am must eventually be discarded.”
― Bert McCoy
181. “Seeking enlightenment is a waste of time... just stop thinking and remember.”
― Bert McCoy
182. “Everyone!”
― Bert McCoy
183. “The ones who are not brainwashed will help open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
184. “Humans are shadows of the soul.”
― Bert McCoy
185. “Trouble will continue to come until we stop being an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
186. “Having stuff is a trap.”
― Bert McCoy
187. “Emptiness is hidden in everything.”
― Bert McCoy
188. “This world is necessary until you've grown beyond it.”
― Bert McCoy
189. “Peace of mind arises when we're okay with whatever happens.”
― Bert McCoy
190. “The words that come from the heart feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
191. “The truth cannot be spoken, only lived.”
― Bert McCoy
192. “Sometimes the brightest part of the day is the sunset.”
― Bert McCoy
193. “All spoken truths contain falsehood.”
― Bert McCoy
194. “Better luck tomorrow never comes.”
― Bert McCoy
195. “keep focused on the present moment - the past slows us down.”
― Bert McCoy
196. “Lying low... Now takes on a whole new meaning.”
― Bert McCoy
197. “Getting involved helps others to see our value.”
― Bert McCoy
198. “Our life is circular - we'll see our natural Self very soon.”
― Bert McCoy
199. “The words that come from silence feed the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
200. “Seeking enlightenment is like searching for a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
201. “One thing I've found to be helpful is the understanding that things are not gonna be easy.”
― Bert McCoy
202. “Candy is more powerful than the boogie man.”
― Bert McCoy
203. “Just keep asking yourself over and over who are you, and when you get to the point that you have absolutely no idea - you're here and now - welcome.”
― Bert McCoy
204. “You'll never be six-feet in the ground - the spirit flies away immediately.”
― Bert McCoy
205. “Getting old is so unfair.”
― Bert McCoy
206. “Teachers are the life blood of all nations... Please take care of them.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 211-240 of 1,565
207. “God doesn't exist without you.”
― Bert McCoy
208. “The mind is a red rose with thorns... Don't get too close.”
― Bert McCoy
209. “We're all rulers given a beggar's life.”
― Bert McCoy
210. “Books are silent, but have the ability to scream.”
― Bert McCoy
211. “Avoid the obstacles which keep you from your greater Self.”
― Bert McCoy
212. “Bullying should be dealt with expeditiously.”
― Bert McCoy
213. “Freedom is never won... It pervades in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
214. “Stillness is the elixir the soul likes to drink.”
― Bert McCoy
215. “Every little thing is related to every little thing.”
― Bert McCoy
216. “All experiences are incomplete.”
― Bert McCoy
217. “Summer love songs wake up inert energies.”
― Bert McCoy
218. “Be simple or be sorry.”
― Bert McCoy
219. “It's difficult to look good when you don't have the help of others.”
― Bert McCoy
220. “If you truly want a great story... write in a God and evil presence.”
― Bert McCoy
221. “The ego is loyal only to itself.”
― Bert McCoy
222. “The real you is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.”
― Bert McCoy
223. “Illusion is the only tool the ego has to work with.”
― Bert McCoy
224. “Write fast - poetry inspiration ebbs and flows.”
― Bert McCoy
225. “Everything is meant to fall apart by design.”
― Bert McCoy
226. “Our home is in deep sleep - go there as often as you can throughout your day.”
― Bert McCoy
227. “No more beating around the bush - You are what you've been searching for.”
― Bert McCoy
228. “So few are interested in unmasking the ego.”
― Bert McCoy
229. “Metaphors make life richer.”
― Bert McCoy
230. “The storyteller is more important than the story.”
― Bert McCoy
231. “The way to let go of the past is the way to take care of a wound - don't pick at it.”
― Bert McCoy
232. “No matter what you do or where you go, you can catch the meditation vibe.”
― Bert McCoy
233. “Do you really think God keeps score?”
― Bert McCoy
234. “True love is the open sky.”
― Bert McCoy
235. “Being enlightened is a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
236. “Peace of mind awakens in us when we do our best.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 241-270 of 1,565
237. “Simplify" should be one of the most used words in any meeting.”
― Bert McCoy
238. “Awareness is eternity... and dances in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
239. “Nothing is separate from anything.”
― Bert McCoy
240. “When you want to feel rich... Visit your friends.”
― Bert McCoy
241. “This world is just paint on a canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
242. “Making whiskey with words - pour me another please.”
― Bert McCoy
243. “Poets see the truth in little things.”
― Bert McCoy
244. “Be ever grateful and always take the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
245. “Just a reminder: there ain't no beginning and there ain't no end.”
― Bert McCoy
246. “When you know God exists... Belief isn't needed.”
― Bert McCoy
247. “Questioning is mind - you want no-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
248. “The wind plays the blues on hot summer days.”
― Bert McCoy
249. “Screenwriting is an anthropological dig.”
― Bert McCoy
250. “If we want to reach our students, we must first meet them in their inner world.”
― Bert McCoy
251. “Simply spoken is closer to the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
252. “All words are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
253. “I live in the present moment like you.”
― Bert McCoy
254. “The Self will reveal itself in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
255. “Meditation is useful until you realize you are still doing something.”
― Bert McCoy
256. “From great strife comes great art.”
― Bert McCoy
257. “Do we want instant pleasure or lasting happiness?”
― Bert McCoy
258. “Grace calls us back to nonduality”
― Bert McCoy
259. “Gardens hold great truths - for those willing to get a little dirty.”
― Bert McCoy
260. “Ownership is an obstacle to realization.”
― Bert McCoy
261. “Your thoughts make this world your own.”
― Bert McCoy
262. “We are pure love separated by the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
263. “Quotes are a great way to start a discussion.”
― Bert McCoy
264. “What We do brings suffering - what Spirit does brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
265. “No matter how rich you are... There you still are.”
― Bert McCoy
266. “Stress is an illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 271-300 of 1,565
267. “When the mind is active you are not free.”
― Bert McCoy
268. “With proper education the ego will fade away.”
― Bert McCoy
269. “The Desirelessness state is true intelligence.”
― Bert McCoy
270. “A good restaurant server is an attaché to good health.”
― Bert McCoy
271. “All paintings are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
272. “Split and we are weak.”
― Bert McCoy
273. “Live in this moment and let life flow.”
― Bert McCoy
274. “This life is not the egos.”
― Bert McCoy
275. “See where thoughts come from and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
276. “Individuality must be removed to help us to remember - the many are really just all one.”
― Bert McCoy
277. “Stillness fans the flame of creativity.”
― Bert McCoy
278. “Some days we crawl and some days we stand tall.”
― Bert McCoy
279. “This world could never exist without You.”
― Bert McCoy
280. “In deep sleep there is no pain and suffering - and this is our true nature.”
― Bert McCoy
281. “Sitting down and doing nothing is a divine calling.”
― Bert McCoy
282. “Like and dislike takes all the fun out of making mistakes and learning from them.”
― Bert McCoy
283. “When you realize that nothing really matters... You're getting very close waking up from this dream.”
― Bert McCoy
284. “The ego temporarily conceals the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
285. “We all should share each other's pain - temporarily.”
― Bert McCoy
286. “You're only as good as your next save.”
― Bert McCoy
287. “Some consequences are better than you think.”
― Bert McCoy
288. “Friends are worth our precious time.”
― Bert McCoy
289. “We change until we reach our changeless state.”
― Bert McCoy
290. “Pull the veil over your eyes if you want... But this is all theatre.”
― Bert McCoy
291. “The illusion began when you first opened your eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
292. “I kept looking outwards...
when I should of been
looking within.”
― Bert McCoy
293. “I can now say with certainly that less is more.”
― Bert McCoy
294. “When in doubt, seek wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
295. “The part of you that prefers to be silent is the deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
296. “Ideas and speech are worthless without loving presence.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 301-330 of 1,565
297. “To know oneself one must step outside oneself.”
― Bert McCoy
298. “Finding the now is finding the needle in the haystack.”
― Bert McCoy
299. “The longer we live... The more we get the blues.”
― Bert McCoy
300. “I opened the book of knowledge and found it to be empty.”
― Bert McCoy
301. “Your true Self is without limits.”
― Bert McCoy
302. “When all else fails call a friend.”
― Bert McCoy
303. “All meditators are quietly called to their greater Self.”
― Bert McCoy
304.“We're all acting in an ever-evolving script.”
― Bert McCoy
305. “Great quotes say a lot with a little.”
― Bert McCoy
306. “If we're still enough, we can hear flowers singing to the bees.”
― Bert McCoy
307. “Sometimes it'll just have to be the young ones who listen to wisdom and love speak.”
― Bert McCoy
308. “Letting go of the past gives us a restart.”
― Bert McCoy
309. “Perennial wisdom is found in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
310. “Rules are surrounded with many grey areas.”
― Bert McCoy
311. **“What is eternal is paramount.”
― Bert McCoy
312. “Just keep the stylus moving.”
― Bert McCoy
313. “When we start taking care of all people from all walks of life... New energies will be given to us.”
― Bert McCoy
314. “Nothing really happens in a dream world.”
― Bert McCoy
315. “Making mistakes allows us the opportunity to find what works and what works.”
― Bert McCoy
316. “We can't close the door on our complete education - we will get chance after chance to master what love is.”
― Bert McCoy
317. “Waves sometimes play long susurrus ballads.”
― Bert McCoy
318. “When you don't follow your passions, you grow angry and
― Bert McCoy
319. “Poets reveal themselves in the stillness of their words.”
