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Video essay - Conformity through Identity
Movies used: Inception, Matrix, The Island, Equilibrium, Hitman, Star Wars - Attack of the Clones, 300, 7 Pounds, Eagle Eye
Music: "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence
Movies used: Inception, Matrix, The Island, Equilibrium, Hitman, Star Wars - Attack of the Clones, 300, 7 Pounds, Eagle Eye
Music: "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence
The fabric used is made from metamaterials. The fabric itself is called an "e-textile". But this is just one use, imagine a paint that can be applied to the inside or outside of your home and with a touch of a button change the color of your home, your kitchen, bathroom. Or paint your car with this technology and today your car is red tomorrow black. Electronics can be added to this material and now your wall in your home is now a big screen TV, a computer, a phone etc. EXCITING!!! isn't it...
Drones+ iPhone App from Josh Begley on Vimeo.