― Bert McCoy
320. “Mother nature expects a whole lot more from us.”
― Bert McCoy
323. “Stop quitting on yourself - you can achieve so much more with the right mindset.”
― Bert McCoy
324. “Sometimes you just have to take the pie in the face.”
― Bert McCoy
325. “When enlightened, no one knows more than You.”
― Bert McCoy
326. “The ego finds ways to distract us from the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
327. “Kindred spirits speak heart to heart.”
― Bert McCoy
328. “Spirit knows exactly what's needed... Our effort only delays the game.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 331-360 of 1,565
329. “We're allowed to make mistakes: Just take the steps to correct them.”
― Bert McCoy
330. “The Real You is beyond the reincarnation game.”
― Bert McCoy
331. “Less fluff is more clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
332. “The breath fans our heated emotions.”
― Bert McCoy
333. “The mind is a dark closet - get out as soon as possible.”
― Bert McCoy
334. “Jump for joy - The ego's really a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
335. “Playing with memories takes us away from the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
336. “The real is visible to the innocent.”
― Bert McCoy
337. “When you're ready... be earnest.”
― Bert McCoy
338. “Work without expectation brings peace.”
― Bert McCoy
339. “All is vanity means all is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
340. “Questioning causes suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
341. “Rambling in the head is mind madness.”
― Bert McCoy
342. “Be this moment and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
343. “Once we remove the ego-mask, we'll be able to see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
344. “Some days... we don't mean very much of what we say.”
― Bert McCoy
345. “Our existence prevails above all concepts and beliefs.”
― Bert McCoy
346. “I teach what compels us to question our reality”
― Bert McCoy
347. “To continue to grieve or not to continue to grieve - this is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
348. “Catch negative thoughts quickly... so they don't multiply.”
― Bert McCoy
349. “The message is the good medicine.”
― Bert McCoy
350. “When the creative flow slows... Just stay busy.”
― Bert McCoy
351. “We are Spirit first - human second.”
― Bert McCoy
352. “Doing anything will not lead you to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
353. “How quickly do endings come.”
― Bert McCoy
354. “The lower self is a ghost to the higher Self.”
― Bert McCoy
355. “From great suffering comes great art.”
― Bert McCoy
356. “Racism will be eradicated by men and women with picks and shovels.”
― Bert McCoy
357. “Cooking is the most important art... after hunting and gardening - of course.”
― Bert McCoy
358. “Don't judge a film by the year it was made.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 361-390 of 1,565
359. “The real is visible to the beautiful.”
― Bert McCoy
360. “Childhood is such a wonderful disguise for the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
361. “You are beyond all dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
362. “It's not easy keeping track of all the voices in your head, but no one's going to do it for you.”
― Bert McCoy
363. “Our breath is music to the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
364. “One cannot learn what cannot be taught.”
― Bert McCoy
365. “When it's a party, waves love to play crash and roar songs.”
― Bert McCoy
366. “If you think too much you're a seeker.”
― Bert McCoy
367. “Most humans suffer from amnesia.”
― Bert McCoy
368. “My dream is to help my students achieve their dreams.”
― Bert McCoy
369. “Letting children fall is a part of parenting; and, showing kids how to stand right back up takes a real artist.”
― Bert McCoy
370. “Many different flowers make a beautiful vase.”
― Bert McCoy
371. “Even if we are tired, hungry, sick, or even dying... We can still choose to be happy.”
― Bert McCoy
372. “There's always a guidepost at every intersection.”
― Bert McCoy
373. “Counting the minutes creates anxiety.”
― Bert McCoy
374. “Thinking about what you will do, when you will do it, and what might happen blocks life's flow.”
― Bert McCoy
375. “Be grateful for whatever you have and you'll always wear a smile - even if it's for your last breath.”
― Bert McCoy
376. “Don't make your wants more than you're willing to grow.”
― Bert McCoy
377. “Without a sound the flower's speak.”
― Bert McCoy
378. “Soon there will be the mask police!”
― Bert McCoy
379. “When will we stop making and using weapons to get what we want?”
― Bert McCoy
380. “Beliefs cause miscommunication.”
― Bert McCoy
381. “Not taking reasonable chances makes us afraid to live.”
― Bert McCoy
382. “Shift your vision from time - to no time.”
― Bert McCoy
383. “Money can be a terrible motivator.”
― Bert McCoy
384. “There is always a purpose to what, how, where, and when.”
― Bert McCoy
385. “This world is our mirror... Objects may get a little too close at times.”
― Bert McCoy
386. “Don't replace a negative thought with a positive thought - That's like replacing a headache with a sore throat.”
― Bert McCoy
387. “True intelligence awakens a multitude of possibilities.”
― Bert McCoy
388. “We must find a way to rise above our mistakes.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 391-420 of 1,565
389. “Our immortal Self is beyond all of this.”
― Bert McCoy
390. “Great books never stop reading to me.”
― Bert McCoy
391. “If reincarnation truly exists... We're definitely not alone in this adventure.”
― Bert McCoy
392. “Why search for money and experiences when you can search for your mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
393. “Our DNA is our own personal story.”
― Bert McCoy
394. “Truly powerful words lead us to stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
395. “This universe is as real as the next.”
― Bert McCoy
396. “If it is what it is, then, it's good enough.”
― Bert McCoy
397. “Perfect means challenging.”
― Bert McCoy
398. “Who would of thought, it pays to be in the military.”
― Bert McCoy
399. “Everyone should be required to take a smiling class.”
― Bert McCoy
400. “Alice didn't go deep enough.”
― Bert McCoy
401. “The ego is a poor chauffeur - never taking you to where you really need to go.”
― Bert McCoy
402. “The ego is a magnet for trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
403. “Effortlessness begs the beauty within.”
― Bert McCoy
404. “Learning how to be calm in all situations is a valuable skill.”
― Bert McCoy
405. “Enlightenment cannot be earned, bought, or understood.”
― Bert McCoy
406. “Happiness is success.”
― Bert McCoy
407. “The ego temporarily conceals us from the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
408. “If we are going to survive, we must stick together and make each other sick - only then can we fight the microbial world.”
― Bert McCoy
409. “Be more Zen!”
― Bert McCoy
410. “It's better to be with someone who has the same sleep patterns.”
― Bert McCoy
411. “Date nights during a pandemic are few and far between.”
― Bert McCoy
412. “Like and dislike cripples you.”
― Bert McCoy
413. “Together!”
― Bert McCoy
414. “If you've already forgotten... We're all Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
415. “Feed the squirrels - who else will?”
― Bert McCoy
416. “You can improve yourself worldly... Not spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
417. “Playing the victim is never a good disguise.”
― Bert McCoy
418. “The way you prepare for your life is the same way you prepare for your blackbelt.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 421-450 of 1,565
419. “This universe is held in the palm our hand - there's so much more.”
― Bert McCoy
420. “As a servant, you are responsible for relationships.”
― Bert McCoy
421. “Never neglect the host.”
― Bert McCoy
422. “Great coaches are true artists.”
― Bert McCoy
423. “The eyes are subordinate to the third eye.”
― Bert McCoy
424. “This world is yours - your thoughts and opinions, likes and dislikes, have made it what it is... To you.”
― Bert McCoy
425. “The ego is a expert at using the five senses and thoughts to trap us.”
― Bert McCoy
426. “We will awaken when it's our time.”
― Bert McCoy
427. “Thinking too much blocks life's flow.”
― Bert McCoy
428. “All possessions are painful.”
― Bert McCoy
429. “Awareness is absence of seeking.”
― Bert McCoy
430. “We focus on the past and future and ignore the obvious.”
― Bert McCoy
431. “Stillness keeps the thief out of your house.”
― Bert McCoy
432. “Did you water your garden today?”
― Bert McCoy
433. “The deeper you go the closer you are to awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
434. “Some people are blind but can see, and some people can see but are blind.”
― Bert McCoy
435. “We're all caught up in our own spider webs.”
― Bert McCoy
436. “Don't give your mind five star service.”
― Bert McCoy
437. “Judge no one - judging someone is judging a character in a play.”
― Bert McCoy
438. “When we embrace our weakness... We awaken the spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
439. “Good wives are excellent fault finders... and this promotes growth.”
― Bert McCoy
440. “In the middle of every storm is pure love.”
― Bert McCoy
441. “Seeking makes us uneasy - stop seeking and just be still.”
― Bert McCoy
442. “The goal is to separate ourselves from samsara.”
― Bert McCoy
443. “It'll be okay - if you want it to be okay.”
― Bert McCoy
444. “Let's all just step it up a notch - and love each other a little more.”
― Bert McCoy
445. “The awakened ones know this is all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
446. “When you tip your server well, you're spreading goodwill and love.”
― Bert McCoy
447. “I don't work... I teach.”
― Bert McCoy
448. “All pain and suffering carries the seed to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 451-480 of 1,565
449. “I know nothing; therefore, I Am.”
― Bert McCoy
450. “Great quotes never stop speaking to me.”
― Bert McCoy
451. “At some point we all become philosophers.”
― Bert McCoy
452. “Non-duality is our natural state.”
― Bert McCoy
453. “When you're the doer, you're not free.”
― Bert McCoy
454. “Perfume is poetry to be worn.”
― Bert McCoy
455. “Time leaves no one alone.”
― Bert McCoy
456. “Boy are we going to be surprised when we pull the veil away from our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
457. “When the fear of death goes... Bondage goes.”
― Bert McCoy
458. “Great silence precedes great vision.”
― Bert McCoy
459. “Making money is cool; but, doing what you love is way cooler.”
― Bert McCoy
460. “An untrained mind is like a car without shocks, you'll feel every little bump or hole and the larger ones will certainly do some damage.”
― Bert McCoy
461. “Mind movements are like riptides - they do their best to pull us into deep water.”
― Bert McCoy
462. “A calm mind begets clear thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
463. “Chaos is Divine intervention.”
― Bert McCoy
464. “It's really simple, just be as loving as you can right now.”
― Bert McCoy
465. “Forgive your regrets and carry on.”
― Bert McCoy
466. “Seashells only sing when you hold them.”
― Bert McCoy
467. “Some people can change and some people don't want to.”
― Bert McCoy
468. “All pain and suffering carries the seed of enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
469. “Things happen the way women want them to happen.”
― Bert McCoy
470. “I am in this body, but not this body.”
― Bert McCoy
471. “When we embrace our weakness... We awaken the spirit within.”
― Bert McCoy
472. “Deep down we are all poets.”
― Bert McCoy
473. “Poets are gardeners of the human soul.”
― Bert McCoy
474. “When there are no more questions there are no more problems.”
― Bert McCoy
“The entire world is plastic... including the body and mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The waves of yesterday don't need to be remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 481-510 of 1,565
“When you're sad, look within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is the perfume love wears.”
― Bert McCoy
“All drama and heartbreak will eventually lead to laughter.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to feel rich... Go visit your friends.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pulling poems from a hat seems to be the easiest way to write.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego comes to eat... don't give it five-star service.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're looking for too many ways to connect with the outside and not enough ways to connect with our deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Calm the body and mind and you will see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment frees us from the illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking is a blindfold we choose to wear.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is a price to pay for being an open book.”
― Bert McCoy
“Knowledge is simply a point of view.”
― Bert McCoy
“People act out what they see.”
― Bert McCoy
“Choose your joys and toys wisely - for there is always a price.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're stacking cups and glasses... you have too many.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's hard to teach... When you're not passionate about what you teach.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you go to deep sleep the illusion is gone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Always do your best and your life will make sense.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not even a flower knows its beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Greed blinds the hearts ability to see.”
― Bert McCoy
“In no time you will be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teachers should always include opportunities for the students to fix or make something new.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is no sweeter sound than a flower courting the bees.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must stop being a slave to the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is getting too full of content...there's not enough space.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be a good server you need an elevated personality with a good heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Ocean of Love is awaiting our return - Let's help others while we play on the shore.”
― Bert McCoy
“Education our youth is far more than data collection.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you leave the mind's gate open... The mind will run amok.”
― Bert McCoy
“Seeking peace anywhere else but inside your chest is a waste of your time.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 511-540 of 1,565
“Openness and stillness are one and the same.”
― Bert McCoy
“The perennial wisdom is found by those who are not special.”
― Bert McCoy
“On the other side of pain and suffering is peace and love.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is spirit and there is ego - we must merge the two together.”
― Bert McCoy
“Things happen the way women want it to happen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred of spirit is all that matters.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't remove the darkness - just turn on your light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone needs at least one powerful quote to live by... What are yours?”
― Bert McCoy
“When your world falls apart... You're being drawn closer to your original Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some seek education to better understand their world; and, some meditate to better understand themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our body is perishable - not the spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“You know the biggest mind blower would be that you are creating all of this yourself!”
― Bert McCoy
“It's funny listening to an ego disagreeing with a guru.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much talk is ignorance.”
― Bert McCoy
“History is skewed by filmmakers.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to speed up the game, don't let the ball go out of bounds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Give your breath more attention than your mind and all will be well.”
― Bert McCoy
“What might have been doesn't matter right now.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real meditation is to live from the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cave work is inner work.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Matrix is everywhere-except in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“After the now is still the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining is another word for failure.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pulling poems and quotes from a hat seems to be the easiest way to write.”
― Bert McCoy
“Real teaching is about nurturing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Liberation fully blooms when you realize you are the Gardner.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's blasphemy to say You will one day die.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bird's don't read music - they just sing.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true teacher shows you where the light switch is.”
― Bert McCoy
“And you thought you were human.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Only a somebody claims to be enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“Consciousness writes our path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditate not self-medicate.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's so many opportunities to wake up and out of this ego-mind-dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without ego we are divine”
― Bert McCoy
“Amazing stuff happens every day!”
― Bert McCoy
“When this world is pulled from our eyes... All will be right again.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred spirits have met each other so many times.”
― Bert McCoy
“Money will never reach liberation.”
― Bert McCoy
“Belly full... Ego empty.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that is good is here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“The worst hunger is the hunger for more.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind never has anything new to say-all it knows is of the past.”
― Bert McCoy
“All earthly matters will eventually bring us heartbreak - embrace all of them.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do nothing but flow with life as it is brought to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's fun when you have something to write about.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are free when we dismount from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many words won't leave enough space.”
― Bert McCoy
“In the darkest of nights... Spirit knows the way through.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is understood after the fact.”
― Bert McCoy
“More work is not as important as clear understanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“If time becomes your master... seeing clearly is obscured.”
― Bert McCoy
“Worry is wasted energy - do something about it now or do something about it later.”
― Bert McCoy
“Belief is of the outside; knowing comes directly from the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Impure thoughts come and go... You do not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your daily life is The Book - read it!”
― Bert McCoy
“All challenges require introspection.”
― Bert McCoy
“The flowers are waiting for us to bloom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sadness cannot exist between one thought and another.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
Showing 571-600 of 1,565
“Love lasts... Therefore it must be real.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life experience makes us aware that we are Life itself.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we sing like nightingales.”
― Bert McCoy
“Offering forgiveness for transgression will allow us to see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're young, you don't know what experience will cost you and what It... will do for Others.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist in a nameless and eternal state.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego likes feeding us false information.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain and suffering is the catalyst for freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Where there’s mind... there's trouble.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sooner or longer we'll all wake up from our addiction to ego and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our loyalty to the mind is misguided.”
― Bert McCoy
“Parenting is a serious vocation - wait until you're ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our life guides us to see we are not of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wise people can live without the ego... The others cannot.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true guru meets himself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attention to the present moment removes fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surreal is the new normal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching only content limits our kid's education.”
― Bert McCoy
“The matrix is the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trouble begins with overthinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“The easy days are balanced with the challenging ones.”
― Bert McCoy
“A wildflower knows it's beautiful - but not everyone can see it.”
― Bert McCoy
“a summertime nap
on a blanket of green grass
under a shade tree”
― Bert McCoy
“Flowers are so sexy in the morning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Lovers aren't lost in the past or future - they live in reality.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we see this world as illusion.”
― Bert McCoy
“Grace always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Telling me what I want to hear is cheap advice.”
― Bert McCoy
“Medicine comes in all shapes, colours, and experiences.”
― Bert McCoy
“Punishing others is a misuse of power.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“It's hard to accept others when you can't accept yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“The truth will speak to you in silence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Clear words are like clean glass... They're easy to see through.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is a leaky faucet - learn to shut it off.”
― Bert McCoy
“The choices are many... until you realize there aren't any.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-realization takes place when limiting concepts are removed.”
― Bert McCoy
“The prize is wrapped in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“More words doesn't bring us closer to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Realization of the truth precedes reasoning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every night is movie night.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true gurvis meets herself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Smiles and laughter
A warm summer afternoon
Water balloons”
― Bert McCoy
“Find a clean mirror and take a good look at yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our greatness can be hidden for only so long.”
― Bert McCoy
“You've been wandering in this earth desert for far too long - go inside yourself and drink.”
― Bert McCoy
“FYI... Green grass grows everywhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“We realize our greatness when we allow ourselves to be defeated.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the mind is still... Right action takes over.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who live selflessly are our tour guides.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need more loyalty to the parenting profession.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trees grow towards that which sustains them.”
― Bert McCoy
“This short life is not enough: go within to become full.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a jail cell we willingly walk into.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live in the sunshine and cry in the rain.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wine is the lover's elixir.”
― Bert McCoy
“The sound of water is music.”
― Bert McCoy
“To error is one's perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“Forget the ego's concerns and be happy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Once the drop makes it to the Ocean... It forgets everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“I realized my life was great after it all fell apart.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“We've wandered away from our perennial wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we are free of concepts.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's real only exists in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is a projector.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're on a spiritual journey when you realize you're on a spiritual journey.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time tries to control us... But actually we are free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our perfect day begins when we say Yes to what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're so beyond all this worldly drama.”
― Bert McCoy
“The more you learn about spirituality... The more you will disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego harasses us until we've had enough.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must learn to toss out all negative influences.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all need to realize we're all on the same team.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trouble will continue to come until the inner Self is realized.”
― Bert McCoy
“In reality there is no one else - we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
“The experiencer is more important than the experience.”
― Bert McCoy
“Go to the flowers empty... then you will enjoy them.”
― Bert McCoy
“The background of samsara is bliss”
― Bert McCoy
“Desire for peace, love, and truth is a blessing from the beloved.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful cause all words are Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can better play the game of life.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is true must exist in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love awakens when we realize we are not the body or mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind complains until it reaches the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Chronologically speaking... The present moment makes no sense.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Divine incarnates into everything seen, heard, touched, smelled, and tasted.”
― Bert McCoy
“Traveling is the true book to read!”
― Bert McCoy
“You can only improve yourself worldly... Not spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drama will eventually lead to laughter.”
― Bert McCoy
“People over eighty shouldn't be able to use the self-checkout lines at the grocery store - especially with a full basket!”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be at the egos beck and call.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Keeping it all together is the grace of God.”
― Bert McCoy
“Death teaches us to make the most of any situation.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being let down is sometimes like being let off the hook.”
― Bert McCoy
“Children are more susceptible to our failures than we think.”
― Bert McCoy
“The most painful experiences are usually the most eye-opening.”
― Bert McCoy
“Black Lives Matter to all of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be very cautious when reaching out for the ego's hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“I've often wondered whether it's the number of heart beats, or the number of years, days, hours, and seconds that will call us back.”
― Bert McCoy
“True understanding comes from surrender.”
― Bert McCoy
“The senses pick up the slack until the mind is ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind can't be found by the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Opinions can be changed by repetition.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a wild unicorn with a bridal and bit - you hold the reins.”
― Bert McCoy
“Would it kill you to be a little nicer to your parents?”
― Bert McCoy
“Not caring what other people think is a tool to keep us sane.”
― Bert McCoy
“The curriculum makes the broad strokes - obviously there is a whole pallet of colors to make use of.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Coronavirus is forcing us to work together as human beings.”
― Bert McCoy
“If it is what it is... embrace it.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind is fickle, like a candle flame touching the night air.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness... Love shares her secrets.”
― Bert McCoy
“A racehorse will never reach the prize - a rock has a better chance.”
― Bert McCoy
“The dream of this world opens up to a very familiar place.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all have hidden gems within us - we just have to look.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mothers help keep us sane - for as long as we want to listen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much content is too much.”
― Bert McCoy
“Is your insight or eyesight stronger?”
― Bert McCoy
“Memories bring expectations and expectations carry suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all caught up in a play with Divine irony.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's just You in this dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“All life experience loses its luster in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Sooner or later we will wake up to the fact that we are much more than human.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reluctancy has become a pastime.”
― Bert McCoy
“An early morning quest warms the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“What does a man profit if he feeds the ego and forgets to find the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Living in the past will make you feel depressed.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is as natural as breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“If the gods were really against us... We wouldn't be here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Old thinking won't lead to new beginnings.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are free to choose - so choose with your heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The big things in life are big; but, the little things are even bigger.”
― Bert McCoy
“Emptiness is hidden in the details.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you look deeper into anyone's eyes, you will see yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're the gardeners here... We allow stress to grow in our garden.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let's go dancing... I put the ego to sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“The light of the witness helps us to see in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“In as far as the spirituality game goes - You've already won!”
― Bert McCoy
“When you understand deeply, you'll find no fault with anyone.”
― Bert McCoy
“You want to speed up the game, don't let the ball go out of bounds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dig in the well of No until you come to the Yes!”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone needs something.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every great kid has a crazy mom - from the kid's perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“All Students are light switches - Let's help them find their switch.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real journey is from ego to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look deeply into anyone's eyes and you will find the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many quotes are just too many quotes.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are the Pearl in the shell.”
― Bert McCoy
“Childhood is a comical way to mask the fact that we are Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's amazing how far we've come - considering many of us lived in caves for so long.”
― Bert McCoy
“Creativity follows her own path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts can't be reckoned with... Only transcended.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“This life is a dance - keep moving to the beat.”
― Bert McCoy
“To dance in this crazy world, or not to dance...This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attention comes from interest... So make learning interesting.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's dangerous listening to negative thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry carries the light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Who is anyone but a sham, a signed on actor wearing many costumes in this divine play.”
― Bert McCoy
“Using more words won't get us closer to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're not as human as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
“The painter is in the picture.”
― Bert McCoy
“Oneness is greater than separateness.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is not true makes you suffer.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is the shadow of humanity - our journey is to find the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
“A reminder: the old ones are mirrors to see ourselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace and love come to those who minds are still.”
― Bert McCoy
“Loving the Self beats redemption.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negation is the key to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Another reminder: The older ones are our mirrors.”
― Bert McCoy
“We move from nothingness, to human being, then back to nothingness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life is what it is - stop trying to change the picture.”
― Bert McCoy
“Alice should have kept digging.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surround yourself with good food and drink while we go through this pandemic.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all still growing in the world's womb.”
― Bert McCoy
“I am not the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“All scars bring us closer to our deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“In a thousand years we'll see.”
― Bert McCoy
“The wine's only as good as the people we are with.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering is of the past.”
― Bert McCoy
“When everything around you becomes real dark, it's easier to find the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Gardner's speak the perennial language with the earth.”
― Bert McCoy
“Real love is when you hand over everything.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“The beautiful ones are hard to spot - they're hungry and riddled with love scars.”
― Bert McCoy
“Soon... your attachment to this world will come to an end.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's the point of a great quote if no one reads it?”
― Bert McCoy
“Pride in the body doesn't help one to find what's just underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain has been my most trusted guru.”
― Bert McCoy
“The more you enjoy the game.. the better you'll play.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you can think about it you can talk about it, and if you can talk about it, you can write about it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Who would have thought it would pay to be in the military.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all flowers waiting to bloom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our conceptions about this mind-body experience separates us from our ultimate truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“Desirelessness is the Divine state.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not feeling worthy is a ploy taken by the ego.”
― Bert McCoy
“True love is fierce and powerful.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some people are deaf but can listen; and, some people can hear but do not listen.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love and hate are both prejudices.”
― Bert McCoy
“The word beautiful is used by humans - flowers don't need words to express themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you are thinking... you are dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's invisible gives life to the visible.”
― Bert McCoy
“Say yes to life when you no longer want to suffer.”
― Bert McCoy
“Yesterday is a distraction.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pain and suffering calls us back to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“I've often wondered... is it the number of heart beats, the number of days, the hours, or even minutes that says it's time to come home?”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond the I Am is Our home.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be the body-mind or not to be the body-mind, this is the question.”
― Bert McCoy
“The restaurant business keeps you young.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you can't laugh at it, you're not over it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our earliest memory of our Self is pure beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Perfection is free of thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind is not needed in the past... It's needed in the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothing happens after the now.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“There is nothing exterior - everything emanates from you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Helping others to see clearly is a calling.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the Divine can see the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“It seems to me we're using brighter and brighter lighting in our everyday lives - this leaves less and less to the imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“What we need to realize the divine within us... is given to us.”
― Bert McCoy
“A great attitude carries us through everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true artist is reckless.”
― Bert McCoy
“With popularity comes great responsibility.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many steps in the wrong direction brings pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Deep down we're always in love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear of the quiet keeps us in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're stationary... Up your game.”
― Bert McCoy
“The search for God begins with a mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Self is realized through pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is paint on a canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
“All life experiences lose their luster in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negative thinking limits our understanding.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real us is hidden beneath the mental noise in our head.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crime has become too organized.”
― Bert McCoy
"Sarcasm is wasted on the young.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry burns right through the page.”
― Bert McCoy
“Staying in presence is the goal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our journey here is from self to Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego whistles... Just keep walking.”
― Bert McCoy
“More thinking equals more drama.”
― Bert McCoy
“This dream world was designed especially for You.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's just so much to say about one-liners.”
― Bert McCoy
“Keep writing while the ink is still wet.”
― Bert McCoy
“You live better by loving better.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets are short intermissions.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“All high schools should offer parenting classes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great teachers are like clear glass... It's easy to see through them.”
― Bert McCoy
“I'm finding that everything is a façade.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real You is hidden beneath the mental noise in Your head.”
― Bert McCoy
“No one can teach us to see - but we must first open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Long summer days can calm the angriest of beasts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Google is good for inspiration.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too much pride in the body-mind doesn't help to find what's underneath.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bondages are an illusion - see this clearly and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Explore your inside as much as your outside.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being empty while awake is the goal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Watching old memory clips can be dangerous.”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is a hindrance to self-realization”
― Bert McCoy
“Stay in the I Am throughout your day.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enjoy each step - We're all on the right road.”
― Bert McCoy
“The time-body wants us to buy into the idea of death.”
― Bert McCoy
“You can't meet the Self unless you're willing to dive inside yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“We've already transcended duality.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering is extinguished in the light of presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“The good shit can't be forced.”
― Bert McCoy
“Seashells only sing when you hold them in your hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no struggle when we're totally in this moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“When all else fails... we must open our eyes and wake up from the dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“We have no destiny - we simply are.”
― Bert McCoy
“All effort in a dream is useless.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're spaciousness... Nothing can attach to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Travel lightly - the ego is extra baggage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freeway traffic is a perfect Sādhana.”
― Bert McCoy
“All sins are washed away with self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we become true lovers there will be no others.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Who needs a book on flowers to enjoy flowers?”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am is only the beginning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let the silence in this moment guide you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching only content limits a student's education.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry is pulled from a magic hat.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suicide is not the solution... Just avoid excessive thinking about the past and future.”
― Bert McCoy
“We live in a world of imagination - let's use this power to help each other.”
― Bert McCoy
“At first life's like picking a lock... Later we find there's no lock and no door.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstandings.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's a deeper calling when life is ass-backwards.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're a window shopper just pick something... All paths lead to the same place - back to yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone teaches everyone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Social emotional support can be fostered by incorporating meditation classes in our schools.”
― Bert McCoy
“We should all watch more sunsets.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our home is beyond the senses - where the eyes do not see, the ears do not hear, nothing to touch, taste, or smell.”
― Bert McCoy
“Resist the body-mind and pure consciousness will grow.”
― Bert McCoy
“This dream world is designed especially for You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Devotion to beingness is the key to success.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are many life temptations - sample them wisely.”
― Bert McCoy
“In quiet waters one finds clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you see the truth, time disappears.”
― Bert McCoy
“Saying 'it is what it is' keeps me sane in this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“True understanding speaks in metaphors.”
― Bert McCoy
“Soccer is a game of skill and composure.”
― Bert McCoy
“A sunset is a period to a long day's work.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stop holding on to what burns you.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace we stop thinking about death.”
― Bert McCoy
“If dreams are real, they must exist in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“For those who won't listen, pain and suffering will be their greatest teacher.”
― Bert McCoy
“Good and bad, like and dislike, entangle your search for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Relax... Let the spirit take the wheel for a while.”
― Bert McCoy
“Making the world beautiful with plants and flowers is a very high calling.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working in a restaurant teaches one what not to do.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drink in presence and taste the ambrosia of life.”
― Bert McCoy
“The only thing that is satisfying here is awakening.”
― Bert McCoy
“The world can pull us away from Our true Self - the present moment is the way back.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many expectations breed discontent.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we see ourselves in everything and everyone we've transcended.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world distracts us from the treasure inside.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're connected to the Source... you choose nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great people set the bar for the rest of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets are the day's last gift.”
― Bert McCoy
“fruit tastes better when it's ripe... People are easier to deal with when they are ripe.”
― Bert McCoy
“Expecting something to happen in the future keeps us from enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you say it simply... you say it best.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must teach our young that racism is the ultimate curse against humanity!”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind grasping the Self is like an ant grasping a universe.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be afraid to do your best.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's nothing like a little family drama at a funeral.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's not what happens to us, it's how we write about it.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are not a slave to the ego - the ego doesn't exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“All learning is of the body-mind - Enlightenment is a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
“As long as we are identified with the past, we are in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Change is needed till one reaches the changeless state.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystics speak from stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Less is stronger.”
― Bert McCoy
“Rituals are mind driven.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need the heartbreaks to touch us deeply... then we remember... we are Beauty.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must rid ourselves from the wild animals - if we're to live peacefully.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is so simple when you don't mind what happens.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“When you find your guru you find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness wakes us up.”
― Bert McCoy
“Loss brings you back to your true self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live this life with the super confidence that all is as it should be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Innate wisdom is found just under the skin.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be human is to suffer - to be spirit is to be one with all.”
― Bert McCoy
“El Shaddai el shad-di', El Elyon el el-yone', Adonai ad-o-noy', Yahweh yah-weh, ehovah
Jehovah Nissi yeh-ho-vaw' nis-see', Jehovah-Raah yeh-ho-vaw' raw-aw', Jehovah Rapha yeh-ho-vaw' raw-faw', Jehovah Shammah yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw, Jehovah Tsidkenu yeh-ho-vaw' tsid-kay'-noo, Jehovah Mekoddishkem yeh-ho-vaw' M-qadash... You are so Beautiful in so many ways, shapes, and forms.”
― Bert McCoy
“By design... all things fall away.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we stop rowing, rowing, and rowing our boat... We'll start to take this dream too seriously.”
― Bert McCoy
“All appearances are disguised for training purposes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Originality is a byproduct of being in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“If I hadn't of made so many mistakes, I wouldn't of had so many stories.”
― Bert McCoy
“The future will never get here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking conceals our true identity.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be enlightened or to be lost in the illusion - This is the true question.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sometimes people are just in different worlds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful trading your creativity and talents for popularity.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do whatever you can to coax the mind back into the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no end to the ego's sweetness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Family is your greatest gift and your greatest challenge.”
― Bert McCoy
“A fool doesn't understand the need for stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Believing in those never - stop - dreaming signs really gets in the way of Enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“We either work to get to someone or something... or to get away from someone or something.”
― Bert McCoy
“Less-laggy is now a word.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing something will never bring you back to your True Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ordinary is the extraordinary.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind doubts our Divinity.”
― Bert McCoy
“New beginnings are now.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we stop complaining we will find a new path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every path to the beach is fresh and new - once you're on the beach, you must walk in alone.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Everything is theory.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to value a person's worth, look at their garden!”
― Bert McCoy
“Follow the money has now been updated to... Follow the non-profits.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every great restaurant menu is a great work of poetry.”
― Bert McCoy
“Rehabilitate instead of Incarcerate.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love gnaws through the hardest of wood.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is as easy as breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Keep the money out of your art for as long as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“I matter because I am That.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone lives in their own little twilight zone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Questioning our existence is a good first step.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thought takes us away from what's important.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freedom from habits is freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mi Casablanca es tu Casablanca.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you look for the ego it will hide; and, when you find the ego you'll find nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist harmoniously in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Somehow we need to realize it's a blessing to be pulled in so many different directions.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is as real as the next.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness awakens the deeper Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Too many concepts keeps us from self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Negative thoughts are attracted to other negative thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just a few lines can spark - up a wonderful life.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am will never leave you.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the ego melts... there's great joy.”
― Bert McCoy
“From nothingness comes right action.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you argue with yourself you shadowbox - there's really no one there.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness is candy to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Culture works on all of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“We'll know so much more when we can talk to the whales.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are only so many times you can say no.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“The mind creates complexity until it enters the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation allows us to remove our ego mask.”
― Bert McCoy
“Compassion for others comes from self-love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Falling asleep is all about finding your rhythmic breathing.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining entangles us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego's goal is not the same goal as the Spirit's.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great relationships have great chemistry.”
― Bert McCoy
“Powerful quotes are magical when they find soft ground.”
― Bert McCoy
“Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion classes into our education system will help build a more enlightened society.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't be at the ego's beckon call.”
― Bert McCoy
“All is entertainment to the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great films show us how to love one another.”
― Bert McCoy
“Most exchange their vows for success.”
― Bert McCoy
“All acquired knowledge is false.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working in the restaurant industry teaches a person what not to do or say.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... We embrace the I Am.”
― Bert McCoy
“I write when the heart speaks.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are encased in a bubble of love - breathe in deeply.”
― Bert McCoy
“Make yourself strong, so you don't break.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Am is the ferryman.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we caution our likes and dislikes, it will be easier to see the right path.”
― Bert McCoy
“Go ahead... Try to tell the difference between you and the absolute.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reason has convinced You to dig a large hole - Presence is the rope.”
― Bert McCoy
“To truly find yourself...
stop thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our point of view depends on who we take ourselves to be.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's important to keep looking in the right direction.”
― Bert McCoy
“The key to peace of mind is to laugh, smile, and live in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without stillness art couldn't be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Good manners brightens up every table around you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reject this world - you do it every day before you go to sleep... Reject this world and inert energies will awaken inside you.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Devotion must come from the heart... Not the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Students should learn calligraphy - making the written language beautiful has value.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being hypnotized by content is a disease.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pleasure is balanced with an equal measure of pain.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... Duality is only temporary.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya is contrast.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all exist in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“You'll never know if you really like someone or something unless you give one hundred percent.”
― Bert McCoy
“Helping others is a great way to get what you want.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spontaneity is action by the deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Controlling your impulses will eliminate most of your troubles.”
― Bert McCoy
“Individuals are separate from the whole.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you meet a satguru you are meeting yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Ten times out of ten the ego's the culprit - either mine or theirs.”
― Bert McCoy
“Talking is like writing something on the shore - soon it will be gone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Minds ask too many questions.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mantras are stepping stones to nowhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all must find a way to be at peace with our life situation.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is much kinder than we think.”
― Bert McCoy
“As the sun is reflected in a tiny drop... The Divine is reflected in the wink of an eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is as real as film.”
― Bert McCoy
“See the world through the present moment lens.”
― Bert McCoy
“Question everything to become enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“By Grace... We're content with what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sooner or later one realizes there are no days off.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being rejected by someone just means you're available.”
― Bert McCoy
“Trust the Self... We have nothing to lose.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love sometimes disguises itself as pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment is an atomic bomb.”
― Bert McCoy
“Remove the obstacles when you want to wake up.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“There's always someone or something to drink to.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without effort you are.”
― Bert McCoy
“Colour and form blind us from the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“The madness of this world is forging us from arrogance to presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Deactivate your mind and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's really to win the game when you have bad players.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your freedom isn't in a faraway place or buried deep in a mine - just open your fist, and there it is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crossing a bridge is never as far as you think.”
― Bert McCoy
“Laughing at life
gets us through life.”
― Bert McCoy
“A great working restaurant is a great working family.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness all doors are unlocked.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is too close cannot be seen with the human eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want to be at peace, It's really simple, just stay out of the head.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're an individual until you realize you're not an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
“It doesn't matter how old we are, we're still learning how to walk.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment destroys all concepts.”
― Bert McCoy
“It figures...”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry separates the wheat from the chaff.”
― Bert McCoy
“The less one says... the truer the words.”
― Bert McCoy
“Do I see this world through your eyes or mine?”
― Bert McCoy
“Our body registers time - what part of us know this?”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Like neon... We buzz and glow in this spirit-body.”
― Bert McCoy
“Peace of mind is sitting without feeling guilty.”
― Bert McCoy
“When calm... You've found your center.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some authors bring the light, and some bring the dark night.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining doesn't lead to success.”
― Bert McCoy
“This whole world is an independent study course.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we keep our business to ourselves... People won't know we need them.”
― Bert McCoy
“The road is the goal and the goal is the road.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“Boredom happens when one gets lost in thinking.”
― Bert McCoy
“What you see is separate from you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love navigates us through the toughest storms.”
― Bert McCoy
“All pleasures are balanced with equal parts of pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being kind and compassionate is a big part of intelligence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets do amazing things to those who take the time to look.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness is a privilege.”
― Bert McCoy
“Some teaching brings the light, and some brings the dark night.”
― Bert McCoy
“In stillness we are perfect.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you are fearful you are separate from the divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Could it be that this is all an elaborate dream - and deep sleep is our real home?”
― Bert McCoy
“Young people use too many pronouns.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are so many levels when analyzing a situation - dig for the deeper levels first.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life has no beginning and no ending - it simply is.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you realize you are... God is there.”
― Bert McCoy
“Phenomena can be described... The deeper Self cannot.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's always a market for positive messages.”
― Bert McCoy
“A student said to me, cya when I wake up." I said, "wake up now!”
― Bert McCoy
“You are Stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all breathe the same breath of consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Because we see and feel love... Love is innate in us already.”
― Bert McCoy
“Laughter navigates us through the toughest of times.”
― Bert McCoy
“Ego versus Awareness - the fight continues.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear kills the hero inside us all.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you fight or follow the ego you become its sparring partner.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness of mind is freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that matters is kindred of spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“Desires and expectations diminish when love awakens in us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fear is the hero killer.”
― Bert McCoy
“Awareness of mind brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
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“All experiences have hidden meanings.”
― Bert McCoy
“Before enlightenment smile less and think more - after enlightenment smile more and think less.”
― Bert McCoy
“If the room is too bright... you've shut the door to imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dropping the past gets us through life.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cautionary tales require our attention.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the Self is.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great tragedy can be counterbalanced with a still and open mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is trying to burn away the false you - stop running away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't push away problems - you push away opportunities.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's only spirit... covered up with concepts, beliefs, norms, and rituals.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no ceiling to inner peace.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attachment to this world brings pain and suffering - unattachment brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind makes this world seem so real.”
― Bert McCoy
“What makes this party beautiful is the white canvas.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is absolutely nowhere you can go and not find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking blocks us from reaching stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“True love is kinship of spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“Surrender is the same as empathy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Smarter by the dozen doesn't always apply.”
― Bert McCoy
“Simplify your needs and you simplify your life.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spend time with those who vibrate like you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Noise competes with stillness until you realize it doesn't.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya has a beginning... You do not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Bliss is your natural state - everything else is contrast.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets make life easier.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past is a sharp knife in our hand - don't get cut.”
― Bert McCoy
“The jailer isn't going to help you escape - He's been imprisoned since the beginning of time.”
― Bert McCoy
“I have faith in everybody - have faith in yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“The worst words in the world are me, my, and mine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sweep the mind daily for any dust or dirt.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Always do your best to take the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Like and dislike separate us from true love.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that we have here and now is entertainment.”
― Bert McCoy
“No labor is needed for the wealth within us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just find a way to make peace with yourself and all will be right.”
― Bert McCoy
“Same light source - different light shades.”
― Bert McCoy
“All worry leads to suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“The best poetry comes from nowhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“Embrace all difficulties, all pain, all suffering, and you will prevail.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing what makes one successful scares most people.”
― Bert McCoy
“Just beyond the mind is milk and honey.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is an illusion of light.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who know the truth of time... are released from the bondage of time.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great sadness is mirrored with great joy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the heart knows of eternity.”
― Bert McCoy
“This life is all about removing obstacles.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are Timeless Being and Awareness...You are not touched by any of this.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a cleverly disguised monster.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of worrying about the future... Get a piece of paper and start making a list of things to do.”
― Bert McCoy
“Covid is a time for cleansing and introspection.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit expresses itself through our actions - our arrogance gets in the way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Shorter explanations are closer to the truth.”
― Bert McCoy
“I don't exist in the past or future.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're slaves when we identify with the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Social and emotional learning fosters self-awareness and peace of mind in the school setting.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thinking will harass us... until we stop listening.”
― Bert McCoy
“All traps have an available way out.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true sage is not the body.”
― Bert McCoy
“Both difficulties and triumphs are exactly the same... Learning experiences.”
― Bert McCoy
“Consciousness writes the true poetry.”
― Bert McCoy
Bert McCoy > Isms
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“If we live long enough we'll pay for all our mistakes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Concepts blind us to the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must feed our children high ideals.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's the little things we can teach our children.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts aren't real; there's a huge difference between eating the words on a menu and eating the actual food.”
― Bert McCoy
“The You of you is timeless awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
“In the absence of choice... Right action takes place.”
― Bert McCoy
“What could ever be more important than this one ever-present eternal moment?”
― Bert McCoy
“Lord... What a sublime and Divine Comedy you have assembled here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“War begins when communication stops.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we look we'll find meaning everywhere.”
― Bert McCoy
“Serve others and you will live a blessed life.”
― Bert McCoy
“A school of knowledge in located in your backyard garden”
― Bert McCoy
“We spend far too much time and energy building and maintaining the walls between us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't spend your whole life looking in the wrong direction.”
― Bert McCoy
“All meditation is self-love.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's no sin in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everyone is dreaming here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be still and know that You are the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry is not for our entertainment, it's for our sustenance.”
― Bert McCoy
“We play with the ego for all the wrong reasons.”
― Bert McCoy
“Most talk is shallow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Art is personal.”
― Bert McCoy
“All thoughts of the past or future disappear in deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find your talent and enjoy the ride.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past and future clouds our presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“Crossing over a bridge never takes as long as one might think.”
― Bert McCoy
“Losing oneself in a sunset brings peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your life will eventually explode when you only do for yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“All parents are mirrors for their children.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Love, peace, heart, soul - what else can I say that truly matters here.”
― Bert McCoy
“Watch your mind and freedom follows.”
― Bert McCoy
“No thought is the best ego sanitizer.”
― Bert McCoy
“You must be the Self to find the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know Thyself and just be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Yesterday and tomorrow don't really exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deeply understanding anything, you are free from it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Books help those who want to help themselves.”
― Bert McCoy
“The news can separate us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation melts down the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“You start to awaken when you're no longer afraid of anything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love is an atomic reactor.”
― Bert McCoy
“God is in the I Amness.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're awake... you're dreaming.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beauty recognizes beauty, lovers recognize lovers, artists recognize other artists, and spirit sees spirit - it's important to have eyes that see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're here to bless the world in our own way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be concerned trading the simple way of life for the popular - popularity can betray the best of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who live selflessly are trusted tour guides.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry can help transform us - if we allow it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Death can never touch the real You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Family is a candle burning at both ends - stay in the middle for as long as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“If at first you don't succeed, go back and get some help.”
― Bert McCoy
“Tolerance is rewarded with clarity.”
― Bert McCoy
“True wealth is clarity of thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reliving the past in the head will not make life better.”
― Bert McCoy
“So many great women and men were stripped of their worth, talent, and contribution for the betterment of humanity.”
― Bert McCoy
“The heart always has one foot in eternity.”
― Bert McCoy
“In retrospect... losing isn't losing and winning isn't really winning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wherever your body goes... wisdom will follow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothingness makes thought creative.”
― Bert McCoy
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“We're all eternally One.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real You is always and forever.”
― Bert McCoy
“When You meet the Self... You meet Yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit moves easily through us when we stop identifying with the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering ends when suffering is correctly understood.”
― Bert McCoy
“Cease desires and fears and your conflicts will dissolve.”
― Bert McCoy
“Worthiness proceeds the advanced learner.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find the present moment in this haystack existence and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Renouncing the body-mind is within our control.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poetry announces a deeper level to being human.”
― Bert McCoy
“The pain and suffering of this life leads us to enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look at yourself often so you can see what others see.”
― Bert McCoy
“Write fast while your muse sings and dances.”
― Bert McCoy
“Allow forgiveness for transgression, and the whole world sees clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment doesn't come from our actions... It awakens from doing nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you see life's a dream you'll be playful and wise.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find your mirror and take great notes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The wise avoid calling anything good or bad.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are all eternal friends.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts aren't real - You can't eat the words on a restaurant menu.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are the tree of life we are looking for.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you're predictable you're not free.”
― Bert McCoy
“All that matters are the words of the ferryman.”
― Bert McCoy
“All breakthroughs involved presence.”
― Bert McCoy
“without the bombardment of thoughts, the truth will emerge through intuition.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is Eternal can only be remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of worry and fear, feel the majesty and wonder of the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Excessive talk leads to misunderstandings.”
― Bert McCoy
“There are three important moments: The moment You're absorbed into the body-mind, the moment You question the validity of the body-mind, and the moment You realize You're not the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“True irony occurs when you accept the fact they love you more at work than at home.”
― Bert McCoy
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“She wouldn't let me.”
― Bert McCoy
“There is very little peace when one is inundated in worldly matters.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are beyond any challenge that confronts us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Eternity is remembered in the here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we open our eyes we're opening the curtain to the World's play.”
― Bert McCoy
“In a perfect education world... Each student would have an individualized curriculum.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's never too late to question whether everything we have here is real.”
― Bert McCoy
“All body-minds live in fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we're ready, words have the ability to transform us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment moment is our deliverance.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the young kids are kicking your ass... It's time to re-evaluate what you're good at.”
― Bert McCoy
“Old thinking doesn't lead to new beginnings.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is the open sky.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is an expert at deception.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's love that brought you here - now give it a chance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Silence speaks in mindfulness.”
― Bert McCoy
“The means will always justify self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Avoid the need to constantly connect with the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our existence is an experiment in time.”
― Bert McCoy
“The past and future doesn't exist for those who live in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“I feel so sorry for the uninspired men and women who took it upon themselves to benefit from the horrific death of George Floyed. This tragic event should teach us all to grieve for George Floyed and his family, check our own prejudices, and focus our efforts to reform police practices and the criminal justice system in the United States.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be still and know you're the Absolute.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love shines its light through everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Tomorrow will never know the power in this present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Prose lies its way to the truth”
― Bert McCoy
“The whole world relies upon our good deeds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thoughts are just ripples in the sea of consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Through our everyday challenges we grow mentally and spiritually.”
― Bert McCoy
“What's more important: Love or lifestyle?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're in the grip of the mind, you're all tangled up.”
― Bert McCoy
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“The ego is a master hypnotist.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is our deliverance.”
― Bert McCoy
“The world is a mirror - sometimes objects in this mirror are closer than they look.”
― Bert McCoy
“When the gods are gone, you remain.”
― Bert McCoy
“We all live in small circles - each circle ends exactly where it began.”
― Bert McCoy
“True words take no thought.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you find your calling you'll never have to work again.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nothing here is random - There is a message and lesson to everything.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves love to play long ballads.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're enlightened you see everything here as a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“All the love in this world comes from You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beauty is enduring in what we leave behind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The problem with society is... too many people love a good fight.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't help the ego sharpen its fangs.”
― Bert McCoy
“All sages are burning candles... Visit them while they're still burning.”
― Bert McCoy
“We will starve if we rely on the past to feed us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness of mind is enlightenment.”
― Bert McCoy
“It takes an enlightened being to recognize an enlightened being.”
― Bert McCoy
“One doesn't need a candle to see the light within.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reading the mystical poets will help free us from our ego self.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you're being challenged you're living it right.”
― Bert McCoy
“Make a conscious choice to be present and the ego will acquiesce.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's simple... just look around and see the beauty of it all.”
― Bert McCoy
“Doing breeds pain and suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves love to play love songs.”
― Bert McCoy
“The body-mind is a rental that must be returned.”
― Bert McCoy
“True knowledge comes from beingness.”
― Bert McCoy
“All difficulties are perfectly balanced.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is a swinging door.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find a way to laugh at all of life - just not out loud.”
― Bert McCoy
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“It takes an artist to know how to coach someone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Without compassion education will separate us from each other.”
― Bert McCoy
“Answers about That which precedes thought cannot be spoken... Only remembered.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's so easy to forget we came from somewhere else.”
― Bert McCoy
“To be social or not to be social?”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond dreaming there's only You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Inner peace is at the door - waiting for a knock.”
― Bert McCoy
“Get started and succeed.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's money in quotes because there's wisdom in words.”
― Bert McCoy
“A family's productivity and serenity have been greatly challenged by teachers assigning excessive amounts of busywork.”
― Bert McCoy
“The arts keep us from going insane.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every challenge is wrapped in love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Even a small sunset goes a long way.”
― Bert McCoy
“All of this is illusion - no one needs saving.”
― Bert McCoy
“Fortune favors those living in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Straying away from the Self allows us to see the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego is a lone wolf... Always on the hunt.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not laughing often may result in heavy and limiting thoughts.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's who you know, what you know, and how far you're willing to drive that will get you your next job.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are strong when the ego softens.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our disillusionment is only temporary.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you are the Self... You love all.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you want people to stay out of your business... Take care of your business.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live your life by great quotes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind likes habits - not the real You.”
― Bert McCoy
“Duality is quicksand.”
― Bert McCoy
“The waves play their own music.”
― Bert McCoy
“Every day we write our eulogy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry awakens when we're empty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Separate yourself from the fire of thought with presence.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Self-improvement is a worldly - finding your deepest Self is the ultimate quest.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all actors looking for a perfect part in a play that is bound to fall apart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Matrix is an allegory of the spiritual journey.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kids should be taught early on to plan their legacy.”
― Bert McCoy
“Each person's journey is unique and has a 1000 faces.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deeper you go, the closer you are to your authenic Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“It is by grace you are so worn and tattered.”
― Bert McCoy
“The personality is just a temporary costume.”
― Bert McCoy
“Waves have been playing love songs since the beginning.”
― Bert McCoy
“Any effort to acquire enlightenment will be fraught with disappointment.”
― Bert McCoy
“The Truth is not seen by reason.”
― Bert McCoy
“Give up all beliefs and cling onto what you can know for sure.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we only knew our real Self, we would be truly ashamed of what we do and allow.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is full of mirrors... look into as many of them as you can.”
― Bert McCoy
“Truth in words is a lie.”
― Bert McCoy
“All obstacles are hidden gurus.”
― Bert McCoy
“You will find the Self in every mirror.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know thyself before you come to the end of the road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suicide is beneath you - avoid past memories and meditate in the present moment.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our personal journey leads us realize we're timeless beings.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be cautious when reaching out for the ego's hand.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stop trying to change what is.”
― Bert McCoy
“We need to stop losing ourselves in this grand ever evolving theatre production.”
― Bert McCoy
“Devotion to the deeper Self is devotion to God.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reason and wealth have blinded the best of us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The illusion begins when we open our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“All suffering comes from our mindset.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deeper you go, the closer you are to your authentic Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Creative genius is seen as ignorance... At first.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness and thought are like oil and vinegar.”
― Bert McCoy
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“No words are necessary to become enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“When awakened you do nothing.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real ball and chain is the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The journey we're on is as vast and sacred as the stars in the night sky.”
― Bert McCoy
“One must know their true relationship to this life experience.”
― Bert McCoy
“Listening happens when you don't use your head.”
― Bert McCoy
“As I see it, the main goal here is to see the ego is simply a ghost.”
― Bert McCoy
“A master sees this world as theatre.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you remove the walls of the mind... You're free.”
― Bert McCoy
“I don't mind what happens in the now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Hold tightly onto the I Am principle... then, gently release your grip and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“All fruit eventually ripens - some early in the season and some at the end.”
― Bert McCoy
“Hold tightly to your innermost Self and nothing you encounter will lead you into despair.”
― Bert McCoy
“We've been taking the blue pill for far too long - It's time to wake up.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time is everywhere but here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our yellow brick road is from individuality to Totality.”
― Bert McCoy
“If your guru was great, you'll live as if he, she, or it never existed.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life bring heartbreak - embrace all of it.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is our dance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Everybody needs to give Everybody a chance - This is the higher road.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great quotes carry the wisdom through the ages.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spiritual truth goes beyond body mind awareness.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we look closely into a mirror we'll find we are the jailor - we already have the key to escape.”
― Bert McCoy
“The I Amness carries us to the awakened state.”
― Bert McCoy
“We choose our pain and suffering; and, these choices lead us to the prize.”
― Bert McCoy
“The next big step for humanity will be ridding ourselves from the pollution we created - and from wanting more stuff.”
― Bert McCoy
“Picture an empty box with no top or bottom... now picture the same box with no sides - You are this empty space.”
― Bert McCoy
“The older I get... the less I care.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness speaks louder than words.”
― Bert McCoy
“Memory is not needed for self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Spiritual truth goes beyond the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“What is perfect is here and now.”
― Bert McCoy
“Time reminds us we don't have forever; the present moment reminds us we are eternal.”
― Bert McCoy
“Not stepping on a bug is a powerful act of kindness.”
― Bert McCoy
“A shady tree on a hot day is Maya.”
― Bert McCoy
“Two fingers counting the number one.”
― Bert McCoy
“While you're here, find someone or something to love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enlightenment requires us to get new lenses.”
― Bert McCoy
“Clear blue skies are always above our heads.”
― Bert McCoy
“When you start looking within, your interest in this world diminishes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The freshness of this moment nourishes us.”
― Bert McCoy
“Science is a mirror we stand in front of.”
― Bert McCoy
“You want to really be cool... be humble.”
― Bert McCoy
“History is nothing new.”
― Bert McCoy
“Kindred spirits speak hear to heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Leave a lot of open space for fun.”
― Bert McCoy
“Using more words doesn't make something more true.”
― Bert McCoy
“Maya is a wink of an eye.”
― Bert McCoy
“Know yourself without a past, future, or name and be free.”
― Bert McCoy
“Where can you go to be rid of the people who know you... or can harm you?”
― Bert McCoy
“Seeing clearly is seeing things through the eyes of another.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we are free of this world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Attitude adjustments are needed for peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“The hunt is over when the mind is still.”
― Bert McCoy
“Options are an illusion when enlightened.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sometimes it's so hard to get rid of your junk.”
― Bert McCoy
“Nissargadatta is a mirror to consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is perfume - wear it when you go out into the world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Those who avoid change will be disappointed.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's time to take the red pill and free ourselves from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
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“I hear there are people who want to escape reality. Why would you want to escape the present moment? Where would you go? The future? The past?”
― Bert McCoy
“The stars teach us how to sing in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's only one way: transform their hate with your love.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're exactly where we need to grow.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mindfulness protects us from the mind's hellfire.”
― Bert McCoy
“Absolute Emptiness is wrapped up in body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Happiness awakens when we see the dream as a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“My goal as an English teacher is not to produce more English teachers – It’s to help my students improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking skills, and guiding them to their own innate wisdom.”
― Bert McCoy
“You are the judge, jury, and everything in between.”
― Bert McCoy
“Beyond the past and future is the secret of the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Work with passion and vigor until someone flips the light switch.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is a mirror - whenever I look deeply into any mirror... I see the Divine.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's absolutely no distance between me and you.”
― Bert McCoy
“The highest religion is love.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must live love... Not just say it.”
― Bert McCoy
“No mind is peace of mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let's teach empathy by empathizing with our students.”
― Bert McCoy
“Live closely with your muse.”
― Bert McCoy
“Pain and suffering have been my most trusted textbook.”
― Bert McCoy
“We are living a limitless life - know this to be true and you are free.”
― Bert McCoy
“When we try to be like someone else we live in fear.”
― Bert McCoy
“The universe is a large obstacle we must jumped over.”
― Bert McCoy
“An aerial view of the mind is helpful in separating from the mind.”
“An aerial view of the mind is helpful in separating from the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great poetry is surrounded in space - don't forget to enjoy the space.”
“Great poetry is surrounded in spaciousness - don't forget to enjoy this spaciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“In deep sleep we unplug from this matrix.”
― Bert McCoy
“Teaching kids to play fair should be at the root of education.”
― Bert McCoy
“No past - no demons.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our joy is in proportion to the stillness of our minds.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our desires and fears are not our own - they belong to the ego mind.”
― Bert McCoy
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“All seeking is a trap.”
― Bert McCoy
“Our genius is hidden inside this human shell.”
― Bert McCoy
“To believe in chance is ignorance. - everything is as it should be.”
― Bert McCoy
“Poetry is meant to feed the world.”
― Bert McCoy
“Friends are worth your precious time.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real you is beyond all imagination.”
― Bert McCoy
“Boredom is when the mind gets tired of itself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Body consciousness breeds dissatisfaction.”
― Bert McCoy
“If enlightenment is the ultimate goal... the attachment to words and concepts will lessen.”
― Bert McCoy
“I have faith in everyone... have faith in yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Reincarnation has never touched our formless nature.”
― Bert McCoy
“You can make mistakes and still be great.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love awaits us in stillness.”
― Bert McCoy
“We will get more of what we want if we're more motivational and less critical.”
― Bert McCoy
“Joy and bliss do not come from being an individual.”
― Bert McCoy
“We must live love to be love.”
― Bert McCoy
“Complaining slows us down.”
― Bert McCoy
“The only thing wrong with this world is our perspective.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you live in the past or if you live in the future... you're lost in the dark.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's wise to work on what's working.”
― Bert McCoy
“This present moment is our dance.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great quotes carry the distilled wisdom through the ages.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-improvement is worldly - Finding your deepest Self is the true quest.”
― Bert McCoy
“Be careful about getting too close to the ego's cage - You could find yourself in the same cage.”
― Bert McCoy
“True chefs are beyond cooks; but, some cooks are chefs in the making.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deepening of humanity awaits our realization that we are one.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stillness whispers to us intimately.”
― Bert McCoy
“The real you can create forever.”
― Bert McCoy
“Drink from the glass while there's still wine in it.”
― Bert McCoy
“To live a better life, one must cultivate one good trait after another.”
― Bert McCoy
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“It takes great passion to make great art.”
― Bert McCoy
“All paths to enlightenment are traps.”
― Bert McCoy
“What makes us smile makes us hungry for more.”
― Bert McCoy
“Which is better... You're inner eye or the outer ones?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you follow your thoughts... You'll be somewhere else.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all learning how to love each other more.”
― Bert McCoy
“Two masks are better than one.”
― Bert McCoy
“You might be big and strong; but, there's gonna be a wimpy ass nerd who's gonna kick your ass.”
― Bert McCoy
“By grace we know we exist.”
― Bert McCoy
“Us versus us is not an easy game to win.”
― Bert McCoy
“The secret to life is that it’s all a game.”
― Bert McCoy
“Life brings heartbreak - embrace all of it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Parity not disparity makes a person rich.”
― Bert McCoy
“Look deeply into any mirror and you'll find what you're looking for.”
― Bert McCoy
“Remembering the past keeps us in bondage.”
― Bert McCoy
“Duality is needed to recognize nonduality.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being an individual cuts one off from the whole.”
― Bert McCoy
“The individual must lose itself into the Self.”
― Bert McCoy
“The most painful events bring out the most beautiful people.”
― Bert McCoy
“Suffering is simply a change in the light source.”
― Bert McCoy
“Freedom is beyond both pain and pleasure.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love and helping others is our duty as spirit.”
― Bert McCoy
“The mind says I... but who really is I?”
― Bert McCoy
“In our perfect state there is no one and nothing - only pure eternal bliss.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're looking for too many ways to connect with the outside and not enough ways to our deeper self.”
― Bert McCoy
“Infinite space is our real form.”
― Bert McCoy
“Mystical poets meet us in the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“The difficult students are teaching our teachers.”
― Bert McCoy
“Spirit is not bothered by habits - habits belong to the personality.”
― Bert McCoy
“Investigate who the "I" is in your head.”
― Bert McCoy
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“As a flag stays attached and flows with the wind, stay attached to your natural Self and do what inspires you.”
― Bert McCoy
“Working together is the new golden rule.”
― Bert McCoy
“Karma's invisible... Until it's not.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't let the guilt of this world stick to you.”
― Bert McCoy
“The inner guru is always on duty.”
― Bert McCoy
“Innate energies can be awakened by a sage.”
― Bert McCoy
“All memories carry the seed of suffering.”
― Bert McCoy
“You're only as good as your next home run.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ever-present you is at home everywhere and always.”
― Bert McCoy
“Imagination and consciousness are the same.”
― Bert McCoy
“No one goes with you into deep sleep - you go alone.”
― Bert McCoy
“Stand above this world - then it will be less likely to get your boots dirty.”
― Bert McCoy
“The present moment is the needle in a haystack.”
― Bert McCoy
“Great teachers live and teach their passions.”
― Bert McCoy
“Truth does not abide by the mind's standards.”
― Bert McCoy
“If we don't see it in deep sleep... does it exist?”
― Bert McCoy
“What doesn't last isn't true.”
― Bert McCoy
“Dramatize then hypnotize.”
― Bert McCoy
“All worldly knowledge will disappear when you're ready.”
― Bert McCoy
“When are we going to stop playing mind games with the mind?”
― Bert McCoy
“If you live from the mind there are too many choices - If you live from the heart there is only one.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're so use to the noise we don't know how to appreciate the silence.”
― Bert McCoy
“The eye sees itself only in reflection.”
― Bert McCoy
“It's least expected when you least expect it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Sunsets carry us away from samsara.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meditation dissolves the boundaries of the mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Find the kindred spirits in your life, and you will find long lost energies you forgot you had.”
― Bert McCoy
“Enquiry is the easiest way to find the source.”
― Bert McCoy
“Wine speaks to our soul.”
― Bert McCoy
“Destination to nowhere is the ultimate goal.”
― Bert McCoy
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“Being discreet is a term we are losing a grip on.”
― Bert McCoy
“Your real nature calls you home to deep sleep.”
― Bert McCoy
“A positive quote a day will keep the doctor away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Don't play mind games... You don't even know who or what the mind really is.”
― Bert McCoy
“The obstacles to enlightenment are time, body, and mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“Let the beauty of this world affect you as much as your so called problems.”
― Bert McCoy
“Being asleep while awake is the cornerstone to self-realization.”
― Bert McCoy
“Follow the guru like you would follow the directions on a pill bottle.”
― Bert McCoy
“Meet any thought with stillness and the thought will disappear.”
― Bert McCoy
“Instead of asking the mind the important questions... Ask the heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“A true teacher doesn't ask you to follow him; but, to follow your heart.”
― Bert McCoy
“Inspiration awakens in us when we say yes.”
― Bert McCoy
“Intersections exist so we can choose a different way.”
― Bert McCoy
“We're all here looking for something real... but the truth is... It's all a dream.”
― Bert McCoy
“Only the wise ones know who is wise.”
― Bert McCoy
“All concepts will eventually fade away.”
― Bert McCoy
“Conceptual knowledge is sterile in finding Oneself.”
― Bert McCoy
“Flowers don't call each other by their names we give them.”
― Bert McCoy
“Love doesn't always speak in words.”
― Bert McCoy
“The ego loves hosting talk shows in the head.”
― Bert McCoy
“Self-love beats redemption.”
― Bert McCoy
“I am higher consciousness.”
― Bert McCoy
“This world is a shroud we wear over our eyes.”
― Bert McCoy
“The search for enlightenment is futile... It's a remembering.”
― Bert McCoy
“There's really only one road to enlightenment - give up the body-mind concept.”
― Bert McCoy
“Having great wealth in a time of great disparity doesn't make a person rich.”
― Bert McCoy
“The deepest footprints help lead the way.”
― Bert McCoy
“Caution your impulses and you will find freedom.”
― Bert McCoy
“The way to let go of the past is the same way to take care of a wound - don't pick at it.”
― Bert McCoy
“Caffeine will enable us to map the cosmos.”
― Bert McCoy
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“When Maya ends... we'll see clearly.”
― Bert McCoy
“Thich Nhat Hanh was a Lao Tzu.”
― Bert McCoy
“No labor is needed for the wealth already within us.”
― Bert McCoy
“The truth is beyond the body-mind.”
― Bert McCoy
“If you look deeply into anyone's eyes, you will find yourself.”
― Bert McCoy
"To question life makes one a philosopher... To go with the flow of life makes one enlightened."
~ Bert McCoy
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